Example #1
static void launch_output_program (void)
	char *program;		/* name of the pager */
	char *basename;		/* basename of the pager */

	/* Check if a output program should be called, and which one.  Avoid
		all paging if only statistics are needed.  */

	if (autopager && isatty (fileno (stdout)) && !(inhibit_left && inhibit_right && inhibit_common)) {
      program = getenv ("PAGER");
		if (program == NULL)
			program = PAGER_PROGRAM;
	} else
		program = NULL;

	/* Use stdout as default output.  */
	output_file = stdout;

	/* Ensure the termcap initialization string is sent to stdout right
		away, never to the pager.  */

	if (termcap_init_string) {
		tputs (termcap_init_string, 0, putc_for_tputs);
		fflush (stdout);

	/* If we should use a pager, launch it.  */

	if (program && *program) {
		int is_less;

		if (basename = strrchr (program, '/'), basename)
			basename = program;

		is_less = strstr (basename, "less") != NULL;

		if (is_less && no_init_term) {
			output_file = writepipe (program, "-X", NULL);
		} else {
			output_file = writepipe (program, NULL);

		if (!output_file) {
			errexit (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "%s", program);

		/* If we are paging to less, use printer mode, not display mode.  */
		if (is_less) {
			find_termcap = 0;
			overstrike = 1;
			overstrike_for_less = 1;
Example #2
    if(m_scope->nb_periphs == 0)

    // init display

    uint64_t  stamp       = 0;
    uint64_t                sum, samp_per;
    sample_t                *samp;
    periph_t                *pperiph;
    uint8_t                 *vals;

    vals = new uint8_t[m_scope->nb_periphs + 2];
    samp_per = m_scope->sample_period;

        // sample rate ... and be sure to be last evaluated
        wait(m_scope->sample_period, SC_NS);
        wait(0, SC_NS);

        // get current sample
        stamp = sc_time_stamp().value()/1000;
        samp  = get_sample(m_scope, stamp);

        // process sample (according to rules given by user -- or not
        sum = 0;
        for(pperiph = m_scope->head_periphs; pperiph != NULL; pperiph = pperiph->next){
            sum += samp->per_costs[pperiph->idx].energy;
            vals[pperiph->idx] =
                (uint8_t)((samp->per_costs[pperiph->idx].energy * 100) /
                          (samp_per * pperiph->pclass->max_energy_ms));

        vals[m_scope->nb_periphs] = 
            (uint8_t) ((sum * 100) / (samp_per * m_scope->max_energy_ms));
        vals[m_scope->nb_periphs + 1] =
            (uint8_t) ((roll_average (sum) * 100) / (samp_per * m_scope->max_energy_ms));

            m_measure_accum += sum;

        // display the values
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, vals, m_scope->nb_periphs + 2);

        // clean things up
        if(samp != NULL)
            sample_free (samp);
Example #3
    int             i;
    int             disp_pipe[2];
    unsigned int    val;
    long long       long_val;
    const char      *pbuf;

    if(pipe(disp_pipe) < 0){
        perror("etrace_if: pipe error");
    if((s_pid_graph[s_nb_graph++] = fork()) == 0){

        // son
        int         null_fd;

        dup2(disp_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO);

        null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
        // make it silent
        dup2(null_fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
        //dup2 (null_fd, STDERR_FILENO);

        if(execlp("chronograph", "chronograph", NULL) < 0){
            perror("etrace_if: execlp failure");
    // father
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
    m_disp_pipe = disp_pipe[1];

    // setting the graph parameters
    pbuf = "Power consumption";
    val  = strlen (pbuf) + 1;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, pbuf, val);

    // number of graphs
    val = m_scope->nb_groups + 1;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);

    // sample period (20 ms)
    val = 20;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);

    // for each graph: number of curves, min value,  max value
    int         j, group_id;
    periph_t    *tp, *pperiph = m_scope->head_periphs;

    i = 0;
        group_id = pperiph->group_id;

        tp = pperiph;
        j = i;
        while(tp && (tp->group_id == group_id)){
            tp->idx = j++;
            tp = tp->next;

        // number of curves in the graph
        val = j - i;
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);

        // min value
        long_val = 0;
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &long_val, 8);

        // max value 
        long_val = pperiph->pclass->max_energy_ms;
        m_scope->max_energy_ms += (j - i) * long_val;
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &long_val, 8);
        i = j;
        pperiph = tp;

    // for total graph
    // number of curves in the graph (2)
    val = 2;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);

    // min value
    long_val = 0;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &long_val, 8);

    // max value 
    long_val =m_scope->max_energy_ms;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &long_val, 8);

    // for each graph: graphs names
    pperiph = m_scope->head_periphs;
        pbuf = pperiph->group_name;
        val  = strlen (pbuf) + 1;
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);
        writepipe(m_disp_pipe, pbuf, val);

        group_id = pperiph->group_id;
        while(pperiph && (pperiph->group_id == group_id))
            pperiph = pperiph->next;

    // for total graph
    pbuf = "Total ";
    val  = strlen(pbuf) + 1;
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, &val, 4);
    writepipe(m_disp_pipe, pbuf, val);
Example #4
 * @param tr_out Handler function for data read from stdin. Its parameters are: byte buffer, size of byte buffer, pid of child process.
int playbatch(int *ret_code, FILE *fp_in, int (*tr_in)(), FILE *fp_out, int (*tr_out)(), FILE *fp_err, int (*tr_err)(), long vtimer, char *prog, char *argv[])
	int pid;
	int pipe_out[2], pipe_err[2], pipe_in[2];

	pid = pipe_fork(pipe_in, pipe_out, pipe_err);
	if (pid < 0) {
		return ERRO;

	if (pid == 0) { /* child */
		struct	rlimit	resource_limit;
		struct  itimerval interval_time;

		// Disable core dump
	 	resource_limit.rlim_cur = 0;
		resource_limit.rlim_max = 0; 
		setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &resource_limit);

		// Set max time a process can run before signaling with SIGVTALRM
		if (vtimer != 0) {
			interval_time.it_interval.tv_sec = vtimer;
			interval_time.it_interval.tv_usec = vtimer * 1000000L;
			interval_time.it_value.tv_sec = vtimer;
			interval_time.it_value.tv_usec = vtimer * 1000000L;
			signal(SIGVTALRM, SIG_DFL);  // SIG_DFL is the default action for this signal, which is to terminate the process
			setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &interval_time, NULL); 
		execv(prog, argv); 
	} else {
		/* parent */
		int child_retcode, bytes, result;
		int fim_le = FALSE;

		while (waitpid(pid, &child_retcode, WNOHANG) != pid) {
			// Read data from child's output pipe 
			bytes = -1;
			if (ioctl(pipe_out[0], FIONREAD, &bytes) != -1) {
				if (bytes > 0) {
					bytes = read(pipe_out[0], buff, BUFFSIZE);
			if (bytes == -1) {
				result = ERRO;
				goto fim;
			// Handle data
			if (tr_out != NULL) {
				result = tr_out(fp_out, buff, bytes, pid);
				if (result == ERRO || result != bytes) {
					result = ERRO;
					goto fim;

			// Read data from child's err pipe
			bytes = -1;
			if (ioctl(pipe_err[0], FIONREAD, &bytes) != -1) {
				if (bytes > 0) {
					bytes = read(pipe_err[0], buff, BUFFSIZE);
			if (bytes == -1) {
				result = ERRO;
				goto fim;
			// Handle data
			if (tr_err != NULL) {
				result = tr_err(fp_err, buff, bytes, pid);
				if (result == ERRO || result != bytes) {
					result == ERRO;
					goto fim;
			if ( ! fim_le) {
				bytes = tr_in(fp_in, buff, BUFFSIZE);
				if (bytes < 0) {
					result = ERRO;
						goto fim;
				} else if (bytes == 0) {
					fim_le = TRUE;
				} else {
					bytes = writepipe(pipe_in[1], buff, bytes);
					if (bytes < 0) {
						msg("Error writing to the pipe");
						result = ERRO;
						goto fim;
					} else {
						if (bytes == 0) {
						   	continue;  /* broken pipe! */ 

		// Handle any remaining output data
		do {
			bytes = -1;
			if (ioctl(pipe_out[0], FIONREAD, &bytes) != -1) {
				if (bytes > 0) {
					bytes = read(pipe_out[0], buff, BUFFSIZE);
			if (bytes == -1) {
				result = ERRO;
				goto fim;
			// Handle data
			if (tr_out != NULL) {
				result = tr_out(fp_out, buff, bytes, pid);
				if (result == ERRO || result != bytes) {
					result = ERRO;
					goto fim;
		} while	(bytes > 0);

		// Handle any remaining err data
		do {
			// Read data from child's err pipe
			bytes = -1;
			if (ioctl(pipe_err[0], FIONREAD, &bytes) != -1) {
				if (bytes > 0) {
					bytes = read(pipe_err[0], buff, BUFFSIZE);
			if (bytes == -1) {
				result = ERRO;
				goto fim;
			// Handle data
			if (tr_err != NULL) {
				result = tr_err(fp_err, buff, bytes, pid);
				if (result == ERRO || result != bytes) {
					result == ERRO;
					goto fim;
		} while (bytes > 0);
		waitpid(pid, &child_retcode, 0);
		if (ret_code != NULL) {
			*ret_code = child_retcode;
		return result;