Example #1
static void
destroy_sx_on_book_close(QofInstance *ent, gpointer data)
    SchedXaction* sx = GNC_SCHEDXACTION(ent);

Example #2
static void
sxftd_close(SXFromTransInfo *sxfti, gboolean delete_sx)
    if ( sxfti->sx && delete_sx )
    sxfti->sx = NULL;

    gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (sxfti->dialog));
static void
_destroy_sx(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
    SchedXactions *sxes;
    SchedXaction *sx = (SchedXaction*)data;
    QofBook *book;
    book = gnc_get_current_book();
    sxes = gnc_book_get_schedxactions(book);
    gnc_sxes_del_sx(sxes, sx);
Example #4
static void
sxftd_destroy( GtkWidget *w, gpointer user_data )
    SXFromTransInfo *sxfti = (SXFromTransInfo*)user_data;

    if ( sxfti->sx )
        sxfti->sx = NULL;


Example #5
static gboolean
gnc_schedXaction_end_handler(gpointer data_for_children,
                             GSList* data_from_children, GSList* sibling_data,
                             gpointer parent_data, gpointer global_data,
                             gpointer *result, const gchar *tag)
    SchedXaction *sx;
    gboolean     successful = FALSE;
    xmlNodePtr   tree = (xmlNodePtr)data_for_children;
    gxpf_data    *gdata = (gxpf_data*)global_data;
    struct sx_pdata sx_pdata;

    if ( parent_data )
        return TRUE;

    if ( !tag )
        return TRUE;

    g_return_val_if_fail( tree, FALSE );

    sx = xaccSchedXactionMalloc( gdata->bookdata );

    memset(&sx_pdata, 0, sizeof(sx_pdata));
    sx_pdata.sx = sx;
    sx_pdata.book = gdata->bookdata;

    g_assert( sx_dom_handlers != NULL );

    successful = dom_tree_generic_parse( tree, sx_dom_handlers, &sx_pdata );
    if (!successful)
        g_critical("failed to parse scheduled xaction");
        xmlElemDump( stdout, NULL, tree );
        gnc_sx_begin_edit( sx );
        xaccSchedXactionDestroy( sx );
        goto done;

    if (tree->properties)
        gchar *sx_name = xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx);
        xmlAttr *attr;
        for (attr = tree->properties; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
            xmlChar *attr_value = attr->children->content;
            g_debug("sx attribute name[%s] value[%s]", attr->name, attr_value);
            if (strcmp((const char *)attr->name, "version") != 0)
                g_warning("unknown sx attribute [%s]", attr->name);

            // if version == 1.0.0: ensure freqspec, no recurrence
            // if version == 2.0.0: ensure recurrence, no freqspec.
            if (strcmp((const char *)attr_value,
                       schedxaction_version_string) == 0)
                if (!sx_pdata.saw_freqspec)
                    g_critical("did not see freqspec in version 1 sx [%s]", sx_name);
                if (sx_pdata.saw_recurrence)
                    g_warning("saw recurrence in supposedly version 1 sx [%s]", sx_name);

            if (strcmp((const char *)attr_value,
                       schedxaction_version2_string) == 0)
                if (sx_pdata.saw_freqspec)
                    g_warning("saw freqspec in version 2 sx [%s]", sx_name);
                if (!sx_pdata.saw_recurrence)
                    g_critical("did not find recurrence in version 2 sx [%s]", sx_name);

    // generic_callback -> book_callback: insert the SX in the book
    gdata->cb( tag, gdata->parsedata, sx );

    /* FIXME: this should be removed somewhere near 1.8 release time. */
    if ( sx->template_acct == NULL )
        Account *ra = NULL;
        const char *id = NULL;
        Account *acct = NULL;
        sixtp_gdv2 *sixdata = gdata->parsedata;
        QofBook *book;

        book = sixdata->book;

        /* We're dealing with a pre-200107<near-end-of-month> rgmerk
           change re: storing template accounts. */
        /* Fix: get account with name of our GncGUID from the template
           accounts.  Make that our template_acct pointer. */
        /* THREAD-UNSAFE */
        id = guid_to_string( xaccSchedXactionGetGUID( sx ) );
        ra = gnc_book_get_template_root(book);
        if ( ra == NULL )
            g_warning( "Error getting template root account from being-parsed Book." );
            xmlFreeNode( tree );
            return FALSE;
        acct = gnc_account_lookup_by_name( ra, id );
        if ( acct == NULL )
            g_warning("no template account with name [%s]", id);
            xmlFreeNode( tree );
            return FALSE;
        g_debug("template account name [%s] for SX with GncGUID [%s]",
                xaccAccountGetName( acct ), id );

        /* FIXME: free existing template account.
         *  HUH????? We only execute this if there isn't
         * currently an existing template account, don't we?
         * <rgmerk>

        sx->template_acct = acct;

    xmlFreeNode( tree );

    return successful;