Example #1
static void x264_cabac_mb_intra_chroma_pred_mode( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb )
    const int i_mode = x264_mb_pred_mode8x8c_fix[ h->mb.i_chroma_pred_mode ];
    int       ctx = 0;

    /* No need to test for I4x4 or I_16x16 as cache_save handle that */
    if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_LEFT) && h->mb.chroma_pred_mode[h->mb.i_mb_xy - 1] != 0 )
    if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_TOP) && h->mb.chroma_pred_mode[h->mb.i_mb_top_xy] != 0 )

    x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 64 + ctx, i_mode > 0 );
    if( i_mode > 0 )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 64 + 3, i_mode > 1 );
        if( i_mode > 1 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 64 + 3, i_mode > 2 );
Example #2
static inline void x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb, int i_mb_type,
                    int ctx0, int ctx1, int ctx2, int ctx3, int ctx4, int ctx5 )
    if( i_mb_type == I_4x4 || i_mb_type == I_8x8 )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx0, 0 );
    else if( i_mb_type == I_PCM )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx0, 1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_terminal( cb,       1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_flush( cb );
        int i_pred = x264_mb_pred_mode16x16_fix[h->mb.i_intra16x16_pred_mode];

        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx0, 1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_terminal( cb,       0 );

        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx1, ( h->mb.i_cbp_luma == 0 ? 0 : 1 ));
        if( h->mb.i_cbp_chroma == 0 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx2, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx2, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx3, ( h->mb.i_cbp_chroma == 1 ? 0 : 1 ) );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx4, ( (i_pred / 2) ? 1 : 0 ));
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx5, ( (i_pred % 2) ? 1 : 0 ));
Example #3
static inline void x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb, int i_mb_type,
                    int ctx0, int ctx1, int ctx2, int ctx3, int ctx4, int ctx5 )
    if( i_mb_type == I_4x4 || i_mb_type == I_8x8 )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx0, 0 );
    else if( i_mb_type == I_PCM )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx0, 1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_flush( h, cb );
        int i_pred = x264_mb_pred_mode16x16_fix[h->mb.i_intra16x16_pred_mode];

        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx0, 1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_terminal( cb );

        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx1, !!h->mb.i_cbp_luma );
        if( h->mb.i_cbp_chroma == 0 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx2, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx2, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx3, h->mb.i_cbp_chroma>>1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, ctx4, i_pred>>1 );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, ctx5, i_pred&1 );
Example #4
static void x264_cabac_mb_intra4x4_pred_mode( x264_cabac_t *cb, int i_pred, int i_mode )
    if( i_pred == i_mode )
        /* b_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode */
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 68, 1 );
        /* b_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode */
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 68, 0 );
        if( i_mode > i_pred  )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 69, (i_mode     )&0x01 );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 69, (i_mode >> 1)&0x01 );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 69, (i_mode >> 2)&0x01 );
Example #5
static void x264_cabac_mb_type( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb )
    const int i_mb_type = h->mb.i_type;

    if( h->sh.b_mbaff &&
        (!(h->mb.i_mb_y & 1) || IS_SKIP(h->mb.type[h->mb.i_mb_xy - h->mb.i_mb_stride])) )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 70 + h->mb.cache.i_neighbour_interlaced, h->mb.b_interlaced );

    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_LEFT) && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != I_4x4 )
        if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_TOP) && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != I_4x4 )

        x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 3+ctx, 3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7 );
    else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P )
        /* prefix: 14, suffix: 17 */
        if( i_mb_type == P_L0 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 14, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 15, h->mb.i_partition != D_16x16 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 17-(h->mb.i_partition == D_16x16), h->mb.i_partition == D_16x8 );
        else if( i_mb_type == P_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 14, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 15, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 16, 1 );
        else /* intra */
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 14, 1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 17+0, 17+1, 17+2, 17+2, 17+3, 17+3 );
    else //if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_LEFT) && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_DIRECT )
        if( (h->mb.i_neighbour & MB_TOP) && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_DIRECT )

        if( i_mb_type == B_DIRECT )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+ctx, 0 );
        x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+ctx, 1 );

        if( i_mb_type == B_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+4,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+5,   1 );
        else if( IS_INTRA( i_mb_type ) )
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+4,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 32+0, 32+1, 32+2, 32+2, 32+3, 32+3 );
            static const uint8_t i_mb_bits[9*3] =
                0x31, 0x29, 0x4, /* L0 L0 */
                0x35, 0x2d, 0,   /* L0 L1 */
                0x43, 0x63, 0,   /* L0 BI */
                0x3d, 0x2f, 0,   /* L1 L0 */
                0x39, 0x25, 0x6, /* L1 L1 */
                0x53, 0x73, 0,   /* L1 BI */
                0x4b, 0x6b, 0,   /* BI L0 */
                0x5b, 0x7b, 0,   /* BI L1 */
                0x47, 0x67, 0x21 /* BI BI */

            const int idx = (i_mb_type - B_L0_L0) * 3 + (h->mb.i_partition - D_16x8);
            int bits = i_mb_bits[idx];

            x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+3, bits&1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5-(bits&1), (bits>>1)&1 ); bits >>= 2;
            if( bits != 1 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5, bits&1 ); bits >>= 1;
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5, bits&1 ); bits >>= 1;
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5, bits&1 ); bits >>= 1;
                if( bits != 1 )
                    x264_cabac_encode_decision_noup( cb, 27+5, bits&1 );
Example #6
static void x264_cabac_mb_type( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb )
    const int i_mb_type = h->mb.i_type;

    if( h->sh.b_mbaff &&
        (!(h->mb.i_mb_y & 1) || IS_SKIP(h->mb.type[h->mb.i_mb_xy - h->mb.i_mb_stride])) )
        x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 70 + h->mb.cache.i_neighbour_interlaced, h->mb.b_interlaced );

    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_left >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != I_4x4 )
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_top >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != I_4x4 )

        x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 3+ctx, 3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7 );
    else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P )
        /* prefix: 14, suffix: 17 */
        if( i_mb_type == P_L0 )
            if( h->mb.i_partition == D_16x16 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 16, 0 );
            else if( h->mb.i_partition == D_16x8 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 1 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 17, 1 );
            else if( h->mb.i_partition == D_8x16 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 1 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 17, 0 );
        else if( i_mb_type == P_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 16, 1 );
        else /* intra */
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 17+0, 17+1, 17+2, 17+2, 17+3, 17+3 );
    else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_left >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_DIRECT )
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_top >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_DIRECT )

        if( i_mb_type == B_DIRECT )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 0 );
        else if( i_mb_type == B_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+4,   1 );

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
        else if( IS_INTRA( i_mb_type ) )
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+4,   1 );

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 32+0, 32+1, 32+2, 32+2, 32+3, 32+3 );
            static const int i_mb_len[9*3] =
                6, 6, 3,    /* L0 L0 */
                6, 6, 0,    /* L0 L1 */
                7, 7, 0,    /* L0 BI */
                6, 6, 0,    /* L1 L0 */
                6, 6, 3,    /* L1 L1 */
                7, 7, 0,    /* L1 BI */
                7, 7, 0,    /* BI L0 */
                7, 7, 0,    /* BI L1 */
                7, 7, 6,    /* BI BI */
            static const int i_mb_bits[9*3][7] =
                { 1,1,0,0,0,1   }, { 1,1,0,0,1,0,  }, { 1,0,0 },       /* L0 L0 */
                { 1,1,0,1,0,1   }, { 1,1,0,1,1,0   }, {0},             /* L0 L1 */
                { 1,1,1,0,0,0,0 }, { 1,1,1,0,0,0,1 }, {0},             /* L0 BI */
                { 1,1,0,1,1,1   }, { 1,1,1,1,1,0   }, {0},             /* L1 L0 */
                { 1,1,0,0,1,1   }, { 1,1,0,1,0,0   }, { 1,0,1 },       /* L1 L1 */
                { 1,1,1,0,0,1,0 }, { 1,1,1,0,0,1,1 }, {0},             /* L1 BI */
                { 1,1,1,0,1,0,0 }, { 1,1,1,0,1,0,1 }, {0},             /* BI L0 */
                { 1,1,1,0,1,1,0 }, { 1,1,1,0,1,1,1 }, {0},             /* BI L1 */
                { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0 }, { 1,1,1,1,0,0,1 }, { 1,1,0,0,0,0 }, /* BI BI */

            const int idx = (i_mb_type - B_L0_L0) * 3 + (h->mb.i_partition - D_16x8);
            int i;

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, i_mb_bits[idx][0] );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   i_mb_bits[idx][1] );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5-i_mb_bits[idx][1], i_mb_bits[idx][2] );
            for( i = 3; i < i_mb_len[idx]; i++ )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5, i_mb_bits[idx][i] );
        x264_log(h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "unknown SLICE_TYPE unsupported in x264_macroblock_write_cabac\n" );
Example #7
static void x264_cabac_mb_type( x264_t *h, x264_cabac_t *cb )
    const int i_mb_type = h->mb.i_type;

    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_left >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != I_4x4 )
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_top >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != I_4x4 )

        x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 3+ctx, 3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7 );
    else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P )
        /* prefix: 14, suffix: 17 */
        if( i_mb_type == P_L0 )
            if( h->mb.i_partition == D_16x16 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 16, 0 );
            else if( h->mb.i_partition == D_16x8 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 1 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 17, 1 );
            else if( h->mb.i_partition == D_8x16 )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 1 );
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 17, 0 );
        else if( i_mb_type == P_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 15, 0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 16, 1 );
        else /* intra */
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 14, 1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 17+0, 17+1, 17+2, 17+2, 17+3, 17+3 );
    else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
        int ctx = 0;
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_left >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_left != B_DIRECT )
        if( h->mb.i_mb_type_top >= 0 && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_SKIP && h->mb.i_mb_type_top != B_DIRECT )

        if( i_mb_type == B_DIRECT )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 0 );
        else if( i_mb_type == B_8x8 )
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+4,   1 );

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
        else if( IS_INTRA( i_mb_type ) )
            /* prefix */
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, 1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+4,   1 );

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   0 );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5,   1 );

            /* suffix */
            x264_cabac_mb_type_intra( h, cb, i_mb_type, 32+0, 32+1, 32+2, 32+2, 32+3, 32+3 );
            static const int i_mb_len[21] =
                3, 6, 6,    /* L0 L0 */
                3, 6, 6,    /* L1 L1 */
                6, 7, 7,    /* BI BI */

                6, 6,       /* L0 L1 */
                6, 6,       /* L1 L0 */
                7, 7,       /* L0 BI */
                7, 7,       /* L1 BI */
                7, 7,       /* BI L0 */
                7, 7,       /* BI L1 */
            static const int i_mb_bits[21][7] =
                { 1, 0, 0, },            { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, },    { 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, },   /* L0 L0 */
                { 1, 0, 1, },            { 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, },    { 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, },   /* L1 L1 */
                { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,},   { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 1 },/* BI BI */

                { 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, },   { 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, },     /* L0 L1 */
                { 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, },   { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, },     /* L1 L0 */
                { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },   /* L0 BI */
                { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 },   /* L1 BI */
                { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 },   /* BI L0 */
                { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }    /* BI L1 */

            const int i_partition = h->mb.i_partition;
            int idx = 0;
            int i;
            switch( i_mb_type )
                /* D_16x16, D_16x8, D_8x16 */
                case B_BI_BI: idx += 3;
                case B_L1_L1: idx += 3;
                case B_L0_L0:
                    if( i_partition == D_16x8 )
                        idx += 1;
                    else if( i_partition == D_8x16 )
                        idx += 2;

                /* D_16x8, D_8x16 */
                case B_BI_L1: idx += 2;
                case B_BI_L0: idx += 2;
                case B_L1_BI: idx += 2;
                case B_L0_BI: idx += 2;
                case B_L1_L0: idx += 2;
                case B_L0_L1:
                    idx += 3*3;
                    if( i_partition == D_8x16 )
                    x264_log(h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "error in B mb type\n" );

            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+ctx, i_mb_bits[idx][0] );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+3,   i_mb_bits[idx][1] );
            x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+(i_mb_bits[idx][1] != 0 ? 4 : 5), i_mb_bits[idx][2] );
            for( i = 3; i < i_mb_len[idx]; i++ )
                x264_cabac_encode_decision( cb, 27+5, i_mb_bits[idx][i] );
        x264_log(h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "unknown SLICE_TYPE unsupported in x264_macroblock_write_cabac\n" );