Example #1
wxString wxNativeFontInfo::ToString() const
    wxGtkString str(pango_font_description_to_string( description ));
    wxString desc = wxPANGO_CONV_BACK(str);

    // Augment the string with the attributes not handled by Pango.
    // Notice that we must add them in the same order they are extracted in
    // FromString() above.
    if (m_strikethrough)
        desc.insert(0, wxS("strikethrough "));
    if (m_underlined)
        desc.insert(0, wxS("underlined "));

    return desc;
Example #2
wxString wxNativeFontInfo::GetFaceName() const
    // the Pango "family" is the wx "face name"
    return wxPANGO_CONV_BACK(pango_font_description_get_family(description));
Example #3
wxString wxNativeFontInfo::ToString() const
    wxGtkString str(pango_font_description_to_string( description ));

    return wxPANGO_CONV_BACK(str);