int main(int argc, char **argv) { double now = -1.0; int running; surf_init(&argc, argv); /* Initialize some common structures */ xbt_cfg_set_parse("network/model:CM02"); xbt_cfg_set_parse("cpu/model:Cas01"); xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform.xml\n", argv[0]); parse_platform_file(argv[1]); /*********************** HOST ***********************************/ simgrid::s4u::Host* hostA = sg_host_by_name("Cpu A"); simgrid::s4u::Host* hostB = sg_host_by_name("Cpu B"); /* Let's do something on it */ hostA->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); hostB->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); hostB->pimpl_cpu->sleep(7.32); surf_network_model->communicate(hostA, hostB, 150.0, -1.0); surf_solve(-1.0); /* Takes traces into account. Returns 0.0 */ do { surf_action_t action = nullptr; running = 0; now = surf_get_clock(); XBT_INFO("Next Event : %g", now); for (auto model: *all_existing_models) { if (surf_model_running_action_set_size(model)) { XBT_DEBUG("\t Running that model"); running = 1; } action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set(model); while (action != nullptr) { XBT_INFO(" * Done Action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed Action: %p", action); action->unref(); action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set(model); } action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set(model); while (action != nullptr){ XBT_INFO(" * Done Action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done Action: %p", action); action->unref(); action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set(model); } } } while (running && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0); XBT_INFO("Simulation Terminated"); return 0; }
void test(char *platform) { void *hostA = NULL; void *hostB = NULL; double now = -1.0; int running; xbt_cfg_set_parse(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model:CM02"); xbt_cfg_set_parse(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model:Cas01"); parse_platform_file(platform); /*********************** HOST ***********************************/ hostA = surf_host_resource_by_name("Cpu A"); hostB = surf_host_resource_by_name("Cpu B"); /* Let's check that those two processors exist */ XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_resource_name(hostA), hostA); XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_resource_name(hostB), hostB); /* Let's do something on it */ surf_host_execute(hostA, 1000.0); surf_host_execute(hostB, 1000.0); surf_host_sleep(hostB, 7.32); surf_host_model_communicate(surf_host_model, hostA, hostB, 150.0, -1.0); surf_solve(-1.0); /* Takes traces into account. Returns 0.0 */ do { surf_action_t action = NULL; unsigned int iter; surf_model_t model = NULL; running = 0; now = surf_get_clock(); XBT_DEBUG("Next Event : %g", now); xbt_dynar_foreach(model_list, iter, model) { XBT_DEBUG("\t %s actions", surf_model_name(model)); while ((action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set((surf_model_t)model))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } while ((action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set((surf_model_t)model))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } if (surf_model_running_action_set_size((surf_model_t)model)) { XBT_DEBUG("running %s", surf_model_name(model)); running = 1; } } } while (running && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0); XBT_DEBUG("Simulation Terminated"); }
/* Parse the command line, looking for options */ static void surf_config_cmd_line(int *argc, char **argv) { int i, j; char *opt; for (i = 1; i < *argc; i++) { int remove_it = 0; if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--cfg=", strlen("--cfg="))) { opt = strchr(argv[i], '='); opt++; xbt_cfg_set_parse(_surf_cfg_set, opt); XBT_DEBUG("Did apply '%s' as config setting", opt); remove_it = 1; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--cfg-help", strlen("--cfg-help") + 1) || !strncmp(argv[i], "--help", strlen("--help") + 1)) { printf ("Description of the configuration accepted by this simulator:\n"); xbt_cfg_help(_surf_cfg_set); printf ("\nYou can also use --help-models to see the details of all models known by this simulator.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_TRACING printf ("\nYou can also use --help-tracing to see the details of all tracing options known by this simulator.\n"); #endif exit(0); } else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "--help-models", strlen("--help-models") + 1)) { model_help("workstation", surf_workstation_model_description); model_help("CPU", surf_cpu_model_description); model_help("network", surf_network_model_description); exit(0); #ifdef HAVE_TRACING }else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "--help-tracing", strlen("--help-tracing") + 1)) { TRACE_help (1); exit(0); #endif } if (remove_it) { /*remove this from argv */ for (j = i + 1; j < *argc; j++) { argv[j - 1] = argv[j]; } argv[j - 1] = NULL; (*argc)--; i--; /* compensate effect of next loop incrementation */ } } }
/* Parse the command line, looking for options */ static void sg_config_cmd_line(int *argc, char **argv) { int shall_exit = 0; int i, j; char *opt; for (j = i = 1; i < *argc; i++) { if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--cfg=", strlen("--cfg="))) { opt = strchr(argv[i], '='); opt++; xbt_cfg_set_parse(_sg_cfg_set, opt); XBT_DEBUG("Did apply '%s' as config setting", opt); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) { printf("%s\n", SIMGRID_VERSION_STRING); shall_exit = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--cfg-help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { printf ("Description of the configuration accepted by this simulator:\n"); xbt_cfg_help(_sg_cfg_set); printf( "\n" "Each of these configurations can be used by adding\n" " --cfg=<option name>:<option value>\n" "to the command line.\n" "\n" "You can also use --help-models to see the details of all models known by this simulator.\n" "\n" "You can also use --help-tracing to see the details of all tracing options known by this simulator.\n" "\n" "You can also use --help-logs and --help-log-categories to see the details of logging output.\n" "\n" "You can also use --version to get SimGrid version information.\n" "\n" ); shall_exit = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help-models")) { int k; model_help("host", surf_host_model_description); printf("\n"); model_help("CPU", surf_cpu_model_description); printf("\n"); model_help("network", surf_network_model_description); printf("\nLong description of all optimization levels accepted by the models of this simulator:\n"); for (k = 0; surf_optimization_mode_description[k].name; k++) printf(" %s: %s\n", surf_optimization_mode_description[k].name, surf_optimization_mode_description[k].description); printf("Both network and CPU models have 'Lazy' as default optimization level\n\n"); shall_exit = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help-tracing")) { TRACE_help (1); shall_exit = 1; } else { argv[j++] = argv[i]; } } if (j < *argc) { argv[j] = NULL; *argc = j; } if (shall_exit) sg_cfg_exit_early(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { sg_host_t hostA = NULL; sg_host_t hostB = NULL; double now = -1.0; int running; surf_init(&argc, argv); /* Initialize some common structures */ xbt_cfg_set_parse("network/model:CM02"); xbt_cfg_set_parse("cpu/model:Cas01"); xbt_assert(argc >1, "Usage : %s platform.txt\n", argv[0]); parse_platform_file(argv[1]); /*********************** HOST ***********************************/ hostA = sg_host_by_name("Cpu A"); hostB = sg_host_by_name("Cpu B"); /* Let's check that those two processors exist */ XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", sg_host_get_name(hostA), hostA); XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", sg_host_get_name(hostB), hostB); /* Let's do something on it */ hostA->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); hostB->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); surf_host_sleep(hostB, 7.32); surf_network_model_communicate(surf_network_model, hostA, hostB, 150.0, -1.0); surf_solve(-1.0); /* Takes traces into account. Returns 0.0 */ do { surf_action_t action = NULL; unsigned int iter; surf_model_t model = NULL; running = 0; now = surf_get_clock(); XBT_INFO("Next Event : %g", now); xbt_dynar_foreach(all_existing_models, iter, model) { if (surf_model_running_action_set_size((surf_model_t)model)) { XBT_DEBUG("\t Running that model"); running = 1; } while ((action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set((surf_model_t)model))) { XBT_INFO(" * Done Action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed Action: %p", action); action->unref(); } while ((action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set((surf_model_t)model))) { XBT_INFO(" * Done Action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done Action: %p", action); action->unref(); } } } while (running && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0); XBT_INFO("Simulation Terminated"); surf_exit(); return 0; }
void test(char *platform) { void *cpuA = NULL; void *cpuB = NULL; void *cardA = NULL; void *cardB = NULL; surf_action_t actionA = NULL; surf_action_t actionB = NULL; surf_action_t actionC = NULL; e_surf_action_state_t stateActionA; e_surf_action_state_t stateActionB; e_surf_action_state_t stateActionC; double now = -1.0; xbt_cfg_set_parse(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model:Cas01"); xbt_cfg_set_parse(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model:CM02"); parse_platform_file(platform); /*********************** CPU ***********************************/ XBT_DEBUG("%p", surf_cpu_model_pm); cpuA = surf_cpu_resource_by_name("Cpu A"); cpuB = surf_cpu_resource_by_name("Cpu B"); /* Let's check that those two processors exist */ XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_resource_name(surf_cpu_resource_priv(cpuA)), cpuA); XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_resource_name(surf_cpu_resource_priv(cpuB)), cpuB); /* Let's do something on it */ actionA = surf_cpu_execute(cpuA, 1000.0); actionB = surf_cpu_execute(cpuB, 1000.0); actionC = surf_cpu_sleep(cpuB, 7.32); /* Use whatever calling style you want... */ stateActionA = surf_action_get_state(actionA); /* When you know actionA model type */ stateActionB = surf_action_get_state(actionB); /* If you're unsure about it's model type */ stateActionC = surf_action_get_state(actionC); /* When you know actionA model type */ /* And just look at the state of these tasks */ XBT_DEBUG("actionA : %p (%s)", actionA, string_action(stateActionA)); XBT_DEBUG("actionB : %p (%s)", actionB, string_action(stateActionB)); XBT_DEBUG("actionC : %p (%s)", actionB, string_action(stateActionC)); /*********************** Network *******************************/ XBT_DEBUG("%p", surf_network_model); cardA = sg_routing_edge_by_name_or_null("Cpu A"); cardB = sg_routing_edge_by_name_or_null("Cpu B"); /* Let's check that those two processors exist */ XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_routing_edge_name(cardA), cardA); XBT_DEBUG("%s : %p", surf_routing_edge_name(cardB), cardB); /* Let's do something on it */ surf_network_model_communicate(surf_network_model, cardA, cardB, 150.0, -1.0); surf_solve(-1.0); /* Takes traces into account. Returns 0.0 */ do { surf_action_t action = NULL; now = surf_get_clock(); XBT_DEBUG("Next Event : %g", now); XBT_DEBUG("\t CPU actions"); while ((action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set((surf_model_t)surf_cpu_model_pm))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } while ((action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set((surf_model_t)surf_cpu_model_pm))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } XBT_DEBUG("\t Network actions"); while ((action = surf_model_extract_failed_action_set((surf_model_t)surf_network_model))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } while ((action = surf_model_extract_done_action_set((surf_model_t)surf_network_model))) { XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action); surf_action_unref(action); } } while ((surf_model_running_action_set_size((surf_model_t)surf_network_model) || surf_model_running_action_set_size((surf_model_t)surf_cpu_model_pm)) && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0); XBT_DEBUG("Simulation Terminated"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double now = -1.0; surf_init(&argc, argv); /* Initialize some common structures */ xbt_cfg_set_parse("cpu/model:Cas01"); xbt_cfg_set_parse("network/model:CM02"); xbt_assert(argc > 1, "Usage: %s platform.xml\n", argv[0]); parse_platform_file(argv[1]); XBT_DEBUG("CPU model: %p", surf_cpu_model_pm); XBT_DEBUG("Network model: %p", surf_network_model); simgrid::s4u::Host* hostA = sg_host_by_name("Cpu A"); simgrid::s4u::Host* hostB = sg_host_by_name("Cpu B"); /* Let's do something on it */ simgrid::surf::Action* actionA = hostA->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); simgrid::surf::Action* actionB = hostB->pimpl_cpu->execution_start(1000.0); simgrid::surf::Action* actionC = hostB->pimpl_cpu->sleep(7.32); simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionA = actionA->getState(); simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionB = actionB->getState(); simgrid::surf::Action::State stateActionC = actionC->getState(); /* And just look at the state of these tasks */ XBT_INFO("actionA state: %s", string_action(stateActionA)); XBT_INFO("actionB state: %s", string_action(stateActionB)); XBT_INFO("actionC state: %s", string_action(stateActionC)); /* Let's do something on it */ surf_network_model->communicate(hostA, hostB, 150.0, -1.0); surf_solve(-1.0); do { simgrid::surf::ActionList *action_list = nullptr; now = surf_get_clock(); XBT_INFO("Next Event : %g", now); XBT_DEBUG("\t CPU actions"); action_list = surf_cpu_model_pm->getFailedActionSet(); for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ; it != itend ; it=itNext) { ++itNext; simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::CpuAction*>(&*it); XBT_INFO(" CPU Failed action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action); action->unref(); } action_list = surf_cpu_model_pm->getDoneActionSet(); for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ; it != itend ; it=itNext) { ++itNext; simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::CpuAction*>(&*it); XBT_INFO(" CPU Done action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action); action->unref(); } action_list = surf_network_model->getFailedActionSet(); for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ; it != itend ; it=itNext) { ++itNext; simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::NetworkAction*>(&*it); XBT_INFO(" Network Failed action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Failed : %p", action); action->unref(); } action_list = surf_network_model->getDoneActionSet(); for(simgrid::surf::ActionList::iterator it(action_list->begin()), itNext = it, itend(action_list->end()) ; it != itend ; it=itNext) { ++itNext; simgrid::surf::Action *action = static_cast<simgrid::surf::NetworkAction*>(&*it); XBT_INFO(" Network Done action"); XBT_DEBUG("\t * Done : %p", action); action->unref(); } } while ((surf_network_model->getRunningActionSet()->size() || surf_cpu_model_pm->getRunningActionSet()->size()) && surf_solve(-1.0) >= 0.0); XBT_DEBUG("Simulation Terminated"); return 0; }