Example #1
void hashtable_database_writer::store(const hash_digest& key_hash,
    size_t value_size, write_value_function write)
    // Calculate the end of the last record.
    const uint64_t header_size = 24 + buckets_ * 8;
    const uint64_t records_end_offset = header_size + total_records_size_;
    // [ tx hash ]              32
    // [ varuint value size ]
    // [ ... value data ... ]
    // [ next tx in bucket ]    8
    const size_t record_size =
        32 + variable_uint_size(value_size) + value_size + 8;
    // If a record crosses a page boundary then we align it with
    // the beginning of the next page.
    const size_t record_begin =
        align_if_crossing_page(page_size_, records_end_offset, record_size);
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(file_.size() >= record_begin + record_size);
    // We will insert new transactions at the beginning of the bucket's list.
    // I assume that more recent transactions in the blockchain are used
    // more often than older ones.
    // We lookup the existing value in the bucket first.
    const uint64_t bucket_index = remainder(key_hash.data(), buckets_);
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(bucket_index < buckets_);
    const uint64_t previous_bucket_value = read_bucket_value(bucket_index);
    // Now begin writing the record itself.
    uint8_t* entry = file_.data() + record_begin;
    auto serial = make_serializer(entry);
    // Call the supplied callback to serialize the data.
    serial.set_iterator(serial.iterator() + value_size);
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(serial.iterator() == entry + record_size);
    // Change file size value at file start.
    // This must be done first so any subsequent writes don't
    // overwrite this record in case of a crash or interruption.
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(record_begin >= header_size);
    const uint64_t alignment_padding =
        record_begin - header_size - total_records_size_;
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(alignment_padding <= page_size_);
    total_records_size_ += record_size + alignment_padding;
    // Now add record to bucket.
    const uint64_t record_begin_offset = record_begin - header_size;
    link_record(bucket_index, record_begin_offset);
Example #2
 void write_string(const std::string& str)