void DIALOG_GENDRILL::OnGenReportFile( wxCommandEvent& event ) { UpdateConfig(); // set params and Save drill options wxFileName fn = m_parent->GetBoard()->GetFileName(); fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + wxT( "-drl" ) ); fn.SetExt( ReportFileExtension ); wxString defaultPath = m_plotOpts.GetOutputDirectory(); if( defaultPath.IsEmpty() ) defaultPath = ::wxGetCwd(); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Drill Report File" ), defaultPath, fn.GetFullName(), wxGetTranslation( ReportFileWildcard ), wxFD_SAVE ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; EXCELLON_WRITER excellonWriter( m_parent->GetBoard(), m_FileDrillOffset ); excellonWriter.SetFormat( !m_UnitDrillIsInch, (EXCELLON_WRITER::zeros_fmt) m_ZerosFormat, m_Precision.m_lhs, m_Precision.m_rhs ); excellonWriter.SetOptions( m_Mirror, m_MinimalHeader, m_FileDrillOffset, m_Merge_PTH_NPTH ); bool success = excellonWriter.GenDrillReportFile( dlg.GetPath() ); wxString msg; if( ! success ) { msg.Printf( _( "** Unable to create %s **\n" ), GetChars( dlg.GetPath() ) ); m_messagesBox->AppendText( msg ); } else { msg.Printf( _( "Report file %s created\n" ), GetChars( dlg.GetPath() ) ); m_messagesBox->AppendText( msg ); } }
void mmAssetsPanel::OnViewPopupSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) { int evt = std::max(event.GetId() - 1, 0); if (evt == 0) { itemStaticTextMainFilter_->SetLabelText(_("All")); this->m_filter_type = Model_Asset::TYPE(-1); } else { this->m_filter_type = Model_Asset::TYPE(evt - 1); itemStaticTextMainFilter_->SetLabelText(wxGetTranslation(Model_Asset::all_type()[evt - 1])); } int trx_id = -1; m_listCtrlAssets->doRefreshItems(trx_id); updateExtraAssetData(trx_id); }
wxString CServer::GetProtocolName(enum ServerProtocol protocol) { const t_protocolInfo *protocolInfo = protocolInfos; while (protocolInfo->protocol != UNKNOWN) { if (protocolInfo->protocol != protocol) { protocolInfo++; continue; } if (protocolInfo->translateable) return wxGetTranslation(protocolInfo->name); else return protocolInfo->name; } return _T(""); }
wxString CStatTreeItemSimple::GetDisplayString() const { switch (m_valuetype) { case vtInteger: switch (m_displaymode) { case dmTime: return CFormat(wxGetTranslation(m_label)) % CastSecondsToHM(m_intvalue); case dmBytes: return CFormat(wxGetTranslation(m_label)) % CastItoXBytes(m_intvalue); default: return CFormat(wxGetTranslation(m_label)) % m_intvalue; } case vtFloat: return CFormat(wxGetTranslation(m_label)) % m_floatvalue; case vtString: return CFormat(wxGetTranslation(m_label)) % m_stringvalue; default: return wxGetTranslation(m_label); } }
wxString NewKeyShortcutDlg::ToString(wxKeyEvent& e) { wxString text; // int flags = e.GetModifiers(); // if ( flags & wxMOD_ALT ) // text += wxT("Alt-"); // if ( flags & wxMOD_CONTROL ) // text += wxT("Ctrl-"); // if ( flags & wxMOD_SHIFT ) // text += wxT("Shift-"); const int code = e.GetKeyCode(); if(code >= WXK_F1 && code <= WXK_F12) text << _("F") << code - WXK_F1 + 1; else if(code >= WXK_NUMPAD0 && code <= WXK_NUMPAD9) text << code - WXK_NUMPAD0; else if(code >= WXK_SPECIAL1 && code <= WXK_SPECIAL20) text << _("SPECIAL") << code - WXK_SPECIAL1 + 1; else { // check the named keys size_t n; for(n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(wxKeyNames); n++) { const wxKeyName& kn = wxKeyNames[n]; if(code == kn.code && kn.code != WXK_COMMAND) { text << wxGetTranslation(kn.name); break; } } if(n == WXSIZEOF(wxKeyNames)) { // must be a simple key if(isascii(code)) { text << (wxChar)code; } else { return wxEmptyString; } } } return text; }
void EDA_APP::AddMenuLanguageList( wxMenu* MasterMenu ) { wxMenu* menu = NULL; wxMenuItem* item; unsigned int ii; item = MasterMenu->FindItem( ID_LANGUAGE_CHOICE ); if( item ) // This menu exists, do nothing return; menu = new wxMenu; for( ii = 0; ii < LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT; ii++ ) { wxString label; if( s_Language_List[ii].m_DoNotTranslate ) label = s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Label; else label = wxGetTranslation( s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Label ); AddMenuItem( menu, s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, label, KiBitmap(s_Language_List[ii].m_Lang_Icon ), wxITEM_CHECK ); } AddMenuItem( MasterMenu, menu, ID_LANGUAGE_CHOICE, _( "Language" ), _( "Select application language (only for testing!)" ), KiBitmap( language_xpm ) ); // Set Check mark on current selected language for( ii = 0; ii < LANGUAGE_DESCR_COUNT; ii++ ) { if( m_LanguageId == s_Language_List[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier ) menu->Check( s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, true ); else menu->Check( s_Language_List[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier, false ); } }
enum ServerProtocol CServer::GetProtocolFromName(const wxString& name) { const t_protocolInfo *protocolInfo = protocolInfos; while (protocolInfo->protocol != UNKNOWN) { if (protocolInfo->translateable) { if (wxGetTranslation(protocolInfo->name) == name) return protocolInfo->protocol; } else { if (protocolInfo->name == name) return protocolInfo->protocol; } protocolInfo++; } return UNKNOWN; }
wxString wxAcceleratorEntry::ToString() const { wxString text; int flags = GetFlags(); if ( flags & wxACCEL_ALT ) text += _("Alt-"); if ( flags & wxACCEL_CTRL ) text += _("Ctrl-"); if ( flags & wxACCEL_SHIFT ) text += _("Shift-"); const int code = GetKeyCode(); if ( wxIsalnum(code) ) text << (wxChar)code; else if ( code >= WXK_F1 && code <= WXK_F12 ) text << _("F") << code - WXK_F1 + 1; else if ( code >= WXK_NUMPAD0 && code <= WXK_NUMPAD9 ) text << _("KP_") << code - WXK_NUMPAD0; else if ( code >= WXK_SPECIAL1 && code <= WXK_SPECIAL20 ) text << _("SPECIAL") << code - WXK_SPECIAL1 + 1; else // check the named keys { size_t n; for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(wxKeyNames); n++ ) { const wxKeyName& kn = wxKeyNames[n]; if ( code == kn.code ) { text << wxGetTranslation(kn.name); break; } } wxASSERT_MSG( n != WXSIZEOF(wxKeyNames), wxT("unknown keyboard accelerator code") ); } return text; }
void mmPayeeDialog::CreateControls() { wxBoxSizer* mainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); //TODO:provide proper style payeeListBox_ = new wxDataViewListCtrl( this , wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(450, 500)/*, wxDV_HORIZ_RULES*/); if (debug_) payeeListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[PAYEE_ID], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 30); payeeListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[PAYEE_NAME], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE, 150); payeeListBox_->AppendTextColumn(ColName_[PAYEE_CATEGORY], wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 250); mainBoxSizer->Add(payeeListBox_, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Border(wxALL, 10)); wxPanel* buttons_panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); mainBoxSizer->Add(buttons_panel, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Proportion(0)); wxBoxSizer* tools_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); buttons_panel->SetSizer(tools_sizer); wxBoxSizer* tools_sizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); tools_sizer->Add(tools_sizer2, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsExpand).Border(0)); wxBitmapButton* magicButton = new wxBitmapButton(buttons_panel , wxID_APPLY, mmBitmap(png::RUN)); magicButton->SetToolTip(_("Other tools")); tools_sizer2->Add(magicButton, g_flagsH); m_maskTextCtrl = new wxSearchCtrl(buttons_panel, wxID_FIND); m_maskTextCtrl->SetFocus(); tools_sizer2->Prepend(m_maskTextCtrl, g_flagsExpand); tools_sizer2->Prepend(new wxStaticText(buttons_panel, wxID_STATIC, _("Search:")), g_flagsH); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons_sizer = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer; tools_sizer->Add(buttons_sizer, wxSizerFlags(g_flagsV).Center()); wxButton* buttonOK = new wxButton(buttons_panel, wxID_OK, _("&OK ")); wxButton* btnCancel = new wxButton(buttons_panel, wxID_CANCEL, wxGetTranslation(g_CancelLabel)); buttons_sizer->Add(buttonOK, g_flagsH); buttons_sizer->Add(btnCancel, g_flagsH); this->SetSizer(mainBoxSizer); }
void CFrame::DoRecordingSave() { bool paused = (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE); if (!paused) DoPause(); wxString path = wxFileSelector(_("Select The Recording File"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _("Dolphin TAS Movies (*.dtm)") + wxString::Format("|*.dtm|%s", wxGetTranslation(wxALL_FILES)), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_PREVIEW | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, this); if (path.IsEmpty()) return; Movie::SaveRecording(WxStrToStr(path)); if (!paused) DoPause(); }
void CFrame::OnPlayRecording(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString path = wxFileSelector(_("Select The Recording File"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _("Dolphin TAS Movies (*.dtm)") + wxString::Format("|*.dtm|%s", wxGetTranslation(wxALL_FILES)), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_PREVIEW | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST, this); if (path.IsEmpty()) return; if (!Movie::IsReadOnly()) { // let's make the read-only flag consistent at the start of a movie. Movie::SetReadOnly(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_RECORD_READ_ONLY)->Check(); } if (Movie::PlayInput(WxStrToStr(path))) BootGame(""); }
BacklashGraph::BacklashGraph(wxDialog *parent, BacklashTool *pBL) : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxGetTranslation(_("Backlash Results")), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 400)) { m_BLT = pBL; // Just but a big button area for the graph with a button below it wxBoxSizer *vSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); // Use a bitmap button so we don't waste cycles in paint events wxBitmap theGraph = CreateGraph(450, 300); wxBitmapButton *graphButton = new wxBitmapButton(this, wxID_ANY, theGraph, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(450, 300), wxBU_AUTODRAW | wxBU_EXACTFIT); vSizer->Add(graphButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALL | wxFIXED_MINSIZE, 5); graphButton->SetBitmapDisabled(theGraph); graphButton->Enable(false); // ok button because we're modal vSizer->Add( CreateButtonSizer(wxOK), wxSizerFlags(0).Expand().Border(wxALL, 10)); SetSizerAndFit(vSizer); }
void EditToolBar::RegenerateTooltips() { #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS static const struct Entry { int tool; wxString commandName; wxString untranslatedLabel; } table[] = { { ETBCutID, wxT("Cut"), XO("Cut") }, { ETBCopyID, wxT("Copy"), XO("Copy") }, { ETBPasteID, wxT("Paste"), XO("Paste") }, { ETBTrimID, wxT("Trim"), XO("Trim Audio") }, { ETBSilenceID, wxT("Silence"), XO("Silence Audio") }, { ETBUndoID, wxT("Undo"), XO("Undo") }, { ETBRedoID, wxT("Redo"), XO("Redo") }, #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_SYNC_LOCK { ETBSyncLockID, wxT("SyncLock"), XO("Sync-Lock Tracks") }, #endif { ETBZoomInID, wxT("ZoomIn"), XO("Zoom In") }, { ETBZoomOutID, wxT("ZoomOut"), XO("Zoom Out") }, { ETBZoomSelID, wxT("ZoomSel"), XO("Fit Selection") }, { ETBZoomFitID, wxT("FitInWindow"), XO("Fit Project") }, #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_EFFECTS_RACK) { ETBEffectsID, wxT(""), XO("Open Effects Rack") }, #endif }; std::vector<wxString> commands; for (const auto &entry : table) { commands.clear(); commands.push_back(wxGetTranslation(entry.untranslatedLabel)); commands.push_back(entry.commandName); ToolBar::SetButtonToolTip(*mButtons[entry.tool], commands); } #endif }
EffectDistortion::EffectDistortion() { wxASSERT(kNumTableTypes == WXSIZEOF(kTableTypeStrings)); mParams.mTableChoiceIndx = DEF_TableTypeIndx; mParams.mDCBlock = DEF_DCBlock; mParams.mThreshold_dB = DEF_Threshold_dB; mThreshold = DB_TO_LINEAR(mParams.mThreshold_dB); mParams.mNoiseFloor = DEF_NoiseFloor; mParams.mParam1 = DEF_Param1; mParams.mParam2 = DEF_Param2; mParams.mRepeats = DEF_Repeats; mMakeupGain = 1.0; mbSavedFilterState = DEF_DCBlock; for (int i = 0; i < kNumTableTypes; i++) { mTableTypes.Add(wxGetTranslation(kTableTypeStrings[i])); } SetLinearEffectFlag(false); }
/* static */ wxString wxFontMapperBase::GetEncodingDescription(wxFontEncoding encoding) { if ( encoding == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT ) { return _("Default encoding"); } const size_t count = WXSIZEOF(gs_encodingDescs); for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( gs_encodings[i] == encoding ) { return wxGetTranslation(gs_encodingDescs[i]); } } wxString str; str.Printf(_("Unknown encoding (%d)"), encoding); return str; }
void frmGrantWizard::AddObjects(pgCollection *collection) { bool traverseKids = (!collection->IsCollection() || collection->GetMetaType() == PGM_SCHEMA); if (!traverseKids) { pgaFactory *factory = collection->GetFactory(); if (!factory->IsCollectionFor(tableFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(functionFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(triggerFunctionFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(procedureFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(viewFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(extTableFactory) && !factory->IsCollectionFor(sequenceFactory)) return; } wxCookieType cookie; wxTreeItemId item = mainForm->GetBrowser()->GetFirstChild(collection->GetId(), cookie); while (item) { pgObject *obj = mainForm->GetBrowser()->GetObject(item); if (obj) { if (traverseKids) AddObjects((pgCollection *)obj); else { if (obj->CanEdit()) { objectArray.Add(obj); chkList->Append((wxString)wxGetTranslation(obj->GetTypeName()) + wxT(" ") + obj->GetFullIdentifier()); } } } item = mainForm->GetBrowser()->GetNextChild(collection->GetId(), cookie); } }
void MyFrame::OnTest1(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const wxString& title = _("Testing _() (gettext)"); // NOTE: using the wxTRANSLATE() macro here we won't show a localized // string in the text entry dialog; we'll simply show the un-translated // string; however if the user press "ok" without altering the text, // since the "default value" string has been extracted by xgettext // the wxGetTranslation call later will manage to return a localized // string wxTextEntryDialog d(this, _("Please enter text to translate"), title, wxTRANSLATE("default value")); if (d.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxString v = d.GetValue(); wxString s(title); s << "\n" << v << " -> " << wxGetTranslation(v.c_str()) << "\n"; wxMessageBox(s); } }
void systemMessage(int id, const char* fmt, ...) { static char* buf = NULL; static int buflen = 80; va_list args; // auto-conversion of wxCharBuffer to const char * seems broken // so save underlying wxCharBuffer (or create one of none is used) wxCharBuffer _fmt(wxString(wxGetTranslation(wxString(fmt, wxConvLibc))).utf8_str()); if (!buf) { buf = (char*)malloc(buflen); if (!buf) exit(1); } while (1) { va_start(args, fmt); int needsz = vsnprintf(buf, buflen, _fmt.data(), args); va_end(args); if (needsz < buflen) break; while (buflen <= needsz) buflen *= 2; free(buf); buf = (char*)malloc(buflen); if (!buf) exit(1); } wxLogError(wxT("%s"), wxString(buf, wxConvLibc).c_str()); }
void mmAssetsPanel::updateExtraAssetData(int selIndex) { wxStaticText* st = (wxStaticText*)FindWindow(IDC_PANEL_ASSET_STATIC_DETAILS); wxStaticText* stm = (wxStaticText*)FindWindow(IDC_PANEL_ASSET_STATIC_DETAILS_MINI); if (selIndex > -1) { const Model_Asset::Data& asset = this->m_assets[selIndex]; enableEditDeleteButtons(true); wxString miniInfo; miniInfo << "\t" << _("Change in Value") << ": "<< wxGetTranslation(asset.VALUECHANGE); if (Model_Asset::rate(asset) != Model_Asset::RATE_NONE) miniInfo<< " = " << asset.VALUECHANGERATE<< "%"; st->SetLabelText(asset.NOTES); stm->SetLabelText(miniInfo); } else { stm->SetLabelText(""); st->SetLabelText(this->tips_); enableEditDeleteButtons(false); } }
void mmAssetsPanel::updateExtraAssetData(int selIndex) { wxStaticText* st = (wxStaticText*)FindWindow(IDC_PANEL_ASSET_STATIC_DETAILS); wxStaticText* stm = (wxStaticText*)FindWindow(IDC_PANEL_ASSET_STATIC_DETAILS_MINI); if (selIndex > -1) { const Model_Asset::Data& asset = this->m_assets[selIndex]; enableEditDeleteButtons(true); const auto& change_rate = (Model_Asset::rate(asset) != Model_Asset::RATE_NONE) ? wxString::Format("%.2f %%", asset.VALUECHANGERATE) : ""; const wxString& miniInfo = " " + wxString::Format(_("Change in Value: %s %s") , wxGetTranslation(asset.VALUECHANGE), change_rate); st->SetLabelText(asset.NOTES); stm->SetLabelText(miniInfo); } else { stm->SetLabelText(""); st->SetLabelText(this->tips_); enableEditDeleteButtons(false); } }
void wxGISApplicationEx::SerializeFramePosEx(bool bSave) { wxGISAppConfig oConfig = GetConfig(); if(!oConfig.IsOk()) return; wxXmlNode *pPerspectiveXmlNode = oConfig.GetConfigNode(enumGISHKCU, GetAppName() + wxString(wxT("/frame/perspective"))); if(bSave) oConfig.Write(enumGISHKCU, GetAppName() + wxString(wxT("/frame/perspective/data")), m_mgr.SavePerspective()); else { wxString wxPerspective = oConfig.Read(enumGISHKCU, GetAppName() + wxString(wxT("/frame/perspective/data")), wxEmptyString); m_mgr.LoadPerspective(wxPerspective); //update captions for current locale wxAuiPaneInfoArray arr = m_mgr.GetAllPanes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.GetCount(); ++i) { wxString sLocCaption = wxGetTranslation(arr[i].caption); m_mgr.GetPane(arr[i].name).Caption(sLocCaption); } } }
ControlGroupsSizer::ControlGroupsSizer(ControllerEmu* const controller, wxWindow* const parent, GamepadPage* const eventsink, std::vector<ControlGroupBox*>* groups) : wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL) { size_t col_size = 0; wxBoxSizer* stacked_groups = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < controller->groups.size(); ++i) { ControlGroupBox* control_group_box = new ControlGroupBox(controller->groups[i], parent, eventsink); wxStaticBoxSizer *control_group = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, parent, wxGetTranslation(StrToWxStr(controller->groups[i]->name))); control_group->Add(control_group_box); const size_t grp_size = controller->groups[i]->controls.size() + controller->groups[i]->settings.size(); col_size += grp_size; if (col_size > 8 || NULL == stacked_groups) { if (stacked_groups) Add(stacked_groups, 0, /*wxEXPAND|*/wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT, 5); stacked_groups = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); stacked_groups->Add(control_group, 0, wxEXPAND); col_size = grp_size; } else { stacked_groups->Add(control_group, 0, wxEXPAND); } if (groups) groups->push_back(control_group_box); } if (stacked_groups) Add(stacked_groups, 0, /*wxEXPAND|*/wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT, 5); }
void CFrame::OnInstallWAD(wxCommandEvent& event) { std::string fileName; switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_LIST_INSTALL_WAD: { const GameListItem* iso = m_GameListCtrl->GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; fileName = iso->GetFileName(); break; } case IDM_MENU_INSTALL_WAD: { wxString path = wxFileSelector( _("Select a Wii WAD file to install"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _("Wii WAD files (*.wad)") + "|*.wad|" + wxGetTranslation(wxALL_FILES), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_PREVIEW | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST, this); fileName = WxStrToStr(path); break; } default: return; } wxProgressDialog dialog(_("Installing WAD..."), _("Working..."), 1000, this, wxPD_APP_MODAL | wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME | wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | wxPD_SMOOTH); u64 titleID = DiscIO::CNANDContentManager::Access().Install_WiiWAD(fileName); if (titleID == TITLEID_SYSMENU) { UpdateWiiMenuChoice(); } }
void TranscriptionToolBar::RegenerateTooltips() { // We could also mention the shift- and ctrl-modified versions in the // tool tip... but it would get long static const struct Entry { int tool; wxString commandName; wxString untranslatedLabel; } table[] = { { TTB_PlaySpeed, wxT("PlayAtSpeed"), XO("Play-at-speed") }, }; std::vector<wxString> commands; for (const auto &entry : table) { commands.clear(); commands.push_back(wxGetTranslation(entry.untranslatedLabel)); commands.push_back(entry.commandName); ToolBar::SetButtonToolTip(*mButtons[entry.tool], commands); } #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_VOICE_DETECTION mButtons[TTB_StartOn]->SetToolTip(TRANSLATABLE("Left-to-On")); mButtons[TTB_EndOn]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Right-to-Off")); mButtons[TTB_StartOff]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Left-to-Off")); mButtons[TTB_EndOff]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Right-to-On")); mButtons[TTB_SelectSound]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Select-Sound")); mButtons[TTB_SelectSilence]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Select-Silence")); mButtons[TTB_AutomateSelection]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Make Labels")); mButtons[TTB_MakeLabel]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Add Label")); mButtons[TTB_Calibrate]->SetToolTip( TRANSLATABLE("Calibrate")); mSensitivitySlider->SetToolTip(TRANSLATABLE("Sensitivity")); mKeyTypeChoice->SetToolTip(TRANSLATABLE("Key type")); #endif }
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::RecreateCmpFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { wxFileName fn; MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules; wxString msg; wxString wildcard; if( module == NULL ) { DisplayError( this, _( "No footprints!" ) ); return; } // Build the .cmp file name from the board name fn = GetBoard()->GetFileName(); fn.SetExt( ComponentFileExtension ); wildcard = wxGetTranslation( ComponentFileWildcard ); wxString pro_dir = wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Footprint Association File" ), pro_dir, fn.GetFullName(), wildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; fn = dlg.GetPath(); if( ! RecreateCmpFile( GetBoard(), fn.GetFullPath() ) ) { msg.Printf( _( "Could not create file '%s'" ), GetChars(fn.GetFullPath() ) ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } }
void mmCurrencyDialog::fillControls() { if (m_currency) { m_currencyType->SetStringSelection(wxGetTranslation(m_currency->CURRENCY_TYPE)); m_currencyName->ChangeValue(m_currency->CURRENCYNAME); m_currencySymbol->ChangeValue(m_currency->CURRENCY_SYMBOL); pfxTx_->ChangeValue(m_currency->PFX_SYMBOL); sfxTx_->ChangeValue(m_currency->SFX_SYMBOL); const wxString& decimal_separator = wxString::FromAscii(wxNumberFormatter::GetDecimalSeparator()); const wxString& ds = m_currency->DECIMAL_POINT.empty() ? decimal_separator : m_currency->DECIMAL_POINT; decTx_->ChangeValue(ds); grpTx_->ChangeValue(m_currency->GROUP_SEPARATOR); m_scale = log10(m_currency->SCALE); const wxString& scale_value = wxString::Format("%i", m_scale); scaleTx_->ChangeValue(scale_value); m_currencySymbol->ChangeValue(m_currency->CURRENCY_SYMBOL); m_historic->SetValue(Model_Currency::BoolOf(m_currency->HISTORIC)); } }
void mmBudgetingPanel::OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { // depending on the clicked control's window id. switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_PANEL_BUDGETENTRY_STATIC_BITMAP_VIEW : { wxMenu menu; menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_ALLBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_ALL)); menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_PLANNEDBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_PLANNED)); menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_NONZEROBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_NON_ZERO)); menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_INCOMEBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_INCOME)); menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_EXPENSEBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_EXPENSE)); menu.AppendSeparator(); menu.Append(MENU_VIEW_SUMMARYBUDGETENTRIES, wxGetTranslation(VIEW_SUMM)); PopupMenu(&menu, event.GetPosition()); break; } } event.Skip(); }
// do the actual cleanup void CompileRequest::Process(IManager* manager) { wxString cmd; wxString errMsg; wxStringMap_t om; BuildSettingsConfig* bsc(manager ? manager->GetBuildSettingsConfigManager() : BuildSettingsConfigST::Get()); BuildManager* bm(manager ? manager->GetBuildManager() : BuildManagerST::Get()); clCxxWorkspace* w(manager ? manager->GetWorkspace() : clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()); EnvironmentConfig* env(manager ? manager->GetEnv() : EnvironmentConfig::Instance()); ProjectPtr proj = w->FindProjectByName(m_info.GetProject(), errMsg); if(!proj) { AppendLine(_("Cant find project: ") + m_info.GetProject()); return; } wxString pname(proj->GetName()); // BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetBuilder(wxT("GNU makefile for g++/gcc")); BuilderPtr builder = bm->GetSelectedBuilder(); if(m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { // we got a complie request of a single file cmd = m_preprocessOnly ? builder->GetPreprocessFileCmd(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName, errMsg) : builder->GetSingleFileCmd(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName); } else if(m_info.GetProjectOnly()) { switch(m_info.GetKind()) { case QueueCommand::kRebuild: cmd = builder->GetPORebuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); break; default: case QueueCommand::kBuild: cmd = builder->GetPOBuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); break; } } else { cmd = builder->GetBuildCommand(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); } // Notify plugins that a compile process is going to start clBuildEvent event(wxEVT_BUILD_STARTING); event.SetProjectName(pname); event.SetConfigurationName(m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(EventNotifier::Get()->ProcessEvent(event)) { // the build is being handled by some plugin, no need to build it // using the standard way return; } // Send the EVENT_STARTED : even if this event is sent, next event will // be post, so no way to be sure the the build process has not started SendStartMsg(); // if we require to run the makefile generation command only, replace the 'cmd' with the // generation command line BuildConfigPtr bldConf = w->GetProjBuildConf(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(m_premakeOnly && bldConf) { BuildConfigPtr bldConf = w->GetProjBuildConf(m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration()); if(bldConf) { cmd = bldConf->GetMakeGenerationCommand(); } } if(bldConf) { wxString cmpType = bldConf->GetCompilerType(); CompilerPtr cmp = bsc->GetCompiler(cmpType); if(cmp) { // Add the 'bin' folder of the compiler to the PATH environment variable wxString scxx = cmp->GetTool("CXX"); scxx.Trim().Trim(false); scxx.StartsWith("\"", &scxx); scxx.EndsWith("\"", &scxx); // Strip the double quotes wxFileName cxx(scxx); wxString pathvar; pathvar << cxx.GetPath() << clPATH_SEPARATOR; // If we have an additional path, add it as well if(!cmp->GetPathVariable().IsEmpty()) { pathvar << cmp->GetPathVariable() << clPATH_SEPARATOR; } pathvar << "$PATH"; om["PATH"] = pathvar; } } if(cmd.IsEmpty()) { // if we got an error string, use it if(errMsg.IsEmpty() == false) { AppendLine(errMsg); } else { AppendLine(_("Command line is empty. Build aborted.")); } return; } WrapInShell(cmd); DirSaver ds; DoSetWorkingDirectory(proj, false, m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false); // expand the variables of the command cmd = ExpandAllVariables(cmd, w, m_info.GetProject(), m_info.GetConfiguration(), m_fileName); // print the build command AppendLine(cmd + wxT("\n")); if(m_info.GetProjectOnly() || m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { // set working directory DoSetWorkingDirectory(proj, false, m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false); } // print the prefix message of the build start. This is important since the parser relies // on this message if(m_info.GetProjectOnly() || m_fileName.IsEmpty() == false) { wxString configName(m_info.GetConfiguration()); // also, send another message to the main frame, indicating which project is being built // and what configuration wxString text; text << wxGetTranslation(BUILD_PROJECT_PREFIX) << m_info.GetProject() << wxT(" - ") << configName << wxT(" ]"); if(m_fileName.IsEmpty()) { text << wxT("----------\n"); } else if(m_preprocessOnly) { text << wxT(" (Preprocess Single File)----------\n"); } else { text << wxT(" (Single File Build)----------\n"); } AppendLine(text); } EnvSetter envir(env, &om, proj->GetName()); m_proc = CreateAsyncProcess(this, cmd); if(!m_proc) { wxString message; message << _("Failed to start build process, command: ") << cmd << _(", process terminated with exit code: 0"); AppendLine(message); return; } }
std::string wxStringTranslator(const char *text) { return WxStrToStr(wxGetTranslation(wxString::FromUTF8(text))); }
wxObject *wxRadioBoxXmlHandler::DoCreateResource() { if ( m_class == wxT("wxRadioBox")) { // find the selection long selection = GetLong( wxT("selection"), -1 ); // need to build the list of strings from children m_insideBox = true; CreateChildrenPrivately( NULL, GetParamNode(wxT("content"))); XRC_MAKE_INSTANCE(control, wxRadioBox) control->Create(m_parentAsWindow, GetID(), GetText(wxT("label")), GetPosition(), GetSize(), m_labels, GetLong(wxT("dimension"), 1), GetStyle(), wxDefaultValidator, GetName()); if (selection != -1) control->SetSelection(selection); SetupWindow(control); const unsigned count = m_labels.size(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS if ( !m_tooltips[i].empty() ) control->SetItemToolTip(i, m_tooltips[i]); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #if wxUSE_HELP if ( m_helptextSpecified[i] ) control->SetItemHelpText(i, m_helptexts[i]); #endif // wxUSE_HELP if ( !m_isShown[i] ) control->Show(i, false); if ( !m_isEnabled[i] ) control->Enable(i, false); } // forget information about the items of this radiobox, we should start // afresh for the next one m_labels.clear(); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS m_tooltips.clear(); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #if wxUSE_HELP m_helptexts.clear(); m_helptextSpecified.clear(); #endif // wxUSE_HELP m_isShown.clear(); m_isEnabled.clear(); return control; } else // inside the radiobox element { // we handle handle <item>Label</item> constructs here, and the item // tag can have tooltip, helptext, enabled and hidden attributes wxString label = GetNodeContent(m_node); wxString tooltip; m_node->GetAttribute(wxT("tooltip"), &tooltip); wxString helptext; bool hasHelptext = m_node->GetAttribute(wxT("helptext"), &helptext); if (m_resource->GetFlags() & wxXRC_USE_LOCALE) { label = wxGetTranslation(label, m_resource->GetDomain()); if ( !tooltip.empty() ) tooltip = wxGetTranslation(tooltip, m_resource->GetDomain()); if ( hasHelptext ) helptext = wxGetTranslation(helptext, m_resource->GetDomain()); } m_labels.push_back(label); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS m_tooltips.push_back(tooltip); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #if wxUSE_HELP m_helptexts.push_back(helptext); m_helptextSpecified.push_back(hasHelptext); #endif // wxUSE_HELP m_isEnabled.push_back(GetBoolAttr("enabled", 1)); m_isShown.push_back(!GetBoolAttr("hidden", 0)); return NULL; } }