Example #1
void test_push_mode_forever(FILE *g, char *filename)
   int p,q, len, error, used;
   uint8 *data = stb_file(filename, &len);
   stb_vorbis *v;

   if (!data) stb_fatal("Couldn't open {%s}", filename);

   p = 0;
   q = 1;
   v = stb_vorbis_open_pushdata(data, q, &used, &error, NULL);
   if (v == NULL) {
      if (error == VORBIS_need_more_data) {
         q += 1;
         goto retry;
      printf("Error %d\n", error);
   p += used;


   for(;;) {
      int k=0;
      int n;
      float *left, *right;
      float **outputs;
      int num_c;
      q = 32;
      if (q > len-p) q = len-p;
      used = stb_vorbis_decode_frame_pushdata(v, data+p, q, &num_c, &outputs, &n);
      if (used == 0) {
         if (p+q == len) {
            // seek randomly when at end... this makes sense when listening to it, but dumb when writing to file
            p = stb_rand();
            if (p < 0) p = -p;
            p %= (len - 8000);
            q = 128;
            goto retry3;
         if (q < 128) q = 128;
         q *= 2;
         goto retry3;
      p += used;
      if (n == 0) continue;
      left = outputs[0];
      right = num_c > 1 ? outputs[1] : outputs[0];
      write_floats(g, n, left, right);
Example #2
// in push mode, you can load your data any way you want, then
// feed it a little bit at a time. this is the preferred way to
// handle reading from a packed file or some custom stream format;
// instead of putting callbacks inside stb_vorbis, you just keep
// a little buffer (it needs to be big enough for one packet of
// audio, except at the beginning where you need to buffer up the
// entire header).
// for this test, I just load all the data and just lie to stb_vorbis
// and claim I only have a little of it
void test_decode_frame_pushdata(FILE *g, char *filename)
   int p,q, len, error, used;
   stb_vorbis *v;
   uint8 *data = stb_file(filename, &len);

   if (!data) stb_fatal("Couldn't open {%s}", filename);

   p = 0;
   q = 1;
   v = stb_vorbis_open_pushdata(data, q, &used, &error, NULL);
   if (v == NULL) {
      if (error == VORBIS_need_more_data) {
         q += 1;
         goto retry;
      fprintf(stderr, "Error %d\n", error);
   p += used;


   for(;;) {
      int k=0;
      int n;
      float *left, *right;
      uint32 next_t=0;

      float **outputs;
      int num_c;
      q = 32;
      if (q > len-p) q = len-p;
      used = stb_vorbis_decode_frame_pushdata(v, data+p, q, &num_c, &outputs, &n);
      if (used == 0) {
         if (p+q == len) break; // no more data, stop
         if (q < 128) q = 128;
         q *= 2;
         goto retry3;
      p += used;
      if (n == 0) continue; // seek/error recovery
      left = outputs[0];
      right = num_c > 1 ? outputs[1] : outputs[0];
      write_floats(g, n, left, right);
Example #3
void begin(void)
  int i;
  FloatBuffer fb1, fb2, fb3, fb4;
  LPFData lpf_data;
  EqualizerData eq_data;

  fb1.rpos = fb1.rlen = 0;
  fb2.rpos = fb2.rlen = 0;
  fb3.rpos = fb3.rlen = 0;
  fb4.rpos = fb4.rlen = 0;

  init_lpf_data(&lpf_data, CUTOFF_FREQUENCY, NUM_TAPS, DECIMATION);

  /* Startup: */
  /* LPF needs at least NUM_TAPS+1 inputs; get_floats is fine. */
  run_lpf(&fb1, &fb2, &lpf_data);
  /* run_demod needs 1 input, OK here. */
  /* run_equalizer needs 51 inputs (same reason as for LPF).  This means
   * running the pipeline up to demod 50 times in advance: */
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    if (fb1.rlen - fb1.rpos < NUM_TAPS + 1)
    run_lpf(&fb1, &fb2, &lpf_data);
    run_demod(&fb2, &fb3);

  /* Main loop: */
  while (numiters == -1 || numiters-- > 0)
    /* The low-pass filter will need NUM_TAPS+1 items; read them if we
     * need to. */
    if (fb1.rlen - fb1.rpos < NUM_TAPS + 1)
    run_lpf(&fb1, &fb2, &lpf_data);
    run_demod(&fb2, &fb3);
    run_equalizer(&fb3, &fb4, &eq_data);
Example #4
void test_get_frame_float(FILE *g, char *filename)
   int error;
   stb_vorbis *v = stb_vorbis_open_filename(filename, &error, NULL);
   if (!v) stb_fatal("Couldn't open {%s}", filename);

   for(;;) {
      int n;
      float *left, *right;
      float **outputs;
      int num_c;
      n = stb_vorbis_get_frame_float(v, &num_c, &outputs);
      if (n == 0)
      left = outputs[0];
      right = outputs[num_c > 1];
      write_floats(g, n, left, right);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, n, ib, nb, nz, nv, celldim, phydim;
    int nn, type, *elems = 0, idata[5];
    cgsize_t ne;
    char *p, basename[33], title[65];
    float value, *var;
    SOLUTION *sol;
    FILE *fp;

    if (argc < 2)
        print_usage (usgmsg, NULL);

    ib = 0;
    basename[0] = 0;
    while ((n = getargs (argc, argv, options)) > 0) {
        switch (n) {
            case 'a':
                ascii = 1;
            case 'b':
                ib = atoi (argarg);
            case 'B':
                strncpy (basename, argarg, 32);
                basename[32] = 0;
            case 'w':
                weighting = 1;
            case 'S':
                usesol = atoi (argarg);

    if (argind > argc - 2)
        print_usage (usgmsg, "CGNSfile and/or Tecplotfile not given");
    if (!file_exists (argv[argind]))
        FATAL (NULL, "CGNSfile does not exist or is not a file");

    /* open CGNS file */

    printf ("reading CGNS file from %s\n", argv[argind]);
    nb = open_cgns (argv[argind], 1);
    if (!nb)
        FATAL (NULL, "no bases found in CGNS file");
    if (*basename && 0 == (ib = find_base (basename)))
        FATAL (NULL, "specified base not found");
    if (ib > nb) FATAL (NULL, "base index out of range");
    cgnsbase = ib ? ib : 1;
    if (cg_base_read (cgnsfn, cgnsbase, basename, &celldim, &phydim))
        FATAL (NULL, NULL);
    if (celldim != 3 || phydim != 3)
        FATAL (NULL, "cell and physical dimension must be 3");
    printf ("  using base %d - %s\n", cgnsbase, basename);

    if (NULL == (p = strrchr (argv[argind], '/')) &&
        NULL == (p = strrchr (argv[argind], '\\')))
        strncpy (title, argv[argind], sizeof(title));
        strncpy (title, ++p, sizeof(title));
    title[sizeof(title)-1] = 0;
    if ((p = strrchr (title, '.')) != NULL)
        *p = 0;

    read_zones ();
    if (!nZones)
        FATAL (NULL, "no zones in the CGNS file");
    /* verify dimensions fit in an integer */

    for (nz = 0; nz < nZones; nz++) {
        if (Zones[nz].nverts > CG_MAX_INT32)
	    FATAL(NULL, "zone size too large to write with integers");
	if (Zones[nz].type == CGNS_ENUMV(Unstructured)) {
            count_elements (nz, &ne, &type);
            if (ne > CG_MAX_INT32)
	        FATAL(NULL, "too many elements to write with integers");

    nv = 3 + check_solution ();

    /* open Tecplot file */

    printf ("writing %s Tecplot data to <%s>\n",
        ascii ? "ASCII" : "binary", argv[++argind]);
    if (NULL == (fp = fopen (argv[argind], ascii ? "w+" : "w+b")))
        FATAL (NULL, "couldn't open Tecplot output file");

    /* write file header */

    if (ascii)
        fprintf (fp, "TITLE = \"%s\"\n", title);
    else {
        fwrite ("#!TDV75 ", 1, 8, fp);
        i = 1;
        write_ints (fp, 1, &i);
        write_string (fp, title);

    /* write variables */

    if (ascii) {
        fprintf (fp, "VARIABLES = \"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\"");
        if (usesol) {
            sol = Zones->sols;
            for (n = 0; n < sol->nflds; n++)
                fprintf (fp, ",\n\"%s\"", sol->flds[n].name);
    else {
        write_ints (fp, 1, &nv);
        write_string (fp, "X");
        write_string (fp, "Y");
        write_string (fp, "Z");
        if (usesol) {
            sol = Zones->sols;
            for (n = 0; n < sol->nflds; n++)
                write_string (fp, sol->flds[n].name);

    /* write zones */

    if (!ascii) {
        for (nz = 0; nz < nZones; nz++) {
            if (Zones[nz].type == CGNS_ENUMV(Structured)) {
                idata[0] = 0;          /* BLOCK */
                idata[1] = -1;         /* color not specified */
                idata[2] = (int)Zones[nz].dim[0];
                idata[3] = (int)Zones[nz].dim[1];
                idata[4] = (int)Zones[nz].dim[2];
            else {
                count_elements (nz, &ne, &type);
                idata[0] = 2;          /* FEBLOCK */
                idata[1] = -1;         /* color not specified */
                idata[2] = (int)Zones[nz].dim[0];
                idata[3] = (int)ne;
                idata[4] = type;
            value = 299.0;
            write_floats (fp, 1, &value);
            write_string (fp, Zones[nz].name);
            write_ints (fp, 5, idata);
        value = 357.0;
        write_floats (fp, 1, &value);

    for (nz = 0; nz < nZones; nz++) {
        printf ("  zone %d...", nz+1);
        fflush (stdout);
        read_zone_grid (nz+1);
        ne = 0;
        type = 2;
        nn = (int)Zones[nz].nverts;
        var = (float *) malloc (nn * sizeof(float));
        if (NULL == var)
            FATAL (NULL, "malloc failed for temp float array");
        if (Zones[nz].type == CGNS_ENUMV(Unstructured))
            elems = volume_elements (nz, &ne, &type);

        if (ascii) {
            if (Zones[nz].type == CGNS_ENUMV(Structured))
                fprintf (fp, "\nZONE T=\"%s\", I=%d, J=%d, K=%d, F=BLOCK\n",
                    Zones[nz].name, (int)Zones[nz].dim[0],
                    (int)Zones[nz].dim[1], (int)Zones[nz].dim[2]);
                fprintf (fp, "\nZONE T=\"%s\", N=%d, E=%d, F=FEBLOCK, ET=%s\n",
                    Zones[nz].name, nn, (int)ne, type == 2 ? "TETRAHEDRON" : "BRICK");
        else {
            value = 299.0;
            write_floats (fp, 1, &value);
            i = 0;
            write_ints (fp, 1, &i);
            i = 1;
            for (n = 0; n < nv; n++)
                write_ints (fp, 1, &i);

        for (n = 0; n < nn; n++)
            var[n] = (float)Zones[nz].verts[n].x;
        write_floats (fp, nn, var);
        for (n = 0; n < nn; n++)
            var[n] = (float)Zones[nz].verts[n].y;
        write_floats (fp, nn, var);
        for (n = 0; n < nn; n++)
            var[n] = (float)Zones[nz].verts[n].z;
        write_floats (fp, nn, var);

        if (usesol) {
            read_solution_field (nz+1, usesol, 0);
            sol = &Zones[nz].sols[usesol-1];
            if (sol->location != CGNS_ENUMV(Vertex))
                cell_vertex_solution (nz+1, usesol, weighting);
            for (nv = 0; nv < sol->nflds; nv++) {
                for (n = 0; n < nn; n++)
                    var[n] = (float)sol->flds[nv].data[n];
                write_floats (fp, nn, var);

        free (var);

        if (Zones[nz].type == CGNS_ENUMV(Unstructured)) {
            if (!ascii) {
                i = 0;
                write_ints (fp, 1, &i);
            nn = 1 << type;
            for (i = 0, n = 0; n < ne; n++, i += nn)
                write_ints (fp, nn, &elems[i]);
            free (elems);
        puts ("done");

    fclose (fp);
    cg_close (cgnsfn);
    return 0;