/* This routine is platform-independent. MMEX is a portable application which means ability to to run without installation, for example, from USB flash drive. If mmex finds mmexini.db3 in its folder, it assumes portable mode and GetUserDir() in such case points to that folder. FIXME: security issue - temp files will be created on host filesystem. */ const wxFileName mmex::GetUserDir(bool create) { static wxFileName fname; if (!fname.IsOk()) { fname = getSettingsPathPortable(); bool portable_file_ok = fname.IsFileWritable() && fname.IsFileReadable(); if (!portable_file_ok) { fname.AssignDir(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir()); if (create && !fname.DirExists()) { portable_file_ok = fname.Mkdir(0700, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); // 0700 - octal, "111 000 000" wxASSERT(portable_file_ok); } } fname.SetFullName(wxGetEmptyString()); } return fname; }
wxString wxHtmlTag::GetParam(const wxString& par, bool with_quotes) const { int index = m_ParamNames.Index(par, false); if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) return wxGetEmptyString(); if (with_quotes) { // VS: backward compatibility, seems to be never used by wxHTML... wxString s; s << wxT('"') << m_ParamValues[index] << wxT('"'); return s; } else return m_ParamValues[index]; }
wxHtmlTag::wxHtmlTag(wxHtmlTag *parent, const wxString *source, const wxString::const_iterator& pos, const wxString::const_iterator& end_pos, wxHtmlTagsCache *cache, wxHtmlEntitiesParser *entParser) { /* Setup DOM relations */ m_Next = NULL; m_FirstChild = m_LastChild = NULL; m_Parent = parent; if (parent) { m_Prev = m_Parent->m_LastChild; if (m_Prev == NULL) m_Parent->m_FirstChild = this; else m_Prev->m_Next = this; m_Parent->m_LastChild = this; } else m_Prev = NULL; /* Find parameters and their values: */ wxChar c wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0); // fill-in name, params and begin pos: wxString::const_iterator i(pos+1); // find tag's name and convert it to uppercase: while ((i < end_pos) && ((c = *(i++)) != wxT(' ') && c != wxT('\r') && c != wxT('\n') && c != wxT('\t') && c != wxT('>') && c != wxT('/'))) { if ((c >= wxT('a')) && (c <= wxT('z'))) c -= (wxT('a') - wxT('A')); m_Name << c; } // if the tag has parameters, read them and "normalize" them, // i.e. convert to uppercase, replace whitespaces by spaces and // remove whitespaces around '=': if (*(i-1) != wxT('>')) { #define IS_WHITE(c) (c == wxT(' ') || c == wxT('\r') || \ c == wxT('\n') || c == wxT('\t')) wxString pname, pvalue; wxChar quote; enum { ST_BEFORE_NAME = 1, ST_NAME, ST_BEFORE_EQ, ST_BEFORE_VALUE, ST_VALUE } state; quote = 0; state = ST_BEFORE_NAME; while (i < end_pos) { c = *(i++); if (c == wxT('>') && !(state == ST_VALUE && quote != 0)) { if (state == ST_BEFORE_EQ || state == ST_NAME) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); m_ParamValues.Add(wxGetEmptyString()); } else if (state == ST_VALUE && quote == 0) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); if (entParser) m_ParamValues.Add(entParser->Parse(pvalue)); else m_ParamValues.Add(pvalue); } break; } switch (state) { case ST_BEFORE_NAME: if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { pname = c; state = ST_NAME; } break; case ST_NAME: if (IS_WHITE(c)) state = ST_BEFORE_EQ; else if (c == wxT('=')) state = ST_BEFORE_VALUE; else pname << c; break; case ST_BEFORE_EQ: if (c == wxT('=')) state = ST_BEFORE_VALUE; else if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); m_ParamValues.Add(wxGetEmptyString()); pname = c; state = ST_NAME; } break; case ST_BEFORE_VALUE: if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { if (c == wxT('"') || c == wxT('\'')) quote = c, pvalue = wxGetEmptyString(); else quote = 0, pvalue = c; state = ST_VALUE; } break; case ST_VALUE: if ((quote != 0 && c == quote) || (quote == 0 && IS_WHITE(c))) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); if (quote == 0) { // VS: backward compatibility, no real reason, // but wxHTML code relies on this... :( pvalue.MakeUpper(); } if (entParser) m_ParamValues.Add(entParser->Parse(pvalue)); else m_ParamValues.Add(pvalue); state = ST_BEFORE_NAME; } else pvalue << c; break; } } #undef IS_WHITE } m_Begin = i; cache->QueryTag(pos, source->end(), &m_End1, &m_End2, &m_hasEnding); if (m_End1 > end_pos) m_End1 = end_pos; if (m_End2 > end_pos) m_End2 = end_pos; #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 m_sourceStart = source->begin(); #endif // Try to parse any style parameters that can be handled simply by // converting them to the equivalent HTML 3 attributes: this is a far cry // from perfect but better than nothing. static const struct EquivAttr { const char *style; const char *attr; } equivAttrs[] = { { "text-align", "ALIGN" }, { "width", "WIDTH" }, { "vertical-align", "VALIGN" }, { "background", "BGCOLOR" }, }; wxHtmlStyleParams styleParams(*this); for ( unsigned n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(equivAttrs); n++ ) { const EquivAttr& ea = equivAttrs[n]; if ( styleParams.HasParam(ea.style) && !HasParam(ea.attr) ) { m_ParamNames.Add(ea.attr); m_ParamValues.Add(styleParams.GetParam(ea.style)); } } }
void mmCustomFieldEditDialog::CreateControls() { wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); this->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer2); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5); wxStaticBox* itemStaticBoxSizer4Static = new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, _("Custom Field Details")); wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer4 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(itemStaticBoxSizer4Static, wxVERTICAL); itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer4, g_flags); wxPanel* itemPanel5 = new wxPanel(this, wxID_STATIC, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); itemStaticBoxSizer4->Add(itemPanel5, g_flags); wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer6 = new wxFlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0); itemPanel5->SetSizer(itemFlexGridSizer6); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Description")), g_flags); m_itemDescription = new wxTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, wxGetEmptyString()); m_itemDescription->SetToolTip(_("Enter the name of the custom field")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemDescription, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Field Type")), g_flags); m_itemType = new wxChoice(itemPanel5, wxID_HIGHEST, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, -1), Model_CustomField::all_type()); m_itemType->SetToolTip(_("Select type of custom field")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemType, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("ToolTip")), g_flags); m_itemTooltip = new wxTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, ""); m_itemTooltip->SetToolTip(_("Enter the tooltip that will be shown")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemTooltip, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("RegEx")), g_flags); m_itemRegEx = new wxTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, ""); m_itemRegEx->SetToolTip(_("Enter the RegEx to validate field")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemRegEx, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Autocomplete")), g_flags); m_itemAutocomplete = new wxCheckBox(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE); m_itemAutocomplete->SetValue(FALSE); m_itemAutocomplete->SetToolTip(_("Enables autocomplete on custom field")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemAutocomplete, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Default")), g_flags); m_itemDefault = new wxTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, ""); m_itemDefault->SetToolTip(_("Enter the default for this field")+"\n"+ _("For date/time insert 'Now' to make current date/time as default")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemDefault, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Choiches")), g_flags); m_itemChoiches = new wxTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, ""); m_itemChoiches->SetToolTip(_("Enter the choiches for this field separated with a semi-colon")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_itemChoiches, g_flagsExpand); wxPanel* itemPanel27 = new wxPanel(this, wxID_STATIC, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemPanel27, wxSizerFlags(g_flags).Center()); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer28 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); itemPanel27->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer28); wxButton* itemButton29 = new wxButton(itemPanel27, wxID_OK, _("&OK ")); itemBoxSizer28->Add(itemButton29, g_flags); wxButton* itemButton30 = new wxButton(itemPanel27, wxID_CANCEL, wxGetTranslation(g_CancelLabel)); itemBoxSizer28->Add(itemButton30, g_flags); itemButton30->SetFocus(); }
void mmAssetDialog::CreateControls() { wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); this->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer2); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5); wxStaticBox* itemStaticBoxSizer4Static = new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, _("Asset Details")); wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer4 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(itemStaticBoxSizer4Static , wxVERTICAL); itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer4, g_flags); wxPanel* itemPanel5 = new wxPanel( this, wxID_STATIC, wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); itemStaticBoxSizer4->Add(itemPanel5, g_flags); wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer6 = new wxFlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0); itemPanel5->SetSizer(itemFlexGridSizer6); wxStaticText* n = new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Name")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(n, g_flags); n->SetFont(this->GetFont().Bold()); m_assetName = new mmTextCtrl(itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, wxGetEmptyString()); m_assetName->SetToolTip(_("Enter the name of the asset")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_assetName, g_flagsExpand); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Date")), g_flags); m_dpc = new wxDatePickerCtrl( itemPanel5, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultDateTime, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(120, -1), wxDP_DROPDOWN|wxDP_SHOWCENTURY); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_dpc, g_flags); m_dpc->SetToolTip(_("Specify the date of purchase of asset")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Asset Type")), g_flags); m_assetType = new wxChoice(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, -1)); for (const auto& a : Model_Asset::all_type()) m_assetType->Append(wxGetTranslation(a), new wxStringClientData(a)); m_assetType->SetToolTip(_("Select type of asset")); m_assetType->SetSelection(Model_Asset::TYPE_PROPERTY); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_assetType, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); wxStaticText* v = new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Value")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(v, g_flags); v->SetFont(this->GetFont().Bold()); m_value = new mmTextCtrl(itemPanel5, IDC_VALUE, wxGetEmptyString() , wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150,-1), wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER , mmCalcValidator() ); m_value->SetToolTip(_("Enter the current value of the asset")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_value, g_flags); m_value->Connect(IDC_VALUE, wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER , wxCommandEventHandler(mmAssetDialog::onTextEntered), nullptr, this); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText(itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Change in Value")), g_flags); m_valueChange = new wxChoice(itemPanel5, IDC_COMBO_TYPE, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, -1)); for(const auto& a : Model_Asset::all_rate()) m_valueChange->Append(wxGetTranslation(a)); m_valueChange->SetToolTip(_("Specify if the value of the asset changes over time")); m_valueChange->SetSelection(Model_Asset::RATE_NONE); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_valueChange, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); m_valueChangeRateLabel = new wxStaticText( itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("% Rate")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_valueChangeRateLabel, g_flags); m_valueChangeRate = new mmTextCtrl(itemPanel5, IDC_RATE, wxGetEmptyString() , wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150,-1), wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER , mmCalcValidator()); m_valueChangeRate->SetToolTip(_("Enter the rate at which the asset changes its value in % per year")); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(m_valueChangeRate, g_flags); m_valueChangeRate->Connect(IDC_RATE, IDC_RATE , wxCommandEventHandler(mmAssetDialog::onTextEntered), nullptr, this); enableDisableRate(false); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(new wxStaticText( itemPanel5, wxID_STATIC, _("Notes")), g_flags); bAttachments_ = new wxBitmapButton(itemPanel5, wxID_FILE , wxBitmap(attachment_xpm), wxDefaultPosition , wxSize(m_valueChange->GetSize().GetY(), m_valueChange->GetSize().GetY())); itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(bAttachments_, wxSizerFlags(g_flags).Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT)); bAttachments_->SetToolTip(_("Organize attachments of this asset")); m_notes = new mmTextCtrl(this, IDC_NOTES, wxGetEmptyString(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(220, 170), wxTE_MULTILINE); m_notes->SetToolTip(_("Enter notes associated with this asset")); itemStaticBoxSizer4->Add(m_notes, 0, wxGROW | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 10); wxPanel* itemPanel27 = new wxPanel(this, wxID_STATIC, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemPanel27, wxSizerFlags(g_flags).Center()); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer28 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); itemPanel27->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer28); wxButton* itemButton29 = new wxButton(itemPanel27, wxID_OK, _("&OK ")); itemBoxSizer28->Add(itemButton29, g_flags); wxButton* itemButton30 = new wxButton(itemPanel27, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel ")); itemBoxSizer28->Add(itemButton30, g_flags); itemButton30->SetFocus(); }
wxSharedPtr<wxSQLite3Database> mmDBWrapper::Open(const wxString &dbpath, const wxString &password) { wxSharedPtr<wxSQLite3Database> db = static_db_ptr(); int err = SQLITE_OK; wxString errStr = wxEmptyString; try { db->Open(dbpath, password); // Ensure that an opened mmex database is decrypted db->TableExists("INFOTABLE"); } catch (const wxSQLite3Exception& e) { err = e.GetErrorCode(); errStr << e.GetMessage(); } if (err==SQLITE_OK) { //timeout 2 sec db->SetBusyTimeout(2000); return (db); } wxString s = _("Error opening database file:"); s << wxString::Format("\n%s\n\n", dbpath); if (err == SQLITE_CANTOPEN) { s << _("Can't open file") << "\n" << _("You must specify path to another database file"); } else if (err == SQLITE_NOTADB) { // wrong file extension maybe? try emb<->mmb wxASSERT(db->IsOpen()); db->Close(); err = SQLITE_OK; errStr = wxEmptyString; try { db->Open(dbpath, password.IsEmpty() ? readPasswordFromUser(false) : wxGetEmptyString()); db->TableExists("INFOTABLE"); } catch (const wxSQLite3Exception& e) { err = e.GetErrorCode(); errStr << e.GetMessage(); } if (err==SQLITE_OK) { //timeout 2 sec db->SetBusyTimeout(2000); return (db); } s << _("Possible reasons:") << "\n- " << _("An incorrect password given for an encrypted file") << "\n- " << _("Attempt to open a file that is not a database file") << "\n- " << _("Corrupted database file"); } else { s << errStr; } wxMessageDialog msgDlg(nullptr, s, _("Opening MMEX Database - Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); msgDlg.ShowModal(); if (db->IsOpen()) db->Close(); db.reset(); return db; // return a NULL database pointer }
wxHtmlTag::wxHtmlTag(wxHtmlTag *parent, const wxString *source, const wxString::const_iterator& pos, const wxString::const_iterator& end_pos, wxHtmlTagsCache *cache, wxHtmlEntitiesParser *entParser) { /* Setup DOM relations */ m_Next = NULL; m_FirstChild = m_LastChild = NULL; m_Parent = parent; if (parent) { m_Prev = m_Parent->m_LastChild; if (m_Prev == NULL) m_Parent->m_FirstChild = this; else m_Prev->m_Next = this; m_Parent->m_LastChild = this; } else m_Prev = NULL; /* Find parameters and their values: */ wxChar c wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0); // fill-in name, params and begin pos: wxString::const_iterator i(pos+1); // find tag's name and convert it to uppercase: while ((i < end_pos) && ((c = *(i++)) != wxT(' ') && c != wxT('\r') && c != wxT('\n') && c != wxT('\t') && c != wxT('>') && c != wxT('/'))) { if ((c >= wxT('a')) && (c <= wxT('z'))) c -= (wxT('a') - wxT('A')); m_Name << c; } // if the tag has parameters, read them and "normalize" them, // i.e. convert to uppercase, replace whitespaces by spaces and // remove whitespaces around '=': if (*(i-1) != wxT('>')) { #define IS_WHITE(c) (c == wxT(' ') || c == wxT('\r') || \ c == wxT('\n') || c == wxT('\t')) wxString pname, pvalue; wxChar quote; enum { ST_BEFORE_NAME = 1, ST_NAME, ST_BEFORE_EQ, ST_BEFORE_VALUE, ST_VALUE } state; quote = 0; state = ST_BEFORE_NAME; while (i < end_pos) { c = *(i++); if (c == wxT('>') && !(state == ST_VALUE && quote != 0)) { if (state == ST_BEFORE_EQ || state == ST_NAME) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); m_ParamValues.Add(wxGetEmptyString()); } else if (state == ST_VALUE && quote == 0) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); if (entParser) m_ParamValues.Add(entParser->Parse(pvalue)); else m_ParamValues.Add(pvalue); } break; } switch (state) { case ST_BEFORE_NAME: if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { pname = c; state = ST_NAME; } break; case ST_NAME: if (IS_WHITE(c)) state = ST_BEFORE_EQ; else if (c == wxT('=')) state = ST_BEFORE_VALUE; else pname << c; break; case ST_BEFORE_EQ: if (c == wxT('=')) state = ST_BEFORE_VALUE; else if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); m_ParamValues.Add(wxGetEmptyString()); pname = c; state = ST_NAME; } break; case ST_BEFORE_VALUE: if (!IS_WHITE(c)) { if (c == wxT('"') || c == wxT('\'')) quote = c, pvalue = wxGetEmptyString(); else quote = 0, pvalue = c; state = ST_VALUE; } break; case ST_VALUE: if ((quote != 0 && c == quote) || (quote == 0 && IS_WHITE(c))) { m_ParamNames.Add(pname); if (quote == 0) { // VS: backward compatibility, no real reason, // but wxHTML code relies on this... :( pvalue.MakeUpper(); } if (entParser) m_ParamValues.Add(entParser->Parse(pvalue)); else m_ParamValues.Add(pvalue); state = ST_BEFORE_NAME; } else pvalue << c; break; } } #undef IS_WHITE } m_Begin = i; cache->QueryTag(pos, source->end(), &m_End1, &m_End2, &m_hasEnding); if (m_End1 > end_pos) m_End1 = end_pos; if (m_End2 > end_pos) m_End2 = end_pos; #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 m_sourceStart = source->begin(); #endif }
void mmMainCurrencyDialog::CreateControls() { wxBoxSizer* mainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); this->SetSizer(mainBoxSizer); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); mainBoxSizer->Add(itemBoxSizer2, g_flagsExpand); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer22 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer22, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Proportion(0)); wxBitmapButton* update_button = new wxBitmapButton(this , wxID_STATIC, mmBitmap(png::UPDATE)); itemBoxSizer22->Add(update_button, g_flagsH); update_button->Connect(wxID_STATIC, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , wxCommandEventHandler(mmMainCurrencyDialog::OnOnlineUpdateCurRate), nullptr, this); update_button->SetToolTip(_("Online update currency rate")); itemBoxSizer22->AddSpacer(4); itemBoxSizer22->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC , _("Online Update")), g_flagsH); itemBoxSizer22->AddSpacer(15); cbShowAll_ = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_SELECTALL, _("Show All"), wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE); cbShowAll_->SetToolTip(_("Show all even the unused currencies")); cbShowAll_->Connect(wxID_SELECTALL, wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(mmMainCurrencyDialog::OnShowHiddenChbClick), nullptr, this); itemBoxSizer22->Add(cbShowAll_, g_flagsH); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, g_flagsExpand); //TODO:provide proper style and fix validator (does not working) currencyListBox_ = new wxDataViewListCtrl( this , wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 200)/*, wxDV_HORIZ_RULES, mmDoubleValidator(4)*/); currencyListBox_->AppendToggleColumn(ColName_[CURR_BASE], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 30); currencyListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[CURR_SYMBOL], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 60 , wxALIGN_LEFT, wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE); currencyListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[CURR_NAME], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 170 , wxALIGN_LEFT, wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE); currencyListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[BASE_RATE], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE, 80); itemBoxSizer3->Add(currencyListBox_, g_flagsExpand); wxPanel* buttonsPanel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); itemBoxSizer2->Add(buttonsPanel, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsV).Center()); wxBoxSizer* buttonsSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); buttonsPanel->SetSizer(buttonsSizer); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* itemBoxSizer66 = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer; buttonsSizer->Add(itemBoxSizer66); wxButton* itemButton7 = new wxButton(buttonsPanel, wxID_ADD, _("&Add ")); itemBoxSizer66->Add(itemButton7, g_flagsH); itemButtonEdit_ = new wxButton(buttonsPanel, wxID_EDIT, _("&Edit ")); itemBoxSizer66->Add(itemButtonEdit_, g_flagsH); itemButtonEdit_->Disable(); itemButtonDelete_ = new wxButton(buttonsPanel, wxID_REMOVE, _("&Remove ")); itemBoxSizer66->Add(itemButtonDelete_, g_flagsH); itemButtonDelete_->Disable(); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* itemBoxSizer9 = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer; buttonsSizer->Add(itemBoxSizer9, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Border(wxALL, 0)); wxButton* itemButtonSelect = new wxButton(buttonsPanel, wxID_SELECTALL, _("&Select")); itemBoxSizer9->Add(itemButtonSelect, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Proportion(4)); //itemButtonSelect->SetToolTip(_("Select the currently selected currency as the selected currency for the account")); if (bEnableSelect_ == false) itemButtonSelect->Disable(); //Some interfaces has no any close buttons, it may confuse user. Cancel button added wxButton* itemCancelButton = new wxButton(buttonsPanel, wxID_CANCEL, wxGetTranslation(g_CloseLabel)); itemBoxSizer9->Add(itemCancelButton, g_flagsH); itemCancelButton->SetFocus(); //History Panel wxBoxSizer* rightBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); mainBoxSizer->Add(rightBoxSizer, g_flagsExpand); historyStaticBox_ = new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, _("Currency History Options")); wxStaticBoxSizer* historyStaticBox_Sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(historyStaticBox_, wxVERTICAL); rightBoxSizer->Add(historyStaticBox_Sizer, g_flagsExpand); valueListBox_ = new wxListCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(250, 150) , wxLC_REPORT); historyStaticBox_Sizer->Add(valueListBox_, g_flagsExpand); wxListItem col0, col1, col2; // Add first column col0.SetId(0); col0.SetText(_("Date")); col0.SetWidth(90); valueListBox_->InsertColumn(0, col0); // Add second column col1.SetId(1); col1.SetText(_("Value")); col1.SetWidth(100); valueListBox_->InsertColumn(1, col1); // Add third column col2.SetId(2); col2.SetText(_("Diff.")); col2.SetWidth(90); valueListBox_->InsertColumn(2, col2); //History Buttons wxPanel* values_panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); historyStaticBox_Sizer->Add(values_panel, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsV).Centre()); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* values_sizer = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer; values_panel->SetSizer(values_sizer); values_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(values_panel, wxID_STATIC, _("Date")), g_flagsH); valueDatePicker_ = new wxDatePickerCtrl(values_panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultDateTime, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(120, -1), wxDP_DROPDOWN | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY); values_sizer->Add(valueDatePicker_, g_flagsH); valueDatePicker_->SetToolTip(_("Specify the date of currency value")); values_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(values_panel, wxID_STATIC, _("Value")), g_flagsH); valueTextBox_ = new mmTextCtrl(values_panel, wxID_ANY, wxGetEmptyString() , wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(120, -1), wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER , mmCalcValidator()); valueTextBox_->SetToolTip(_("Enter the currency value")); values_sizer->Add(valueTextBox_, g_flagsH); wxPanel* buttons_panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); historyStaticBox_Sizer->Add(buttons_panel, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsV).Centre()); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons_sizer = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer; buttons_panel->SetSizer(buttons_sizer); wxBitmapButton* buttonDownload = new wxBitmapButton(buttons_panel, HISTORY_UPDATE, mmBitmap(png::UPDATE)); buttonDownload->SetToolTip(_("Download Currency Values history")); historyButtonAdd_ = new wxButton(buttons_panel, HISTORY_ADD, _("&Add / Update "), wxDefaultPosition , wxSize(-1, buttonDownload->GetSize().GetY())); historyButtonAdd_->SetToolTip(_("Add Currency Values to history")); historyButtonDelete_ = new wxButton(buttons_panel, HISTORY_DELETE, _("&Delete "), wxDefaultPosition , wxSize(-1, buttonDownload->GetSize().GetY())); historyButtonDelete_->SetToolTip(_("Delete selected Currency Values")); wxBitmapButton* buttonDelUnusedHistory = new wxBitmapButton(buttons_panel , HISTORY_DELUNUSED, mmBitmap(png::VOID_STAT)); buttonDelUnusedHistory->SetToolTip(_("Delete Currency Values history for unused currencies")); buttons_sizer->Add(buttonDownload, g_flagsH); buttons_sizer->Add(historyButtonAdd_, g_flagsH); buttons_sizer->Add(historyButtonDelete_, g_flagsH); buttons_sizer->Add(buttonDelUnusedHistory, g_flagsH); this->SetMinSize(wxSize(800,550)); this->Fit(); }