Example #1
mono_debug_close_method (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoMethodSignature *sig;
	MonoDebugMethodAddress *debug_info;
	MonoMethod *method;
	int i;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info || !info->jit) {
		if (info)
			g_free (info);

	method = cfg->method;
	header = mono_method_get_header (method);
	sig = mono_method_signature (method);

	jit = info->jit;
	jit->code_start = cfg->native_code;
	jit->epilogue_begin = cfg->epilog_begin;
	jit->code_size = cfg->code_len;

	if (jit->epilogue_begin)
		   record_line_number (info, jit->epilogue_begin, header->code_size);

	jit->num_params = sig->param_count;
	jit->params = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_params);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
		write_variable (cfg->locals [i], &jit->locals [i]);

	if (sig->hasthis) {
		jit->this_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1);
		write_variable (cfg->args [0], jit->this_var);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
		write_variable (cfg->args [i + sig->hasthis], &jit->params [i]);

	jit->num_line_numbers = info->line_numbers->len;
	jit->line_numbers = g_new0 (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, jit->num_line_numbers);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++)
		jit->line_numbers [i] = g_array_index (info->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i);

	debug_info = mono_debug_add_method (cfg->method_to_register, jit, cfg->domain);

	mono_debug_add_vg_method (method, jit);

	mono_debugger_check_breakpoints (method, debug_info);

	mono_debug_free_method_jit_info (jit);
	g_array_free (info->line_numbers, TRUE);
	g_free (info);
/**=========== Example of Use =============**/
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cout << "Use: '-read' or '-write'" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    string file_path = "example.txt";

    if (strcmp(argv[1],"-write") == 0)
        if (write_comment(file_path, 1, "//Example File Config") == -1)//if file does not exist return -1
            cout << "File Does Not Exist!" << std::endl;
            return -1;
        write_comment(file_path, 2, "");
        write_comment(file_path, 3, "//Video Config");

        write_variable(file_path, "width", "1024");
        write_variable(file_path, "height", "720");
        write_variable(file_path, "mode", "fullscreen");

        return 0;

    if (strcmp(argv[1],"-read") == 0)
        int width;
        int height;
        string mode;

        width = atoi(read_variable(file_path, "width").c_str());
        height = atoi(read_variable(file_path, "height").c_str());
        mode = read_variable(file_path, "mode");//if file does not exist return "null"

        std::cout << "Width = " << width << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Height = " << height << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Mode = " << mode << std::endl;

        return 0;

        std::cout << "Use: '-read' or '-write'" << std::endl;
        return -1;
Example #3
// write a table at the given index in the stack. the index must be absolute
// (i.e. positive).
// @@@ circular table references will cause stack overflow!
static void write_table( Transport *tpt, lua_State *L, int table_index )
  lua_pushnil( L );  // push first key
  while ( lua_next( L, table_index ) ) 
    // next key and value were pushed on the stack 
    write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) - 1 );
    write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) );
    // remove value, keep key for next iteration 
    lua_pop( L, 1 );
Example #4
// __newindex even on helper, 
int helper_newindex( lua_State *L )
  struct exception e;
  int freturn = 0;
  int ret_code;
  Helper *h;
  Transport *tpt;
  h = ( Helper * )luaL_checkudata(L, -3, "rpc.helper");
  luaL_argcheck(L, h, -3, "helper expected");
  luaL_checktype(L, -2, LUA_TSTRING );
  tpt = h->handle;
    // index destination on remote side
    helper_wait_ready( tpt, RPC_CMD_NEWINDEX );
    helper_remote_index( h );

    write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) - 1 );
    write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) );

    ret_code = transport_read_uint8_t( tpt );
    if( ret_code != 0 )
      uint32_t len;
      char *err_string;

      // read error and handle it
      transport_read_uint32_t( tpt ); // Read code (not using here)
      len = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt );
      err_string = ( char * )alloca( len + 1 );
      transport_read_string( tpt, err_string, len );
      err_string[ len ] = 0;

      deal_with_error( L, err_string );

    freturn = 0;
  Catch( e )
    freturn = generic_catch_handler( L, h->handle, e );
  return freturn;
Example #5
// Dump bytecode representation of function onto stack and send. This
// implementation uses eLua's crosscompile dump to match match the
// bytecode representation to the client/server negotiated format.
static void write_function( Transport *tpt, lua_State *L, int var_index )
  TValue *o;
  luaL_Buffer b;
  DumpTargetInfo target;
  // push function onto stack, serialize to string 
  lua_pushvalue( L, var_index );
  luaL_buffinit( L, &b );
  o = L->top - 1;
  // put string representation on stack and send it
  luaL_pushresult( &b );
  write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) );
  // Remove function & dumped string from stack
  lua_pop( L, 2 );
Example #6
static void read_cmd_get( Transport *tpt, lua_State *L )
  uint32_t len;
  char *funcname;
  char *token = NULL;

  // read function name
  len = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt ); // function name string length 
  funcname = ( char * )alloca( len + 1 );
  transport_read_string( tpt, funcname, len );
  funcname[ len ] = 0;

  // get function
  // @@@ perhaps handle more like variables instead of using a long string?
  // @@@ also strtok is not thread safe
  token = strtok( funcname, "." );
  lua_getglobal( L, token );
  token = strtok( NULL, "." );
  while( token != NULL )
    lua_getfield( L, -1, token );
    lua_remove( L, -2 );
    token = strtok( NULL, "." );

  // return top value on stack
  write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) );

  // empty the stack
  lua_settop ( L, 0 );
Example #7
void sccwriter::write_function_header( std::ostream& os, int index, int opts )
  //write the function header
  std::string fname;
  get_function_name( progNames[index], fname );
  os << "Expr* " << fname.c_str() << "( ";
  CExpr* progvars = (CExpr*)get_prog( index )->kids[1];
  int counter = 0;
  //write each argument
  while( progvars->kids[counter] )
    if( counter!=0 )
      os << ", ";
    os << "Expr* ";
    write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)progvars->kids[counter])->s, os );
    //add to vars if options are set to do so
    if( opts&opt_write_add_args )
      vars.push_back( ((SymSExpr*)progvars->kids[counter])->s );
  os << " )";
  if( opts&opt_write_call_debug )
     os << "{" << std::endl;
     indent( os, 1 );
     os << "std::cout << \"Call function " << fname.c_str() << " with arguments \";" << std::endl;
     counter = 0; 
     while( progvars->kids[counter] )
        if( counter!=0 )
           indent( os, 1 );
           os << "std::cout << \", \";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, 1 );
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)progvars->kids[counter])->s, os );
        os << "->print( std::cout );" << std::endl;
     indent( os, 1 );
     os << "std::cout << std::endl;" << std::endl;
Example #8
static void write_function( Transport *tpt, lua_State *L, int var_index )
  luaL_Buffer b;
  // push function onto stack, serialize to string 
  lua_pushvalue( L, var_index );
  luaL_buffinit( L, &b );
  lua_dump(L, writer, &b);
  // put string representation on stack and send it
  luaL_pushresult( &b );
  write_variable( tpt, L, lua_gettop( L ) );
  // Remove function & dumped string from stack
  lua_pop( L, 2 );
Example #9
void write_fluffy_decls(FILE *output, const translation_unit_t *unit)
	out            = output;
	global_scope = &unit->scope;

	fprintf(out, "/* WARNING: Automatically generated file */\n");

	/* write structs,unions + enums */
	entity_t *entity = unit->scope.entities;
	for( ; entity != NULL; entity = entity->base.next) {
		if (entity->kind != ENTITY_TYPEDEF)

		type_t *type = entity->typedefe.type;
		if(type->kind == TYPE_COMPOUND_STRUCT
				|| type->kind == TYPE_COMPOUND_UNION) {
			write_compound(entity->base.symbol, &type->compound);
		} else if(type->kind == TYPE_ENUM) {
			write_enum(entity->base.symbol, &type->enumt);

	/* write global variables */
	entity = unit->scope.entities;
	for( ; entity != NULL; entity = entity->base.next) {
		if (entity->kind != ENTITY_VARIABLE)


	/* write functions */
	entity = unit->scope.entities;
	for( ; entity != NULL; entity = entity->base.next) {
		if (entity->kind != ENTITY_FUNCTION)

Example #10
int helper_call (lua_State *L)
  struct exception e;
  int freturn = 0;
  Helper *h;
  Transport *tpt;
  h = ( Helper * )luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "rpc.helper");
  luaL_argcheck(L, h, 1, "helper expected");
  tpt = h->handle;
  // capture special calls, otherwise execute normal remote call
  if( strcmp("get", h->funcname ) == 0 )
    helper_get( L, h->parent );
    freturn = 1;
      int i,n;
      uint32_t nret,ret_code;

      // write function name
      tpt->timeout = tpt->com_timeout;     
      helper_wait_ready( tpt, RPC_CMD_CALL );
      helper_remote_index( h );

      // write number of arguments
      n = lua_gettop( L );
      transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, n - 1 );
      // write each argument
      for( i = 2; i <= n; i ++ )
        write_variable( tpt, L, i );

      tpt->timeout = tpt->wait_timeout;

      /* if we're in async mode, we're done */
      /*if ( h->handle->async )
        freturn = 0;

      // read return code
      ret_code = transport_read_uint8_t( tpt );
      tpt->timeout = tpt->com_timeout;

      if ( ret_code == 0 )
        // read return arguments
        nret = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt );
        for ( i = 0; i < ( ( int ) nret ); i ++ )
          read_variable( tpt, L );
        freturn = ( int )nret;
        uint32_t len;
        char* err_string;
        // read error and handle it
        transport_read_uint32_t( tpt ); // read code (not being used here)
        len = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt );
        err_string = ( char * )alloca( len + 1 );
        transport_read_string( tpt, err_string, len );
        err_string[ len ] = 0;

        deal_with_error( L, err_string );
        freturn = 0;
    Catch( e )
      freturn = generic_catch_handler( L, h->handle, e );
  return freturn;
Example #11
mono_debug_close_method (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoMethodSignature *sig;
	MonoMethod *method;
	int i;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info || !info->jit) {
		if (info)
			g_free (info);

	method = cfg->method;
	header = cfg->header;
	sig = mono_method_signature (method);

	jit = info->jit;
	jit->code_start = cfg->native_code;
	jit->epilogue_begin = cfg->epilog_begin;
	jit->code_size = cfg->code_len;
	jit->has_var_info = mini_debug_options.mdb_optimizations || MONO_CFG_PROFILE_CALL_CONTEXT (cfg);

	if (jit->epilogue_begin)
		   record_line_number (info, jit->epilogue_begin, header->code_size);

	if (jit->has_var_info) {
		jit->num_params = sig->param_count;
		jit->params = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_params);

		for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
			write_variable (cfg->locals [i], &jit->locals [i]);

		if (sig->hasthis) {
			jit->this_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1);
			write_variable (cfg->args [0], jit->this_var);

		for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
			write_variable (cfg->args [i + sig->hasthis], &jit->params [i]);

		if (cfg->gsharedvt_info_var) {
			jit->gsharedvt_info_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1);
			jit->gsharedvt_locals_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1);
			write_variable (cfg->gsharedvt_info_var, jit->gsharedvt_info_var);
			write_variable (cfg->gsharedvt_locals_var, jit->gsharedvt_locals_var);

	jit->num_line_numbers = info->line_numbers->len;
	jit->line_numbers = g_new0 (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, jit->num_line_numbers);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++)
		jit->line_numbers [i] = g_array_index (info->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i);

	mono_debug_add_method (cfg->method_to_register, jit, cfg->domain);

	mono_debug_add_vg_method (method, jit);

	mono_debug_free_method_jit_info (jit);
	mono_debug_free_method (cfg);
Example #12
MonoDebugMethodAddress *
mono_debug_add_method (MonoMethod *method, MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit, MonoDomain *domain)
	MonoMethod *declaring;
	MonoDebugDataTable *table;
	MonoDebugMethodHeader *header;
	MonoDebugMethodAddress *address;
	MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo;
	MonoDebugHandle *handle;
	guint8 buffer [BUFSIZ];
	guint8 *ptr, *oldptr;
	guint32 i, size, total_size, max_size;
	gboolean is_wrapper = FALSE;

	mono_debugger_lock ();

	table = lookup_data_table (domain);

	handle = _mono_debug_get_image (method->klass->image);
	minfo = _mono_debug_lookup_method (method);

	if (!minfo || (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) ||
	    (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) ||
	    (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) ||
	    (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ABSTRACT) ||
	    (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE)) {
		is_wrapper = TRUE;

	max_size = (5 * 5) + 1 + (10 * jit->num_line_numbers) +
		(25 + sizeof (gpointer)) * (1 + jit->num_params + jit->num_locals);

	if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
		ptr = oldptr = g_malloc (max_size);
		ptr = oldptr = buffer;

	write_leb128 (jit->prologue_end, ptr, &ptr);
	write_leb128 (jit->epilogue_begin, ptr, &ptr);

	write_leb128 (jit->num_line_numbers, ptr, &ptr);
	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++) {
		MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne = &jit->line_numbers [i];

		write_sleb128 (lne->il_offset, ptr, &ptr);
		write_sleb128 (lne->native_offset, ptr, &ptr);

	*ptr++ = jit->this_var ? 1 : 0;
	if (jit->this_var)
		write_variable (jit->this_var, ptr, &ptr);

	write_leb128 (jit->num_params, ptr, &ptr);
	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
		write_variable (&jit->params [i], ptr, &ptr);

	write_leb128 (jit->num_locals, ptr, &ptr);
	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
		write_variable (&jit->locals [i], ptr, &ptr);

	size = ptr - oldptr;
	g_assert (size < max_size);
	total_size = size + sizeof (MonoDebugMethodAddress);

	address = (MonoDebugMethodAddress *) allocate_data_item (
		table, MONO_DEBUG_DATA_ITEM_METHOD, total_size);

	address->header.size = total_size;
	address->header.symfile_id = handle ? handle->index : 0;
	address->header.domain_id = mono_domain_get_id (domain);
	address->header.method_id = is_wrapper ? 0 : minfo->index;
	address->header.method = method;

	address->code_start = jit->code_start;
	address->code_size = jit->code_size;

	memcpy (&address->data, oldptr, size);
	if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
		g_free (oldptr);

	declaring = method->is_inflated ? ((MonoMethodInflated *) method)->declaring : method;
	header = g_hash_table_lookup (table->method_hash, declaring);

	if (!header) {
		header = &address->header;
		g_hash_table_insert (table->method_hash, declaring, header);

		if (is_wrapper) {
			MonoDebugWrapperData *wrapper;

			header->wrapper_data = wrapper = g_new0 (MonoDebugWrapperData, 1);

			wrapper->wrapper_type = method->wrapper_type;
			wrapper->method_name = mono_method_full_name (declaring, TRUE);
			wrapper->obsolete_cil_code = "";
	} else {
		address->header.wrapper_data = header->wrapper_data;
		header->address_list = g_slist_prepend (header->address_list, address);

	g_hash_table_insert (table->method_address_hash, method, address);

	write_data_item (table, (guint8 *) address);

	mono_debugger_unlock ();
	return address;
Example #13
void test_polynomial(const Traits &tr)
  typedef typename Traits::Construct_function CF;
  typedef typename Traits::Function Polynomial;
  typedef typename Polynomial::NT NT;

  CF cf= tr.construct_function_object();

  NT v[] = {-1, 2, 27, -17, 0, 0};
  //  NT v[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

  Polynomial p(v, v+6);
  Polynomial q(v, v+3);

  NT a(2);

  write_variable( "p", p);
  write_variable("q", q );

  write("-p", (-p));
  check_equal<Traits>(-p , cf(1,-2,-27,17));

  check_equal<Traits>(p-p , cf(0));

  write("p+q" , (p+q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(p+q , cf( -2, 4, 54, -17));

  write("p-q" , (p-q));
  check_equal<Traits>(p-q , cf(0,0,0,-17));

  write("q*(p-q)" , q*(p-q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(q*(p-q) , cf(0,0,0,17,-34,-459));

  write_variable( "a", a);

  Polynomial diff(p-q);
  Polynomial dp(diff +Polynomial(a));

  write("(p-q)+a" , dp );
  check_equal<Traits>((p-q)+Polynomial(a) , cf(2, 0, 0, -17));

  write("(p-q)-a" , ((p-q)-a) );
  check_equal<Traits>((p-q)-Polynomial(a) , cf(-2, 0, 0, -17));

  write("a*(p-q)" , (a*(p-q)) );
  check_equal<Traits>((Polynomial(a)*(p-q)) , cf(0,0,0,-34));

  write("(p-q)*a" , ((p-q)*a) );
  check_equal<Traits>(((p-q)*Polynomial(a)) , cf(0,0,0,-34));

  write("(p-q)/a" , ((p-q)/a) );
  check_equal<Traits>((Polynomial(p-q)/a) , cf(0,0,0,-NT(.5)*NT(17)));

  write("subs(t=-t, p)", tr.negate_variable_object()(p) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.negate_variable_object()(p) , cf( -1, -2, 27, 17));

  /*write("t^degree(p) * subs(t=(1/t), p)", tr.invert_variable_object()(p) );
    check_equal<Traits>( tr.invert_variable_object()(p) , cf(-17, 27, 2, -1));*/

  NT v1[] = {-1, 1};
  NT v2[] = {-2, 1};

  Polynomial r = Polynomial(v1, v1+2);
  Polynomial s = Polynomial(v2, v2+2);

  p = r * r * s + Polynomial(NT(1));
  write_variable( "p", p);
  check_equal<Traits>(p , cf(-1, 5, -4, 1));

  q = r * s;
  write_variable("q", q );
  check_equal<Traits>(q , cf( 2, -3, 1));

        tr.remainder_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.remainder_object()(p,q) , cf(1));

        tr.pseudo_remainder_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.pseudo_remainder_object()(p,q) , cf(1));

        tr.quotient_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.quotient_object()(p,q) , cf(-1,1));

        tr.pseudo_quotient_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.pseudo_quotient_object()(p,q) , cf(-1,1));

  p = r * r * s * s * s;
  write_variable( "p", p);
  check_equal<Traits>(p , cf(-8, 28, -38, 25, -8, 1));

  q = r * s;
  write_variable("q", q );
  check_equal<Traits>(q , cf(2,-3,1));

        tr.remainder_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.remainder_object()(p,q) , cf(0));

        tr.pseudo_remainder_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.pseudo_remainder_object()(p,q) , cf(0));

        tr.quotient_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.quotient_object()(p,q) , cf(-4, 8, -5, 1));

        tr.pseudo_quotient_object()(p,q) );
  check_equal<Traits>(tr.pseudo_quotient_object()(p,q) , cf(-4, 8, -5, 1));

  /*  int shift = 6;

  write("p * t^6", tr.shift_power_object(shift)(p) );
  , cf(0,0,0,0,0,0,-8, 28, -38, 25, -8, 1));*/

  NT v3[] = {0, 1};

  Polynomial t = Polynomial(v3, v3+2);
  p = t * t;

  write_variable( "p", p);

  /*NT new_zero = NT(-1);
  write("subs(t=t-1,p)", tr.rational_translate_zero_object(new_zero)(p));
  , cf(1, -2, 1));*/
Example #14
void sccwriter::write_code( Expr* code, std::ostream& os, int ind, const char* retModStr, int opts )
  std::string retModString;
  std::string incString;
  if ( retModStr )
    retModString = std::string( retModStr );
    retModString.append( " = " );
    incString = std::string( retModStr );
    incString.append( "->inc();" );
  switch( code->getclass() )
  case INT_EXPR:
      indent( os, ind );
      os << retModString.c_str();
      os << "new IntExpr( " << mpz_get_si( ((IntExpr*)code)->n ) << " );" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
  case RAT_EXPR:
      mpz_t num, den;
      mpq_get_num( num, ((RatExpr*)code)->n );
      mpq_get_den( den, ((RatExpr*)code)->n );
      indent( os, ind );
      os << retModString.c_str();
      os << "new RatExpr( " << mpz_get_si( num ) << ", " << mpz_get_si( den ) << " );" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
  case SYMS_EXPR:
      //if it is a variable, simply write it to buffer
      if( is_var( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s ) )
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str();
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s.c_str(), os );
        os << ";" << std::endl;  
      else  //else must look at symbol lookup table
        std::string var;
        get_var_name( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s, var );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "e_" << var.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        add_global_sym( var ); 
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
    switch( code->getop() )
    case APP:
        //collect the arguments
        std::vector< Expr* > argVector;
        code->collect_args( argVector );
        //write the arguments
        std::vector< std::string > args;
        for( int a=0; a<(int)argVector.size(); a++ )
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( argVector[a], os, ind, expr );
          args.push_back( expr );
        //write_args( (CExpr*)code, os, ind, 1, args );
        Expr* hd = code->get_head();
        //map to a program in the case that it is a program
        if( hd->getop()==PROG && get_prog_index_by_expr( hd )!=-1 )
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString << "f_" << progNames[ get_prog_index_by_expr( hd ) ].c_str() << "( ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << " );" << std::endl;
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            write_dec( args[a], os, ind );
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( hd, os, ind, expr );
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString << "new CExpr( APP, ";
          os << expr.c_str() << ", ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << " );" << std::endl;
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( hd, os, ind, expr );
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString;
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << "new CExpr( APP, ";
          os << expr.c_str() << ", ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            os << " )";
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << ";" << std::endl;
          //indent( os, ind );
          //os << expr.c_str() << "->dec();" << std::endl;
    case MATCH:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr );
        //get the head
        std::ostringstream sshd;
        sshd << "e" << exprCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "Expr* " << sshd.str().c_str() << " = " << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->get_head();" << std::endl;
        //write the arguments
        std::vector< std::string > args;
        write_args( (CExpr*)code, os, ind, 1, args );
        bool encounterDefault = false;
        //now make an if statement corresponding to the match 
        int a = 0;
        while( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1] )
          indent( os, ind );
          if( a!=0 ){
            os << "}else";
          if( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1]->getop()!=CASE ){
            encounterDefault = true;
            os << "{" << std::endl;
            //write the body of the case
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1], os, ind+1, retModStr ); 
            indent( os, ind );
            os << "}" << std::endl;
            if( a!=0 )
              os << " ";
            os << "if( " << sshd.str().c_str() << "==" << args[a].c_str() << " ){" << std::endl;
            //collect args from the variable in the code
            std::ostringstream ssargs;
            ssargs << "args" << argsCount;
#ifndef USE_FLAT_APP
            indent( os, ind+1 );
            os << "std::vector< Expr* > " << ssargs.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
            indent( os, ind+1 );
            os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->collect_args( " << ssargs.str().c_str() << " );" << std::endl;
            //set the variables defined in the pattern equal to the arguments
            std::vector< Expr* > caseArgs;
            ((CExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1])->kids[0]->collect_args( caseArgs );
            for( int b=0; b<(int)caseArgs.size(); b++ )
              indent( os, ind+1 );
              os << "Expr* ";
              write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)caseArgs[b])->s.c_str(), os );
              os << " = ((CExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->kids[" << b+1 << "];" << std::endl;
              os << " = " << ssargs.str().c_str() << "[" << b << "];" << std::endl;
              vars.push_back( ((SymSExpr*)caseArgs[b])->s );
            //write the body of the case
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1], os, ind+1, retModStr, opt_write_case_body ); 
        if( !encounterDefault )
          indent( os, ind );
          os << "}else{" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "std::cout << \"Could not find match for expression in function f_";
          os << progNames[currProgram].c_str() << " \";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << sshd.str().c_str() << "->print( std::cout );" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "std::cout << std::endl;" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "exit( 1 );" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << "}" << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
        for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
          write_dec( args[a], os, ind );
    case CASE:
      if( opts&opt_write_case_body )
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, retModStr );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0]->get_head(), os, ind, retModStr );
    case DO:
        //write each of the children in sequence
        int counter = 0;
        while( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter] )
          if( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter+1]==NULL )
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter], os, ind, retModStr );
            std::string expr;
            write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter], os, ind, expr );
            //clean up memory
            write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case LET:
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "Expr* ";
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, os );
        os << ";" << std::endl;
        std::ostringstream ss;
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, ss );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, ss.str().c_str() );
        //add it to the variables
        vars.push_back( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind, retModStr );
        //clean up memory
        indent( os, ind );
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, os );
        os << "->dec();" << std::endl;
    case FAIL:
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "NULL;" << std::endl;
#ifndef MARKVAR_32
    case MARKVAR:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //set the mark on the expression
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if (" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getmark())" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->clearmark();" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "else" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->setmark();" << std::endl;
        //write the return if necessary
        if( retModStr!=NULL ){
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString.c_str() << expr.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case IFMARKED:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //if mark is set, write code for kids[1]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if (" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getmark()){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        //else write code for kids[2]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case MARKVAR:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //set the mark on the expression
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if ( ((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->getmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << "))" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->clearmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "else" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->setmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ");" << std::endl;
        //write the return if necessary
        if( retModStr!=NULL ){
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString.c_str() << expr.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case COMPARE:
        std::string expr1, expr2;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr2, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( ((SymExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << ")->followDefs() < ((SymExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << ")->followDefs() ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[3], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
        write_dec( expr2, os, ind );
    case IFMARKED:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //if mark is set, write code for kids[1]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if ( ((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->getmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ")){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        //else write code for kids[2]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[3], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case ADD:
    case MUL:
    case DIV:
        //calculate the value for the first expression
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        //calculate the value for the second expression
        std::string expr2;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr2 );
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "rnum" << rnumCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_";
        if( code->getop()==ADD )
          os << "add";
          os << "mul";
        os << "( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((IntExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n, ((IntExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n);" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new IntExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_";
        if( code->getop()==ADD )
          os << "add";
        else if( code->getop()==MUL )
          os << "mul";
          os << "div";
        os << "( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((RatExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n, ((RatExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n);" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new RatExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
        write_dec( expr2, os, ind );
    case NEG:
        //calculate the value for the first expression
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "rnum" << rnumCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_neg( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((IntExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n );" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new IntExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_neg( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((RatExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n );" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new RatExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
    case IFNEG:
    case IFZERO:
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "if( mpz_sgn( ((IntExpr *)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n ) ";
        if( code->getop()==IFNEG )
          os << "<";
          os << "==";
        os << " 0 ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "if( mpq_sgn( ((RatExpr *)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n ) ";
        if( code->getop()==IFNEG )
          os << "<";
          os << "==";
        os << " 0 ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
    case RUN:/*?*/break;
    case PI:/*?*/break;
    case LAM:/*?*/break;
    case TYPE:/*?*/break;
    case KIND:/*?*/break;
    case ASCRIBE:/*?*/break;
    case MPZ:/*?*/break;
    case PROG:/*?*/break;
    case PROGVARS:/*?*/break;
    case PAT:/*?*/break;
Example #15
static int write_product(int ncid, const harp_product *product, netcdf_dimensions *dimensions)
    harp_scalar datetime_start;
    harp_scalar datetime_stop;
    int result;
    int i;

    /* write conventions */
    if (write_string_attribute(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "Conventions", HARP_CONVENTION) != 0)
        return -1;

    /* write attributes */
    if (harp_product_get_datetime_range(product, &datetime_start.double_data, &datetime_stop.double_data) == 0)
        if (write_numeric_attribute(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "datetime_start", harp_type_double, datetime_start) != 0)
            return -1;

        if (write_numeric_attribute(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "datetime_stop", harp_type_double, datetime_stop) != 0)
            return -1;

    if (product->source_product != NULL && strcmp(product->source_product, "") != 0)
        if (write_string_attribute(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "source_product", product->source_product) != 0)
            return -1;

    if (product->history != NULL && strcmp(product->history, "") != 0)
        if (write_string_attribute(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "history", product->history) != 0)
            return -1;

    /* determine dimensions */
    for (i = 0; i < product->num_variables; i++)
        harp_variable *variable;
        int j;

        variable = product->variable[i];
        for (j = 0; j < variable->num_dimensions; j++)
            netcdf_dimension_type dimension_type;

            dimension_type = get_netcdf_dimension_type(variable->dimension_type[j]);
            if (dimensions_add(dimensions, dimension_type, variable->dimension[j]) < 0)
                return -1;

        if (variable->data_type == harp_type_string)
            long length;

            /* determine length for the string dimension (ensure a minimum length of 1) */
            length = harp_get_max_string_length(variable->num_elements, variable->data.string_data);
            if (length == 0)
                length = 1;

            if (dimensions_add(dimensions, netcdf_dimension_string, length) < 0)
                return -1;

    /* write dimensions */
    if (write_dimensions(ncid, dimensions) != 0)
        return -1;

    /* write variable definitions + attributes */
    for (i = 0; i < product->num_variables; i++)
        int varid;

        if (write_variable_definition(ncid, product->variable[i], dimensions, &varid) != 0)
            return -1;
        assert(varid == i);

    result = nc_enddef(ncid);
    if (result != NC_NOERR)
        harp_set_error(HARP_ERROR_NETCDF, "%s", nc_strerror(result));
        return -1;

    /* write variable data */
    for (i = 0; i < product->num_variables; i++)
        if (write_variable(ncid, i, product->variable[i]) != 0)
            return -1;

    return 0;
Example #16
static void
parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
	int ch, i;

	while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "aAbdDf:gHlLNn:OpRt:uw",
		    longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
		switch (ch) {
		case 'a':
		case 'A':
		case 'b':
		case 'd':
		case 'D':
		case 'g':
		case 'H':
		case 'l':
		case 'L':
		case 'n':
			varname = optarg;
		case 'N':
		case 'O':
		case 'p':
		case 'R':
		case 't':
			attrib = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
		case 'u':
		case 'w':
		case 'f':
		case 0:
			errx(1, "unknown or unimplemented option\n");
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if (argc == 1)
		varname = argv[0];

	if (aflag + Dflag + wflag > 1) {
		warnx("Can only use one of -a (--append), "
		    "-D (--delete) and -w (--write)");

	if (aflag + Dflag + wflag > 0 && varname == NULL) {
		warnx("Must specify a variable for -a (--append), "
		    "-D (--delete) or -w (--write)");

	if (aflag)
		append_variable(varname, NULL);
	else if (Dflag)
	else if (wflag)
		write_variable(varname, NULL);
	else if (Lflag)
	else if (varname) {
	} else if (argc > 0) {
		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
	} else
Example #17
// lua remote function server
//   read function call data and execute the function. this function empties the
//   stack on entry and exit. This sets a custom error handler to catch errors 
//   around the function call.
static void read_cmd_call( Transport *tpt, lua_State *L )
  int i, stackpos, good_function, nargs;
  uint32_t len;
  char *funcname;
  char *token = NULL;
  // read function name

  len = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt ); /* function name string length */ 
  funcname = ( char * )alloca( len + 1 );
  transport_read_string( tpt, funcname, len );
  funcname[ len ] = 0;
  // get function
  // @@@ perhaps handle more like variables instead of using a long string?
  // @@@ also strtok is not thread safe
  token = strtok( funcname, "." );
  lua_getglobal( L, token );
  token = strtok( NULL, "." );
  while( token != NULL )
    lua_getfield( L, -1, token );
    lua_remove( L, -2 );
    token = strtok( NULL, "." );
  stackpos = lua_gettop( L ) - 1;
  good_function = LUA_ISCALLABLE( L, -1 );

  // read number of arguments
  nargs = transport_read_uint32_t( tpt );

  // read in each argument, leave it on the stack
  for ( i = 0; i < nargs; i ++ ) 
    read_variable( tpt, L );

  // call the function
  if( good_function )
    int nret, error_code;
    error_code = lua_pcall( L, nargs, LUA_MULTRET, 0 );
    // handle errors
    if ( error_code )
      size_t len;
      const char *errmsg;
      errmsg = lua_tolstring (L, -1, &len);
      transport_write_uint8_t( tpt, 1 );
      transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, error_code );
      transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, len );
      transport_write_string( tpt, errmsg, len );
      // pass the return values back to the caller
      transport_write_uint8_t( tpt, 0 );
      nret = lua_gettop( L ) - stackpos;
      transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, nret );
      for ( i = 0; i < nret; i ++ )
        write_variable( tpt, L, stackpos + 1 + i );

    // bad function
    const char *msg = "undefined function: ";
    int errlen = strlen( msg ) + len;
    transport_write_uint8_t( tpt, 1 );
    transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, LUA_ERRRUN );
    transport_write_uint32_t( tpt, errlen );
    transport_write_string( tpt, msg, strlen( msg ) );
    transport_write_string( tpt, funcname, len );
  // empty the stack
  lua_settop ( L, 0 );
Example #18
void serialize(writable& dest, size_t x) { write_variable(dest, x); }
Example #19
 * mono_debug_add_method:
MonoDebugMethodAddress *
mono_debug_add_method (MonoMethod *method, MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit, MonoDomain *domain)
	MonoDebugDataTable *table;
	MonoDebugMethodAddress *address;
	guint8 buffer [BUFSIZ];
	guint8 *ptr, *oldptr;
	guint32 i, size, total_size, max_size;

	mono_debugger_lock ();

	table = lookup_data_table (domain);

	max_size = (5 * 5) + 1 + (10 * jit->num_line_numbers) +
		(25 + sizeof (gpointer)) * (1 + jit->num_params + jit->num_locals);

	if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
		ptr = oldptr = (guint8 *)g_malloc (max_size);
		ptr = oldptr = buffer;

	write_leb128 (jit->prologue_end, ptr, &ptr);
	write_leb128 (jit->epilogue_begin, ptr, &ptr);

	write_leb128 (jit->num_line_numbers, ptr, &ptr);
	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++) {
		MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne = &jit->line_numbers [i];

		write_sleb128 (lne->il_offset, ptr, &ptr);
		write_sleb128 (lne->native_offset, ptr, &ptr);
	write_leb128 (jit->has_var_info, ptr, &ptr);
	if (jit->has_var_info) {
		*ptr++ = jit->this_var ? 1 : 0;
		if (jit->this_var)
			write_variable (jit->this_var, ptr, &ptr);

		write_leb128 (jit->num_params, ptr, &ptr);
		for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
			write_variable (&jit->params [i], ptr, &ptr);

		write_leb128 (jit->num_locals, ptr, &ptr);
		for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
			write_variable (&jit->locals [i], ptr, &ptr);

		*ptr++ = jit->gsharedvt_info_var ? 1 : 0;
		if (jit->gsharedvt_info_var) {
			write_variable (jit->gsharedvt_info_var, ptr, &ptr);
			write_variable (jit->gsharedvt_locals_var, ptr, &ptr);

	size = ptr - oldptr;
	g_assert (size < max_size);
	total_size = size + sizeof (MonoDebugMethodAddress);

	if (method_is_dynamic (method)) {
		address = (MonoDebugMethodAddress *)g_malloc0 (total_size);
	} else {
		address = (MonoDebugMethodAddress *)mono_mempool_alloc (table->mp, total_size);

	address->code_start = jit->code_start;
	address->code_size = jit->code_size;

	memcpy (&address->data, oldptr, size);
	if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
		g_free (oldptr);

	g_hash_table_insert (table->method_address_hash, method, address);

	mono_debugger_unlock ();
	return address;