Example #1
void xdebug_xml_char_handler(void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch, int len)
	xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlParserCtxtPtr) ctx;
	xdebug_xml_reader_priv *data = (xdebug_xml_reader_priv *) ctxt->_private;
	char *tmp;

	tmp = strndup(ch, len);
	xdebug_xml_add_text(data->current, xdstrdup(tmp));
Example #2
void XDebugServer::addError(xdebug_xml_node& node, XDebugError code) {
  // Create the error node
  auto error = xdebug_xml_node_init("error");
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(error, "code", static_cast<int>(code));
  xdebug_xml_add_child(&node, error);

  // Add the error code's error message
  auto message = xdebug_xml_node_init("message");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(message, const_cast<char*>(xdebug_error_str(code)), 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(error, message);
Example #3
bool XDebugServer::breakpoint(const Variant& filename,
                              const Variant& exception,
                              const Variant& message,
                              int line) {
  log("Hit breakpoint at %s:%d", filename.toString().data(), line);
  setStatus(Status::Break, Reason::Ok);

  // Initialize the response node
  auto response = xdebug_xml_node_init("response");
  if (m_lastCommand != nullptr) {
    addCommand(*response, *m_lastCommand);

  // Grab the c strings
  auto to_c_str = [] (const Variant& var) {
    return !var.isString() ? nullptr : var.toString().data();

  auto filename_str = to_c_str(filename);
  auto exception_str = to_c_str(exception);
  auto message_str = to_c_str(message);
  auto line_str = xdebug_sprintf("%d", line);

  // Create the message node
  auto msg = xdebug_xml_node_init("xdebug:message");
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(msg, "lineno", line_str, 0, 1);
  if (filename_str != nullptr) {
    filename_str = XDebugUtils::pathToUrl(filename_str); // output file format
      0 /* freeAttr */,
      1 /* freeVal */
  if (exception_str != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(msg, "exception", exception_str);
  if (message_str != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_text(msg, message_str, 0);

  // Add the message node then send the response
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, msg);

  // Wait for a resonse from the user
  return doCommandLoop();
Example #4
  bool handleImpl(xdebug_xml_node& xml) const override {
    // Set to true once we have a match. Const cast is needed due to xdebug
    // xml api.
    bool match = false;
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(&xml, "feature_name",

    // Check against the defined features
    #define FEATURE(name, supported, val, free)                                \
      if (!match && m_feature == name) {                                       \
        if (val != nullptr) {                                                  \
          xdebug_xml_add_text(&xml, val, free);                                \
        }                                                                      \
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(&xml, "supported", supported);                \
        match = true;                                                          \
    #undef FEATURE

    // Check against the commands
    #define COMMAND(name, className)                                           \
      if (!match && m_feature == name) {                                       \
        xdebug_xml_add_text(&xml, "1", 0);                                     \
        xdebug_xml_add_attribute(&xml, "supported", "1");                      \
        match = true;                                                          \
    #undef COMMAND

    // Unknown feature name
    if (!match) {
      xdebug_xml_add_text(&xml, "0", 0);
      xdebug_xml_add_attribute(&xml, "supported", "0");
    return false;
Example #5
bool XDebugServer::initDbgp() {
  // Initialize the status and reason
  switch (m_mode) {
    case Mode::REQ:
      setStatus(Status::Starting, Reason::Ok);
    case Mode::JIT:
      setStatus(Status::Break, Reason::Error);
  // Create the response
  auto response = xdebug_xml_node_init("init");

  // Add the engine info
  auto child = xdebug_xml_node_init("engine");
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(child, "version", XDEBUG_VERSION);
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_NAME, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the author
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("author");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_AUTHOR, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the url
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("url");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_URL, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the copyright
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("copyright");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_COPYRIGHT, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Grab the absolute path of the script filename
  auto globals = get_global_variables()->asArrayData();
  Variant scriptname_var = globals->get(s_SERVER).toArray()[s_SCRIPT_FILENAME];
  auto scriptname = scriptname_var.toString().get()->mutableData();
  auto fileuri = XDebugUtils::pathToUrl(scriptname);

  // Add attributes to the root init node
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "fileuri", fileuri, 0, 1);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "language", "PHP");
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "protocol_version", DBGP_VERSION);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "appid", getpid());

  // Add the DBGP_COOKIE environment variable
  const String dbgp_cookie = g_context->getenv(s_DBGP_COOKIE);
  if (!dbgp_cookie.empty()) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "session", dbgp_cookie.data());

  // Add the idekey
  if (XDEBUG_GLOBAL(IdeKey).size() > 0) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(response, "idekey", XDEBUG_GLOBAL(IdeKey).c_str());

  // Sent the response

  // Wait for a response from the client
  return doCommandLoop();
Example #6
xdebug_xml_node* xdebug_var_export_xml_node(const char* name,
                                            const char* fullName,
                                            const char* facet,
                                            const Variant& var,
                                            XDebugExporter& exporter) {
  // Setup the node. Each const cast is necessary due to xml api
  xdebug_xml_node* node = xdebug_xml_node_init("property");
  if (name != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "name", const_cast<char*>(name), 0, 1);
  if (fullName != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "fullname", const_cast<char*>(fullName),
                                0, 1);
  if (facet != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "facet", const_cast<char*>(facet), 0, 1);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "address",
                              xdebug_sprintf("%ld", (long) &var), 0, 1);

  // Case on the type for the rest
  if (var.isBoolean()) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "bool");
    xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%d",  var.toBoolean()));
  } else if (var.isNull()) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "null");
  } else if (var.isInteger()) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "int");
    xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%ld", var.toInt64()));
  } else if (var.isDouble()) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "float");
    xdebug_xml_add_text(node, xdebug_sprintf("%lG", var.toDouble()));
  } else if (var.isString()) {
    // Add the type and the original size
    String str = var.toString();
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "string");
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "size",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%d", str.size()), 0, 1);

    // Possibly shrink the string, then add it to the node
    if (exporter.max_data != 0 && str.size() > exporter.max_data) {
      str = str.substr(0, exporter.max_data);
    xdebug_xml_add_text_encodel(node, xdstrdup(str.data()), str.size());
  } else if (var.isArray()) {
    Array arr = var.toArray();
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "array");
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "children",
                             const_cast<char*>(arr.size() > 0 ? "1" : "0"));

    // If we've already seen this object, return
    if (exporter.counts[arr.get()]++ > 0) {
      xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "recursive", "1");
      return node;

    // Write the # of children then short-circuit if we are too deep
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "numchildren",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%d", arr.size()), 0, 1);
    if (exporter.level++ >= exporter.max_depth) {
      return node;

    // Compute the page and the start/end indices
    // Note that php xdebug doesn't support pages except for at the top level
    uint32_t page = exporter.level == 1 ? exporter.page : 0;
    uint32_t start = page * exporter.max_children;
    uint32_t end = (page + 1) * exporter.max_children;
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "page", xdebug_sprintf("%d", page), 0, 1);
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "pagesize",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%d", exporter.max_children),
                                0, 1);
    // Add each child
    ArrayIter iter(arr);
    for (uint32_t i = start; i < end && iter; i++, ++iter) {
      xdebug_array_element_export_xml_node(*node, name,

    // Done at this level
  } else if (var.isObject()) {
    // TODO(#3704) This could be merged into the above array code. For now,
    // it's separate as this was pulled originally from xdebug
    ObjectData* obj = var.toObject().get();
    Class* cls = obj->getVMClass();
    Array props = get_object_props(obj);

    // Add object info
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "object");
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "classname",
                                xdstrdup(cls->name()->data()), 0, 1);
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "children",
                             const_cast<char*>(props.size() ? "1" : "0"));

    // If we've already seen this object, return
    if (exporter.counts[obj]++ > 0) {
      xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "recursive", "1");
      return node;

    // Add the # of props then short circuit if we are too deep
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "numchildren",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%d", props.size()), 0, 1);
    if (exporter.level++ >= exporter.max_depth) {
      return node;

    // Compute the page and the start/end indices
    // Note that php xdebug doesn't support pages except for at the top level
    uint32_t page = exporter.level == 1 ? exporter.page : 0;
    uint32_t start = page * exporter.max_children;
    uint32_t end = (page + 1) * exporter.max_children;
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "page", xdebug_sprintf("%d", page), 0, 1);
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(node, "pagesize",
                                xdebug_sprintf("%d", exporter.max_children),
                                0, 1);

    // Add each property
    ArrayIter iter(props);
    for (uint32_t i = start; i < end && iter; i++, ++iter) {
      xdebug_object_element_export_xml_node(*node, name, obj,

    // Done at this level
    exporter.counts[(void*) obj]--;
  } else if (var.isResource()) {
    ResourceData* res = var.toResource().get();
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "resource");
    const char* text = xdebug_sprintf("resource id='%ld' type='%s'",
    xdebug_xml_add_text(node, const_cast<char*>(text));
  } else {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute(node, "type", "null");
  return node;
Example #7
void XDebugServer::initDbgp() {
  // Initialize the status and reason
  switch (m_mode) {
    case Mode::REQ:
      setStatus(Status::STARTING, Reason::OK);
    case Mode::JIT:
      setStatus(Status::BREAK, Reason::ERROR);
  // Create the response
  xdebug_xml_node* response = xdebug_xml_node_init("init");

  // Add the engine info
  xdebug_xml_node* child = xdebug_xml_node_init("engine");
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute(child, "version", XDEBUG_VERSION);
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_NAME, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the author
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("author");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_AUTHOR, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the url
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("url");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_URL, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Add the copyright
  child = xdebug_xml_node_init("copyright");
  xdebug_xml_add_text(child, XDEBUG_COPYRIGHT, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_child(response, child);

  // Grab the absolute path of the script filename
  const ArrayData* globals = get_global_variables()->asArrayData();
  Variant scriptname_var = globals->get(s_SERVER).toArray()[s_SCRIPT_FILENAME];
  char* scriptname = scriptname_var.toString().get()->mutableData();
  char* fileuri = XDebugUtils::pathToUrl(scriptname);

  // Grab the app id (pid)
  // TODO(#4489053) Specification mentions the parent app id as well, xdebug
  //                doesn't include it.
  char* appid = xdebug_sprintf("%d", getpid());

  // Add attributes to the root init node
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "fileuri", fileuri, 0, 1);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "language", "PHP", 0, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "protocol_version", DBGP_VERSION, 0, 0);
  xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "appid", appid, 0, 1);

  // Add the DBGP_COOKIE environment variable
  char* dbgp_cookie = getenv("DBGP_COOKIE");
  if (dbgp_cookie != nullptr) {
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "session", dbgp_cookie, 0, 0);

  // Add the idekey
  if (XDEBUG_GLOBAL(IdeKey).size() > 0) {
    // TODO(#4489053) Change this when xml api is changed
    char* idekey = const_cast<char*>(XDEBUG_GLOBAL(IdeKey).c_str());
    xdebug_xml_add_attribute_ex(response, "idekey", idekey, 0, 0);

  // Sent the response

  // Wait for a response from the client