Status WiredTigerKVEngine::repairIdent( OperationContext* opCtx,
                                         const StringData& ident ) {
     WiredTigerSession session( _conn, -1 );
     WT_SESSION* s = session.getSession();
     string uri = _uri(ident);
     return wtRCToStatus( s->compact(s, uri.c_str(), NULL ) );
StatusWith<RecordId> WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord(OperationContext* txn,
                                                         const char* data,
                                                         int len,
                                                         bool enforceQuota) {
    if (_isCapped && len > _cappedMaxSize) {
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "object to insert exceeds cappedMaxSize");

    RecordId loc;
    if (_useOplogHack) {
        StatusWith<RecordId> status = extractAndCheckLocForOplog(data, len);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        loc = status.getValue();
        if (loc > _oplog_highestSeen) {
            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_uncommittedDiskLocsMutex);
            if (loc > _oplog_highestSeen) {
                _oplog_highestSeen = loc;
    } else if (_isCapped) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_uncommittedDiskLocsMutex);
        loc = _nextId();
        _addUncommitedDiskLoc_inlock(txn, loc);
    } else {
        loc = _nextId();

    WiredTigerCursor curwrap(_uri, _tableId, true, txn);
    WT_CURSOR* c = curwrap.get();

    c->set_key(c, _makeKey(loc));
    WiredTigerItem value(data, len);
    c->set_value(c, value.Get());
    int ret = WT_OP_CHECK(c->insert(c));
    if (ret) {
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(wtRCToStatus(ret, "WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord"));

    _changeNumRecords(txn, 1);
    _increaseDataSize(txn, len);

    cappedDeleteAsNeeded(txn, loc);

    return StatusWith<RecordId>(loc);
    Status WiredTigerKVEngine::createRecordStore( OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                  const StringData& ns,
                                                  const StringData& ident,
                                                  const CollectionOptions& options ) {
        WiredTigerSession session( _conn, -1 );

        StatusWith<std::string> result = WiredTigerRecordStore::generateCreateString(ns, options, _rsOptions);
        if (!result.isOK()) {
            return result.getStatus();
        std::string config = result.getValue();

        string uri = _uri( ident );
        WT_SESSION* s = session.getSession();
        LOG(1) << "WiredTigerKVEngine::createRecordStore uri: " << uri << " config: " << config;
        return wtRCToStatus( s->create( s, uri.c_str(), config.c_str() ) );
Example #4
Status WiredTigerSnapshotManager::setTransactionReadTimestamp(Timestamp pointInTime,
                                                              WT_SESSION* session,
                                                              bool roundToOldest) const {
    char readTSConfigString[15 /* read_timestamp= */ + 16 /* 16 hexadecimal digits */ +
                            17 /* ,round_to_oldest= */ + 5 /* false */ + 1 /* trailing null */];
    auto size = std::snprintf(readTSConfigString,
                              (roundToOldest) ? "true" : "false");
    if (size < 0) {
        int e = errno;
        error() << "error snprintf " << errnoWithDescription(e);
    invariant(static_cast<std::size_t>(size) < sizeof(readTSConfigString));

    return wtRCToStatus(session->timestamp_transaction(session, readTSConfigString));
Status WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
    LOG(3) << "WT set timestamp of future write operations to " << timestamp;
    WT_SESSION* session = _session->getSession();
    invariant(_inUnitOfWork(), toString(_state));
              str::stream() << "Commit timestamp set to " << _commitTimestamp.toString()
                            << " and trying to set WUOW timestamp to "
                            << timestamp.toString());

    _lastTimestampSet = timestamp;

    // Starts the WT transaction associated with this session.

    const std::string conf = "commit_timestamp=" + integerToHex(timestamp.asULL());
    auto rc = session->timestamp_transaction(session, conf.c_str());
    if (rc == 0) {
        _isTimestamped = true;
    return wtRCToStatus(rc, "timestamp_transaction");
Status WiredTigerSnapshotManager::createSnapshot(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                 const SnapshotName& name) {
    auto session = WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get(opCtx)->getSession(opCtx)->getSession();
    const std::string config = str::stream() << "name=" << name.asU64();
    return wtRCToStatus(session->snapshot(session, config.c_str()));
 Status WiredTigerKVEngine::createSortedDataInterface( OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                       const StringData& ident,
                                                       const IndexDescriptor* desc ) {
     return wtRCToStatus( WiredTigerIndex::Create( opCtx, _uri( ident ), _indexOptions, desc ) );