Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Dimension of the input data. In our case, it should be 10=5*2 (5points underneath the foot and 2 is for position and velocity) for each model. In total, we need 6 models one per each force/torque.
    int dimX = 2;
    // Number of training data. In our case it is 150.
    int numSamplesY = 150;
    Matrix X(numSamplesY,dimX);
    ColumnVector y(numSamplesY);
    ColumnVector xTest(dimX);
    DiagonalMatrix Dprecision(dimX);
    // constant parameters
    double cutoff = 0;
    double sigma = 0.1;
    int minNumPts = 2;

    // Position and velocity for the five points. The size should be 10 and we need 6 sets of these.
    xTest.element(0) = 25;
    xTest.element(1) = 450;
    for (int i=0; i<dimX; ++i) {
        Dprecision.element(i,i) = sigma;

    double beta[dimX+1];
    double *outBetaPtr;
    outBetaPtr = &beta[0];

    // This part will be replaced by the recorded data from previous steps
    for (int i=0; i<numSamplesY; ++i) {
        X.element(i,0) = i;
        X.element(i,1) = 2*i*i;
        y.element(i) = 3*i;
    // Calling the learning algorithm
    localLinearWeightedRegression(X, y, xTest, Dprecision, cutoff, minNumPts, dimX, numSamplesY, outBetaPtr);
    // output is y = beta0 + beta1*x1 + ... + beta10*x10
    // we need 6 sets of these
    double predict;
    predict = *outBetaPtr + *(outBetaPtr+1) * xTest.element(0) + *(outBetaPtr+2) * xTest.element(1);
    printf("predicted value ==> %f\n", predict );

   return 0; 
Example #2
float Interpolate1D::predict(const float & x) const
	DenseMatrix<float > xTest(1,1);
	xTest.column(0)[0] = x - m_xMean->v()[0];
	Covariance<float, RbfKernel<float> > covTest;
    covTest.create(xTest, *m_xTrain, *m_rbf);
	DenseMatrix<float> KxKtraininv(covTest.K().numRows(),
									m_covTrain->Kinv().numCols() );
	covTest.K().mult(KxKtraininv, m_covTrain->Kinv() );
/// yPred = Ktest * inv(Ktrain) * yTrain
	DenseMatrix<float> yPred(1,1);
	KxKtraininv.mult(yPred, *m_yTrain);
	return (yPred.column(0)[0] + m_yMean->v()[0]);