Example #1
enum clnt_stat 
	unsigned long		prog,		/* program number */
	unsigned long		vers,		/* version number */
	unsigned long		proc,		/* procedure number */
	xdrproc_t	xargs,		/* xdr routine for args */
	char*		argsp,		/* pointer to args */
	xdrproc_t	xresults,	/* xdr routine for results */
	char*		resultsp,	/* pointer to results */
	resultproc_t	eachresult)	/* call with each result obtained */
	enum clnt_stat stat;
	AUTH *unix_auth = authunix_create_default();
	XDR xdr_stream;
	register XDR *xdrs = &xdr_stream;
	int outlen, nets;
	ssize_t inlen;
	socklen_t fromlen;
	register int sock;
	int on = 1;
	fd_set mask;
	fd_set readfds;
	int readfds;
	register int mask;
#endif /* def FD_SETSIZE */
	register int i;
	bool_t done = FALSE;
	register unsigned long xid;
	unsigned long port;
	struct in_addr addrs[20];
	struct sockaddr_in baddr, raddr; /* broadcast and response addresses */
	struct rmtcallargs a;
	struct rmtcallres r;
	struct rpc_msg msg;
	struct timeval t; 
	char outbuf[MAX_BROADCAST_SIZE], inbuf[UDPMSGSIZE];

	 * initialization: create a socket, a broadcast address, and
	 * preserialize the arguments into a send buffer.
	if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		perror("Cannot create socket for broadcast rpc");
		stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;
	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
		perror("Cannot set socket option SO_BROADCAST");
		stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;
#endif /* def SO_BROADCAST */
	FD_SET(sock, &mask);
	mask = (1 << sock);
#endif /* def FD_SETSIZE */
	nets = getbroadcastnets(addrs, sock, inbuf);
	bzero((char *)&baddr, sizeof (baddr));
	baddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	baddr.sin_port = htons(PMAPPORT);
	baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
/*	baddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); */
	(void)gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
	msg.rm_xid = xid = getpid() ^ t.tv_sec ^ t.tv_usec;
	t.tv_usec = 0;
	msg.rm_direction = CALL;
	msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	msg.rm_call.cb_prog = PMAPPROG;
	msg.rm_call.cb_vers = PMAPVERS;
	msg.rm_call.cb_proc = PMAPPROC_CALLIT;
	msg.rm_call.cb_cred = unix_auth->ah_cred;
	msg.rm_call.cb_verf = unix_auth->ah_verf;
	a.prog = prog;
	a.vers = vers;
	a.proc = proc;
	a.xdr_args = xargs;
	a.args_ptr = argsp;
	r.port_ptr = &port;
	r.xdr_results = xresults;
	r.results_ptr = resultsp;
	xdrmem_create(xdrs, outbuf, MAX_BROADCAST_SIZE, XDR_ENCODE);
	if ((! xdr_callmsg(xdrs, &msg)) || (! xdr_rmtcall_args(xdrs, &a))) {
		goto done_broad;
	outlen = (int)xdr_getpos(xdrs);
	 * Basic loop: broadcast a packet and wait a while for response(s).
	 * The response timeout grows larger per iteration.
	for (t.tv_sec = 4; t.tv_sec <= 14; t.tv_sec += 2) {
		for (i = 0; i < nets; i++) {
			baddr.sin_addr = addrs[i];
			if (sendto(sock, outbuf, outlen, 0,
				(struct sockaddr *)&baddr,
				sizeof (struct sockaddr)) != (ssize_t)outlen) {
				perror("Cannot send broadcast packet");
				stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
				goto done_broad;
		if (eachresult == NULL) {
			stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
			goto done_broad;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = (char*)&r;
                msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t)xdr_rmtcallres;
		readfds = mask;
		    struct timeval	tmp = t;

		    switch (select(sock+1, &readfds, NULL, 
				   NULL, &tmp)) {

		    case 0:  /* timed out */
			    stat = RPC_TIMEDOUT;

		    case -1:  /* some kind of error */
			    if (errno == EINTR)
				    goto recv_again;
			    perror("Broadcast select problem");
			    stat = RPC_CANTRECV;
			    goto done_broad;

		    }  /* end of select results switch */
		}  /* end of temporary timeout variable */
		fromlen = (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr);
		inlen = recvfrom(sock, inbuf, UDPMSGSIZE, 0,
			(struct sockaddr *)&raddr, &fromlen);
		if (inlen < 0) {
			if (errno == EINTR)
				goto try_again;
			perror("Cannot receive reply to broadcast");
			stat = RPC_CANTRECV;
			goto done_broad;
		if (inlen < sizeof(uint32_t))
			goto recv_again;
		 * see if reply transaction id matches sent id.
		 * If so, decode the results.
		xdrmem_create(xdrs, inbuf, (unsigned)inlen, XDR_DECODE);
		if (xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg)) {
			if ((msg.rm_xid == xid) &&
				(msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
				(msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS)) {

				raddr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)port);
				done = (*eachresult)(resultsp, &raddr);
			/* otherwise, we just ignore the errors ... */
		} else {
#ifdef notdef
			/* some kind of deserialization problem ... */
			if (msg.rm_xid == xid)
				(void)fprintf(stderr, "Broadcast deserialization problem");
			/* otherwise, just random garbage */
		xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t)xdr_void;
		(void)xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg);
		(void)(*xresults)(xdrs, resultsp);
		if (done) {
			stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
			goto done_broad;
		} else {
			goto recv_again;
	return (stat);
Example #2
enum clnt_stat 
clnt_broadcast(u_long prog,	/* program number */
    u_long vers,		/* version number */
    u_long proc,		/* procedure number */
    xdrproc_t xargs,		/* xdr routine for args */
    caddr_t argsp,		/* pointer to args */
    xdrproc_t xresults,		/* xdr routine for results */
    caddr_t resultsp,		/* pointer to results */
    resultproc_t eachresult)	/* call with each result obtained */
	enum clnt_stat stat;
	AUTH *unix_auth;
	XDR xdr_stream;
	XDR *xdrs = &xdr_stream;
	int outlen, inlen, nets;
	socklen_t fromlen;
	int sock = -1;
	int on = 1;
	struct pollfd pfd[1];
	int i;
	int timo;
	bool_t done = FALSE;
	u_long xid;
	u_long port;
	struct in_addr *addrs = NULL;
	struct sockaddr_in baddr, raddr; /* broadcast and response addresses */
	struct rmtcallargs a;
	struct rmtcallres r;
	struct rpc_msg msg;
	char outbuf[MAX_BROADCAST_SIZE], inbuf[UDPMSGSIZE];

	if ((unix_auth = authunix_create_default()) == NULL) {
		goto done_broad;

	 * initialization: create a socket, a broadcast address, and
	 * preserialize the arguments into a send buffer.
	if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;
	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) {
		stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;
#endif /* def SO_BROADCAST */

	pfd[0].fd = sock;
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;

	nets = newgetbroadcastnets(&addrs);
	if (nets == 0) {
		stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;

	memset(&baddr, 0, sizeof (baddr));
	baddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	baddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	baddr.sin_port = htons(PMAPPORT);
	baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	msg.rm_xid = xid = arc4random();
	msg.rm_direction = CALL;
	msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	msg.rm_call.cb_prog = PMAPPROG;
	msg.rm_call.cb_vers = PMAPVERS;
	msg.rm_call.cb_proc = PMAPPROC_CALLIT;
	msg.rm_call.cb_cred = unix_auth->ah_cred;
	msg.rm_call.cb_verf = unix_auth->ah_verf;
	a.prog = prog;
	a.vers = vers;
	a.proc = proc;
	a.xdr_args = xargs;
	a.args_ptr = argsp;
	r.port_ptr = &port;
	r.xdr_results = xresults;
	r.results_ptr = resultsp;
	xdrmem_create(xdrs, outbuf, MAX_BROADCAST_SIZE, XDR_ENCODE);
	if (!xdr_callmsg(xdrs, &msg) || !xdr_rmtcall_args(xdrs, &a)) {
		goto done_broad;
	outlen = (int)xdr_getpos(xdrs);

	 * Basic loop: broadcast a packet and wait a while for response(s).
	 * The response timeout grows larger per iteration.
	 * XXX This will loop about 5 times the stop. If there are
	 * lots of signals being received by the process it will quit
	 * send them all in one quick burst, not paying attention to
	 * the intended function of sending them slowly over half a
	 * minute or so
	for (timo = 4000; timo <= 14000; timo += 2000) {
		for (i = 0; i < nets; i++) {
			baddr.sin_addr = addrs[i];
			if (sendto(sock, outbuf, outlen, 0,
			    (struct sockaddr *)&baddr,
			    sizeof (struct sockaddr)) != outlen) {
				stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
				goto done_broad;
		if (eachresult == NULL) {
			stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
			goto done_broad;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = (caddr_t)&r;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xdr_rmtcallres;

		switch (poll(pfd, 1, timo)) {
		case 0:  /* timed out */
			stat = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
		case 1:
			if (pfd[0].revents & POLLNVAL)
				errno = EBADF;
			else if (pfd[0].revents & POLLERR)
				errno = EIO;
		case -1:  /* some kind of error */
			if (errno == EINTR)
				goto recv_again;
			stat = RPC_CANTRECV;
			goto done_broad;
		fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
		inlen = recvfrom(sock, inbuf, UDPMSGSIZE, 0,
		    (struct sockaddr *)&raddr, &fromlen);
		if (inlen < 0) {
			if (errno == EINTR)
				goto try_again;
			stat = RPC_CANTRECV;
			goto done_broad;
		if (inlen < sizeof(u_int32_t))
			goto recv_again;
		 * see if reply transaction id matches sent id.
		 * If so, decode the results.
		xdrmem_create(xdrs, inbuf, (u_int)inlen, XDR_DECODE);
		if (xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg)) {
			if ((msg.rm_xid == xid) &&
			    (msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
			    (msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS)) {
				raddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)port);
				done = (*eachresult)(resultsp, &raddr);
			/* otherwise, we just ignore the errors ... */
		xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
		msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xdr_void;
		(void)xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg);
		(void)(*xresults)(xdrs, resultsp);
		if (done) {
			stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
			goto done_broad;
		} else {
			goto recv_again;
	if (addrs)
	if (sock >= 0)
	if (unix_auth != NULL)
	return (stat);
Example #3
 * rpc_broadcast_exp()
 * prog      - program number
 * vers      - version number
 * proc      - procedure number
 * xargs     - xdr routine for args
 * argsp     - pointer to args
 * xresults  - xdr routine for results
 * resultsp  - pointer to results
 * eachresult - call with each result obtained
 * inittime  - how long to wait initially
 * waittime  - maximum time to wait
 * nettype   - transport type
enum clnt_stat
rpc_broadcast_exp(rpcprog_t prog, rpcvers_t vers, rpcproc_t proc,
    xdrproc_t xargs, caddr_t argsp, xdrproc_t xresults, caddr_t resultsp,
    resultproc_t eachresult, int inittime, int waittime,
    const char *nettype)
	enum clnt_stat	stat = RPC_SUCCESS; /* Return status */
	XDR 		xdr_stream; /* XDR stream */
	XDR 		*xdrs = &xdr_stream;
	struct rpc_msg	msg;	/* RPC message */
	struct timeval	t;
	char 		*outbuf = NULL;	/* Broadcast msg buffer */
	char		*inbuf = NULL; /* Reply buf */
	int		inlen;
	u_int 		maxbufsize = 0;
	AUTH 		*sys_auth = authunix_create_default();
	u_int		i;
	void		*handle;
	char		uaddress[1024];	/* A self imposed limit */
	char		*uaddrp = uaddress;
	int 		pmap_reply_flag; /* reply recvd from PORTMAP */
	/* An array of all the suitable broadcast transports */
	struct {
		int fd;		/* File descriptor */
		int af;
		int proto;
		struct netconfig *nconf; /* Netconfig structure */
		u_int asize;	/* Size of the addr buf */
		u_int dsize;	/* Size of the data buf */
		struct sockaddr_storage raddr; /* Remote address */
		broadlist_t nal;
	} fdlist[MAXBCAST];
	struct pollfd pfd[MAXBCAST];
	size_t fdlistno = 0;
	struct r_rpcb_rmtcallargs barg;	/* Remote arguments */
	struct r_rpcb_rmtcallres bres; /* Remote results */
	size_t outlen;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	int msec;
	int pollretval;
	int fds_found;

#ifdef PORTMAP
	size_t outlen_pmap = 0;
	u_long port;		/* Remote port number */
	int pmap_flag = 0;	/* UDP exists ? */
	char *outbuf_pmap = NULL;
	struct rmtcallargs barg_pmap;	/* Remote arguments */
	struct rmtcallres bres_pmap; /* Remote results */
	u_int udpbufsz = 0;
#endif				/* PORTMAP */

	if (sys_auth == NULL) {
	 * initialization: create a fd, a broadcast address, and send the
	 * request on the broadcast transport.
	 * Listen on all of them and on replies, call the user supplied
	 * function.

	if (nettype == NULL)
		nettype = "datagram_n";
	if ((handle = __rpc_setconf(nettype)) == NULL) {
	while ((nconf = __rpc_getconf(handle)) != NULL) {
		int fd;
		struct __rpc_sockinfo si;

		if (nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_CLTS)
		if (fdlistno >= MAXBCAST)
			break;	/* No more slots available */
		if (!__rpc_nconf2sockinfo(nconf, &si))

		if (__rpc_getbroadifs(si.si_af, si.si_proto, si.si_socktype, 
		    &fdlist[fdlistno].nal) == 0)

		fd = _socket(si.si_af, si.si_socktype, si.si_proto);
		if (fd < 0) {
			stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		fdlist[fdlistno].af = si.si_af;
		fdlist[fdlistno].proto = si.si_proto;
		fdlist[fdlistno].fd = fd;
		fdlist[fdlistno].nconf = nconf;
		fdlist[fdlistno].asize = __rpc_get_a_size(si.si_af);
		pfd[fdlistno].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI |
		pfd[fdlistno].fd = fdlist[fdlistno].fd = fd;
		fdlist[fdlistno].dsize = __rpc_get_t_size(si.si_af, si.si_proto,

		if (maxbufsize <= fdlist[fdlistno].dsize)
			maxbufsize = fdlist[fdlistno].dsize;

#ifdef PORTMAP
		if (si.si_af == AF_INET && si.si_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
			udpbufsz = fdlist[fdlistno].dsize;
			if ((outbuf_pmap = malloc(udpbufsz)) == NULL) {
				goto done_broad;
			pmap_flag = 1;
#endif				/* PORTMAP */

	if (fdlistno == 0) {
		if (stat == RPC_SUCCESS)
		goto done_broad;
	if (maxbufsize == 0) {
		if (stat == RPC_SUCCESS)
			stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto done_broad;
	inbuf = malloc(maxbufsize);
	outbuf = malloc(maxbufsize);
	if ((inbuf == NULL) || (outbuf == NULL)) {
		goto done_broad;

	/* Serialize all the arguments which have to be sent */
	(void) gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
	msg.rm_xid = __RPC_GETXID(&t);
	msg.rm_direction = CALL;
	msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	msg.rm_call.cb_prog = RPCBPROG;
	msg.rm_call.cb_vers = RPCBVERS;
	msg.rm_call.cb_proc = RPCBPROC_CALLIT;
	barg.prog = prog;
	barg.vers = vers;
	barg.proc = proc;
	barg.args.args_val = argsp;
	barg.xdr_args = xargs;
	bres.addr = uaddrp;
	bres.results.results_val = resultsp;
	bres.xdr_res = xresults;
	msg.rm_call.cb_cred = sys_auth->ah_cred;
	msg.rm_call.cb_verf = sys_auth->ah_verf;
	xdrmem_create(xdrs, outbuf, maxbufsize, XDR_ENCODE);
	if ((!xdr_callmsg(xdrs, &msg)) ||
	    (struct rpcb_rmtcallargs *)(void *)&barg))) {
		goto done_broad;
	outlen = xdr_getpos(xdrs);

#ifdef PORTMAP
	/* Prepare the packet for version 2 PORTMAP */
	if (pmap_flag) {
		msg.rm_xid++;	/* One way to distinguish */
		msg.rm_call.cb_prog = PMAPPROG;
		msg.rm_call.cb_vers = PMAPVERS;
		msg.rm_call.cb_proc = PMAPPROC_CALLIT;
		barg_pmap.prog = prog;
		barg_pmap.vers = vers;
		barg_pmap.proc = proc;
		barg_pmap.args_ptr = argsp;
		barg_pmap.xdr_args = xargs;
		bres_pmap.port_ptr = &port;
		bres_pmap.xdr_results = xresults;
		bres_pmap.results_ptr = resultsp;
		xdrmem_create(xdrs, outbuf_pmap, udpbufsz, XDR_ENCODE);
		if ((! xdr_callmsg(xdrs, &msg)) ||
		    (! xdr_rmtcall_args(xdrs, &barg_pmap))) {
			goto done_broad;
		outlen_pmap = xdr_getpos(xdrs);
#endif				/* PORTMAP */

	 * Basic loop: broadcast the packets to transports which
	 * support data packets of size such that one can encode
	 * all the arguments.
	 * Wait a while for response(s).
	 * The response timeout grows larger per iteration.
	for (msec = inittime; msec <= waittime; msec += msec) {
		struct broadif *bip;

		/* Broadcast all the packets now */
		for (i = 0; i < fdlistno; i++) {
			if (fdlist[i].dsize < outlen) {
				stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
			for (bip = TAILQ_FIRST(&fdlist[i].nal); bip != NULL;
			     bip = TAILQ_NEXT(bip, link)) {
				void *addr;

				addr = &bip->broadaddr;

				__rpc_broadenable(fdlist[i].af, fdlist[i].fd,

				 * Only use version 3 if lowvers is not set

				if (!__rpc_lowvers)
					if (_sendto(fdlist[i].fd, outbuf,
					    outlen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)addr,
					    (size_t)fdlist[i].asize) !=
					    outlen) {
#ifdef RPC_DEBUG
						warnx("clnt_bcast: cannot send "
						      "broadcast packet");
						stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
#ifdef RPC_DEBUG
				if (!__rpc_lowvers)
					fprintf(stderr, "Broadcast packet sent "
						"for %s\n",
#ifdef PORTMAP
				 * Send the version 2 packet also
				 * for UDP/IP
				if (pmap_flag &&
				    fdlist[i].proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
					if (_sendto(fdlist[i].fd, outbuf_pmap,
					    outlen_pmap, 0, addr,
					    (size_t)fdlist[i].asize) !=
						outlen_pmap) {
						warnx("clnt_bcast: "
						    "Cannot send broadcast packet");
						stat = RPC_CANTSEND;
#ifdef RPC_DEBUG
				fprintf(stderr, "PMAP Broadcast packet "
					"sent for %s\n",
#endif				/* PORTMAP */
			/* End for sending all packets on this transport */
		}	/* End for sending on all transports */

		if (eachresult == NULL) {
			stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
			goto done_broad;

		 * Get all the replies from these broadcast requests

		switch (pollretval = _poll(pfd, fdlistno, msec)) {
		case 0:		/* timed out */
			stat = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
		case -1:	/* some kind of error - we ignore it */
			goto recv_again;
		}		/* end of poll results switch */

		for (i = fds_found = 0;
		     i < fdlistno && fds_found < pollretval; i++) {
			bool_t done = FALSE;

			if (pfd[i].revents == 0)
			else if (pfd[i].revents & POLLNVAL) {
				 * Something bad has happened to this descri-
				 * ptor. We can cause _poll() to ignore
				 * it simply by using a negative fd.  We do that
				 * rather than compacting the pfd[] and fdlist[]
				 * arrays.
				pfd[i].fd = -1;
			} else
#ifdef RPC_DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "response for %s\n",
			inlen = _recvfrom(fdlist[i].fd, inbuf, fdlist[i].dsize,
			    0, (struct sockaddr *)(void *)&fdlist[i].raddr,
			if (inlen < 0) {
				if (errno == EINTR)
					goto try_again;
				warnx("clnt_bcast: Cannot receive reply to "
				stat = RPC_CANTRECV;
			if (inlen < sizeof (u_int32_t))
				continue; /* Drop that and go ahead */
			 * see if reply transaction id matches sent id.
			 * If so, decode the results. If return id is xid + 1
			 * it was a PORTMAP reply
			if (*((u_int32_t *)(void *)(inbuf)) ==
			    *((u_int32_t *)(void *)(outbuf))) {
				pmap_reply_flag = 0;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where =
					(caddr_t)(void *)&bres;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc =
#ifdef PORTMAP
			} else if (pmap_flag &&
				*((u_int32_t *)(void *)(inbuf)) ==
				*((u_int32_t *)(void *)(outbuf_pmap))) {
				pmap_reply_flag = 1;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where =
					(caddr_t)(void *)&bres_pmap;
				msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc =
#endif				/* PORTMAP */
			} else
			xdrmem_create(xdrs, inbuf, (u_int)inlen, XDR_DECODE);
			if (xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg)) {
				if ((msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
				    (msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS)) {
					struct netbuf taddr, *np;
					struct sockaddr_in *sin;

#ifdef PORTMAP
					if (pmap_flag && pmap_reply_flag) {
						sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)
						    (void *)&fdlist[i].raddr;
						sin->sin_port =
						taddr.len = taddr.maxlen = 
						taddr.buf = &fdlist[i].raddr;
						done = (*eachresult)(resultsp,
						    &taddr, fdlist[i].nconf);
					} else {
#endif				/* PORTMAP */
#ifdef RPC_DEBUG
						fprintf(stderr, "uaddr %s\n",
						np = uaddr2taddr(
						    fdlist[i].nconf, uaddrp);
						done = (*eachresult)(resultsp,
						    np, fdlist[i].nconf);
#ifdef PORTMAP
#endif				/* PORTMAP */
				/* otherwise, we just ignore the errors ... */
			/* else some kind of deserialization problem ... */

			xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
			msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t) xdr_void;
			(void) xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &msg);
			(void) (*xresults)(xdrs, resultsp);
			if (done) {
				stat = RPC_SUCCESS;
				goto done_broad;
			} else {
				goto recv_again;
		}		/* The recv for loop */
	}			/* The giant for loop */

#ifdef PORTMAP
#endif				/* PORTMAP */
	for (i = 0; i < fdlistno; i++) {
	(void) __rpc_endconf(handle);

	return (stat);