ColumnVector GPSModel::ExpectedValueGet() const {
  this->y_(1) = x_(POSITION_X);
  this->y_(2) = x_(POSITION_Y);
  this->y_(3) = x_(VELOCITY_X);
  this->y_(4) = x_(VELOCITY_Y);
  return y_;
ColumnVector HeadingModel::ExpectedValueGet() const {
  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);

  y_(1) = atan2(2*(qx*qy + qw*qz), qw*qw + qx*qx - qy*qy - qz*qz);

  return y_;
Example #3
double TimeSyncFilter::getLocalTimestamp(double device_time) {
  if (!is_initialized_) {
    std::cout << "[WARN]: Timesync filter not initialized yet! Hack "
                 "initializing now.";
    double local_time = ros::Time::now().toSec();
    initialize(device_time, local_time);
  double dt = device_time - last_update_device_time_;
  return device_time + x_(0) + dt * x_(1);
ColumnVector MagneticModel::ExpectedValueGet() const {
  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);

  y_(1) = (qw*qw+qx*qx-qy*qy-qz*qz) * magnetic_field_(1) + (2.0*qx*qy+2.0*qw*qz)     * magnetic_field_(2) + (2.0*qx*qz-2.0*qw*qy)     * magnetic_field_(3);
  y_(2) = (2.0*qx*qy-2.0*qw*qz)     * magnetic_field_(1) + (qw*qw-qx*qx+qy*qy-qz*qz) * magnetic_field_(2) + (2.0*qy*qz+2.0*qw*qx)     * magnetic_field_(3);
  y_(3) = (2.0*qx*qz+2.0*qw*qy)     * magnetic_field_(1) + (2.0*qy*qz-2.0*qw*qx)     * magnetic_field_(2) + (qw*qw-qx*qx-qy*qy+qz*qz) * magnetic_field_(3);

  return y_;
void RBFVectorFieldGenerator2D::createSamples()

    if (useSameSeed_.get()) {


    std::generate(samples_.begin(), samples_.end(),
        [&]() { return std::make_pair(dvec2(x_(mt_), x_(mt_)), randomVector()); });
Example #6
Point divide_interval(Interval tmp, Fraction K)
	Point tmp_point;

	Fraction S_lg_X = tmp.getS().getX();
	Fraction S_lg_Y = tmp.getS().getY();
	Fraction E_lg_X = tmp.getE().getX();
	Fraction E_lg_Y = tmp.getE().getY();

	Fraction rvec_X = E_lg_X - S_lg_X;
	Fraction rvec_Y = E_lg_Y - S_lg_Y;

	if(K.lg_u_() + rvec_X.lg_u_() + S_lg_X.lg_l_() > 17 ||
		K.lg_l_() + rvec_X.lg_l_() + S_lg_X.lg_u_() > 17 ||
		K.lg_u_() + rvec_Y.lg_u_() + S_lg_Y.lg_l_() > 17 ||
		K.lg_l_() + rvec_Y.lg_l_() + S_lg_Y.lg_u_() > 17 ||
		K.lg_l_() + rvec_X.lg_l_() + S_lg_X.lg_l_() > 18 ||
		K.lg_l_() + rvec_Y.lg_l_() + S_lg_Y.lg_l_() > 18)
		double tmp_x = S_lg_X.numerical() + K.numerical() * (E_lg_X.numerical() - S_lg_X.numerical());
		double tmp_y = S_lg_Y.numerical() + K.numerical() * (E_lg_Y.numerical() - S_lg_Y.numerical());
		Fraction x_(tmp_x, 17);	
		Fraction y_(tmp_y, 17);
		return tmp_point.upload(x_, y_);
		Fraction x = S_lg_X + K * rvec_X;
		Fraction y = S_lg_Y + K * rvec_Y;
		return tmp_point.upload(x, y);
void ParticleContainerLCTest::setUp() {

	sim = new Simulation;
	sim->cutoff = 3.0;
	sim->delta_t = 0.00005;
	sim->meshWidth = 1.1225;
	sim->boundaries->setBoundary(BoundaryConds::LEFT, BoundaryConds::REFLECTING);
	sim->boundaries->setBoundary(BoundaryConds::RIGHT, BoundaryConds::REFLECTING);
	sim->domainSize[0] = 6.0;
	sim->domainSize[1] = 6.0;
	sim->domainSize[2] = 3.0;

	ParticleContainer pc1;
	pc = new ParticleContainerLC(&pc1, sim);
	utils::Vector<double, 3> x(1.1);
	utils::Vector<double, 3> x_(5.1);
	utils::Vector<double, 3> v(0.0);
	v[0] = 10;
	p = new Particle(x, v, 1.0, 0);
	p_ = new Particle(x_, v, 1.0, 0);
	LOG4CXX_INFO(testlog, "p:" << p->toString());
	LOG4CXX_INFO(testlog, "p_:" << p_->toString());


Example #8
static void docx_rect(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,
                     const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {

  DOCX_dev *docx_obj = (DOCX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;
  Rcpp::NumericVector x_(2);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y_(2);
  x_[0] = x0;
  y_[0] = y0;
  x_[1] = x1;
  y_[1] = y1;
  docx_obj->clp->set_data(x_, y_);
  Rcpp::NumericVector x__ = docx_obj->clp->get_x();
  Rcpp::NumericVector y__ = docx_obj->clp->get_y();

  xfrm xfrm_(x__, y__);

  line_style line_style_(gc->lwd, gc->col, gc->lty, gc->ljoin, gc->lend);
  a_color fill_( gc->fill );

  fputs("<wps:wsp>", docx_obj->file);
    write_nv_pr_docx(dd, "rc");
    fputs("<wps:spPr>", docx_obj->file);
      fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s", xfrm_.xml().c_str());
      fprintf(docx_obj->file,"%s", a_prstgeom::a_tag("rect").c_str());
      if( fill_.is_visible() > 0 )
        fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s", fill_.solid_fill().c_str());
      fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s", line_style_.a_tag().c_str());
    fputs("</wps:spPr>", docx_obj->file);
    fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s",empty_body_text::wps_tag().c_str());
  fputs("</wps:wsp>", docx_obj->file);
Example #9
arrangement::keep_arc(Arrangement_2::Edge_iterator &e, Arrangement_2 &copy, Walk_pl &walk_pl)
    Conic_point_2 p;
    // if it is a segment
    if (e->curve().orientation() == CGAL::COLLINEAR)
        Conic_point_2 source = e->curve().source();
        Conic_point_2 target = e->curve().target();
        double x = CGAL::to_double((target.x() + source.x()) /2);
        double y = CGAL::to_double((target.y() + source.y()) /2);
        Rational x_(x);
        Rational y_(y);
        p = Conic_point_2(x_,y_);
    else // if it is an arc
        int n = 2;
        approximated_point_2* points = new approximated_point_2[n + 1];
        e->curve().polyline_approximation(n, points); // there is 3 points
        p = Conic_point_2(Rational(points[1].first),Rational(points[1].second));

    Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle v = insert_point(copy, p, walk_pl);
        if (v->face()->data() != 1)
            nonCriticalRegions.remove_edge(e, false, false);
    catch (const std::exception exn) {}
Example #10
    svd_solve_result(Input& a,
                     const B& b,
                     const rtype_t & rcond = rtype_t(-1))
      : a_(a)
      const nt2_la_int ml   = size(a_, 1);
      const nt2_la_int nl   = size(a_, 2);
      const nt2_la_int nrhs = size(b, 2);
      const nt2_la_int lda  = a_.leading_size();
      //      const nt2_la_int ldb  = b.leading_size();
      rtab_t s(of_size(nt2::min(ml, nl), 1));

      // typically is a non-square, so we need to create tmp x because is
      //  x is n x nrhs, while b is m x nrhs.  we need to make copies of
      //  these so that the routine won't corrupt data around x and b

      if (ml != nl)
          nt2_la_int mm =  std::max(std::max(ml,nl),1);
          x_ = nt2::expand(b, nt2::of_size(mm, nrhs));
          nt2_la_int ldx_ =  x_.leading_size();
          nt2::details::gelsd(&ml, &nl, &nrhs, a_.raw(), &lda, x_.raw(), &ldx_,
                              s.raw(), &rcond, &rank_, &info_);
          x_ = x_(_(1, nl), _(1, nrhs));
          //          BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(info!= 0, "lapack error : gelsd in solve_svd_ip(1)");
          x_ = b;
          nt2_la_int ldx_ =  x_.leading_size();
          nt2::details::gelsd(&ml, &nl, &nrhs, a_.raw(), &lda, x_.raw(), &ldx_,
                              s.raw(), &rcond, &rank_, &info_);
          //          BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(info == 0, "lapack error : gelsd in solve_svd_ip(2)");
Example #11
void ArmadilloSolver::solve_irls()
    // Weight vector
    fvec wsq = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem);
    //fvec wsq_ = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem);

    //fvec err_u = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem/2);
    //fvec err_v = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem/2);

    fmat A_(A.n_rows, A.n_cols);
    //fvec y_(y.n_elem);
    fvec x_(A.n_cols);

    fmat T1(A.n_cols, A.n_cols);
    fvec T2(A.n_cols);

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] Solver dimensions: " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t T1: " << T1.n_rows << " x " << T1.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t T2: " << T2.n_rows << " x " << T2.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t A: " << A.n_rows << " x " << A.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t y: " << y.n_elem << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t x: " << x_.n_elem << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Q: " << Q.n_rows << " x " << Q.n_cols << std::endl;

    int iters = this->n_iters;

    for (int iter=0; iter < iters; iter++) {
        A_ = A;

        // Re-weight rows of matrix and result vector
        A_.each_col() %= wsq;
        //y_ = y % wsq;

        T1 = A_.t() * A_ + Q;
        T2 = A_.t() * (y % wsq);
        x_ = arma::solve(T1,T2);

        // Computing wsq is a little different, since we want to 
        // weight both x and y direction of the pixel by the L2 error.
        wsq = square(A * x_ - y) * 1.0/this->sigma_sq;
        wsq = repmat(wsq.subvec(0,n_kp-1) + wsq.subvec(n_kp,2*n_kp-1),2,1);

        // Cauchy error
        // Note that the error would be 1.0/(1+f**2), but since we do not take the square
        // root above, we can omit the squaring here.
        for (int j=0; j < wsq.n_elem; j++)
            wsq[j] = 1.0/(1.0+wsq[j]);
        //wsq.transform( [](float f) {return 1.0/(1.0+f); } );
        wsq = sqrt(wsq);

    this->x = x_;
    this->wsq = square(wsq);
dvec2 RBFVectorFieldGenerator2D::randomVector() {
    dvec2 v(1, 0);

    auto d = theta_(mt_);
    auto c = std::cos(d);
    auto s = std::sin(d);
    return (mat2(c, s, -s, c) * v) * static_cast<float>((x_(mt_) * 2 - 1));
void Radial_grid::set_radial_points(int num_points__, double const* x__)
    assert(num_points__ > 0);
    /* set points */
    x_ = mdarray<double, 1>(num_points__);
    memcpy(&x_(0), x__, num_points__ * sizeof(double));

    for (int i = 0; i < num_points__; i++) x_(i) = Utils::round(x_(i), 13);
    /* set x^{-1} */
    x_inv_ = mdarray<double, 1>(num_points__);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_points__; i++) x_inv_(i) = (x_(i) == 0) ? 0 : 1.0 / x_(i);
    /* set dx */
    dx_ = mdarray<double, 1>(num_points__ - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_points__ - 1; i++) dx_(i) = x_(i + 1) - x_(i);
    //== if (dx_(0) < 1e-7)
    //== {
    //==     std::stringstream s;
    //==     s << "dx step near origin is small : " << Utils::double_to_string(dx_(0));
    //==     warning_global(__FILE__, __LINE__, s);
    //== }
Matrix HeadingModel::dfGet(unsigned int i) const {
  if (i != 0) return Matrix();

  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);
  const double t1 = qw*qw + qx*qx - qy*qy - qz*qz;
  const double t2 = 2*(qx*qy + qw*qz);
  const double t3 = 1.0 / (t1*t1 + t2*t2);

  C_(1,QUATERNION_W) = 2.0 * t3 * (qz * t1 - qw * t2);
  C_(1,QUATERNION_X) = 2.0 * t3 * (qy * t1 - qx * t2);
  C_(1,QUATERNION_Y) = 2.0 * t3 * (qx * t1 + qy * t2);
  C_(1,QUATERNION_Z) = 2.0 * t3 * (qw * t1 + qz * t2);

  return C_;
Example #15
 inline typename result_of::push_front<Sequence const, T>::type
 push_front(Sequence const& seq, T const& x)
     typedef typename result_of::push_front<Sequence const, T> push_front;
     typedef typename push_front::single_view single_view; 
     typedef typename push_front::type result; 
     single_view x_(x);
     return result(x_, seq);
ColumnVector RateModel::ExpectedValueGet() const {
  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);

  y_(1) = (qw*qw+qx*qx-qy*qy-qz*qz) * x_(RATE_X) + (2.0*qx*qy+2.0*qw*qz)     * x_(RATE_Y) + (2.0*qx*qz-2.0*qw*qy)     * x_(RATE_Z) + x_(BIAS_GYRO_X);
  y_(2) = (2.0*qx*qy-2.0*qw*qz)     * x_(RATE_X) + (qw*qw-qx*qx+qy*qy-qz*qz) * x_(RATE_Y) + (2.0*qy*qz+2.0*qw*qx)     * x_(RATE_Z) + x_(BIAS_GYRO_Y);
  y_(3) = (2.0*qx*qz+2.0*qw*qy)     * x_(RATE_X) + (2.0*qy*qz-2.0*qw*qx)     * x_(RATE_Y) + (qw*qw-qx*qx-qy*qy+qz*qz) * x_(RATE_Z) + x_(BIAS_GYRO_Z);
  y_(1) = 0.0;
  y_(2) = 0.0;
  y_(3) = 0.0;

  return y_;
Example #17
 inline typename result_of::push_back<Sequence const, T>::type
 push_back(Sequence const& seq, T const& x)
     typedef typename result_of::push_back<Sequence const, T> push_back;
     typedef typename push_back::single_view single_view; 
     typedef typename push_back::type result; 
     single_view x_(x);
     return result(seq, x_);
Matrix RateModel::dfGet(unsigned int i) const {
  if (i != 0) return Matrix();

  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);

  //  C_(1,QUATERNION_W) =  2.0*qw * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Y) - 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(1,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qx * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(1,QUATERNION_Y) = -2.0*qy * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Y) - 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(1,QUATERNION_Z) = -2.0*qz * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(2,QUATERNION_W) = -2.0*qz * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(2,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qy * x_(RATE_X) - 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(2,QUATERNION_Y) =  2.0*qx * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(2,QUATERNION_Z) = -2.0*qw * x_(RATE_X) - 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(3,QUATERNION_W) =  2.0*qy * x_(RATE_X) - 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(3,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qz * x_(RATE_X) - 2.0*qw * x_(RATE_Y) - 2.0*qx * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(3,QUATERNION_Y) =  2.0*qw * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Y) - 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Z);
  //  C_(3,QUATERNION_Z) =  2.0*qx * x_(RATE_X) + 2.0*qy * x_(RATE_Y) + 2.0*qz * x_(RATE_Z);

  C_(1,RATE_X) = (qw*qw+qx*qx-qy*qy-qz*qz);
  C_(1,RATE_Y) = (2.0*qx*qy+2.0*qw*qz);
  C_(1,RATE_Z) = (2.0*qx*qz-2.0*qw*qy);
  C_(2,RATE_X) = (2.0*qx*qy-2.0*qw*qz);
  C_(2,RATE_Y) = (qw*qw-qx*qx+qy*qy-qz*qz);
  C_(2,RATE_Z) = (2.0*qy*qz+2.0*qw*qx);
  C_(3,RATE_X) = (2.0*qx*qz+2.0*qw*qy);
  C_(3,RATE_Y) = (2.0*qy*qz-2.0*qw*qx);
  C_(3,RATE_Z) = (qw*qw-qx*qx-qy*qy+qz*qz);

  C_(1,BIAS_GYRO_X) = 1.0;
  C_(2,BIAS_GYRO_Y) = 1.0;
  C_(3,BIAS_GYRO_Z) = 1.0;

  return C_;
// Generalization of the addition operation,
//        x_plus_delta = Plus(x, delta)
//        with the condition that Plus(x, 0) = x.
bool HomogeneousPointLocalParameterization::plus(const double* x,
                                                 const double* delta,
                                                 double* x_plus_delta) {

  Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> delta_(delta);
  Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector4d> x_(x);
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector4d> x_plus_delta_(x_plus_delta);

  // Euclidean style
  x_plus_delta_ = x_ + Eigen::Vector4d(delta_[0], delta_[1], delta_[2], 0);

  return true;
Matrix MagneticModel::dfGet(unsigned int i) const {
  if (i != 0) return Matrix();

  const double qw = x_(QUATERNION_W);
  const double qx = x_(QUATERNION_X);
  const double qy = x_(QUATERNION_Y);
  const double qz = x_(QUATERNION_Z);

  C_full_(1,QUATERNION_W) =  2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(2) - 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(1,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(1,QUATERNION_Y) = -2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(2) - 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(1,QUATERNION_Z) = -2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(2,QUATERNION_W) = -2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(2,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(1) - 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(2,QUATERNION_Y) =  2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(2,QUATERNION_Z) = -2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(1) - 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(3,QUATERNION_W) =  2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(1) - 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(3,QUATERNION_X) =  2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(1) - 2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(2) - 2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(3,QUATERNION_Y) =  2.0*qw * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(2) - 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(3);
  C_full_(3,QUATERNION_Z) =  2.0*qx * magnetic_field_(1) + 2.0*qy * magnetic_field_(2) + 2.0*qz * magnetic_field_(3);

  // return C_full_;

  // dq/dyaw * dyaw*dq = 1/2 * [-qz -qy qx qw] * 2 * [-qz; -qy; qx; qw] =
  //  [ qz*qz  qz*qy -qz*qx -qz*qw ;
  //    qy*qz  qy*qy -qy*qx -qy*qw ;
  //   -qx*qz -qx*qy  qx*qx  qx*qw ;
  //   -qw*qz -qw*qy  qw*qx  qw*qw ]

  for(int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
    C_(i,QUATERNION_W) =  C_full_(i,QUATERNION_W) * qz*qz + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_X) * qy*qz - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Y) * qx*qz - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Z) * qw*qz;
    C_(i,QUATERNION_X) =  C_full_(i,QUATERNION_W) * qz*qy + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_X) * qy*qy - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Y) * qx*qy - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Z) * qw*qy;
    C_(i,QUATERNION_Y) = -C_full_(i,QUATERNION_W) * qz*qx - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_X) * qy*qx + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Y) * qx*qx + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Z) * qw*qx;
    C_(i,QUATERNION_Z) = -C_full_(i,QUATERNION_W) * qz*qw - C_full_(i,QUATERNION_X) * qy*qw + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Y) * qx*qw + C_full_(i,QUATERNION_Z) * qw*qw;

  return C_;
Example #21
       , result_of::push_back<Sequence const, T>
 push_back(Sequence const& seq, T const& x)
     typedef typename result_of::push_back<Sequence const, T> push_back;
     typedef typename push_back::single_view single_view; 
     typedef typename push_back::type result; 
     single_view x_(x);
     return result(seq, x_);
// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.
bool HomogeneousPointLocalParameterization::minus(const double* x,
                                                  const double* x_plus_delta,
                                                  double* delta) {

  Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> delta_(delta);
  Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector4d> x_(x);
  Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector4d> x_plus_delta_(x_plus_delta);

  // Euclidean style
  OKVIS_ASSERT_TRUE_DBG(Exception,fabs((x_plus_delta_-x_)[3])<1e-12, "comparing homogeneous points with different scale "<<x_plus_delta_[3]<<" vs. "<<x_[3]);
  delta_ = (x_plus_delta_ - x_).head<3>();

  return true;
Example #23
dvariable betacf(const dvariable& a, const dvariable& b, const dvariable& x, int MAXIT)
  typedef tiny_ad::variable<1, 3> Float;
  Float a_ (value(a), 0);
  Float b_ (value(b), 1);
  Float x_ (value(x), 2);
  Float ans = betacf<Float>(a_, b_, x_, MAXIT);
  tiny_vec<double, 3> der = ans.getDeriv();

  dvariable hh;
  value(hh) = ans.value;
  gradient_structure::GRAD_STACK1->set_gradient_stack(default_evaluation3ind, &(value(hh)), 
                         &(value(a)), der[0] ,&(value(b)), der[1], &(value(x)), der[2]);
  return hh;
Example #24
static void xlsx_polygon(int n, double *x, double *y, const pGEcontext gc,
                        pDevDesc dd) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;
  int i;
  Rcpp::NumericVector x_(n);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y_(n);

  for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ){
    x_[i] = x[i];
    y_[i] = y[i];

  xlsx_obj->clp->set_data(x_, y_);
  Rcpp::NumericVector x__ = xlsx_obj->clp->get_x();
  Rcpp::NumericVector y__ = xlsx_obj->clp->get_y();
  for(i = 0 ; i < y__.size() ; i++ ){
    x__[i] += xlsx_obj->offx;
    y__[i] += xlsx_obj->offy;
  xfrm xfrm_(x__, y__);

  line_style line_style_(gc->lwd, gc->col, gc->lty, gc->ljoin, gc->lend);
  a_color fill_( gc->fill );

  fputs("<xdr:sp>", xlsx_obj->file);
    write_nv_pr_xlsx(dd, "pg");
    fputs("<xdr:spPr>", xlsx_obj->file);
      fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", xfrm_.xml().c_str());
      fputs("<a:custGeom><a:avLst/>", xlsx_obj->file );
        fputs( "<a:pathLst>", xlsx_obj->file );
          fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", a_path::a_tag(x__, y__, 1 ).c_str());
        fputs( "</a:pathLst>", xlsx_obj->file );
      fputs("</a:custGeom>", xlsx_obj->file );
      if( fill_.is_visible() > 0 )
        fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", fill_.solid_fill().c_str());
      fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", line_style_.a_tag().c_str());
    fputs("</xdr:spPr>", xlsx_obj->file);
    fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s",empty_body_text::x_tag().c_str());
  fputs("</xdr:sp>", xlsx_obj->file);
Example #25
static void xlsx_polyline(int n, double *x, double *y, const pGEcontext gc,
                         pDevDesc dd) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;
  Rcpp::NumericVector x_(n);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y_(n);

  for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ){
    x_[i] = x[i];
    y_[i] = y[i];
  xlsx_obj->clp->set_data(x_, y_);

  std::vector<NumericVector> x_array = xlsx_obj->clp->get_x_lines();
  std::vector<NumericVector> y_array = xlsx_obj->clp->get_y_lines();

  for( size_t l = 0 ; l < x_array.size() ; l++ ){
    xlsx_do_polyline(,, gc, dd);
Example #26
static void xlsx_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
                     const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;

  Rcpp::NumericVector x_(2);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y_(2);
  x_[0] = x1;
  y_[0] = y1;
  x_[1] = x2;
  y_[1] = y2;
  xlsx_obj->clp->set_data(x_, y_);

  std::vector<NumericVector> x_array = xlsx_obj->clp->get_x_lines();
  std::vector<NumericVector> y_array = xlsx_obj->clp->get_y_lines();

  for( size_t l = 0 ; l < x_array.size() ; l++ ){
    xlsx_do_polyline(,, gc, dd);
Example #27
static void xlsx_rect(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,
                     const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {

  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;
  Rcpp::NumericVector x_(4);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y_(4);
  x_[0] = x0;
  y_[0] = y0;
  x_[1] = x1;
  y_[1] = y0;
  x_[2] = x1;
  y_[2] = y1;
  x_[3] = x0;
  y_[3] = y1;
  xlsx_obj->clp->set_data(x_, y_);
  Rcpp::NumericVector x__ = xlsx_obj->clp->get_x();
  Rcpp::NumericVector y__ = xlsx_obj->clp->get_y();
  for(int i = 0 ; i < x__.size() ; i++ ){
    x__[i] += xlsx_obj->offx;
    y__[i] += xlsx_obj->offy;
  xfrm xfrm_(x__, y__);

  line_style line_style_(gc->lwd, gc->col, gc->lty, gc->ljoin, gc->lend);
  a_color fill_( gc->fill );

  fputs("<xdr:sp>", xlsx_obj->file);
    write_nv_pr_xlsx(dd, "rc");
    fputs("<xdr:spPr>", xlsx_obj->file);
      fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", xfrm_.xml().c_str());
      fprintf(xlsx_obj->file,"%s", a_prstgeom::a_tag("rect").c_str());
      if( fill_.is_visible() > 0 )
        fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", fill_.solid_fill().c_str());
      fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", line_style_.a_tag().c_str());
    fputs("</xdr:spPr>", xlsx_obj->file);
    fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s",empty_body_text::x_tag().c_str());
  fputs("</xdr:sp>", xlsx_obj->file);
Example #28
	double Solve(const int &row_reduction_times) {
		std::vector<int> init_freeRows;
		std::vector<int> freeRows;
		AugmentingRowReduction(init_freeRows, freeRows);
		for(int time=1 ; time<row_reduction_times ; time++) {
			std::vector<int> tmp_freeRows(freeRows);
			AugmentingRowReduction(tmp_freeRows, freeRows);
		double cost = 0.0;
		for(int row=1 ; row<=n_ ; row++) {
			int col = x_(row-1);
			u_(row-1) = cost_mat_(row-1, col-1) - v_(col-1);
			cost += u_(row-1) + v_(col-1);
		return cost;
void dtkMatrixOperationsTestCase::testSolve(void)
    dtkUnderscore _;

    dtkDenseMatrix<double> a(4,4);

    dtkDenseVector<double> b(4); b = 1,2,3,4;
    dtkDenseVector<double> x=dtk::lapack::solve(a,b);

    dtkDenseVector<double> res(4); res = 5.34263959,0.53553299,-5.22081218,0.22588832;

    for(int i=1;i<5;i++)

    dtkDenseMatrix<double> a_(4,3);
    dtkDenseVector<double> b_(4);


    b_ = 1, 2, 2, 1;

    dtkDenseVector<double> res_(3); res_ = 1, 2, 1.5;

    dtkDenseVector<double> x_= dtk::lapack::solve(a_,b_);
    for(int i = 1; i < x_.length(); ++i) {
        QVERIFY((x_(i) - res_(i)) < 1e-7);

Example #30
  * Get an element of the vector
  * \param[in] n element index
  * \return element n
 double get( const int n ) const { return x_(n);}