int decodeAACfile(char *sndfile, int def_srate, aac_dec_opt *opt) { int tagsize; unsigned long samplerate; unsigned char channels; void *sample_buffer; FILE *infile; audio_file *aufile; NeAACDecHandle hDecoder; NeAACDecFrameInfo frameInfo; NeAACDecConfigurationPtr config; int first_time = 1; /* declare variables for buffering */ DEC_BUFF_VARS infile = fopen(opt->filename, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { /* unable to open file */ error_handler("Error opening file: %s\n", opt->filename); return 1; } INIT_BUFF(infile) tagsize = id3v2_tag(buffer); if (tagsize) { UPDATE_BUFF_SKIP(tagsize) } hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen(); /* Set the default object type and samplerate */ /* This is useful for RAW AAC files */ config = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(hDecoder); if (def_srate) config->defSampleRate = def_srate; config->defObjectType = opt->object_type; config->outputFormat = opt->output_format; NeAACDecSetConfiguration(hDecoder, config); if ((bytesconsumed = NeAACDecInit(hDecoder, buffer, bytes_in_buffer, &samplerate, &channels)) < 0) { /* If some error initializing occured, skip the file */ error_handler("Error initializing decoder library.\n"); END_BUFF NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(infile); return 1; } buffer_index += bytesconsumed; do { /* update buffer */ UPDATE_BUFF_READ sample_buffer = NeAACDecDecode(hDecoder, &frameInfo, buffer, bytes_in_buffer); /* update buffer indices */ UPDATE_BUFF_IDX(frameInfo) if (frameInfo.error > 0) { error_handler("Error: %s\n", NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error)); } opt->progress_update((long)fileread, buffer_index); /* open the sound file now that the number of channels are known */ if (first_time && !frameInfo.error) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) { if (Set_WIN_Params (INVALID_FILEDESC, samplerate, SAMPLE_SIZE, frameInfo.channels) < 0) { error_handler("\nCan't access %s\n", "WAVE OUT"); END_BUFF NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(infile); return (0); } } else { aufile = open_audio_file(sndfile, samplerate, frameInfo.channels, opt->output_format, opt->file_type, aacChannelConfig2wavexChannelMask(&frameInfo)); if (aufile == NULL) { END_BUFF NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(infile); return 0; } } first_time = 0; } if ((frameInfo.error == 0) && (frameInfo.samples > 0)) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Play_Samples((short*)sample_buffer, frameInfo.channels*frameInfo.samples); else write_audio_file(aufile, sample_buffer, frameInfo.samples, 0); } if (buffer_index >= fileread) sample_buffer = NULL; /* to make sure it stops now */ if(stop_decoding) break; } while (sample_buffer != NULL); NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); fclose(infile); if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Audio_close(); else { if (!first_time) close_audio_file(aufile); } END_BUFF return frameInfo.error; }
int decodeMP4file(char *sndfile, aac_dec_opt *opt) { int track; unsigned long samplerate; unsigned char channels; void *sample_buffer; mp4ff_t *infile; FILE *mp4File; int sampleId, numSamples; audio_file *aufile; NeAACDecHandle hDecoder; NeAACDecFrameInfo frameInfo; unsigned char *buffer; int buffer_size; int first_time = 1; /* initialise the callback structure */ mp4ff_callback_t *mp4cb = malloc(sizeof(mp4ff_callback_t)); mp4File = fopen(opt->filename, "rb"); mp4cb->read = read_callback; mp4cb->seek = seek_callback; mp4cb->user_data = mp4File; infile = mp4ff_open_read(mp4cb); if (!infile) { /* unable to open file */ error_handler("Error opening file: %s\n", opt->filename); return 1; } if ((track = GetAACTrack(infile)) < 0) { error_handler("Unable to find correct AAC sound track in the MP4 file.\n"); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); return 1; } buffer = NULL; buffer_size = 0; mp4ff_get_decoder_config(infile, track, &buffer, &buffer_size); hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen(); if(NeAACDecInit2(hDecoder, buffer, buffer_size, &samplerate, &channels) < 0) { /* If some error initializing occured, skip the file */ error_handler("Error initializing decoder library.\n"); NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); return 1; } if (buffer) free(buffer); numSamples = mp4ff_num_samples(infile, track); for (sampleId = 0; sampleId < numSamples; sampleId++) { int rc; /* get access unit from MP4 file */ buffer = NULL; buffer_size = 0; rc = mp4ff_read_sample(infile, track, sampleId, &buffer, &buffer_size); if (rc == 0) { error_handler("Reading from MP4 file failed.\n"); NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); return 1; } sample_buffer = NeAACDecDecode(hDecoder, &frameInfo, buffer, buffer_size); if (buffer) free(buffer); opt->progress_update((long)numSamples, sampleId); /* open the sound file now that the number of channels are known */ if (first_time && !frameInfo.error) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) { if (Set_WIN_Params (INVALID_FILEDESC, samplerate, SAMPLE_SIZE, frameInfo.channels) < 0) { error_handler("\nCan't access %s\n", "WAVE OUT"); NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); return (0); } } else { aufile = open_audio_file(sndfile, samplerate, frameInfo.channels, opt->output_format, opt->file_type, aacChannelConfig2wavexChannelMask(&frameInfo)); if (aufile == NULL) { NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); return 0; } } first_time = 0; } if ((frameInfo.error == 0) && (frameInfo.samples > 0)) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Play_Samples((short*)sample_buffer, frameInfo.channels*frameInfo.samples); else write_audio_file(aufile, sample_buffer, frameInfo.samples, 0); } if (frameInfo.error > 0) { error_handler("Error: %s\n", NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error)); break; } if(stop_decoding) break; } NeAACDecClose(hDecoder); mp4ff_close(infile); free(mp4cb); fclose(mp4File); if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Audio_close(); else { if (!first_time) close_audio_file(aufile); } return frameInfo.error; }
int decodeMP4file(char *sndfile, aac_dec_opt *opt) { int track; unsigned long samplerate; unsigned char channels; void *sample_buffer; MP4FileHandle infile; MP4SampleId sampleId, numSamples; audio_file *aufile; faacDecHandle hDecoder; faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo; unsigned char *buffer; int buffer_size; int first_time = 1; hDecoder = faacDecOpen(); infile = MP4Read(opt->filename, 0); if (!infile) { /* unable to open file */ error_handler("Error opening file: %s\n", opt->filename); return 1; } if ((track = GetAACTrack(infile)) < 0) { error_handler("Unable to find correct AAC sound track in the MP4 file.\n"); MP4Close(infile); return 1; } buffer = NULL; buffer_size = 0; MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(infile, track, &buffer, &buffer_size); if(faacDecInit2(hDecoder, buffer, buffer_size, &samplerate, &channels) < 0) { /* If some error initializing occured, skip the file */ error_handler("Error initializing decoder library.\n"); faacDecClose(hDecoder); MP4Close(infile); return 1; } if (buffer) free(buffer); numSamples = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(infile, track); for (sampleId = 1; sampleId <= numSamples; sampleId++) { int rc; /* get access unit from MP4 file */ buffer = NULL; buffer_size = 0; rc = MP4ReadSample(infile, track, sampleId, &buffer, &buffer_size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc == 0) { error_handler("Reading from MP4 file failed.\n"); faacDecClose(hDecoder); MP4Close(infile); return 1; } sample_buffer = faacDecDecode(hDecoder, &frameInfo, buffer, buffer_size); if (buffer) free(buffer); opt->progress_update((long)numSamples, sampleId); /* open the sound file now that the number of channels are known */ if (first_time && !frameInfo.error) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) { if (Set_WIN_Params (INVALID_FILEDESC, samplerate, SAMPLE_SIZE, frameInfo.channels) < 0) { error_handler("\nCan't access %s\n", "WAVE OUT"); faacDecClose(hDecoder); MP4Close(infile); return (0); } } else { aufile = open_audio_file(sndfile, samplerate, frameInfo.channels, opt->output_format, opt->file_type, aacChannelConfig2wavexChannelMask(&frameInfo)); if (aufile == NULL) { faacDecClose(hDecoder); MP4Close(infile); return 0; } } first_time = 0; } if ((frameInfo.error == 0) && (frameInfo.samples > 0)) { if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Play_Samples((short*)sample_buffer, frameInfo.channels*frameInfo.samples); else write_audio_file(aufile, sample_buffer, frameInfo.samples, 0); } if (frameInfo.error > 0) { error_handler("Error: %s\n", faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error)); break; } if(stop_decoding) break; } faacDecClose(hDecoder); MP4Close(infile); if(opt->decode_mode == 0) WIN_Audio_close(); else { if (!first_time) close_audio_file(aufile); } return frameInfo.error; }