int append_ffmpeg(RenderData *rd, int frame, int *pixels, int rectx, int recty, ReportList *reports) { AVFrame* avframe; int success = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Writing frame %i, " "render width=%d, render height=%d\n", frame, rectx, recty); // why is this done before writing the video frame and again at end_ffmpeg? // write_audio_frames(frame / (((double)rd->frs_sec) / rd->frs_sec_base)); if(video_stream) { avframe= generate_video_frame((unsigned char*) pixels, reports); success= (avframe && write_video_frame(rd, avframe, reports)); if (ffmpeg_autosplit) { if (avio_tell(outfile->pb) > FFMPEG_AUTOSPLIT_SIZE) { end_ffmpeg(); ffmpeg_autosplit_count++; success &= start_ffmpeg_impl(rd, rectx, recty, reports); } } } #ifdef WITH_AUDASPACE write_audio_frames((frame - rd->sfra) / (((double)rd->frs_sec) / rd->frs_sec_base)); #endif return success; }
int BKE_ffmpeg_append(void *context_v, RenderData *rd, int start_frame, int frame, int *pixels, int rectx, int recty, const char *suffix, ReportList *reports) { FFMpegContext *context = context_v; AVFrame *avframe; int success = 1; PRINT("Writing frame %i, render width=%d, render height=%d\n", frame, rectx, recty); /* why is this done before writing the video frame and again at end_ffmpeg? */ // write_audio_frames(frame / (((double)rd->frs_sec) / rd->frs_sec_base)); if (context->video_stream) { avframe = generate_video_frame(context, (unsigned char *) pixels, reports); success = (avframe && write_video_frame(context, rd, frame - start_frame, avframe, reports)); if (context->ffmpeg_autosplit) { if (avio_tell(context->outfile->pb) > FFMPEG_AUTOSPLIT_SIZE) { end_ffmpeg_impl(context, true); context->ffmpeg_autosplit_count++; success &= start_ffmpeg_impl(context, rd, rectx, recty, suffix, reports); } } } #ifdef WITH_AUDASPACE write_audio_frames(context, (frame - start_frame) / (((double)rd->frs_sec) / (double)rd->frs_sec_base)); #endif return success; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { const char *short_options = "i:w:h:b:d:p:s:g:f:l:?"; struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, '?'}, {"index", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"width", required_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {"height", required_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"sbitrate",required_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"destaddr",required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"pids", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"gopsize", required_argument, NULL, 'g'}, {"fps", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"logfile", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; int c = -1; bool has_index = false; bool has_destaddr = false; bool has_ebitrate = false; bool has_sbitrate = false; while(1) { c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case '?': printf("Usage:%s [options] index destaddr ....\n",argv[0]); printf("avencoder version %s\n",version_str); printf("-? --help Display this usage information.\n"); printf("-i --index Set the index.\n"); printf("-w --width Set the width.\n"); printf("-h --height Set the height.\n"); printf("-b --bitrate Set the encoder bitrate .\n"); printf("-s --sbitrate Set the smooth bitrate.\n"); printf("-d --destaddr Set the dest addr (ip:port).\n"); printf("-p --pids Set the service_id pmt_pid video_pid audio_pid (pmt_pid:service_id:video_pid:audio_pid).\n"); printf("-g --gopsize Set the video encode gopsize (gopsize_min:gopsize_max).\n"); printf("-l --logfile Set the log file path.\n"); printf("Example: %s --index 0 --width 1280 --height 720 --bitrate 4000000 --pids 1024:1:64:65 --gopsize 5:100 --destaddr\n",argv[0]); printf("Example: %s -i 0 -w 1280 -h 720 -b 4000000 -p 1024:1:64:65 -g 5:100 -d\n",argv[0]); return -1; case 'i': m_index = atoi(optarg); has_index = true; break; case 'w': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': encode_bitrate = atoi(optarg); has_ebitrate = true; break; case 's': smooth_bitrate = atoi(optarg); has_sbitrate = true; break; case 'd': if(sscanf(optarg,"%[^:]:%d",destip,&destport) != 2) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: error destip:destport.%s.\n",optarg); return -2; } strncpy(destip_record,destip,sizeof(destip_record)); destport_record = destport; has_destaddr = true; break; case 'p': if(sscanf(optarg,"%d:%d:%d:%d",&pmt_pid,&service_id,&video_pid,&audio_pid) != 4) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: error pmt_pid:service_id:video_pid:audio_pid.%s.\n",optarg); return -3; } break; case 'g': if(sscanf(optarg,"%d:%d",&gopsize_min,&gopsize_max) != 2) { gopsize_min = gopsize_max = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'f': fps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': memset(logfile,0,sizeof(logfile)); strncpy(logfile,optarg,sizeof(logfile)); break; } } if(has_index == false || has_destaddr == false) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: index and destaddr is must,not empty.\n"); return -3; } if(has_ebitrate == true && has_sbitrate == false) smooth_bitrate = encode_bitrate*3; else if(has_ebitrate == false && has_sbitrate == true) encode_bitrate = smooth_bitrate/3; if(encode_bitrate < 0) encode_bitrate = 4*1024*1024; //TODO 检查各个参数的有效性 printf("avencoder version %s\n",version_str); printf("++++++index=%d|width=%d|height=%d|smooth_bitrate=%d|encode_bitrate=%d|destip=%s|destport=%d++++++\n",m_index,width,height,smooth_bitrate,encode_bitrate,destip,destport); printf("++++++pmt_pid=%d|service_id=%d|video_pid=%d|audio_pid=%d|gopsize_min=%d|gopsize_max=%d|logfile=%s++++++\n",pmt_pid,service_id,video_pid,audio_pid,gopsize_min,gopsize_max,logfile); InputParams_audiosource audio_source_params; InputParams_videosource video_source_params; InputParams_videoencoder video_encoder_params; InputParams_avmuxer avmuxer_params; InputParams_tssmooth tssmooth_params; audio_source_params.index = m_index; p_audio_source = init_audio_source(&audio_source_params); if(p_audio_source == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_audio_source fail..\n"); return -1; } video_source_params.index = m_index; video_source_params.width = width; video_source_params.height = height; p_video_source = init_video_source(&video_source_params); if(p_video_source == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_video_source fail..\n"); return -1; } p_audio_encoder = init_audio_encoder(); if(p_audio_encoder == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_audio_encoder fail..\n"); return -1; } video_encoder_params.width = width; video_encoder_params.height = height; video_encoder_params.gopsize_min = gopsize_min; video_encoder_params.gopsize_max = gopsize_max; video_encoder_params.bitrate = encode_bitrate; video_encoder_params.fps = fps; p_video_encoder = init_video_encoder(&video_encoder_params); if(p_video_encoder == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_video_encoder fail..\n"); return -1; } #if 0 if(smooth_bitrate > 0) { memset(&tssmooth_params,0,sizeof(tssmooth_params)); tssmooth_params.index = m_index; tssmooth_params.listen_udp_port = 0; strcpy(tssmooth_params.dst_udp_ip,destip); tssmooth_params.dst_udp_port = destport; tssmooth_params.bit_rate = smooth_bitrate; tssmooth_params.buffer_max_size = 10*1024*1024; p_tssmooth = init_tssmooth(&tssmooth_params); if(p_tssmooth == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_smooth fail..\n"); return -1; } strcpy(destip,tssmooth_params.listen_udp_ip); destport = tssmooth_params.listen_udp_port; printf("++++++now dest addr is modify destip=%s|destport=%d++++++\n",destip,destport); } #endif avmuxer_params.codecID = KY_CODEC_ID_H264; avmuxer_params.nWidth = width; avmuxer_params.nHeight = height; avmuxer_params.nBitRate = encode_bitrate; avmuxer_params.nPeakBitRate = smooth_bitrate; avmuxer_params.nSamplerate = 48000; avmuxer_params.nFramerate = fps; snprintf(avmuxer_params.monitorName,sizeof(avmuxer_params.monitorName),"%d.monitor",m_index); snprintf(avmuxer_params.appName,sizeof(avmuxer_params.appName),"%s",argv[0]); strcpy(avmuxer_params.destip,destip); avmuxer_params.destport = destport; avmuxer_params.index = m_index; avmuxer_params.pmt_pid = pmt_pid; avmuxer_params.service_id = service_id; avmuxer_params.video_pid = video_pid; avmuxer_params.audio_pid = audio_pid; p_avmuxer = init_ts_muxer(&avmuxer_params); if(p_avmuxer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: init_ts_muxer fail..\n"); return -1; } p_audio_source_sample = (char *)malloc(n_audio_source_sample_size); p_video_source_sample = (char *)malloc(n_video_source_sample_size); if(p_audio_source_sample == NULL || p_video_source_sample == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: malloc fail..\n"); return -2; } p_audio_encode_sample = (char *)malloc(n_audio_encode_sample_size); p_video_encode_sample = (char *)malloc(n_video_encode_sample_size); if(p_audio_encode_sample == NULL || p_video_encode_sample == NULL) { fprintf(stderr ,"avencoder: malloc fail..\n"); return -2; } pthread_t pthread; int ret = pthread_create(&pthread, NULL, statistics_process, NULL); if(ret != 0) { printf("avencoder: pthread_create fail!...\n"); return -3; } double videopts = 0.0; double audiopts = 0.0; struct timeval tv; long start_time_us,end_time_us; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); start_time_us = end_time_us = tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000; while(1) { gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); start_time_us = tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000; write_video_frames(); video_pts(p_avmuxer,&videopts); audio_pts(p_avmuxer,&audiopts); //printf("++++++++++videopts = [%lf] audiopts = [%lf]+++++++++\n",videopts,audiopts); while(audiopts < videopts) { write_audio_frames(); video_pts(p_avmuxer,&videopts); audio_pts(p_avmuxer,&audiopts); //printf("----------videopts = [%lf] audiopts = [%lf]---------\n",videopts,audiopts); } gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); end_time_us = tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000; //if(end_time_us - start_time_us >= 40) // printf("1++++++++++start_time_us = [%ld] end_time_us = [%ld]+++++diff=%ld++++\n",start_time_us,end_time_us,end_time_us - start_time_us); if(end_time_us - start_time_us < delaytimeus) usleep((delaytimeus-(end_time_us - start_time_us))*1000); } uninit_audio_source(p_audio_source); uninit_video_source(p_video_source); uninit_audio_encoder(p_audio_encoder); uninit_video_encoder(p_video_encoder); uninit_ts_muxer(p_avmuxer); if(smooth_bitrate > 0 && p_tssmooth) uninit_tssmooth(p_tssmooth); return 0; }
static void end_ffmpeg_impl(FFMpegContext *context, int is_autosplit) { PRINT("Closing ffmpeg...\n"); #if 0 if (context->audio_stream) { /* SEE UPPER */ write_audio_frames(context); } #endif #ifdef WITH_AUDASPACE if (is_autosplit == false) { if (context->audio_mixdown_device) { AUD_Device_free(context->audio_mixdown_device); context->audio_mixdown_device = 0; } } #endif if (context->video_stream && context->video_stream->codec) { PRINT("Flushing delayed frames...\n"); flush_ffmpeg(context); } if (context->outfile) { av_write_trailer(context->outfile); } /* Close the video codec */ if (context->video_stream && context->video_stream->codec) { avcodec_close(context->video_stream->codec); PRINT("zero video stream %p\n", context->video_stream); context->video_stream = 0; } /* free the temp buffer */ if (context->current_frame) { delete_picture(context->current_frame); context->current_frame = 0; } if (context->outfile && context->outfile->oformat) { if (!(context->outfile->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) { avio_close(context->outfile->pb); } } if (context->outfile) { avformat_free_context(context->outfile); context->outfile = 0; } if (context->audio_input_buffer) { av_free(context->audio_input_buffer); context->audio_input_buffer = 0; } #ifndef FFMPEG_HAVE_ENCODE_AUDIO2 if (context->audio_output_buffer) { av_free(context->audio_output_buffer); context->audio_output_buffer = 0; } #endif if (context->audio_deinterleave_buffer) { av_free(context->audio_deinterleave_buffer); context->audio_deinterleave_buffer = 0; } if (context->img_convert_ctx) { sws_freeContext(context->img_convert_ctx); context->img_convert_ctx = 0; } }
static void end_ffmpeg_impl(int is_autosplit) { unsigned int i; PRINT("Closing ffmpeg...\n"); #if 0 if (audio_stream) { /* SEE UPPER */ write_audio_frames(); } #endif #ifdef WITH_AUDASPACE if (is_autosplit == FALSE) { if (audio_mixdown_device) { AUD_closeReadDevice(audio_mixdown_device); audio_mixdown_device = 0; } } #endif if (video_stream && video_stream->codec) { PRINT("Flushing delayed frames...\n"); flush_ffmpeg(); } if (outfile) { av_write_trailer(outfile); } /* Close the video codec */ if (video_stream && video_stream->codec) { avcodec_close(video_stream->codec); PRINT("zero video stream %p\n", video_stream); video_stream = 0; } /* Close the output file */ if (outfile) { for (i = 0; i < outfile->nb_streams; i++) { if (&outfile->streams[i]) { av_freep(&outfile->streams[i]); } } } /* free the temp buffer */ if (current_frame) { delete_picture(current_frame); current_frame = 0; } if (outfile && outfile->oformat) { if (!(outfile->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) { avio_close(outfile->pb); } } if (outfile) { av_free(outfile); outfile = 0; } if (video_buffer) { MEM_freeN(video_buffer); video_buffer = 0; } if (audio_output_buffer) { av_free(audio_output_buffer); audio_output_buffer = 0; } if (audio_input_buffer) { av_free(audio_input_buffer); audio_input_buffer = 0; } if (img_convert_ctx) { sws_freeContext(img_convert_ctx); img_convert_ctx = 0; } }