Example #1
void x264_sei_version_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    int i;
    // random ID number generated according to ISO-11578
    const uint8_t uuid[16] = {
        0xdc, 0x45, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0x48, 0xb7,
        0x96, 0x2c, 0xd8, 0x20, 0xd9, 0x23, 0xee, 0xef
    char *opts = x264_param2string( &h->param, 0 );
    char *version = x264_malloc( 200 + strlen(opts) );
    int length;

    sprintf( version, "x264 - core %d%s - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - "
             "Copyleft 2003-2008 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: %s",
             X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION, opts );
    length = strlen(version)+1+16;

    bs_write( s, 8, 0x5 ); // payload_type = user_data_unregistered
    // payload_size
    for( i = 0; i <= length-255; i += 255 )
        bs_write( s, 8, 255 );
    bs_write( s, 8, length-i );

    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
        bs_write( s, 8, uuid[i] );
    for( i = 0; i < length-16; i++ )
        bs_write( s, 8, version[i] );

    bs_rbsp_trailing( s );

    x264_free( opts );
    x264_free( version );
Example #2
File: set.c Project: submux/obe-vod
int x264_sei_version_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    // random ID number generated according to ISO-11578
    static const uint8_t uuid[16] =
        0xdc, 0x45, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0x48, 0xb7,
        0x96, 0x2c, 0xd8, 0x20, 0xd9, 0x23, 0xee, 0xef
    char *opts = x264_param2string( &h->param, 0 );
    char *payload;
    int length;

    if( !opts )
        return -1;
    CHECKED_MALLOC( payload, 200 + strlen( opts ) );

    memcpy( payload, uuid, 16 );
    sprintf( payload+16, "x264 - core %d%s - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - "
             "Copy%s 2003-2011 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: %s",
             X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION, HAVE_GPL?"left":"right", opts );
    length = strlen(payload)+1;

    x264_sei_write( s, (uint8_t *)payload, length, SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED );

    x264_free( opts );
    x264_free( payload );
    return 0;
    x264_free( opts );
    return -1;
Example #3
float x264_pixel_ssim_wxh( x264_pixel_function_t *pf,
                           uint8_t *pix1, int stride1,
                           uint8_t *pix2, int stride2,
                           int width, int height )
    int x, y, z;
    float ssim = 0.0;
    int (*sum0)[4] = x264_malloc(4 * (width/4+3) * sizeof(int));
    int (*sum1)[4] = x264_malloc(4 * (width/4+3) * sizeof(int));
    width >>= 2;
    height >>= 2;
    z = 0;
    for( y = 1; y < height; y++ )
        for( ; z <= y; z++ )
            XCHG( void*, sum0, sum1 );
            for( x = 0; x < width; x+=2 )
                pf->ssim_4x4x2_core( &pix1[4*(x+z*stride1)], stride1, &pix2[4*(x+z*stride2)], stride2, &sum0[x] );
        for( x = 0; x < width-1; x += 4 )
            ssim += pf->ssim_end4( sum0+x, sum1+x, X264_MIN(4,width-x-1) );
    return ssim / ((width-1) * (height-1));
Example #4
void x264_threadpool_delete( x264_threadpool_t *pool )
    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &pool->run.mutex );
    pool->exit = 1;
    x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &pool->run.cv_fill );
    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &pool->run.mutex );
    for( int i = 0; i < pool->threads; i++ )
        x264_pthread_join( pool->thread_handle[i], NULL );

    x264_threadpool_list_delete( &pool->uninit );
    x264_threadpool_list_delete( &pool->run );
    x264_threadpool_list_delete( &pool->done );
    x264_free( pool->thread_handle );
    x264_free( pool );
Example #5
static void free_filter( hnd_t handle )
    depth_hnd_t *h = handle;
    h->prev_filter.free( h->prev_hnd );
    x264_cli_pic_clean( &h->buffer );
    x264_free( h );
Example #6
 * x264_slurp_file:
char *x264_slurp_file( const char *filename )
    int b_error = 0;
    int i_size;
    char *buf;
    FILE *fh = fopen( filename, "rb" );
    if( !fh )
        return NULL;
    b_error |= fseek( fh, 0, SEEK_END ) < 0;
    b_error |= ( i_size = ftell( fh ) ) <= 0;
    b_error |= fseek( fh, 0, SEEK_SET ) < 0;
    if( b_error )
        return NULL;
    buf = x264_malloc( i_size+2 );
    if( buf == NULL )
        return NULL;
    b_error |= fread( buf, 1, i_size, fh ) != i_size;
    if( buf[i_size-1] != '\n' )
        buf[i_size++] = '\n';
    buf[i_size] = 0;
    fclose( fh );
    if( b_error )
        x264_free( buf );
        return NULL;
    return buf;
Example #7
void x264_opencl_close_library( x264_opencl_function_t *ocl )
    if( !ocl )
    ocl_close( ocl->library );
    x264_free( ocl );
Example #8
void x264_frame_delete( x264_frame_t *frame )
    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
        x264_free( frame->buffer[i] );
    for( i = 0; i < X264_BFRAME_MAX+2; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < X264_BFRAME_MAX+2; j++ )
            x264_free( frame->i_row_satds[i][j] );
    x264_free( frame->i_row_bits );
    x264_free( frame->i_row_qp );
    x264_free( frame->mb_type );
    x264_free( frame->mv[0] );
    x264_free( frame->mv[1] );
    x264_free( frame->ref[0] );
    x264_free( frame->ref[1] );
    x264_free( frame );
Example #9
void x264_lookahead_delete( x264_t *h )
    if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )
        h->lookahead->b_exit_thread = 1;
        x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.cv_fill );
        x264_pthread_join( h->thread[h->param.i_threads]->thread_handle, NULL );
        x264_macroblock_cache_end( h->thread[h->param.i_threads] );
        x264_free( h->thread[h->param.i_threads] );
    x264_synch_frame_list_delete( &h->lookahead->ifbuf );
    x264_synch_frame_list_delete( &h->lookahead->next );
    if( h->lookahead->last_nonb )
        x264_frame_push_unused( h, h->lookahead->last_nonb );
    x264_synch_frame_list_delete( &h->lookahead->ofbuf );
    x264_free( h->lookahead );
Example #10
static int init( hnd_t *handle, cli_vid_filter_t *filter, video_info_t *info,
                 x264_param_t *param, char *opt_string )
    int ret = 0;
    int change_fmt = (info->csp ^ param->i_csp) & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    int csp = ~(~info->csp ^ change_fmt);
    int bit_depth = 8*x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( csp );

    if( opt_string )
        static const char * const optlist[] = { "bit_depth", NULL };
        char **opts = x264_split_options( opt_string, optlist );

        if( opts )
            char *str_bit_depth = x264_get_option( "bit_depth", opts );
            bit_depth = x264_otoi( str_bit_depth, -1 );

            ret = bit_depth < 8 || bit_depth > 16;
            csp = bit_depth > 8 ? csp | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH : csp & ~X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
            change_fmt = (info->csp ^ csp) & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
            free( opts );
            ret = 1;

    FAIL_IF_ERROR( bit_depth != BIT_DEPTH, "this filter supports only bit depth %d\n", BIT_DEPTH );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( ret, "unsupported bit depth conversion.\n" );

    /* only add the filter to the chain if it's needed */
    if( change_fmt || bit_depth != 8 * x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( csp ) )
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !depth_filter_csp_is_supported(csp), "unsupported colorspace.\n" );
        depth_hnd_t *h = x264_malloc( sizeof(depth_hnd_t) + (info->width+1)*sizeof(int16_t) );

        if( !h )
            return -1;

        h->error_buf = (int16_t*)(h + 1);
        h->dst_csp = csp;
        h->bit_depth = bit_depth;
        h->prev_hnd = *handle;
        h->prev_filter = *filter;

        if( x264_cli_pic_alloc( &h->buffer, h->dst_csp, info->width, info->height ) )
            x264_free( h );
            return -1;

        *handle = h;
        *filter = depth_filter;
        info->csp = h->dst_csp;

    return 0;
Example #11
static void x264_threadpool_list_delete( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist )
    for( int i = 0; slist->list[i]; i++ )
        x264_free( slist->list[i] );
        slist->list[i] = NULL;
    x264_sync_frame_list_delete( slist );
Example #12
int x264_sei_version_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
    int i;
    // random ID number generated according to ISO-11578
    static const uint8_t uuid[16] =
        0xdc, 0x45, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0x48, 0xb7,
        0x96, 0x2c, 0xd8, 0x20, 0xd9, 0x23, 0xee, 0xef
    char *opts = x264_param2string( &h->param, 0 );
    char *version;
    int length;

    if( !opts )
        return -1;
    CHECKED_MALLOC( version, 200 + strlen( opts ) );

    sprintf( version, "x264 - core %d%s - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - "
             "Copyleft 2003-2010 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: %s",
             X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION, opts );
    length = strlen(version)+1+16;

    bs_realign( s );
    bs_write( s, 8, SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED );
    // payload_size
    for( i = 0; i <= length-255; i += 255 )
        bs_write( s, 8, 255 );
    bs_write( s, 8, length-i );

    for( int j = 0; j < 16; j++ )
        bs_write( s, 8, uuid[j] );
    for( int j = 0; j < length-16; j++ )
        bs_write( s, 8, version[j] );

    bs_rbsp_trailing( s );
    bs_flush( s );

    x264_free( opts );
    x264_free( version );
    return 0;
    x264_free( opts );
    return -1;
Example #13
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GtkWidget    *window;
  X264_Gtk     *x264_gtk;
  x264_param_t *param;
  x264_param_t  param_default;
  char         *res;
  char         *res_default;


  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

  window = x264_gtk_window_create (NULL);
  x264_gtk_shutdown (window);

  x264_gtk = x264_gtk_load ();
  param = x264_gtk_param_get (x264_gtk);

  /* do what you want with these data */
  /* for example, displaying them and compare with default*/
  res = x264_param2string (param, 0);
  printf ("%s\n", res);

  x264_param_default (&param_default);
  res_default = x264_param2string (&param_default, 0);
  printf ("\n%s\n", res_default);

  if (strcmp (res, res_default) == 0)
    printf (_("\nSame result !\n"));
    printf (_("\nDifferent from default values\n"));

  x264_free (res);
  x264_free (res_default);

  x264_gtk_free (x264_gtk);
  g_free (param);

  return 1;
Example #14
void x264_speedcontrol_delete( x264_t *h )
    x264_speedcontrol_t *sc = h->sc;
    if( !sc )
    x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "speedcontrol: avg preset=%.3f  buffer min=%.3f max=%.3f\n",
              sc->stat.avg_preset / sc->stat.den,
              (float)sc->stat.min_buffer / sc->buffer_size,
              (float)sc->stat.max_buffer / sc->buffer_size );
//  x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "speedcontrol: avg cplx=%.5f\n", sc->cplx_num / sc->cplx_den );
    x264_free( sc );
Example #15
/* Try to load the cached compiled program binary, verify the device context is
 * still valid before reuse */
static cl_program x264_opencl_cache_load( x264_t *h, const char *dev_name, const char *dev_vendor, const char *driver_version )
    /* try to load cached program binary */
    FILE *fp = x264_fopen( h->param.psz_clbin_file, "rb" );
    x264_opencl_function_t *ocl;
    cl_program program;
    uint8_t *binary;
    size_t size;
    const uint8_t *ptr;
    cl_int status;

	if( !fp )
        return NULL;

    ocl = h->opencl.ocl;
    program = NULL;
    binary = NULL;

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
    size = ftell( fp );
    rewind( fp );
    CHECKED_MALLOC( binary, size );

    if ( fread( binary, 1, size, fp ) != size )
        goto fail;
    ptr = (const uint8_t*)binary;

#define CHECK_STRING( STR )\
    do {\
        size_t len = strlen( STR );\
        if( size <= len || strncmp( (char*)ptr, STR, len ) )\
            goto fail;\
        else {\
            size -= (len+1); ptr += (len+1);\
    } while( 0 )

    CHECK_STRING( dev_name );
    CHECK_STRING( dev_vendor );
    CHECK_STRING( driver_version );
    CHECK_STRING( x264_opencl_source_hash );

    program = ocl->clCreateProgramWithBinary( h->opencl.context, 1, &h->opencl.device, &size, &ptr, NULL, &status );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS )
        program = NULL;

    fclose( fp );
    x264_free( binary );
    return program;
Example #16
HRESULT CX264Encoder::UnInit()
    if ( m_px264Handle != NULL )

	m_px264Handle = NULL;

    if ( m_pPic != NULL )
        x264_free( (x264_picture_t*)m_pPic );

    m_pPic = NULL;
    return true;
Example #17
int x264_lookahead_init( x264_t *h )
    x264_lookahead_t *look;
    CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( look, sizeof(x264_lookahead_t) );
    h->lookahead = look;

    look->i_last_keyframe = - h->param.i_keyint_max;

    return 0;

    x264_free( look );
    return -1;
Example #18
/* load the library and functions we require from it */
x264_opencl_function_t *x264_opencl_load_library( void )
    x264_opencl_function_t *ocl;
#undef fail
#define fail fail0
    CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( ocl, sizeof(x264_opencl_function_t) );
#undef fail
#define fail fail1
    ocl->library = ocl_open;
    if( !ocl->library )
        goto fail;
#undef fail
#define fail fail2
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clBuildProgram, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateBuffer, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateCommandQueue, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateContext, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateImage2D, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateKernel, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateProgramWithBinary, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clCreateProgramWithSource, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clEnqueueCopyBuffer, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clEnqueueMapBuffer, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clEnqueueReadBuffer, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clEnqueueWriteBuffer, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clFinish, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetCommandQueueInfo, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetDeviceIDs, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetDeviceInfo, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetPlatformIDs, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetProgramBuildInfo, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetProgramInfo, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clGetSupportedImageFormats, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clReleaseCommandQueue, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clReleaseContext, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clReleaseKernel, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clReleaseMemObject, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clReleaseProgram, 0 );
    LOAD_OCL_FUNC( clSetKernelArg, 0 );
    return ocl;
#undef fail
    ocl_close( ocl->library );
    x264_free( ocl );
    return NULL;
Example #19
/* Save the compiled program binary to a file for later reuse.  Device context
 * is also saved in the cache file so we do not reuse stale binaries */
static void x264_opencl_cache_save( x264_t *h, cl_program program, const char *dev_name, const char *dev_vendor, const char *driver_version )
    FILE *fp = x264_fopen( h->param.psz_clbin_file, "wb" );
    x264_opencl_function_t *ocl;
    uint8_t *binary;

    size_t size;
    cl_int status;

	if( !fp )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "OpenCL: unable to open clbin file for write\n" );

    ocl = h->opencl.ocl;
    binary = NULL;

    size = 0;
    status = ocl->clGetProgramInfo( program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(size_t), &size, NULL );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !size )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "OpenCL: Unable to query program binary size, no cache file generated\n" );
        goto fail;

    CHECKED_MALLOC( binary, size );
    status = ocl->clGetProgramInfo( program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof(uint8_t *), &binary, NULL );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "OpenCL: Unable to query program binary, no cache file generated\n" );
        goto fail;

    fputs( dev_name, fp );
    fputc( '\n', fp );
    fputs( dev_vendor, fp );
    fputc( '\n', fp );
    fputs( driver_version, fp );
    fputc( '\n', fp );
    fputs( x264_opencl_source_hash, fp );
    fputc( '\n', fp );
    fwrite( binary, 1, size, fp );

    fclose( fp );
    x264_free( binary );
Example #20
void x264_frame_delete( x264_frame_t *frame )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < frame->i_plane; i++ )
        x264_free( frame->buffer[i] );
    for( i = 4; i < 11; i++ ) /* filtered planes */
        x264_free( frame->buffer[i] );
    x264_free( frame->mb_type );
    x264_free( frame->mv[0] );
    x264_free( frame->mv[1] );
    x264_free( frame->ref[0] );
    x264_free( frame->ref[1] );
    x264_free( frame );
Example #21
 * x264_realloc:
void *x264_realloc( void *p, int i_size )
    return realloc( p, i_size );
    int       i_old_size = 0;
    uint8_t * p_new;
    if( p )
        i_old_size = *( (int*) ( (uint8_t*) p ) - sizeof( void ** ) -
                         sizeof( int ) );
    p_new = x264_malloc( i_size );
    if( i_old_size > 0 && i_size > 0 )
        memcpy( p_new, p, ( i_old_size < i_size ) ? i_old_size : i_size );
    x264_free( p );
    return p_new;
int x264_lookahead_init( x264_t *h, int i_slicetype_length )
    x264_lookahead_t *look;
    CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( look, sizeof(x264_lookahead_t) );
    for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_threads; i++ )
        h->thread[i]->lookahead = look;

    look->i_last_keyframe = - h->param.i_keyint_max;
    look->b_analyse_keyframe = (h->param.rc.b_mb_tree || (h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead))
                               && !h->param.rc.b_stat_read;
    look->i_slicetype_length = i_slicetype_length;

    /* init frame lists */
    if( x264_sync_frame_list_init( &look->ifbuf, h->param.i_sync_lookahead+3 ) ||
            x264_sync_frame_list_init( &look->next, h->frames.i_delay+3 ) ||
            x264_sync_frame_list_init( &look->ofbuf, h->frames.i_delay+3 ) )
        goto fail;

    if( !h->param.i_sync_lookahead )
        return 0;

    x264_t *look_h = h->thread[h->param.i_threads];
    *look_h = *h;
    if( x264_macroblock_cache_allocate( look_h ) )
        goto fail;

    if( x264_macroblock_thread_allocate( look_h, 1 ) < 0 )
        goto fail;

    if( x264_pthread_create( &look->thread_handle, NULL, (void*)x264_lookahead_thread, look_h ) )
        goto fail;
    look->b_thread_active = 1;

    return 0;
    x264_free( look );
    return -1;
Example #23
sc_streamer sc_streamer_init_video(const char* stream_host, const char* room_name, sc_frame_rect capture_rect, sc_time start_time_stamp){
	x264_param_t param;
    char *stream_uri = (char *) malloc (100);
    sprintf(stream_uri, "rtmp://%s/screenshare/%s", stream_host, room_name);
    sc_streamer streamer = {.start_time_stamp = start_time_stamp,
        .stream_uri = stream_uri,
        .room_name = room_name,
        .capture_rect = capture_rect,
        .frames = 0,
        .rtmpt = 0};

    streamer.flv_out_handle = open_flv_buffer();
    streamer.rtmp = open_RTMP_stream( stream_uri );
    if(!RTMP_IsConnected(streamer.rtmp) || RTMP_IsTimedout(streamer.rtmp)) {
        printf("Using rtmpt \n");
        streamer.rtmpt = 1;
        char *stream_uri = (char *) malloc (100);
        sprintf(stream_uri, "rtmpt://%s/screenshare/%s", stream_host, room_name);
        streamer.rtmp = open_RTMP_stream( stream_uri );
    write_RTMP_header(streamer.flv_out_handle, streamer.rtmp);
    x264_param_default_preset(&param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
    param.i_log_level  = X264_LOG_ERROR;
    //param.psz_dump_yuv = (char *)"/tmp/dump.y4m";
    param.b_vfr_input = 1;
    param.i_keyint_max = 30;
    param.i_width = capture_rect.width;
    param.i_height = capture_rect.height;
    param.i_timebase_num   = 1.0;
    param.i_timebase_den   = SC_TimeBase;
    //Rate control/quality
    param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
    param.i_slice_max_size = 1024;
    param.rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = 1024;
    param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = 2000;
    param.rc.f_rf_constant = 23;
    param.b_sliced_threads = 0;
    param.b_intra_refresh = 0;
    param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
    param.b_annexb = 0;
    x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "main");
    streamer.encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
    set_RTMP_param( streamer.flv_out_handle, &param );
    x264_nal_t *headers;
    int i_nal;
    x264_encoder_headers( streamer.encoder, &headers, &i_nal );
    write_RTMP_headers( streamer.flv_out_handle, streamer.rtmp, headers );
    headers = NULL;
    streamer.rtmp_setup = 1;
    streamer.reconnect_tries = 0;
    return streamer;

sc_streamer sc_streamer_init_cursor(const char* stream_host, const char* room_name, sc_time start_time_stamp){

    char *so_name = (char *) malloc (100);
    sprintf(so_name, "SC.SS.%s.Cursor", room_name);
    char *stream_uri = (char *) malloc (100);
    sprintf(stream_uri, "rtmp://%s/screenshare/%s-cursor", stream_host, room_name);
    sc_streamer streamer = {.start_time_stamp = start_time_stamp,
        .stream_uri = stream_uri,
        .room_name = room_name,
        .so_name = so_name,
        .rtmpt = 0,
        .have_inital_SO = 0};
    streamer.flv_out_handle = open_flv_buffer();
    streamer.rtmp = open_RTMP_stream( stream_uri );
    if(!RTMP_IsConnected(streamer.rtmp) || RTMP_IsTimedout(streamer.rtmp)) {
        streamer.rtmpt = 1;
        char *stream_uri = (char *) malloc (100);
        sprintf(stream_uri, "rtmpt://%s/screenshare/%s-cursor", stream_host, room_name);
        streamer.rtmp = open_RTMP_stream( stream_uri );
    setup_shared_object(streamer.so_name, streamer.rtmp);
    streamer.rtmp_setup = 1;
    streamer.so_version = 0;
    streamer.reconnect_tries = 0;
    return streamer;

void sc_streamer_send_frame(sc_streamer *streamer, sc_frame *frame, sc_time frame_time_stamp) {
    x264_picture_t pic_in, pic_out;
	x264_picture_alloc(&pic_in, X264_CSP_I420, streamer->capture_rect.width, streamer->capture_rect.height);
    const size_t image_size = (streamer->capture_rect.width * streamer->capture_rect.height);
    pic_in.img.plane[0] = frame->framePtr;
    pic_in.img.plane[1] = frame->framePtr + image_size;
    pic_in.img.plane[2] = frame->framePtr + image_size + image_size / 4;

    pic_in.i_pts = floor((frame_time_stamp - streamer->start_time_stamp));
    x264_nal_t* nals;
    int i_nals;
    int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(streamer->encoder, &nals, &i_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
    if(frame_size > 0) {
        write_RTMP_frame( streamer->flv_out_handle, streamer->rtmp, nals[0].p_payload, frame_size, &pic_out );
    nals = NULL;
Example #24
int x264_opencl_lookahead_init( x264_t *h )
    x264_opencl_function_t *ocl = h->opencl.ocl;
    cl_platform_id *platforms = NULL;
    cl_device_id *devices = NULL;
    cl_image_format *imageType = NULL;
    cl_context context = NULL;
    int ret = -1;
    cl_uint i;

    cl_uint numPlatforms = 0;
    cl_int status = ocl->clGetPlatformIDs( 0, NULL, &numPlatforms );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !numPlatforms )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Unable to query installed platforms\n" );
        goto fail;
    platforms = (cl_platform_id*)x264_malloc( sizeof(cl_platform_id) * numPlatforms );
    if( !platforms )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: malloc of installed platforms buffer failed\n" );
        goto fail;
    status = ocl->clGetPlatformIDs( numPlatforms, platforms, NULL );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Unable to query installed platforms\n" );
        goto fail;

    /* Select the first OpenCL platform with a GPU device that supports our
     * required image (texture) formats */
    for( i = 0; i < numPlatforms; i++ )
        cl_uint gpu_count = 0;
        cl_uint gpu;

    	status = ocl->clGetDeviceIDs( platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, NULL, &gpu_count );
        if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !gpu_count )

        x264_free( devices );
        devices = x264_malloc( sizeof(cl_device_id) * gpu_count );
        if( !devices )

        status = ocl->clGetDeviceIDs( platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, gpu_count, devices, NULL );
        if( status != CL_SUCCESS )

        /* Find a GPU device that supports our image formats */
        for( gpu = 0; gpu < gpu_count; gpu++ )
            cl_bool image_support;
            cl_uint imagecount;
            int b_has_r;
            int b_has_rgba;
            cl_uint j;

			h->opencl.device = devices[gpu];

            /* if the user has specified an exact device ID, skip all other
             * GPUs.  If this device matches, allow it to continue through the
             * checks for supported images, etc.  */
            if( h->param.opencl_device_id && devices[gpu] != (cl_device_id)h->param.opencl_device_id )

            image_support = 0;
            status = ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT, sizeof(cl_bool), &image_support, NULL );
            if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !image_support )

            if( context )
                ocl->clReleaseContext( context );
            context = ocl->clCreateContext( NULL, 1, &h->opencl.device, (void*)x264_opencl_error_notify, (void*)h, &status );
            if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !context )

            imagecount = 0;
            status = ocl->clGetSupportedImageFormats( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, 0, NULL, &imagecount );
            if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !imagecount )

            x264_free( imageType );
            imageType = x264_malloc( sizeof(cl_image_format) * imagecount );
            if( !imageType )

            status = ocl->clGetSupportedImageFormats( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, imagecount, imageType, NULL );
            if( status != CL_SUCCESS )

            b_has_r = 0;
            b_has_rgba = 0;
            for( j = 0; j < imagecount; j++ )
                if( imageType[j].image_channel_order == CL_R &&
                    imageType[j].image_channel_data_type == CL_UNSIGNED_INT32 )
                    b_has_r = 1;
                else if( imageType[j].image_channel_order == CL_RGBA &&
                         imageType[j].image_channel_data_type == CL_UNSIGNED_INT8 )
                    b_has_rgba = 1;
            if( !b_has_r || !b_has_rgba )
                char dev_name[64];
                status = ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(dev_name), dev_name, NULL );
                if( status == CL_SUCCESS )
                    /* emit warning if we are discarding the user's explicit choice */
                    int level = h->param.opencl_device_id ? X264_LOG_WARNING : X264_LOG_DEBUG;
                    x264_log( h, level, "OpenCL: %s does not support required image formats\n", dev_name );

            /* user selection of GPU device, skip N first matches */
            if( h->param.i_opencl_device )

            h->opencl.queue = ocl->clCreateCommandQueue( context, h->opencl.device, 0, &status );
            if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !h->opencl.queue )

            h->opencl.context = context;
            context = NULL;

            ret = 0;

        if( !ret )

    if( !h->param.psz_clbin_file )
        h->param.psz_clbin_file = "x264_lookahead.clbin";

    if( ret )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Unable to find a compatible device\n" );
        ret = x264_opencl_lookahead_alloc( h );

    if( context )
        ocl->clReleaseContext( context );
    x264_free( imageType );
    x264_free( devices );
    x264_free( platforms );
    return ret;
Example #25
/* The OpenCL source under common/opencl will be merged into common/oclobj.h by
 * the Makefile. It defines a x264_opencl_source byte array which we will pass
 * to clCreateProgramWithSource().  We also attempt to use a cache file for the
 * compiled binary, stored in the current working folder. */
static cl_program x264_opencl_compile( x264_t *h )
    x264_opencl_function_t *ocl = h->opencl.ocl;
    cl_program program = NULL;
    char *build_log = NULL;

    char dev_name[64];
    char dev_vendor[64];
    char driver_version[64];
    cl_int status;
    int vectorize;
    const char *buildopts;
    size_t build_log_len;
    FILE *log_file;

	status  = ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DEVICE_NAME,    sizeof(dev_name), dev_name, NULL );
    status |= ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR,  sizeof(dev_vendor), dev_vendor, NULL );
    status |= ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, sizeof(driver_version), driver_version, NULL );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS )
        return NULL;

    // Most AMD GPUs have vector registers
    vectorize = !strcmp( dev_vendor, "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." );
    h->opencl.b_device_AMD_SI = 0;

    if( vectorize )
        cl_uint simdwidth;

		/* Disable OpenCL on Intel/AMD switchable graphics devices */
        if( x264_detect_switchable_graphics() )
            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "OpenCL acceleration disabled, switchable graphics detected\n" );
            return NULL;

        /* Detect AMD SouthernIsland or newer device (single-width registers) */
        simdwidth = 4;
        status = ocl->clGetDeviceInfo( h->opencl.device, CL_DEVICE_SIMD_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH_AMD, sizeof(cl_uint), &simdwidth, NULL );
        if( status == CL_SUCCESS && simdwidth == 1 )
            vectorize = 0;
            h->opencl.b_device_AMD_SI = 1;

    x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "OpenCL acceleration enabled with %s %s %s\n", dev_vendor, dev_name, h->opencl.b_device_AMD_SI ? "(SI)" : "" );

    program = x264_opencl_cache_load( h, dev_name, dev_vendor, driver_version );
    if( !program )
        const char *strptr;
        size_t size;

		/* clCreateProgramWithSource() requires a pointer variable, you cannot just use &x264_opencl_source */
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_INFO, "Compiling OpenCL kernels...\n" );
        strptr = (const char*)x264_opencl_source;
        size = sizeof(x264_opencl_source);
        program = ocl->clCreateProgramWithSource( h->opencl.context, 1, &strptr, &size, &status );
        if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !program )
            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: unable to create program\n" );
            return NULL;

    /* Build the program binary for the OpenCL device */
    buildopts = vectorize ? "-DVECTORIZE=1" : "";
    status = ocl->clBuildProgram( program, 1, &h->opencl.device, buildopts, NULL, NULL );
    if( status == CL_SUCCESS )
        x264_opencl_cache_save( h, program, dev_name, dev_vendor, driver_version );
        return program;

    /* Compile failure, should not happen with production code. */

    build_log_len = 0;
    status = ocl->clGetProgramBuildInfo( program, h->opencl.device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &build_log_len );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS || !build_log_len )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Compilation failed, unable to query build log\n" );
        goto fail;

    build_log = x264_malloc( build_log_len );
    if( !build_log )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Compilation failed, unable to alloc build log\n" );
        goto fail;

    status = ocl->clGetProgramBuildInfo( program, h->opencl.device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, build_log_len, build_log, NULL );
    if( status != CL_SUCCESS )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Compilation failed, unable to get build log\n" );
        goto fail;

    log_file = x264_fopen( "x264_kernel_build_log.txt", "w" );
    if( !log_file )
        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: Compilation failed, unable to create file x264_kernel_build_log.txt\n" );
        goto fail;
    fwrite( build_log, 1, build_log_len, log_file );
    fclose( log_file );
    x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "OpenCL: kernel build errors written to x264_kernel_build_log.txt\n" );

    x264_free( build_log );
    if( program )
        ocl->clReleaseProgram( program );
    return NULL;
Example #26
/* {{{ [fold] void x264_visualize_close( x264_t *h ) */
void x264_visualize_close( x264_t *h )
Example #27
void x264_cli_pic_clean( cli_pic_t *pic )
    for( int i = 0; i < pic->img.planes; i++ )
        x264_free( pic->img.plane[i] );
    memset( pic, 0, sizeof(cli_pic_t) );