Example #1
/* Initialize a new AG btree root block with zero entries. */
	struct xfs_scrub		*sc,
	xfs_fsblock_t			fsb,
	struct xfs_buf			**bpp,
	xfs_btnum_t			btnum,
	const struct xfs_buf_ops	*ops)
	struct xfs_trans		*tp = sc->tp;
	struct xfs_mount		*mp = sc->mp;
	struct xfs_buf			*bp;

	trace_xrep_init_btblock(mp, XFS_FSB_TO_AGNO(mp, fsb),
			XFS_FSB_TO_AGBNO(mp, fsb), btnum);

	ASSERT(XFS_FSB_TO_AGNO(mp, fsb) == sc->sa.agno);
	bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, fsb),
			XFS_FSB_TO_BB(mp, 1), 0);
	xfs_buf_zero(bp, 0, BBTOB(bp->b_length));
	xfs_btree_init_block(mp, bp, btnum, 0, 0, sc->sa.agno, 0);
	xfs_trans_buf_set_type(tp, bp, XFS_BLFT_BTREE_BUF);
	xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, bp, 0, bp->b_length);
	bp->b_ops = ops;
	*bpp = bp;

	return 0;
Example #2
 * Allocate new inodes in the allocation group specified by agbp.
 * Return 0 for success, else error code.
STATIC int				/* error code or 0 */
	xfs_trans_t	*tp,		/* transaction pointer */
	xfs_buf_t	*agbp,		/* alloc group buffer */
	int		*alloc)
	xfs_agi_t	*agi;		/* allocation group header */
	xfs_alloc_arg_t	args;		/* allocation argument structure */
	int		blks_per_cluster;  /* fs blocks per inode cluster */
	xfs_btree_cur_t	*cur;		/* inode btree cursor */
	xfs_daddr_t	d;		/* disk addr of buffer */
	xfs_agnumber_t	agno;
	int		error;
	xfs_buf_t	*fbuf;		/* new free inodes' buffer */
	xfs_dinode_t	*free;		/* new free inode structure */
	int		i;		/* inode counter */
	int		j;		/* block counter */
	int		nbufs;		/* num bufs of new inodes */
	xfs_agino_t	newino;		/* new first inode's number */
	xfs_agino_t	newlen;		/* new number of inodes */
	int		ninodes;	/* num inodes per buf */
	xfs_agino_t	thisino;	/* current inode number, for loop */
	int		version;	/* inode version number to use */
	int		isaligned = 0;	/* inode allocation at stripe unit */
					/* boundary */
	unsigned int	gen;

	args.tp = tp;
	args.mp = tp->t_mountp;

	 * Locking will ensure that we don't have two callers in here
	 * at one time.
	newlen = XFS_IALLOC_INODES(args.mp);
	if (args.mp->m_maxicount &&
	    args.mp->m_sb.sb_icount + newlen > args.mp->m_maxicount)
	args.minlen = args.maxlen = XFS_IALLOC_BLOCKS(args.mp);
	 * First try to allocate inodes contiguous with the last-allocated
	 * chunk of inodes.  If the filesystem is striped, this will fill
	 * an entire stripe unit with inodes.
	agi = XFS_BUF_TO_AGI(agbp);
	newino = be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_newino);
	args.agbno = XFS_AGINO_TO_AGBNO(args.mp, newino) +
	if (likely(newino != NULLAGINO &&
		  (args.agbno < be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_length)))) {
		args.fsbno = XFS_AGB_TO_FSB(args.mp,
				be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_seqno), args.agbno);
		args.mod = args.total = args.wasdel = args.isfl =
			args.userdata = args.minalignslop = 0;
		args.prod = 1;

		 * We need to take into account alignment here to ensure that
		 * we don't modify the free list if we fail to have an exact
		 * block. If we don't have an exact match, and every oher
		 * attempt allocation attempt fails, we'll end up cancelling
		 * a dirty transaction and shutting down.
		 * For an exact allocation, alignment must be 1,
		 * however we need to take cluster alignment into account when
		 * fixing up the freelist. Use the minalignslop field to
		 * indicate that extra blocks might be required for alignment,
		 * but not to use them in the actual exact allocation.
		args.alignment = 1;
		args.minalignslop = xfs_ialloc_cluster_alignment(&args) - 1;

		/* Allow space for the inode btree to split. */
		args.minleft = XFS_IN_MAXLEVELS(args.mp) - 1;
		if ((error = xfs_alloc_vextent(&args)))
			return error;
	} else
		args.fsbno = NULLFSBLOCK;

	if (unlikely(args.fsbno == NULLFSBLOCK)) {
		 * Set the alignment for the allocation.
		 * If stripe alignment is turned on then align at stripe unit
		 * boundary.
		 * If the cluster size is smaller than a filesystem block
		 * then we're doing I/O for inodes in filesystem block size
		 * pieces, so don't need alignment anyway.
		isaligned = 0;
		if (args.mp->m_sinoalign) {
			ASSERT(!(args.mp->m_flags & XFS_MOUNT_NOALIGN));
			args.alignment = args.mp->m_dalign;
			isaligned = 1;
		} else
			args.alignment = xfs_ialloc_cluster_alignment(&args);
		 * Need to figure out where to allocate the inode blocks.
		 * Ideally they should be spaced out through the a.g.
		 * For now, just allocate blocks up front.
		args.agbno = be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_root);
		args.fsbno = XFS_AGB_TO_FSB(args.mp,
				be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_seqno), args.agbno);
		 * Allocate a fixed-size extent of inodes.
		args.mod = args.total = args.wasdel = args.isfl =
			args.userdata = args.minalignslop = 0;
		args.prod = 1;
		 * Allow space for the inode btree to split.
		args.minleft = XFS_IN_MAXLEVELS(args.mp) - 1;
		if ((error = xfs_alloc_vextent(&args)))
			return error;

	 * If stripe alignment is turned on, then try again with cluster
	 * alignment.
	if (isaligned && args.fsbno == NULLFSBLOCK) {
		args.agbno = be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_root);
		args.fsbno = XFS_AGB_TO_FSB(args.mp,
				be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_seqno), args.agbno);
		args.alignment = xfs_ialloc_cluster_alignment(&args);
		if ((error = xfs_alloc_vextent(&args)))
			return error;

	if (args.fsbno == NULLFSBLOCK) {
		*alloc = 0;
		return 0;
	ASSERT(args.len == args.minlen);
	 * Convert the results.
	newino = XFS_OFFBNO_TO_AGINO(args.mp, args.agbno, 0);
	 * Loop over the new block(s), filling in the inodes.
	 * For small block sizes, manipulate the inodes in buffers
	 * which are multiples of the blocks size.
	if (args.mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize >= XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(args.mp)) {
		blks_per_cluster = 1;
		nbufs = (int)args.len;
		ninodes = args.mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;
	} else {
		blks_per_cluster = XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(args.mp) /
		nbufs = (int)args.len / blks_per_cluster;
		ninodes = blks_per_cluster * args.mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;
	 * Figure out what version number to use in the inodes we create.
	 * If the superblock version has caught up to the one that supports
	 * the new inode format, then use the new inode version.  Otherwise
	 * use the old version so that old kernels will continue to be
	 * able to use the file system.
	if (xfs_sb_version_hasnlink(&args.mp->m_sb))
		version = XFS_DINODE_VERSION_2;
		version = XFS_DINODE_VERSION_1;

	 * Seed the new inode cluster with a random generation number. This
	 * prevents short-term reuse of generation numbers if a chunk is
	 * freed and then immediately reallocated. We use random numbers
	 * rather than a linear progression to prevent the next generation
	 * number from being easily guessable.
	gen = random32();
	for (j = 0; j < nbufs; j++) {
		 * Get the block.
		d = XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(args.mp, be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_seqno),
				     args.agbno + (j * blks_per_cluster));
		fbuf = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, args.mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					 args.mp->m_bsize * blks_per_cluster,
		 * Set initial values for the inodes in this buffer.
		xfs_biozero(fbuf, 0, ninodes << args.mp->m_sb.sb_inodelog);
		for (i = 0; i < ninodes; i++) {
			free = XFS_MAKE_IPTR(args.mp, fbuf, i);
			free->di_core.di_magic = cpu_to_be16(XFS_DINODE_MAGIC);
			free->di_core.di_version = version;
			free->di_core.di_gen = cpu_to_be32(gen);
			free->di_next_unlinked = cpu_to_be32(NULLAGINO);
			xfs_ialloc_log_di(tp, fbuf, i,
		xfs_trans_inode_alloc_buf(tp, fbuf);
	be32_add_cpu(&agi->agi_count, newlen);
	be32_add_cpu(&agi->agi_freecount, newlen);
	agno = be32_to_cpu(agi->agi_seqno);
	args.mp->m_perag[agno].pagi_freecount += newlen;
	agi->agi_newino = cpu_to_be32(newino);
	 * Insert records describing the new inode chunk into the btree.
	cur = xfs_btree_init_cursor(args.mp, tp, agbp, agno,
			XFS_BTNUM_INO, (xfs_inode_t *)0, 0);
	for (thisino = newino;
	     thisino < newino + newlen;
	     thisino += XFS_INODES_PER_CHUNK) {
		if ((error = xfs_inobt_lookup_eq(cur, thisino,
			xfs_btree_del_cursor(cur, XFS_BTREE_ERROR);
			return error;
		ASSERT(i == 0);
		if ((error = xfs_inobt_insert(cur, &i))) {
			xfs_btree_del_cursor(cur, XFS_BTREE_ERROR);
			return error;
		ASSERT(i == 1);
	xfs_btree_del_cursor(cur, XFS_BTREE_NOERROR);
	 * Log allocation group header fields
	xfs_ialloc_log_agi(tp, agbp,
	 * Modify/log superblock values for inode count and inode free count.
	xfs_trans_mod_sb(tp, XFS_TRANS_SB_ICOUNT, (long)newlen);
	xfs_trans_mod_sb(tp, XFS_TRANS_SB_IFREE, (long)newlen);
	*alloc = 1;
	return 0;
 * Initialise a new set of inodes.
	struct xfs_mount	*mp,
	struct xfs_trans	*tp,
	xfs_agnumber_t		agno,
	xfs_agblock_t		agbno,
	xfs_agblock_t		length,
	unsigned int		gen)
	struct xfs_buf		*fbuf;
	struct xfs_dinode	*free;
	int			blks_per_cluster, nbufs, ninodes;
	int			version;
	int			i, j;
	xfs_daddr_t		d;

	 * Loop over the new block(s), filling in the inodes.
	 * For small block sizes, manipulate the inodes in buffers
	 * which are multiples of the blocks size.
	if (mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize >= XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp)) {
		blks_per_cluster = 1;
		nbufs = length;
		ninodes = mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;
	} else {
		blks_per_cluster = XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp) /
		nbufs = length / blks_per_cluster;
		ninodes = blks_per_cluster * mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;

	 * Figure out what version number to use in the inodes we create.
	 * If the superblock version has caught up to the one that supports
	 * the new inode format, then use the new inode version.  Otherwise
	 * use the old version so that old kernels will continue to be
	 * able to use the file system.
	if (xfs_sb_version_hasnlink(&mp->m_sb))
		version = 2;
		version = 1;

	for (j = 0; j < nbufs; j++) {
		 * Get the block.
		d = XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp, agno, agbno + (j * blks_per_cluster));
		fbuf = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					 mp->m_bsize * blks_per_cluster,
		if (!fbuf)
			return ENOMEM;
		 * Initialize all inodes in this buffer and then log them.
		 * XXX: It would be much better if we had just one transaction
		 *	to log a whole cluster of inodes instead of all the
		 *	individual transactions causing a lot of log traffic.
		xfs_buf_zero(fbuf, 0, ninodes << mp->m_sb.sb_inodelog);
		for (i = 0; i < ninodes; i++) {
			int	ioffset = i << mp->m_sb.sb_inodelog;
			uint	isize = sizeof(struct xfs_dinode);

			free = xfs_make_iptr(mp, fbuf, i);
			free->di_magic = cpu_to_be16(XFS_DINODE_MAGIC);
			free->di_version = version;
			free->di_gen = cpu_to_be32(gen);
			free->di_next_unlinked = cpu_to_be32(NULLAGINO);
			xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, fbuf, ioffset, ioffset + isize - 1);
		xfs_trans_inode_alloc_buf(tp, fbuf);
	return 0;
 * Allocate a block and fill it with dquots.
 * This is called when the bmapi finds a hole.
	xfs_trans_t	**tpp,
	xfs_mount_t	*mp,
	xfs_dquot_t	*dqp,
	xfs_inode_t	*quotip,
	xfs_fileoff_t	offset_fsb,
	xfs_buf_t	**O_bpp)
	xfs_fsblock_t	firstblock;
	xfs_bmap_free_t flist;
	xfs_bmbt_irec_t map;
	int		nmaps, error, committed;
	xfs_buf_t	*bp;
	xfs_trans_t	*tp = *tpp;

	ASSERT(tp != NULL);
	xfs_dqtrace_entry(dqp, "DQALLOC");

	 * Initialize the bmap freelist prior to calling bmapi code.
	XFS_BMAP_INIT(&flist, &firstblock);
	xfs_ilock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	 * Return if this type of quotas is turned off while we didn't
	 * have an inode lock
	if (XFS_IS_THIS_QUOTA_OFF(dqp)) {
		xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
		return (ESRCH);

	 * xfs_trans_commit normally decrements the vnode ref count
	 * when it unlocks the inode. Since we want to keep the quota
	 * inode around, we bump the vnode ref count now.

	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	nmaps = 1;
	if ((error = xfs_bmapi(tp, quotip,
			      offset_fsb, XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB,
			      &map, &nmaps, &flist))) {
		goto error0;
	ASSERT(map.br_blockcount == XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB);
	ASSERT(nmaps == 1);
	ASSERT((map.br_startblock != DELAYSTARTBLOCK) &&
	       (map.br_startblock != HOLESTARTBLOCK));

	 * Keep track of the blkno to save a lookup later
	dqp->q_blkno = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, map.br_startblock);

	/* now we can just get the buffer (there's nothing to read yet) */
	bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp,
	if (!bp || (error = XFS_BUF_GETERROR(bp)))
		goto error1;
	 * Make a chunk of dquots out of this buffer and log
	 * the entire thing.
	xfs_qm_init_dquot_blk(tp, mp, be32_to_cpu(dqp->q_core.d_id),
			      dqp->dq_flags & XFS_DQ_ALLTYPES, bp);

	 * xfs_bmap_finish() may commit the current transaction and
	 * start a second transaction if the freelist is not empty.
	 * Since we still want to modify this buffer, we need to
	 * ensure that the buffer is not released on commit of
	 * the first transaction and ensure the buffer is added to the
	 * second transaction.
	 * If there is only one transaction then don't stop the buffer
	 * from being released when it commits later on.

	xfs_trans_bhold(tp, bp);

	if ((error = xfs_bmap_finish(tpp, &flist, firstblock, &committed))) {
		goto error1;

	if (committed) {
		tp = *tpp;
		xfs_trans_bjoin(tp, bp);
	} else {
		xfs_trans_bhold_release(tp, bp);

	*O_bpp = bp;
	return 0;

	xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);

	return (error);
Example #5
 * Free a symlink that has blocks associated with it.
	struct xfs_inode *ip)
	xfs_buf_t	*bp;
	int		committed;
	int		done;
	int		error;
	xfs_fsblock_t	first_block;
	xfs_bmap_free_t	free_list;
	int		i;
	xfs_mount_t	*mp;
	xfs_bmbt_irec_t	mval[XFS_SYMLINK_MAPS];
	int		nmaps;
	int		size;
	xfs_trans_t	*tp;

	mp = ip->i_mount;
	ASSERT(ip->i_df.if_flags & XFS_IFEXTENTS);
	 * We're freeing a symlink that has some
	 * blocks allocated to it.  Free the
	 * blocks here.  We know that we've got
	 * either 1 or 2 extents and that we can
	 * free them all in one bunmapi call.
	ASSERT(ip->i_d.di_nextents > 0 && ip->i_d.di_nextents <= 2);

	tp = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, XFS_TRANS_INACTIVE);
	error = xfs_trans_reserve(tp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_itruncate, 0, 0);
	if (error) {
		xfs_trans_cancel(tp, 0);
		return error;

	xfs_ilock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, ip, 0);

	 * Lock the inode, fix the size, and join it to the transaction.
	 * Hold it so in the normal path, we still have it locked for
	 * the second transaction.  In the error paths we need it
	 * held so the cancel won't rele it, see below.
	size = (int)ip->i_d.di_size;
	ip->i_d.di_size = 0;
	xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_CORE);
	 * Find the block(s) so we can inval and unmap them.
	done = 0;
	xfs_bmap_init(&free_list, &first_block);
	nmaps = ARRAY_SIZE(mval);
	error = xfs_bmapi_read(ip, 0, xfs_symlink_blocks(mp, size),
				mval, &nmaps, 0);
	if (error)
		goto error_trans_cancel;
	 * Invalidate the block(s). No validation is done.
	for (i = 0; i < nmaps; i++) {
		bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp,
			XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, mval[i].br_startblock),
			XFS_FSB_TO_BB(mp, mval[i].br_blockcount), 0);
		if (!bp) {
			error = ENOMEM;
			goto error_bmap_cancel;
		xfs_trans_binval(tp, bp);
	 * Unmap the dead block(s) to the free_list.
	error = xfs_bunmapi(tp, ip, 0, size, XFS_BMAPI_METADATA, nmaps,
			    &first_block, &free_list, &done);
	if (error)
		goto error_bmap_cancel;
	 * Commit the first transaction.  This logs the EFI and the inode.
	error = xfs_bmap_finish(&tp, &free_list, &committed);
	if (error)
		goto error_bmap_cancel;
	 * The transaction must have been committed, since there were
	 * actually extents freed by xfs_bunmapi.  See xfs_bmap_finish.
	 * The new tp has the extent freeing and EFDs.
	 * The first xact was committed, so add the inode to the new one.
	 * Mark it dirty so it will be logged and moved forward in the log as
	 * part of every commit.
	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, ip, 0);
	xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_CORE);
	 * Commit the transaction containing extent freeing and EFDs.
	error = xfs_trans_commit(tp, XFS_TRANS_RELEASE_LOG_RES);
	if (error) {
		goto error_unlock;

	 * Remove the memory for extent descriptions (just bookkeeping).
	if (ip->i_df.if_bytes)
		xfs_idata_realloc(ip, -ip->i_df.if_bytes, XFS_DATA_FORK);
	ASSERT(ip->i_df.if_bytes == 0);

	xfs_iunlock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	return 0;

	xfs_iunlock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	return error;
Example #6
	struct xfs_inode	*dp,
	struct xfs_name		*link_name,
	const char		*target_path,
	umode_t			mode,
	struct xfs_inode	**ipp)
	struct xfs_mount	*mp = dp->i_mount;
	struct xfs_trans	*tp = NULL;
	struct xfs_inode	*ip = NULL;
	int			error = 0;
	int			pathlen;
	struct xfs_bmap_free	free_list;
	xfs_fsblock_t		first_block;
	bool			unlock_dp_on_error = false;
	uint			cancel_flags;
	int			committed;
	xfs_fileoff_t		first_fsb;
	xfs_filblks_t		fs_blocks;
	int			nmaps;
	struct xfs_bmbt_irec	mval[XFS_SYMLINK_MAPS];
	xfs_daddr_t		d;
	const char		*cur_chunk;
	int			byte_cnt;
	int			n;
	xfs_buf_t		*bp;
	prid_t			prid;
	struct xfs_dquot	*udqp = NULL;
	struct xfs_dquot	*gdqp = NULL;
	struct xfs_dquot	*pdqp = NULL;
	uint			resblks;

	*ipp = NULL;

	trace_xfs_symlink(dp, link_name);

		return XFS_ERROR(EIO);

	 * Check component lengths of the target path name.
	pathlen = strlen(target_path);
	if (pathlen >= MAXPATHLEN)      /* total string too long */

	udqp = gdqp = NULL;
	if (dp->i_d.di_flags & XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT)
		prid = xfs_get_projid(dp);

	 * Make sure that we have allocated dquot(s) on disk.
	error = xfs_qm_vop_dqalloc(dp,
			xfs_kgid_to_gid(current_fsgid()), prid,
			&udqp, &gdqp, &pdqp);
	if (error)
		goto std_return;

	tp = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, XFS_TRANS_SYMLINK);
	cancel_flags = XFS_TRANS_RELEASE_LOG_RES;
	 * The symlink will fit into the inode data fork?
	 * There can't be any attributes so we get the whole variable part.
	if (pathlen <= XFS_LITINO(mp, dp->i_d.di_version))
		fs_blocks = 0;
		fs_blocks = xfs_symlink_blocks(mp, pathlen);
	resblks = XFS_SYMLINK_SPACE_RES(mp, link_name->len, fs_blocks);
	error = xfs_trans_reserve(tp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_symlink, resblks, 0);
	if (error == ENOSPC && fs_blocks == 0) {
		resblks = 0;
		error = xfs_trans_reserve(tp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_symlink, 0, 0);
	if (error) {
		cancel_flags = 0;
		goto error_return;

	unlock_dp_on_error = true;

	 * Check whether the directory allows new symlinks or not.
	if (dp->i_d.di_flags & XFS_DIFLAG_NOSYMLINKS) {
		error = XFS_ERROR(EPERM);
		goto error_return;

	 * Reserve disk quota : blocks and inode.
	error = xfs_trans_reserve_quota(tp, mp, udqp, gdqp,
						pdqp, resblks, 1, 0);
	if (error)
		goto error_return;

	 * Check for ability to enter directory entry, if no space reserved.
	error = xfs_dir_canenter(tp, dp, link_name, resblks);
	if (error)
		goto error_return;
	 * Initialize the bmap freelist prior to calling either
	 * bmapi or the directory create code.
	xfs_bmap_init(&free_list, &first_block);

	 * Allocate an inode for the symlink.
	error = xfs_dir_ialloc(&tp, dp, S_IFLNK | (mode & ~S_IFMT), 1, 0,
			       prid, resblks > 0, &ip, NULL);
	if (error) {
		if (error == ENOSPC)
			goto error_return;
		goto error1;

	 * An error after we've joined dp to the transaction will result in the
	 * transaction cancel unlocking dp so don't do it explicitly in the
	 * error path.
	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, dp, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	unlock_dp_on_error = false;

	 * Also attach the dquot(s) to it, if applicable.
	xfs_qm_vop_create_dqattach(tp, ip, udqp, gdqp, pdqp);

	if (resblks)
		resblks -= XFS_IALLOC_SPACE_RES(mp);
	 * If the symlink will fit into the inode, write it inline.
	if (pathlen <= XFS_IFORK_DSIZE(ip)) {
		xfs_idata_realloc(ip, pathlen, XFS_DATA_FORK);
		memcpy(ip->i_df.if_u1.if_data, target_path, pathlen);
		ip->i_d.di_size = pathlen;

		 * The inode was initially created in extent format.
		ip->i_df.if_flags &= ~(XFS_IFEXTENTS | XFS_IFBROOT);
		ip->i_df.if_flags |= XFS_IFINLINE;

		ip->i_d.di_format = XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL;
		xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_DDATA | XFS_ILOG_CORE);

	} else {
		int	offset;

		first_fsb = 0;

		error = xfs_bmapi_write(tp, ip, first_fsb, fs_blocks,
				  XFS_BMAPI_METADATA, &first_block, resblks,
				  mval, &nmaps, &free_list);
		if (error)
			goto error2;

		if (resblks)
			resblks -= fs_blocks;
		ip->i_d.di_size = pathlen;
		xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_CORE);

		cur_chunk = target_path;
		offset = 0;
		for (n = 0; n < nmaps; n++) {
			char	*buf;

			d = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, mval[n].br_startblock);
			byte_cnt = XFS_FSB_TO_B(mp, mval[n].br_blockcount);
			bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					       BTOBB(byte_cnt), 0);
			if (!bp) {
				error = ENOMEM;
				goto error2;
			bp->b_ops = &xfs_symlink_buf_ops;

			byte_cnt = XFS_SYMLINK_BUF_SPACE(mp, byte_cnt);
			byte_cnt = min(byte_cnt, pathlen);

			buf = bp->b_addr;
			buf += xfs_symlink_hdr_set(mp, ip->i_ino, offset,
						   byte_cnt, bp);

			memcpy(buf, cur_chunk, byte_cnt);

			cur_chunk += byte_cnt;
			pathlen -= byte_cnt;
			offset += byte_cnt;

			xfs_trans_buf_set_type(tp, bp, XFS_BLFT_SYMLINK_BUF);
			xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, bp, 0, (buf + byte_cnt - 1) -
							(char *)bp->b_addr);
		ASSERT(pathlen == 0);

	 * Create the directory entry for the symlink.
	error = xfs_dir_createname(tp, dp, link_name, ip->i_ino,
					&first_block, &free_list, resblks);
	if (error)
		goto error2;
	xfs_trans_ichgtime(tp, dp, XFS_ICHGTIME_MOD | XFS_ICHGTIME_CHG);
	xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, dp, XFS_ILOG_CORE);

	 * If this is a synchronous mount, make sure that the
	 * symlink transaction goes to disk before returning to
	 * the user.
	if (mp->m_flags & (XFS_MOUNT_WSYNC|XFS_MOUNT_DIRSYNC)) {

	error = xfs_bmap_finish(&tp, &free_list, &committed);
	if (error) {
		goto error2;
	error = xfs_trans_commit(tp, XFS_TRANS_RELEASE_LOG_RES);

	*ipp = ip;
	return 0;

	cancel_flags |= XFS_TRANS_ABORT;
	xfs_trans_cancel(tp, cancel_flags);

	if (unlock_dp_on_error)
		xfs_iunlock(dp, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	return error;
Example #7
	struct xfs_inode	*dp,
	struct xfs_name		*link_name,
	const char		*target_path,
	umode_t			mode,
	struct xfs_inode	**ipp)
	struct xfs_mount	*mp = dp->i_mount;
	struct xfs_trans	*tp = NULL;
	struct xfs_inode	*ip = NULL;
	int			error = 0;
	int			pathlen;
	struct xfs_defer_ops	dfops;
	xfs_fsblock_t		first_block;
	bool                    unlock_dp_on_error = false;
	xfs_fileoff_t		first_fsb;
	xfs_filblks_t		fs_blocks;
	int			nmaps;
	struct xfs_bmbt_irec	mval[XFS_SYMLINK_MAPS];
	xfs_daddr_t		d;
	const char		*cur_chunk;
	int			byte_cnt;
	int			n;
	xfs_buf_t		*bp;
	prid_t			prid;
	struct xfs_dquot	*udqp = NULL;
	struct xfs_dquot	*gdqp = NULL;
	struct xfs_dquot	*pdqp = NULL;
	uint			resblks;

	*ipp = NULL;

	trace_xfs_symlink(dp, link_name);

		return -EIO;

	 * Check component lengths of the target path name.
	pathlen = strlen(target_path);
	if (pathlen >= MAXPATHLEN)      /* total string too long */

	udqp = gdqp = NULL;
	prid = xfs_get_initial_prid(dp);

	 * Make sure that we have allocated dquot(s) on disk.
	error = xfs_qm_vop_dqalloc(dp,
			xfs_kgid_to_gid(current_fsgid()), prid,
			&udqp, &gdqp, &pdqp);
	if (error)
		return error;

	 * The symlink will fit into the inode data fork?
	 * There can't be any attributes so we get the whole variable part.
	if (pathlen <= XFS_LITINO(mp, dp->i_d.di_version))
		fs_blocks = 0;
		fs_blocks = xfs_symlink_blocks(mp, pathlen);
	resblks = XFS_SYMLINK_SPACE_RES(mp, link_name->len, fs_blocks);

	error = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_symlink, resblks, 0, 0, &tp);
	if (error == -ENOSPC && fs_blocks == 0) {
		resblks = 0;
		error = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_symlink, 0, 0, 0,
	if (error)
		goto out_release_inode;

	unlock_dp_on_error = true;

	 * Check whether the directory allows new symlinks or not.
	if (dp->i_d.di_flags & XFS_DIFLAG_NOSYMLINKS) {
		error = -EPERM;
		goto out_trans_cancel;

	 * Reserve disk quota : blocks and inode.
	error = xfs_trans_reserve_quota(tp, mp, udqp, gdqp,
						pdqp, resblks, 1, 0);
	if (error)
		goto out_trans_cancel;

	 * Check for ability to enter directory entry, if no space reserved.
	if (!resblks) {
		error = xfs_dir_canenter(tp, dp, link_name);
		if (error)
			goto out_trans_cancel;
	 * Initialize the bmap freelist prior to calling either
	 * bmapi or the directory create code.
	xfs_defer_init(&dfops, &first_block);

	 * Allocate an inode for the symlink.
	error = xfs_dir_ialloc(&tp, dp, S_IFLNK | (mode & ~S_IFMT), 1, 0,
			       prid, resblks > 0, &ip, NULL);
	if (error)
		goto out_trans_cancel;

	 * Now we join the directory inode to the transaction.  We do not do it
	 * earlier because xfs_dir_ialloc might commit the previous transaction
	 * (and release all the locks).  An error from here on will result in
	 * the transaction cancel unlocking dp so don't do it explicitly in the
	 * error path.
	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, dp, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	unlock_dp_on_error = false;

	 * Also attach the dquot(s) to it, if applicable.
	xfs_qm_vop_create_dqattach(tp, ip, udqp, gdqp, pdqp);

	if (resblks)
		resblks -= XFS_IALLOC_SPACE_RES(mp);
	 * If the symlink will fit into the inode, write it inline.
	if (pathlen <= XFS_IFORK_DSIZE(ip)) {
		xfs_init_local_fork(ip, XFS_DATA_FORK, target_path, pathlen);

		ip->i_d.di_size = pathlen;
		ip->i_d.di_format = XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL;
		xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_DDATA | XFS_ILOG_CORE);
	} else {
		int	offset;

		first_fsb = 0;

		error = xfs_bmapi_write(tp, ip, first_fsb, fs_blocks,
				  XFS_BMAPI_METADATA, &first_block, resblks,
				  mval, &nmaps, &dfops);
		if (error)
			goto out_bmap_cancel;

		if (resblks)
			resblks -= fs_blocks;
		ip->i_d.di_size = pathlen;
		xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, ip, XFS_ILOG_CORE);

		cur_chunk = target_path;
		offset = 0;
		for (n = 0; n < nmaps; n++) {
			char	*buf;

			d = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, mval[n].br_startblock);
			byte_cnt = XFS_FSB_TO_B(mp, mval[n].br_blockcount);
			bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					       BTOBB(byte_cnt), 0);
			if (!bp) {
				error = -ENOMEM;
				goto out_bmap_cancel;
			bp->b_ops = &xfs_symlink_buf_ops;

			byte_cnt = XFS_SYMLINK_BUF_SPACE(mp, byte_cnt);
			byte_cnt = min(byte_cnt, pathlen);

			buf = bp->b_addr;
			buf += xfs_symlink_hdr_set(mp, ip->i_ino, offset,
						   byte_cnt, bp);

			memcpy(buf, cur_chunk, byte_cnt);

			cur_chunk += byte_cnt;
			pathlen -= byte_cnt;
			offset += byte_cnt;

			xfs_trans_buf_set_type(tp, bp, XFS_BLFT_SYMLINK_BUF);
			xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, bp, 0, (buf + byte_cnt - 1) -
							(char *)bp->b_addr);
		ASSERT(pathlen == 0);

	 * Create the directory entry for the symlink.
	error = xfs_dir_createname(tp, dp, link_name, ip->i_ino,
					&first_block, &dfops, resblks);
	if (error)
		goto out_bmap_cancel;
	xfs_trans_ichgtime(tp, dp, XFS_ICHGTIME_MOD | XFS_ICHGTIME_CHG);
	xfs_trans_log_inode(tp, dp, XFS_ILOG_CORE);

	 * If this is a synchronous mount, make sure that the
	 * symlink transaction goes to disk before returning to
	 * the user.
	if (mp->m_flags & (XFS_MOUNT_WSYNC|XFS_MOUNT_DIRSYNC)) {

	error = xfs_defer_finish(&tp, &dfops, NULL);
	if (error)
		goto out_bmap_cancel;

	error = xfs_trans_commit(tp);
	if (error)
		goto out_release_inode;


	*ipp = ip;
	return 0;

	 * Wait until after the current transaction is aborted to finish the
	 * setup of the inode and release the inode.  This prevents recursive
	 * transactions and deadlocks from xfs_inactive.
	if (ip) {


	if (unlock_dp_on_error)
		xfs_iunlock(dp, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	return error;
Example #8
 * Allocate a block and fill it with dquots.
 * This is called when the bmapi finds a hole.
	xfs_trans_t	**tpp,
	xfs_mount_t	*mp,
	xfs_dquot_t	*dqp,
	xfs_inode_t	*quotip,
	xfs_fileoff_t	offset_fsb,
	xfs_buf_t	**O_bpp)
	xfs_fsblock_t	firstblock;
	xfs_bmap_free_t flist;
	xfs_bmbt_irec_t map;
	int		nmaps, error, committed;
	xfs_buf_t	*bp;
	xfs_trans_t	*tp = *tpp;

	ASSERT(tp != NULL);


	 * Initialize the bmap freelist prior to calling bmapi code.
	xfs_bmap_init(&flist, &firstblock);
	xfs_ilock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	 * Return if this type of quotas is turned off while we didn't
	 * have an inode lock
	if (!xfs_this_quota_on(dqp->q_mount, dqp->dq_flags)) {
		xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
		return (ESRCH);

	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	nmaps = 1;
	error = xfs_bmapi_write(tp, quotip, offset_fsb,
				&firstblock, XFS_QM_DQALLOC_SPACE_RES(mp),
				&map, &nmaps, &flist);
	if (error)
		goto error0;
	ASSERT(map.br_blockcount == XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB);
	ASSERT(nmaps == 1);
	ASSERT((map.br_startblock != DELAYSTARTBLOCK) &&
	       (map.br_startblock != HOLESTARTBLOCK));

	 * Keep track of the blkno to save a lookup later
	dqp->q_blkno = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, map.br_startblock);

	/* now we can just get the buffer (there's nothing to read yet) */
	bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp,
	if (!bp) {
		error = ENOMEM;
		goto error1;
	bp->b_ops = &xfs_dquot_buf_ops;

	 * Make a chunk of dquots out of this buffer and log
	 * the entire thing.
	xfs_qm_init_dquot_blk(tp, mp, be32_to_cpu(dqp->q_core.d_id),
			      dqp->dq_flags & XFS_DQ_ALLTYPES, bp);

	 * xfs_bmap_finish() may commit the current transaction and
	 * start a second transaction if the freelist is not empty.
	 * Since we still want to modify this buffer, we need to
	 * ensure that the buffer is not released on commit of
	 * the first transaction and ensure the buffer is added to the
	 * second transaction.
	 * If there is only one transaction then don't stop the buffer
	 * from being released when it commits later on.

	xfs_trans_bhold(tp, bp);

	if ((error = xfs_bmap_finish(tpp, &flist, &committed))) {
		goto error1;

	if (committed) {
		tp = *tpp;
		xfs_trans_bjoin(tp, bp);
	} else {
		xfs_trans_bhold_release(tp, bp);

	*O_bpp = bp;
	return 0;

	xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);

	return (error);
Example #9
 * Initialise a new set of inodes. When called without a transaction context
 * (e.g. from recovery) we initiate a delayed write of the inode buffers rather
 * than logging them (which in a transaction context puts them into the AIL
 * for writeback rather than the xfsbufd queue).
	struct xfs_mount	*mp,
	struct xfs_trans	*tp,
	struct list_head	*buffer_list,
	xfs_agnumber_t		agno,
	xfs_agblock_t		agbno,
	xfs_agblock_t		length,
	unsigned int		gen)
	struct xfs_buf		*fbuf;
	struct xfs_dinode	*free;
	int			blks_per_cluster, nbufs, ninodes;
	int			version;
	int			i, j;
	xfs_daddr_t		d;
	xfs_ino_t		ino = 0;

	 * Loop over the new block(s), filling in the inodes.
	 * For small block sizes, manipulate the inodes in buffers
	 * which are multiples of the blocks size.
	if (mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize >= XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp)) {
		blks_per_cluster = 1;
		nbufs = length;
		ninodes = mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;
	} else {
		blks_per_cluster = XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp) /
		nbufs = length / blks_per_cluster;
		ninodes = blks_per_cluster * mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;

	 * Figure out what version number to use in the inodes we create.  If
	 * the superblock version has caught up to the one that supports the new
	 * inode format, then use the new inode version.  Otherwise use the old
	 * version so that old kernels will continue to be able to use the file
	 * system.
	 * For v3 inodes, we also need to write the inode number into the inode,
	 * so calculate the first inode number of the chunk here as
	 * XFS_OFFBNO_TO_AGINO() only works within a filesystem block, not
	 * across multiple filesystem blocks (such as a cluster) and so cannot
	 * be used in the cluster buffer loop below.
	 * Further, because we are writing the inode directly into the buffer
	 * and calculating a CRC on the entire inode, we have ot log the entire
	 * inode so that the entire range the CRC covers is present in the log.
	 * That means for v3 inode we log the entire buffer rather than just the
	 * inode cores.
	if (xfs_sb_version_hascrc(&mp->m_sb)) {
		version = 3;
		ino = XFS_AGINO_TO_INO(mp, agno,
				       XFS_OFFBNO_TO_AGINO(mp, agbno, 0));

		 * log the initialisation that is about to take place as an
		 * logical operation. This means the transaction does not
		 * need to log the physical changes to the inode buffers as log
		 * recovery will know what initialisation is actually needed.
		 * Hence we only need to log the buffers as "ordered" buffers so
		 * they track in the AIL as if they were physically logged.
		if (tp)
			xfs_icreate_log(tp, agno, agbno, XFS_IALLOC_INODES(mp),
					mp->m_sb.sb_inodesize, length, gen);
	} else if (xfs_sb_version_hasnlink(&mp->m_sb))
		version = 2;
		version = 1;

	for (j = 0; j < nbufs; j++) {
		 * Get the block.
		d = XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp, agno, agbno + (j * blks_per_cluster));
		fbuf = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					 mp->m_bsize * blks_per_cluster,
		if (!fbuf)
			return ENOMEM;

		/* Initialize the inode buffers and log them appropriately. */
		fbuf->b_ops = &xfs_inode_buf_ops;
		xfs_buf_zero(fbuf, 0, BBTOB(fbuf->b_length));
		for (i = 0; i < ninodes; i++) {
			int	ioffset = i << mp->m_sb.sb_inodelog;
			uint	isize = xfs_dinode_size(version);

			free = xfs_make_iptr(mp, fbuf, i);
			free->di_magic = cpu_to_be16(XFS_DINODE_MAGIC);
			free->di_version = version;
			free->di_gen = cpu_to_be32(gen);
			free->di_next_unlinked = cpu_to_be32(NULLAGINO);

			if (version == 3) {
				free->di_ino = cpu_to_be64(ino);
				uuid_copy(&free->di_uuid, &mp->m_sb.sb_uuid);
				xfs_dinode_calc_crc(mp, free);
			} else if (tp) {
				/* just log the inode core */
				xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, fbuf, ioffset,
						  ioffset + isize - 1);

		if (tp) {
			 * Mark the buffer as an inode allocation buffer so it
			 * sticks in AIL at the point of this allocation
			 * transaction. This ensures the they are on disk before
			 * the tail of the log can be moved past this
			 * transaction (i.e. by preventing relogging from moving
			 * it forward in the log).
			xfs_trans_inode_alloc_buf(tp, fbuf);
			if (version == 3) {
				 * Mark the buffer as ordered so that they are
				 * not physically logged in the transaction but
				 * still tracked in the AIL as part of the
				 * transaction and pin the log appropriately.
				xfs_trans_ordered_buf(tp, fbuf);
				xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, fbuf, 0,
						  BBTOB(fbuf->b_length) - 1);
		} else {
			fbuf->b_flags |= XBF_DONE;
			xfs_buf_delwri_queue(fbuf, buffer_list);
	return 0;
Example #10
 * Ensure that the given in-core dquot has a buffer on disk backing it, and
 * return the buffer locked and held. This is called when the bmapi finds a
 * hole.
	struct xfs_trans	**tpp,
	struct xfs_dquot	*dqp,
	struct xfs_buf		**bpp)
	struct xfs_bmbt_irec	map;
	struct xfs_trans	*tp = *tpp;
	struct xfs_mount	*mp = tp->t_mountp;
	struct xfs_buf		*bp;
	struct xfs_inode	*quotip = xfs_quota_inode(mp, dqp->dq_flags);
	int			nmaps = 1;
	int			error;


	xfs_ilock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	if (!xfs_this_quota_on(dqp->q_mount, dqp->dq_flags)) {
		 * Return if this type of quotas is turned off while we didn't
		 * have an inode lock
		xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
		return -ESRCH;

	/* Create the block mapping. */
	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	error = xfs_bmapi_write(tp, quotip, dqp->q_fileoffset,
			XFS_QM_DQALLOC_SPACE_RES(mp), &map, &nmaps);
	if (error)
		return error;
	ASSERT(map.br_blockcount == XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB);
	ASSERT(nmaps == 1);
	ASSERT((map.br_startblock != DELAYSTARTBLOCK) &&
	       (map.br_startblock != HOLESTARTBLOCK));

	 * Keep track of the blkno to save a lookup later
	dqp->q_blkno = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, map.br_startblock);

	/* now we can just get the buffer (there's nothing to read yet) */
	bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, dqp->q_blkno,
			mp->m_quotainfo->qi_dqchunklen, 0);
	if (!bp)
		return -ENOMEM;
	bp->b_ops = &xfs_dquot_buf_ops;

	 * Make a chunk of dquots out of this buffer and log
	 * the entire thing.
	xfs_qm_init_dquot_blk(tp, mp, be32_to_cpu(dqp->q_core.d_id),
			      dqp->dq_flags & XFS_DQ_ALLTYPES, bp);
	xfs_buf_set_ref(bp, XFS_DQUOT_REF);

	 * Hold the buffer and join it to the dfops so that we'll still own
	 * the buffer when we return to the caller.  The buffer disposal on
	 * error must be paid attention to very carefully, as it has been
	 * broken since commit efa092f3d4c6 "[XFS] Fixes a bug in the quota
	 * code when allocating a new dquot record" in 2005, and the later
	 * conversion to xfs_defer_ops in commit 310a75a3c6c747 failed to keep
	 * the buffer locked across the _defer_finish call.  We can now do
	 * this correctly with xfs_defer_bjoin.
	 * Above, we allocated a disk block for the dquot information and used
	 * get_buf to initialize the dquot. If the _defer_finish fails, the old
	 * transaction is gone but the new buffer is not joined or held to any
	 * transaction, so we must _buf_relse it.
	 * If everything succeeds, the caller of this function is returned a
	 * buffer that is locked and held to the transaction.  The caller
	 * is responsible for unlocking any buffer passed back, either
	 * manually or by committing the transaction.  On error, the buffer is
	 * released and not passed back.
	xfs_trans_bhold(tp, bp);
	error = xfs_defer_finish(tpp);
	if (error) {
		xfs_trans_bhold_release(*tpp, bp);
		xfs_trans_brelse(*tpp, bp);
		return error;
	*bpp = bp;
	return 0;
Example #11
 * Initialise a new set of inodes.
	struct xfs_mount	*mp,
	struct xfs_trans	*tp,
	xfs_agnumber_t		agno,
	xfs_agblock_t		agbno,
	xfs_agblock_t		length,
	unsigned int		gen)
	struct xfs_buf		*fbuf;
	struct xfs_dinode	*free;
	int			blks_per_cluster, nbufs, ninodes;
	int			version;
	int			i, j;
	xfs_daddr_t		d;
	xfs_ino_t		ino = 0;

	 * Loop over the new block(s), filling in the inodes.
	 * For small block sizes, manipulate the inodes in buffers
	 * which are multiples of the blocks size.
	if (mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize >= XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp)) {
		blks_per_cluster = 1;
		nbufs = length;
		ninodes = mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;
	} else {
		blks_per_cluster = XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE(mp) /
		nbufs = length / blks_per_cluster;
		ninodes = blks_per_cluster * mp->m_sb.sb_inopblock;

	 * Figure out what version number to use in the inodes we create.  If
	 * the superblock version has caught up to the one that supports the new
	 * inode format, then use the new inode version.  Otherwise use the old
	 * version so that old kernels will continue to be able to use the file
	 * system.
	 * For v3 inodes, we also need to write the inode number into the inode,
	 * so calculate the first inode number of the chunk here as
	 * XFS_OFFBNO_TO_AGINO() only works within a filesystem block, not
	 * across multiple filesystem blocks (such as a cluster) and so cannot
	 * be used in the cluster buffer loop below.
	 * Further, because we are writing the inode directly into the buffer
	 * and calculating a CRC on the entire inode, we have ot log the entire
	 * inode so that the entire range the CRC covers is present in the log.
	 * That means for v3 inode we log the entire buffer rather than just the
	 * inode cores.
	if (xfs_sb_version_hascrc(&mp->m_sb)) {
		version = 3;
		ino = XFS_AGINO_TO_INO(mp, agno,
				       XFS_OFFBNO_TO_AGINO(mp, agbno, 0));
	} else if (xfs_sb_version_hasnlink(&mp->m_sb))
		version = 2;
		version = 1;

	for (j = 0; j < nbufs; j++) {
		 * Get the block.
		d = XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp, agno, agbno + (j * blks_per_cluster));
		fbuf = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
					 mp->m_bsize * blks_per_cluster,
		if (!fbuf)
			return ENOMEM;
		 * Initialize all inodes in this buffer and then log them.
		 * XXX: It would be much better if we had just one transaction
		 *	to log a whole cluster of inodes instead of all the
		 *	individual transactions causing a lot of log traffic.
		fbuf->b_ops = &xfs_inode_buf_ops;
		xfs_buf_zero(fbuf, 0, BBTOB(fbuf->b_length));
		for (i = 0; i < ninodes; i++) {
			int	ioffset = i << mp->m_sb.sb_inodelog;
			uint	isize = xfs_dinode_size(version);

			free = xfs_make_iptr(mp, fbuf, i);
			free->di_magic = cpu_to_be16(XFS_DINODE_MAGIC);
			free->di_version = version;
			free->di_gen = cpu_to_be32(gen);
			free->di_next_unlinked = cpu_to_be32(NULLAGINO);

			if (version == 3) {
				free->di_ino = cpu_to_be64(ino);
				uuid_copy(&free->di_uuid, &mp->m_sb.sb_uuid);
				xfs_dinode_calc_crc(mp, free);
			} else {
				/* just log the inode core */
				xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, fbuf, ioffset,
						  ioffset + isize - 1);
		if (version == 3) {
			/* need to log the entire buffer */
			xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, fbuf, 0,
					  BBTOB(fbuf->b_length) - 1);
		xfs_trans_inode_alloc_buf(tp, fbuf);
	return 0;
Example #12
 * Look at all the extents for this logical region,
 * invalidate any buffers that are incore/in transactions.
	struct xfs_trans	**trans,
	struct xfs_inode	*dp,
	xfs_dablk_t		blkno,
	int			blkcnt)
	struct xfs_bmbt_irec	map;
	struct xfs_buf		*bp;
	xfs_dablk_t		tblkno;
	xfs_daddr_t		dblkno;
	int			tblkcnt;
	int			dblkcnt;
	int			nmap;
	int			error;

	 * Roll through the "value", invalidating the attribute value's
	 * blocks.
	tblkno = blkno;
	tblkcnt = blkcnt;
	while (tblkcnt > 0) {
		 * Try to remember where we decided to put the value.
		nmap = 1;
		error = xfs_bmapi_read(dp, (xfs_fileoff_t)tblkno, tblkcnt,
				       &map, &nmap, XFS_BMAPI_ATTRFORK);
		if (error) {
			return error;
		ASSERT(nmap == 1);
		ASSERT(map.br_startblock != DELAYSTARTBLOCK);

		 * If it's a hole, these are already unmapped
		 * so there's nothing to invalidate.
		if (map.br_startblock != HOLESTARTBLOCK) {

			dblkno = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(dp->i_mount,
			dblkcnt = XFS_FSB_TO_BB(dp->i_mount,
			bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(*trans,
					dblkno, dblkcnt, 0);
			if (!bp)
				return -ENOMEM;
			xfs_trans_binval(*trans, bp);
			 * Roll to next transaction.
			error = xfs_trans_roll(trans, dp);
			if (error)
				return error;

		tblkno += map.br_blockcount;
		tblkcnt -= map.br_blockcount;

	return 0;
Example #13
 * Allocate a block and fill it with dquots.
 * This is called when the bmapi finds a hole.
	xfs_trans_t	*tp,
	xfs_mount_t	*mp,
	xfs_dquot_t	*dqp,
	xfs_inode_t	*quotip,
	xfs_fileoff_t	offset_fsb,
	xfs_buf_t	**O_bpp)
	xfs_fsblock_t	firstblock;
	xfs_bmap_free_t flist;
	xfs_bmbt_irec_t map;
	int		nmaps, error, committed;
	xfs_buf_t	*bp;

	ASSERT(tp != NULL);
	xfs_dqtrace_entry(dqp, "DQALLOC");

	 * Initialize the bmap freelist prior to calling bmapi code.
	XFS_BMAP_INIT(&flist, &firstblock);
	xfs_ilock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	 * Return if this type of quotas is turned off while we didn't
	 * have an inode lock
	if (XFS_IS_THIS_QUOTA_OFF(dqp)) {
		xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
		return (ESRCH);

	 * xfs_trans_commit normally decrements the vnode ref count
	 * when it unlocks the inode. Since we want to keep the quota
	 * inode around, we bump the vnode ref count now.

	xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
	nmaps = 1;
	if ((error = xfs_bmapi(tp, quotip,
			      offset_fsb, XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB,
			      &map, &nmaps, &flist))) {
		goto error0;
	ASSERT(map.br_blockcount == XFS_DQUOT_CLUSTER_SIZE_FSB);
	ASSERT(nmaps == 1);
	ASSERT((map.br_startblock != DELAYSTARTBLOCK) &&
	       (map.br_startblock != HOLESTARTBLOCK));

	 * Keep track of the blkno to save a lookup later
	dqp->q_blkno = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, map.br_startblock);

	/* now we can just get the buffer (there's nothing to read yet) */
	bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp,
	if (!bp || (error = XFS_BUF_GETERROR(bp)))
		goto error1;
	 * Make a chunk of dquots out of this buffer and log
	 * the entire thing.
	xfs_qm_init_dquot_blk(tp, mp, INT_GET(dqp->q_core.d_id, ARCH_CONVERT),
			      dqp->dq_flags & (XFS_DQ_USER|XFS_DQ_GROUP),

	if ((error = xfs_bmap_finish(&tp, &flist, firstblock, &committed))) {
		goto error1;

	*O_bpp = bp;
	return 0;

	xfs_iunlock(quotip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);

	return (error);
Example #14
 * Allocate space to the bitmap or summary file, and zero it, for growfs.
	struct xfs_mount	*mp,		/* file system mount point */
	xfs_extlen_t		oblocks,	/* old count of blocks */
	xfs_extlen_t		nblocks,	/* new count of blocks */
	struct xfs_inode	*ip)		/* inode (bitmap/summary) */
	xfs_fileoff_t		bno;		/* block number in file */
	struct xfs_buf		*bp;	/* temporary buffer for zeroing */
	xfs_daddr_t		d;		/* disk block address */
	int			error;		/* error return value */
	xfs_fsblock_t		firstblock;/* first block allocated in xaction */
	struct xfs_bmap_free	flist;		/* list of freed blocks */
	xfs_fsblock_t		fsbno;		/* filesystem block for bno */
	struct xfs_bmbt_irec	map;		/* block map output */
	int			nmap;		/* number of block maps */
	int			resblks;	/* space reservation */
	struct xfs_trans	*tp;

	 * Allocate space to the file, as necessary.
	while (oblocks < nblocks) {
		resblks = XFS_GROWFSRT_SPACE_RES(mp, nblocks - oblocks);
		 * Reserve space & log for one extent added to the file.
		error = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_growrtalloc, resblks,
				0, 0, &tp);
		if (error)
			return error;
		 * Lock the inode.
		xfs_ilock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
		xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);

		xfs_bmap_init(&flist, &firstblock);
		 * Allocate blocks to the bitmap file.
		nmap = 1;
		error = xfs_bmapi_write(tp, ip, oblocks, nblocks - oblocks,
					XFS_BMAPI_METADATA, &firstblock,
					resblks, &map, &nmap, &flist);
		if (!error && nmap < 1)
			error = -ENOSPC;
		if (error)
			goto out_bmap_cancel;
		 * Free any blocks freed up in the transaction, then commit.
		error = xfs_bmap_finish(&tp, &flist, NULL);
		if (error)
			goto out_bmap_cancel;
		error = xfs_trans_commit(tp);
		if (error)
			return error;
		 * Now we need to clear the allocated blocks.
		 * Do this one block per transaction, to keep it simple.
		for (bno = map.br_startoff, fsbno = map.br_startblock;
		     bno < map.br_startoff + map.br_blockcount;
		     bno++, fsbno++) {
			 * Reserve log for one block zeroing.
			error = xfs_trans_alloc(mp, &M_RES(mp)->tr_growrtzero,
					0, 0, 0, &tp);
			if (error)
				return error;
			 * Lock the bitmap inode.
			xfs_ilock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
			xfs_trans_ijoin(tp, ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
			 * Get a buffer for the block.
			d = XFS_FSB_TO_DADDR(mp, fsbno);
			bp = xfs_trans_get_buf(tp, mp->m_ddev_targp, d,
				mp->m_bsize, 0);
			if (bp == NULL) {
				error = -EIO;
				goto out_trans_cancel;
			memset(bp->b_addr, 0, mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize);
			xfs_trans_log_buf(tp, bp, 0, mp->m_sb.sb_blocksize - 1);
			 * Commit the transaction.
			error = xfs_trans_commit(tp);
			if (error)
				return error;
		 * Go on to the next extent, if any.
		oblocks = map.br_startoff + map.br_blockcount;

	return 0;

	return error;