Example #1
void RectCluster::partition()
  VLOG(6) << "Grid side length:   " << len_cell_;
	// random shift
	unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
	std::default_random_engine generator(seed);
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, (double) len_cell_);
	double rand_shift_x = distribution(generator);
	double rand_shift_y = distribution(generator);
	Vector_2 vec(rand_shift_x, rand_shift_y);
	LOG(INFO) << "Random shift: " << vec;
	// Build grid
	grid_ = new Grid(curve1_, curve2_, lb_, ub_, len_cell_);
	for (auto it = grid_->begin(); it != grid_->end(); it++)
		// quad-tree from containing points from curve1
		QuadTree* curr_qt = it->second.first;
		// check if the node contains points from curve 1
		if (curr_qt->is_empty())
		// find the neighboring nodes that contain points from curve 2
		vector<QuadTree*> nbrs = grid_->neighbors(it->first, 1);
		//VLOG(7) << it->second.first->to_string() << " ---------- ";
		for (auto& qt : nbrs)
			WSPD wspd(curr_qt, qt, 1 / eps_, lb_ / max(curve1_.size(), curve2_.size()));
			for (auto it = wspd.begin(); it != wspd.end(); it++)
				gen_rect(it->first->idx_segments(), it->second->idx_segments());
	// after generating all rectangles, build a dependency graph of them and topologically sort them
Example #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  const unsigned int D = 4;
  const unsigned int N = 100000;
  CGAL::Random rand(42);
  Random_points_iterator rpit(D, 1.0, rand);
  std::vector<Point_d> pts;
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  WSPD wspd(D, 1.0, pts.begin(), pts.end());

  // Uncomment to print the size of the sets of each pair in the WSPD.
  /*for(Well_separated_pair_iterator it = wspd.wspd_begin(); it < wspd.wspd_end(); it++) {
    Well_separated_pair &pair = *it;
    std::cout << "(" << pair.a()->point_container().size() << ", " << pair.b()->point_container().size() << ")" << std::endl;

  // Prints the number of pairs in the WSPD.
  std::cout << wspd.wspd_size() << std::endl;
  return 0;