Example #1
static bool
xdr_putentry (XDR *x, afsnode *n, filename name, u_int32_t cookie)
    // entry * (non-null):
    xdr_putint (x, 1)
    // u_int fileid:
    && xdr_putint (x, n->ino)
    // filename name:
    && xdr_filename (x, &name)
    // nfscookie cookie:
    && xdr_putint (x, cookie);
Example #2
 * An external data representation format for MP_INTs.
 * This is basically the same as opaque XDR data:  Size followed by
 * data followed by padding.  However, the encoded size is always
 * chosen to be a multiple of 4, so so the padding is never used.
 * The external representation has the following three parts:
 *     size: 4-byte big-endian word indicating the number of bytes
 *           used to encode the number.  The ENCODE operation rounds
 *           this up to the next multiple of 4.
 *   number: a size byte, 2's complement represantation of the MP_INT
 *           (The most significant bit is the sign bit.  The number
 *           -1 is represented by size bytes of value 0xff - where
 *           size would most likely be 1.)
 *  padding: (4 - size) % 4 bytes of padding to make the whole thing
 *           a multiple of four bytes.  (Since size is 0 bytes, the
 *           encoding will always have a zero-length padding.)
xdr_mpz_t (register XDR *xdrs, MP_INT *z)
  u_int32_t size;
  char *cp;

  switch (xdrs->x_op) {
  case XDR_ENCODE:
    size = (mpz_rawsize (z) + 3) & ~3;
    if (!xdr_putint (xdrs, size))
      return FALSE;
    if (!(cp = (char *) XDR_INLINE (xdrs, size)))
      return FALSE;
    mpz_get_raw (cp, size, z);

  case XDR_DECODE:
    if (!z->_mp_d)
      mpz_init (z);
    if (!xdr_getint (xdrs, size) || (int32_t) size < 0)
      return FALSE;
    if (!(cp = (char *) XDR_INLINE (xdrs, (size + 3) & ~3)))
      return FALSE;
    mpz_set_raw (z, cp, size);

  case XDR_FREE:
    if (z->_mp_d)
      mpz_clear (z);
    z->_mp_d = NULL;

  return TRUE;
Example #3
authuint_marshal (AUTH *auth, XDR *x)
  if (u_int32_t *dp = (u_int32_t *) XDR_INLINE (x, 5*4)) {
    dp[0] = htonl (AUTH_UINT);
    dp[1] = htonl (4);
    dp[2] = htonl (auth->ah_key.key.low);
    dp[3] = htonl (AUTH_NONE);
    dp[4] = htonl (0);
    return TRUE;
    return xdr_putint (x, AUTH_UINT) && xdr_putint (x, 4)
      && xdr_putint (x, auth->ah_key.key.low)
      && xdr_putint (x, AUTH_NONE) && xdr_putint (x, 0);

Example #4
/* For correctness, this must *NOT* return attributes (since we are
 * trying to defeat all kernel attribute and name caching).  Note also
 * that the revocation/redirect mechanism also relies on readdirplus
 * not returning file handles or attributes. */
static bool
xdr_putentryplus3 (XDR *x, afsnode *n, filename name, u_int32_t cookie)
    // entry * (non-null):
    xdr_putint (x, 1)
    // uint64 fileid:
    && xdr_puthyper (x, n->ino)
    // filename name:
    && xdr_filename (x, &name)
    // nfscookie cookie:
    && xdr_puthyper (x, cookie)
    // post_op_attr name_attributes;
    && xdr_putint (x, 0)
    // post_op_fh3 name_handle;
    && xdr_putint (x, 0);
Example #5
afsdir::xdr (XDR *x, void *_sbp)
  /* When encoding . and .. in an XDR, we want to make sure the string
   * memory doesn't get freed before the XDR uses it.  */
  static const filename dot (".");
  static const filename dotdot ("..");

  svccb *sbp = static_cast<svccb *> (_sbp);
  const sfs_aid aid = sbp2aid (sbp);
  assert (x->x_op == XDR_ENCODE);
  const bool v2 = sbp->vers () == 2;

  afsdir *d;
  u_int32_t cookie;
  u_int32_t count;
  bool (*putentry) (XDR *, afsnode *, filename, u_int32_t);

  if (v2) {
    const readdirargs *arg = sbp->Xtmpl getarg<readdirargs> ();
    d = static_cast<afsdir *> (afsnode::fh2node (&arg->dir));
    cookie = getint (arg->cookie.base ());
    count = arg->count;
    putentry = xdr_putentry;
  else if (sbp->proc () == NFSPROC3_READDIR) {
    const readdir3args *arg = sbp->Xtmpl getarg<readdir3args> ();
    d = static_cast<afsdir *> (afsnode::fh3node (&arg->dir));
    cookie = arg->cookie;
    count = arg->count;
    putentry = xdr_putentry3;
  else if (sbp->proc () == NFSPROC3_READDIRPLUS) {
    const readdirplus3args *arg = sbp->Xtmpl getarg<readdirplus3args> ();
    d = static_cast<afsdir *> (afsnode::fh3node (&arg->dir));
    cookie = arg->cookie;
    count = arg->dircount;
    putentry = xdr_putentryplus3;
    return xdr_putint (x, NFS3ERR_NOTSUPP);
  if (!d)
    return xdr_putint (x, NFSERR_STALE);

  afsdirentry *e = NULL;
  if (cookie >= 3 && (!(e = cookietab[cookie]) || !d->entryok (e, aid))) {
    warn ("afsdir::xdr: bad cookie 0x%x\n", cookie);
    return xdr_putint (x, v2 ? EINVAL : NFS3ERR_BAD_COOKIE);

  if (!xdr_putint (x, NFS_OK))
    return false;
  if (!v2) {
    post_op_attr poa;
    d->mkpoattr (poa, aid);
    if (!xdr_post_op_attr (x, &poa) || !xdr_puthyper (x, 0))
      return false;

  switch (cookie) {
  case 0:
    if (!putentry (x, d, dot, 1))
      return false;
  case 1:
    if (!putentry (x, d->parent, dotdot, 2))
      return false;
  case 2:
    e = d->firstentry (aid);
    e = d->nextentry (e, aid);

  for (; e && XDR_GETPOS (x) + 24 + e->name.len () <= count;
       e = d->nextentry (e, aid))
    if (!putentry (x, e->node, e->name, e->cookie))
      return false;

  return xdr_putint (x, 0)	// NULL entry *
    && xdr_putint (x, !e);	// bool eof