Example #1
bool RheiaEnvironementManager::AddPath( const wxString& path )
    int index = m_libpaths.Index( path );
    if ( index != wxNOT_FOUND )
        return false;

    m_libpaths.Add( path );
    RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->Write( wxT("/libs") , m_libpaths );

    wxString env;
#if defined( WIN32 )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("PATH") , &env );
    env += wxT(";") + path;
    wxSetEnv( wxT("PATH") , env );
#elif defined( LINUX )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
    env += path + wxT(":");
    wxSetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );
#elif defined( MACOSX )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
    env += path + wxT(":");
    wxSetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );

    return true;
// Looks up the root directory, as needed by get_plucker_directory.
// Don't use this function directly, use a get_plucker_directory() instead.
wxString get_pluckerhome_directory()
    wxString pluckerhome_directory; 
#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXX11__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
    bool pluckerhome_exists;
    pluckerhome_exists = wxGetEnv( wxT( "PLUCKERHOME" ), &pluckerhome_directory );
    if ( ! pluckerhome_exists ) 
        pluckerhome_directory = wxGetHomeDir() << wxT( "/.plucker" );

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    bool pluckerhome_exists;
    pluckerhome_exists = wxGetEnv( wxT( "PLUCKERHOME" ), &pluckerhome_directory );
    if ( ! pluckerhome_exists ) 
        pluckerhome_directory = wxGetHomeDir() << wxT( "/Library/Plucker" );

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    bool pluckerhome_exists;
    pluckerhome_exists = wxGetEnv( wxT( "PLUCKERHOME" ), &pluckerhome_directory );
    if ( ! pluckerhome_exists ) 
        pluckerhome_directory = wxGetHomeDir() << wxT( "/Application Data/Plucker" );

    return pluckerhome_directory;
Example #3
    m_envars = RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->ReadStringStringMap( wxT("/variables") );
    m_libpaths = RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->ReadArrayString( wxT("/libs") );

    RheiaStringStringMap::iterator it = m_envars.begin();

    for ( ; it != m_envars.end() ; ++it )
        wxSetEnv( it->first , it->second );

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_libpaths.GetCount() ; ++i )
        wxString env;
#if defined( WIN32 )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("PATH") , &env );
        env += wxT(";") + m_libpaths[i];
        wxSetEnv( wxT("PATH") , env );
#elif defined( LINUX )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
        env += m_libpaths[i] + wxT(":");
        wxSetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );
#elif defined( MACOSX )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
        env += m_libpaths[i] + wxT(":");
        wxSetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );

    RheiaEventsManager* pm = RheiaEventsManager::Get();
    pm->RegisterEventMethod(RheiaEVT_FRAME_CLOSING, new RheiaEventFunctor<RheiaEnvironementManager>(this, RheiaFrameEventHandler(RheiaEnvironementManager::OnCloseFrame)));
Example #4
void Application::checkEnvironment()
    wxString envVar;
    if (wxGetEnv("FR_HOME", &envVar))
    if (wxGetEnv("FR_USER_HOME", &envVar))
AutoDetectResult CompilerMSVC::AutoDetectInstallationDir()
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

    // Read the VCToolkitInstallDir environment variable
    wxGetEnv(_T("VCToolkitInstallDir"), &m_MasterPath);

    if (m_MasterPath.IsEmpty())
        // just a guess; the default installation dir
        wxString Programs = _T("C:\\Program Files");
        // what's the "Program Files" location
        // TO DO : support 64 bit ->    32 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles(x86)"
        //                              64 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles"
        wxGetEnv(_T("ProgramFiles"), &Programs);
        m_MasterPath = Programs + _T("\\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003");
    if (!m_MasterPath.IsEmpty())
        AddIncludeDir(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("include"));
        AddLibDir(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("lib"));

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        // add include dirs for MS Platform SDK too
        wxRegKey key; // defaults to HKCR
        if (key.Exists() && key.Open(wxRegKey::Read))
            wxString dir;
            key.QueryValue(_T("Install Dir"), dir);
            if (!dir.IsEmpty())
                if (dir.GetChar(dir.Length() - 1) != '\\')
                    dir += sep;
                AddIncludeDir(dir + _T("include"));
                AddLibDir(dir + _T("lib"));
                m_ExtraPaths.Add(dir + _T("bin"));

        // add extra paths for "Debugging tools" too
        if (key.Exists() && key.Open(wxRegKey::Read))
            wxString dir;
            key.QueryValue(_T("WinDbg"), dir);
            if (!dir.IsEmpty())
                if (dir.GetChar(dir.Length() - 1) == '\\')
                    dir.Remove(dir.Length() - 1, 1);
#endif // __WXMSW__

    return wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;
Example #6
void CrtTestCase::SetGetEnv()
    wxString val;
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("value") );
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("something else"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("something else") );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxUnsetEnv(_T("TESTVAR")) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), NULL) == false );
Example #7
get_temp_dir() {
  wxString temp_dir;

  wxGetEnv(wxT("TMP"), &temp_dir);
  if (temp_dir == wxEmptyString)
    wxGetEnv(wxT("TEMP"), &temp_dir);
  if ((temp_dir == wxEmptyString) && wxDirExists(wxT("/tmp")))
    temp_dir = wxT("/tmp");
  if (temp_dir != wxEmptyString)
    temp_dir += wxT(PATHSEP);

  return temp_dir;
Example #8
 * GetKicadConfigPath() is taken from KiCad's common.cpp source:
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Wayne Stambaugh <*****@*****.**>
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2015 KiCad Developers
static wxString GetKicadConfigPath()
    wxFileName cfgpath;

    // From the wxWidgets wxStandardPaths::GetUserConfigDir() help:
    //      Unix: ~ (the home directory)
    //      Windows: "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data"
    //      Mac: ~/Library/Preferences
    cfgpath.AssignDir( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserConfigDir() );

#if !defined( __WINDOWS__ ) && !defined( __WXMAC__ )
    wxString envstr;

    if( !wxGetEnv( wxT( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ), &envstr ) || envstr.IsEmpty() )
        // XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, so use the fallback
        cfgpath.AppendDir( wxT( ".config" ) );
        // Override the assignment above with XDG_CONFIG_HOME
        cfgpath.AssignDir( envstr );

    cfgpath.AppendDir( wxT( "kicad" ) );

    if( !cfgpath.DirExists() )
        cfgpath.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL );

    return cfgpath.GetPath();
bool nsEnvVars::EnvvarVetoUI(const wxString& key, wxCheckListBox* lstEnvVars, int sel)
#if defined(TRACE_ENVVARS)

  if (wxGetEnv(key, NULL))
    wxString recursion;
    if (platform::windows) recursion = _T("PATH=%PATH%;C:\\NewPath");
    else                   recursion = _T("PATH=$PATH:/new_path");

    wxString warn_exist;
    warn_exist.Printf(_("Warning: Environment variable '%s' is already set.\n"
                        "Continue with updating it's value?\n"
                        "(Recursions like '%s' will be considered.)"),
                        key.wx_str(), recursion.wx_str());

    if (cbMessageBox(warn_exist, _("Confirmation"),
                     wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION) == wxID_NO)
      if (lstEnvVars && (sel>=0))
        lstEnvVars->Check(sel, false); // Unset to visualise it's NOT set
      return true; // User has vetoed the operation
  }// if

  return false;
}// EnvvarVetoUI
Example #10
const wxString S3D_MASTER::GetShape3DFullFilename()

    wxString shapeName;

    // Expand any environment variables embedded in footprint's m_Shape3DName field.
    // To ensure compatibility with most of footprint's m_Shape3DName field,
    // if the m_Shape3DName is not an absolute path the default path
    // given by the environment variable KISYS3DMOD will be used

    if( m_Shape3DName.StartsWith( wxT("${") ) )
        shapeName = wxExpandEnvVars( m_Shape3DName );
        shapeName = m_Shape3DName;

    wxFileName fn( shapeName );

    if( fn.IsAbsolute() || shapeName.StartsWith( wxT(".") ) )
        return shapeName;

    wxString default_path;
    wxGetEnv( KISYS3DMOD, &default_path );

    if( default_path.IsEmpty() )
        return shapeName;

    if( !default_path.EndsWith( wxT("/") ) && !default_path.EndsWith( wxT("\\") ) )
        default_path += wxT("/");

    default_path += shapeName;

    return default_path;
Example #11
/// Extend LIB_ENV_VAR list with the directory from which I came, prepending it.
static void set_lib_env_var( const wxString& aAbsoluteArgv0 )
    // POLICY CHOICE 2: Keep same path, so that installer MAY put the
    // "subsidiary DSOs" in the same directory as the kiway top process modules.
    // A subsidiary shared library is one that is not a top level DSO, but rather
    // some shared library that a top level DSO needs to even be loaded.  It is
    // a static link to a shared object from a top level DSO.

    // This directory POLICY CHOICE 2 is not the only dir in play, since LIB_ENV_VAR
    // has numerous path options in it, as does DSO searching on linux, windows, and OSX.
    // See "man ldconfig" on linux. What's being done here is for quick installs
    // into a non-standard place, and especially for Windows users who may not
    // know what the PATH environment variable is or how to set it.

    wxFileName  fn( aAbsoluteArgv0 );

    wxString    ld_path( LIB_ENV_VAR );
    wxString    my_path   = fn.GetPath();
    wxString    new_paths = PrePendPath( ld_path, my_path );

    wxSetEnv( ld_path, new_paths );

#if defined(DEBUG)
        wxString    test;
        wxGetEnv( ld_path, &test );
        printf( "LIB_ENV_VAR:'%s'\n", TO_UTF8( test ) );
wxString EnvironmentConfig::DoExpandVariables(const wxString& in)
    wxString result(in);
    wxString varName, text;

    DollarEscaper de(result);
    while ( MacroManager::Instance()->FindVariable(result, varName, text) ) {

        wxString replacement;
        if(varName == wxT("MAKE")) {
            //ignore this variable, since it is probably was passed here
            //by the makefile generator
            replacement = wxT("___MAKE___");

        } else {

            //search for an environment with this name
            wxGetEnv(varName, &replacement);
        result.Replace(text, replacement);

    //restore the ___MAKE___ back to $(MAKE)
    result.Replace(wxT("___MAKE___"), wxT("$(MAKE)"));
    return result;
Example #13
const wxString& PGM_BASE::GetEditorName( bool aCanShowFileChooser )
    wxString editorname = m_editor_name;

    if( !editorname )
        if( !wxGetEnv( wxT( "EDITOR" ), &editorname ) )
            // If there is no EDITOR variable set, try the desktop default
#ifdef __WXMAC__
            editorname = "/usr/bin/open";
#elif __WXX11__
            editorname = "/usr/bin/xdg-open";

    // If we still don't have an editor name show a dialog asking the user to select one
    if( !editorname && aCanShowFileChooser )
        DisplayInfoMessage( NULL,
                            _( "No default editor found, you must choose it" ) );

        editorname = AskUserForPreferredEditor();

    // If we finally have a new editor name request it to be copied to m_editor_name and
    // saved to the preferences file.
    if( !editorname.IsEmpty() )
        SetEditorName( editorname );

    // m_editor_name already has the same value that editorname, or empty if no editor was
    // found/chosen.
    return m_editor_name;
Example #14
wxString Path::GetDesktopDir()
	char *desktopDir = xdg_user_dir_lookup_with_fallback("DESKTOP", NULL);

	if (desktopDir != NULL)
		wxString desktop = wxString(desktopDir);
		std::cout << "Desktop/XDG: " << desktop << std::endl;
		free (desktopDir);
		return desktop;
	free (desktopDir);
	wxString homeDir;

	if (wxGetEnv("HOME", &homeDir))
		wxString desktopDir = Path::Combine(homeDir, "Desktop");
			std::cout << "Using home as a fallback: " << homeDir << std::endl;
			return homeDir;
			std::cout << "Desktop/Guess: " << desktopDir << std::endl;
			return desktopDir;
		std::cout << "Desktop: not found" << std::endl;
		return wxEmptyString;
Example #15
bool PathExpand(wxString& cmd)
#ifndef __WXMSW__
	if (cmd[0] == '/')
		return true;
	if (cmd[0] == '\\')
		// UNC or root of current working dir, whatever that is
		return true;
	if (cmd.Len() > 2 && cmd[1] == ':')
		// Absolute path
		return true;

	// Need to search for program in $PATH
	wxString path;
	if (!wxGetEnv(_T("PATH"), &path))
		return false;

	wxString full_cmd;
	bool found = wxFindFileInPath(&full_cmd, path, cmd);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
	if (!found && cmd.Right(4).Lower() != _T(".exe"))
		cmd += _T(".exe");
		found = wxFindFileInPath(&full_cmd, path, cmd);

	if (!found)
		return false;

	cmd = full_cmd;
	return true;
bool nsEnvVars::EnvvarDiscard(const wxString &key)
#if defined(TRACE_ENVVARS)

  // Replace all macros the user might have setup for the key
  wxString the_key = key;
  if (the_key.Trim().IsEmpty()) return false;
  if (!wxGetEnv(the_key, NULL)) return false; // envvar was not set - nothing to do.

  std::map<wxString,wxString>::iterator it = nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack.find(the_key);
  if (it!=nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack.end()) // found an old envvar on the stack
    return nsEnvVars::EnvvarApply(the_key, it->second); // restore old value

  if (!wxUnsetEnv(the_key))
      _("Unsetting environment variable '%s' failed."), the_key.wx_str())
    EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Unsetting environment variable '%s' failed."), the_key.wx_str());
    return false;

  return true;
}// EnvvarDiscard
Example #17
void EnvTestCase::Path()
    wxString contents;
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &contents));
Example #18
wxString wxStandardPaths::GetExecutablePath() const
#ifdef __LINUX__
    wxString exeStr;

    char buf[4096];
    int result = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, WXSIZEOF(buf) - sizeof(char));
    if ( result != -1 )
        buf[result] = '\0'; // readlink() doesn't NUL-terminate the buffer

        // if the /proc/self/exe symlink has been dropped by the kernel for
        // some reason, then readlink() could also return success but
        // "(deleted)" as link destination...
        if ( strcmp(buf, "(deleted)") != 0 )
            exeStr = wxString(buf, wxConvLibc);

    if ( exeStr.empty() )
        // UPX-specific hack: when using UPX on linux, the kernel will drop the
        // /proc/self/exe link; in this case we try to look for a special
        // environment variable called "   " which is created by UPX to save
        // /proc/self/exe contents. See
        //      http://sf.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=309863&aid=1565357&group_id=9863
        // for more information about this issue.
        wxGetEnv(wxT("   "), &exeStr);

    if ( !exeStr.empty() )
        return exeStr;
#endif // __LINUX__

    return wxStandardPathsBase::GetExecutablePath();
    WIZARD_FPLIB_TABLE_BASE( aParent ), m_welcomeDlg( m_pages[0] ),
    m_fileSelectDlg( m_pages[1] ), m_githubListDlg( m_pages[2] ),
    m_reviewDlg( m_pages[3] ), m_targetDlg( m_pages[4] ), m_selectedFilter( 0 )
    m_filePicker->SetFilter( getFilterString() );

    // Initialize default download dir
    wxString default_path;
    wxGetEnv( FP_LIB_TABLE::GlobalPathEnvVariableName(), &default_path );
    setDownloadDir( default_path );
    m_filePicker->SetPath( default_path );

    // Restore the Github url
    wxString githubUrl;

    wxConfigBase* cfg = Pgm().CommonSettings();
    cfg->Read( KICAD_FPLIBS_URL_KEY, &githubUrl );
    cfg->Read( KICAD_FPLIBS_LAST_DOWNLOAD_DIR, &m_lastGithubDownloadDirectory );

    if( !m_lastGithubDownloadDirectory.IsEmpty() )
        setDownloadDir( m_lastGithubDownloadDirectory );
        m_filePicker->SetPath( m_lastGithubDownloadDirectory );
    } else {
        m_lastGithubDownloadDirectory = default_path;

    if( githubUrl.IsEmpty() )
        githubUrl = wxT( "https://github.com/KiCad" );

    SetGithubURL( githubUrl );

    // Give the minimal size to the dialog, which allows displaying any page
    wxSize minsize;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_pages.size(); ii++ )
        wxSize size = m_pages[ii]->GetSizer()->CalcMin();
        minsize.x = std::max( minsize.x, size.x );
        minsize.y = std::max( minsize.y, size.y );

    SetMinSize( minsize );
    SetPageSize( minsize );
    GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );

    if( !m_radioAddGithub->GetValue() && !m_radioAddLocal->GetValue() )
        m_radioAddLocal->SetValue( true );


    Connect( wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, wxCommandEventHandler( WIZARD_FPLIB_TABLE::OnSourceCheck ), NULL, this );
    Connect( wxEVT_DIRCTRL_SELECTIONCHANGED, wxCommandEventHandler( WIZARD_FPLIB_TABLE::OnSelectFiles ), NULL, this );
    Connect( wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, wxCommandEventHandler( WIZARD_FPLIB_TABLE::OnCheckGithubList ), NULL, this );
Example #20
void wxWindowMGL::HandlePaint(MGLDevCtx *dc)
    if ( IsFrozen() )
        // Don't paint anything if the window is frozen.
        m_refreshAfterThaw = true;

#if wxDEBUG_LEVEL >= 2
    // FIXME_MGL -- debugging stuff, to be removed!
    static int debugPaintEvents = -1;
    if ( debugPaintEvents == -1 )
        debugPaintEvents = wxGetEnv(wxT("WXMGL_DEBUG_PAINT_EVENTS"), NULL);
    if ( debugPaintEvents )
#endif // wxDEBUG_LEVEL >= 2

    MGLRegion clip;
    m_updateRegion = wxRegion(clip);
    m_paintMGLDC = dc;

    // must hide caret temporarily, otherwise we'd get rendering artifacts
    wxCaret *caret = GetCaret();
    if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

    if ( m_eraseBackground != 0 )
        wxWindowDC dc((wxWindow*)this);
        wxEraseEvent eventEr(m_windowId, &dc);
    m_eraseBackground = -1;

    wxNcPaintEvent eventNc(GetId());

    wxPaintEvent eventPt(GetId());

    if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

    m_paintMGLDC = NULL;
Example #21
File: Env.cpp Project: boulerne/e
void cxEnv::AddSystemVars(const bool isUnix, const wxString &baseAppPath) {
	wxFileName supportPath = baseAppPath;
	const bool supportPathExists = supportPath.DirExists();
	if (supportPathExists) {
		const wxString tmSupportPath = isUnix ? eDocumentPath::WinPathToCygwin(supportPath) : supportPath.GetPath();
		this->SetEnv(wxT("TM_SUPPORT_PATH"), tmSupportPath);

		if (isUnix) {
			wxFileName bashInit = supportPath;
			if (bashInit.FileExists()) {
				wxString s_tmBashInit = eDocumentPath::WinPathToCygwin(bashInit);
				this->SetEnv(wxT("TM_BASH_INIT"), s_tmBashInit);

	// PATH
	wxString envPath;
	if (wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &envPath)) {
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		// Check if cygwin is on the path
		if (!eDocumentPath::CygwinPath().empty()) {
			if (!envPath.Contains(eDocumentPath::CygwinPath())) {
				const wxString binPath = eDocumentPath::CygwinPath() + wxT("\\bin");
				const wxString x11Path = eDocumentPath::CygwinPath() + wxT("\\usr\\X11R6\\bin");

				if (!envPath.empty()) {
					envPath = binPath + wxT(";") + x11Path + wxT(";") + envPath;
#endif // __WXMSW__

		// Add TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin to the PATH
		if (supportPathExists) {
			wxFileName supportBinPath = supportPath;
			if (supportBinPath.DirExists()) {
				envPath = supportBinPath.GetPath() + wxT(";") + envPath;

		this->SetEnv(wxT("PATH"), envPath);

	wxString appPath = baseAppPath;
	if (isUnix) appPath = eDocumentPath::WinPathToCygwin(appPath);
	this->SetEnv(wxT("TM_APPPATH"), appPath);

	this->SetEnv(wxT("TM_FULLNAME"), wxGetUserName());
Example #22
bool DbgGdb::DoLocateGdbExecutable(const wxString& debuggerPath, wxString& dbgExeName)
	if (m_gdbProcess) {
		//dont allow second instance of the debugger
		return false;
	wxString cmd;

	dbgExeName = debuggerPath;
	if (dbgExeName.IsEmpty()) {
		dbgExeName = wxT("gdb");

	wxString actualPath;
	if (ExeLocator::Locate(dbgExeName, actualPath) == false) {
		wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to locate gdb! at '%s'"), dbgExeName.c_str()),
		return false;

	// set the debugger specific startup commands
	wxString startupInfo ( m_info.startupCommands );

	// We must replace TABS with spaces or else gdb will hang...
	startupInfo.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxT(" "));

	// Write the content into a file
	wxString codelite_gdbinit_file;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
	codelite_gdbinit_file << wxFileName::GetTempDir() << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() << wxT("codelite_gdbinit.txt");
	wxString home_env;
	if( !wxGetEnv(wxT("HOME"), &home_env) ) {
		m_observer->UpdateAddLine(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to read HOME environment variable")));
	} else {
		codelite_gdbinit_file  << home_env << wxT("/") << wxT(".gdbinit");
		if( wxFileName::FileExists(codelite_gdbinit_file) && !wxFileName::FileExists(codelite_gdbinit_file + wxT(".backup"))) {
			wxCopyFile(codelite_gdbinit_file, codelite_gdbinit_file + wxT(".backup") );
			m_observer->UpdateAddLine(wxString::Format(wxT(".gdbinit file was backup to %s"), wxString(codelite_gdbinit_file + wxT(".backup")).c_str()));
	wxFFile file;
	if (!file.Open(codelite_gdbinit_file, wxT("w+b"))) {
		m_observer->UpdateAddLine(wxString::Format(wxT("Failed to generate gdbinit file at %s"), codelite_gdbinit_file.c_str()));

	} else {
		m_observer->UpdateAddLine(wxString::Format(wxT("Using gdbinit file: %s"), codelite_gdbinit_file.c_str()));
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		dbgExeName << wxT(" --command=\"") << codelite_gdbinit_file << wxT("\"");


	return true;
Example #23
bool			SG_Get_Environment(const CSG_String &Variable, CSG_String *Value)
	if( Value == NULL)
		return( wxGetEnv(Variable.w_str(), NULL) );

	wxString	s;

	if( wxGetEnv(Variable.w_str(), &s) )
		*Value	= s.wc_str();

		return( true );

	return( false );
Example #24
void COptions::InitSettingsDir()
	wxFileName fn;

	if (!dir.empty())
		wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(dir, _T("/\\"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL);
		dir = _T("");
		while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens())
			wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
			if (token[0] == '$')
				if (token[1] == '$')
					token = token.Mid(1);
					wxString value;
					if (wxGetEnv(token.Mid(1), &value))
						token = value;
			dir += token;
			const wxChar delimiter = tokenizer.GetLastDelimiter();
			if (delimiter)
				dir += delimiter;

		fn = wxFileName(dir, _T(""));
		fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL, wxGetApp().GetDefaultsDir());
#ifdef __WXMSW__
		wxChar buffer[MAX_PATH * 2 + 1];

			fn = wxFileName(buffer, _T(""));
			// Fall back to directory where the executable is
			if (GetModuleFileName(0, buffer, MAX_PATH * 2))
				fn = buffer;
		fn = wxFileName(wxGetHomeDir(), _T(""));
	if (!fn.DirExists())
		wxMkdir(fn.GetPath(), 0700);
Example #25
void CrtTestCase::SetGetEnv()
    wxString val;
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("value") );
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("something else"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("something else") );

    // this test doesn't work under Unix systems without setenv(): putenv() can
    // only be used to add or modify environment variables but not to unset
    // them
#if !defined(__UNIX__) || defined(HAVE_SETENV)
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxUnsetEnv(_T("TESTVAR")) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), NULL) == false );
Example #26
wxString Path::GetDesktopDir()
	wxString homeDir;

	if (wxGetEnv("HOME", &homeDir))
		return Path::Combine(homeDir, "Desktop");
		return wxEmptyString;
wxString S3D_CACHE::Get3DConfigDir( bool createDefault )
    if( !m_ConfigDir.empty() || !createDefault )
        return m_ConfigDir;

    // note: duplicated from common/common.cpp GetKicadConfigPath() to avoid
    // code coupling; ideally the instantiating code should call
    // Set3DConfigDir() to set the directory rather than relying on this
    // directory remaining the same in future KiCad releases.
    wxFileName cfgpath;

    // From the wxWidgets wxStandardPaths::GetUserConfigDir() help:
    //      Unix: ~ (the home directory)
    //      Windows: "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data"
    //      Mac: ~/Library/Preferences
    cfgpath.AssignDir( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserConfigDir() );

#if !defined( __WINDOWS__ ) && !defined( __WXMAC__ )
    wxString envstr;

    if( !wxGetEnv( wxT( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ), &envstr ) || envstr.IsEmpty() )
        // XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, so use the fallback
        cfgpath.AppendDir( wxT( ".config" ) );
        // Override the assignment above with XDG_CONFIG_HOME
        cfgpath.AssignDir( envstr );

    cfgpath.AppendDir( wxT( "kicad" ) );
    cfgpath.AppendDir( wxT( "3d" ) );

    if( !cfgpath.DirExists() )
        cfgpath.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL );

    if( !cfgpath.DirExists() )
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        wxString errmsg = "failed to create 3D configuration directory";
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * " << errmsg.ToUTF8();
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_CACHE, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return wxT( "" );

    if( Set3DConfigDir( cfgpath.GetPath() ) )
        return m_ConfigDir;

    return wxEmptyString;
Example #28
void GraphicsContextDrawingTestCase::RunPluginsDrawingCase (
    const DrawingTestCase & testCase)
    if (!m_drawingPluginsLoaded)
        m_drawingPluginsLoaded = true;

        wxString pluginsListStr;
        if (!wxGetEnv ("WX_TEST_SUITE_GC_DRAWING_PLUGINS", &pluginsListStr))
            return; // no plugins

        wxArrayString pluginsNameArray = wxSplit (pluginsListStr, ',', '\0');
        m_drawingPlugins.resize (pluginsNameArray.size());

        for (size_t idx=0; idx<pluginsNameArray.size(); ++idx)
            PluginInfo &pluginBeingLoaded = m_drawingPlugins[idx];
            pluginBeingLoaded.library = new wxDynamicLibrary;
            if (!pluginBeingLoaded.library->Load (pluginsNameArray[idx]))
                wxLogFatalError("could not load drawing plugin %s",

                CreateDrawingTestLifeCycle, *pluginBeingLoaded.library);
                DestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle, *pluginBeingLoaded.library);

            if (!pfnCreateDrawingTestLifeCycle ||
                wxLogFatalError("could not find function"
                    " CreateDrawingTestLifeCycle or "
                    "DestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle in %s", pluginsNameArray[idx]);

            pluginBeingLoaded.destroy = pfnDestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle;
            pluginBeingLoaded.gcFactory = (*pfnCreateDrawingTestLifeCycle)();
            if (!pluginBeingLoaded.gcFactory)
                wxLogFatalError("failed to create life-cycle object in %s",

    // now execute the test case for each plugin
    for (size_t idxp=0; idxp<m_drawingPlugins.size(); ++idxp)
        RunIndividualDrawingCase (*m_drawingPlugins[idxp].gcFactory, testCase);
Example #29
bool GraphicsContextDrawingTestCase::GetBuildReference() const
    if (!ms_buildReferenceDetermined)
        wxString value;
        if (wxGetEnv("WX_TEST_SUITE_BUILD_REFERENCE", &value))
            ms_buildReference = value == "1";
    return ms_buildReference;
Example #30
void EnvTestCase::GetSet()
    const wxChar *var = wxT("wxTestVar");
    wxString contents;

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!wxGetEnv(var, &contents));

    wxSetEnv(var, wxT("value for wxTestVar"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(wxGetEnv(var, &contents));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(contents == wxT("value for wxTestVar"));

    wxSetEnv(var, wxT("another value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(wxGetEnv(var, &contents));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(contents == wxT("another value"));

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!wxGetEnv(var, &contents));