Example #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
  /* argv[1] is the file name */
  char raw_sk[2*CCA_STRENGTH];

  if (argc != 2) {
    usage (argv[0]);
  else {
    setprogname (argv[0]);

    /* first, let's create a new symmetric key */
    ri ();

    /* Note that since we'll need to do both AES-CBC-MAC and HMAC-SHA1,
       there are actuall *two* symmetric keys, which could, e.g., be 
       stored contiguosly in a buffer */

    prng_getbytes(raw_sk, 2*CCA_STRENGTH);

    /* now let's armor and dump to disk the symmetric key buffer */
    write_skfile(argv[1], raw_sk, 2*CCA_STRENGTH);

    /* finally, let's scrub the buffer that held the random bits 
       by overwriting with a bunch of 0's */
    bzero(raw_sk, 2*CCA_STRENGTH);


  return 0;
/* Creates the directory and files for the certificate mechanism */
  int status;
  int fdca;
  dckey *ca = NULL;

  if ((((status = mkdir ("./.pki", 0700)) != -1) || (errno == EEXIST))
      && ((fdca = open ("./.pki/ca.priv",
			O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0600)) != -1)) {
    close (fdca);
    fdca = -1;
    /* key_type and nbits should be command-line options, but are
       just hard-coded for now */
    ca = dckeygen (DC_RABIN, 1024, NULL);
    /* now sk contains the newly created ca private key */
    write_skfile ("./.pki/ca.priv", ca);
    write_pkfile ("./.pki/ca.pub", ca);
  else if (errno == EACCES) {
    perror (getprogname ());
    exit (1);
    usage (getprogname ());
main (int argc, char **argv)
  ssize_t raw_sklen = 32;
  char* skfname = argv[1];
  if (argc != 2) {
    usage (argv[0]);
  else {
    setprogname (argv[0]);

    /* first, let's create a new symmetric key */
    ri ();

    /* Note that since we'll need to do both AES-CTR and AES-CBC-MAC,
       there are actuall *two* symmetric keys, which could, e.g., be 
       stored contiguosly in a buffer */

    /* YOUR CODE HERE */
    char* buffer = (char*)malloc(raw_sklen * sizeof(char));
    prng_getbytes(buffer, raw_sklen); 
    /* now let's armor and dump to disk the symmetric key buffer */

    /* YOUR CODE HERE */
    write_skfile(skfname, buffer, raw_sklen);
    bzero(buffer, raw_sklen);
    /* finally, let's scrub the buffer that held the random bits 
       by overwriting with a bunch of 0's */


  return 0;
dckey *
g_option (const char *sk_file)
  char *raw_pk = NULL;
  dckey *pk = NULL;
  dckey *sk = dckeygen (DC_RABIN, 1024, NULL); 
  write_skfile (sk_file, sk);
  if (!(raw_pk = dcexport_pub (sk)) 
      || ! (pk = dcimport_pub (raw_pk))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: trouble exporting public key\n", getprogname ());
    check_n_free (&raw_pk);
    dcfree (sk);

    exit (1);

  check_n_free (&raw_pk);
  return pk;