Example #1
void user_init(void)
	uart_init(BIT_RATE_115200, BIT_RATE_115200);

	uart0_sendStr("\r\nesp8266 ws2812 driver\r\n");

//	int opm = wifi_get_opmode();
//	if( opm == 1 ) need_to_switch_opmode = 120;
//	wifi_set_opmode_current(2);
//Uncomment this to force a system restore.
//	system_restore();

	CSSettingsLoad( 0 );

    pUdpServer = (struct espconn *)os_zalloc(sizeof(struct espconn));
	ets_memset( pUdpServer, 0, sizeof( struct espconn ) );
	espconn_create( pUdpServer );
	pUdpServer->type = ESPCONN_UDP;
	pUdpServer->proto.udp = (esp_udp *)os_zalloc(sizeof(esp_udp));
	pUdpServer->proto.udp->local_port = 7777;
	espconn_regist_recvcb(pUdpServer, udpserver_recv);

	if( espconn_create( pUdpServer ) )
		while(1) { uart0_sendStr( "\r\nFAULT\r\n" ); }


	SetServiceName( "ws2812" );
	AddMDNSName( "cn8266" );
	AddMDNSName( "ws2812" );
	AddMDNSService( "_http._tcp", "An ESP8266 Webserver", 80 );
	AddMDNSService( "_ws2812._udp", "WS2812 Driver", 7777 );
	AddMDNSService( "_cn8266._udp", "ESP8266 Backend", 7878 );

	//Add a process
	system_os_task(procTask, procTaskPrio, procTaskQueue, procTaskQueueLen);

	//Timer example
	os_timer_setfn(&some_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)myTimer, NULL);
	os_timer_arm(&some_timer, 100, 1);


	uint8_t ledout[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 };
	ws2812_push( ledout, sizeof( ledout ) );

	system_os_post(procTaskPrio, 0, 0 );
Example #2
//Called when new packet comes in.
udpserver_recv(void *arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short len)
	struct espconn *pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg;


	ws2812_push( pusrdata+3, len-3 );

	len -= 3;
	if( len > sizeof(last_leds) + 3 )
		len = sizeof(last_leds) + 3;
	ets_memcpy( last_leds, pusrdata+3, len );
	last_led_count = len / 3;
Example #3
 * An ADC measurement is made every time this timer triggers.
 * The ADC input is connected to a:
 * SparkFun MEMS Microphone Breakout - INMP401 (ADMP401)
 * https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9868
 * This callback also contains the logic that simulates an
 * equalizer by changing the LED colors of a ws2812 LED strip
void softwareTimerCallback(void *arg)
    /* ====================================== */
	/* ADC	                         	  	  */
	/* ====================================== */

	uint16 i;

    /* Current ADC value (volume level of the most recent ADC measurement)*/
	uint16 adc_value;

	/* Previous ADC value (volume level of previous ADC capture)*/
	static uint16 prev_adc_value;

	/* The absolute value of the difference of the current and previous ADC values */
	uint16 abs_val_diff = 0;

	/* Color in RGB space */
	rgb my_rgb;

	/* Color in HSV space */
	hsv my_hsv;

	/* TODO: make rainbow when no volume */
	static int count = 0;

	/* defines the number of ws2812 LEDs */
	static int num_leds = 30;

	/* Changes of volume below the threshold are ignored */
	static int threshold = 20;

	/* Controls the gradual LED color change animation */
	static bool lock = false;

	/* Controls the heatmap of the LEDs */
	static int heatmap = 0;

	/* Buffer that stores the colors of each LED in the strip */
	uint8_t led_out[num_leds * 3];

	const uint16 red_up_num_cycles = 25;
	static bool count_up = true;

	/* Init saturation and value for HSV color */
	my_hsv.s = 1.0;
	my_hsv.v = 0.1;

	/* Read ADC */
	adc_value = system_adc_read();

	/* Calculate the absolute value of the previous and current ADC values */
	abs_val_diff = ( adc_value > prev_adc_value ) ? adc_value - prev_adc_value : prev_adc_value - adc_value;

	/* Save adc_value */
	prev_adc_value = adc_value;

	/* Gradual color change animation taking place?
	 * OR
	 * Is the measured value larger than the last value
	 * that triggered the animation?*/
	if ( lock == false || abs_val_diff > heatmap )
#if 0
		os_printf("\r\nheatmap: %d", heatmap);

		/* Is the measured value larger than the threshold? */
		if ( abs_val_diff >= threshold )
			/* Trigger detected! Start animation! */
			lock = true;

			/* Save the value that triggered the animation */
			heatmap = abs_val_diff;

			/* Reset important variables used in the animation */
			count_up = true;
			count = 0;
		/* No, then continue with animation */


	/* Enter only if an animation was triggered above */
	if ( lock == true )
		/* Are we 'heating up' or 'cooling down'? */
		if ( count_up == true )
			/* Heat up (faster than cooling down) */
			count += 3;

			count_up = (count >= red_up_num_cycles) ? false : true ;
			/* Cool down */

			if ( count <= 2 )
				/* Stop gradual color change */
				lock = false;

#if 0
		os_printf("\r\ncount: %d", count);

		/* Set color for each LED */
		for (i = 0; i < num_leds; i++)
			if ( i == 0 )
				/* The first LED is always set to blue */
				my_hsv.h = 240.0;
				/* Decrease hue depending on the change in volume */
				my_hsv.h = (uint16)my_hsv.h - (uint16)(heatmap * 0.005 * count);

			/* Clip hue if below 0 */
			my_hsv.h = my_hsv.h < 0 ? 0 : my_hsv.h;

			/* Convert color from HSV to RGB space */
			my_rgb = hsv2rgb(my_hsv);

			/* Store RGB color in the output buffer */
			led_out[i * 3 + 0] = my_rgb.g * 255;
			led_out[i * 3 + 1] = my_rgb.r * 255;
			led_out[i * 3 + 2] = my_rgb.b * 255;

		ws2812_push(led_out, sizeof(led_out));

	#if 0
			os_printf("\r\nG R B: %x %x %x", led_out[0], led_out[1],led_out[2]);
	//		os_printf("\r\nhue: %d", (int)my_hsv.h);

	#if 0
	//	os_printf("\r\nsystem_adc_read: %x", adc_value);
	//	os_printf("\r\ndiff_abs_val: %x", diff_abs_val);
