Example #1
void eqnsys<nr_type_t>::factorize_qrh (void) {
  int c, r, k, pivot;
  nr_type_t f, t;
  nr_double_t s, MaxPivot;

  delete R; R = new tvector<nr_type_t> (N);

  for (c = 0; c < N; c++) {
    // compute column norms and save in work array
    nPvt[c] = euclidian_c (c);
    cMap[c] = c; // initialize permutation vector

  for (c = 0; c < N; c++) {

    // put column with largest norm into pivot position
    MaxPivot = nPvt[c]; pivot = c;
    for (r = c + 1; r < N; r++) {
      if ((s = nPvt[r]) > MaxPivot) {
	pivot = r;
	MaxPivot = s;
    if (pivot != c) {
      A->exchangeCols (pivot, c);
      Swap (int, cMap[pivot], cMap[c]);
      Swap (nr_double_t, nPvt[pivot], nPvt[c]);

    // compute householder vector
    if (c < N) {
      nr_type_t a, b;
      s = euclidian_c (c, c + 1);
      a = A_(c, c);
      b = -sign (a) * xhypot (a, s); // Wj
      t = xhypot (s, a - b);         // || Vi - Wi ||
      R_(c) = b;
      // householder vector entries Ui
      A_(c, c) = (a - b) / t;
      for (r = c + 1; r < N; r++) A_(r, c) /= t;
    else {
      R_(c) = A_(c, c);

    // apply householder transformation to remaining columns
    for (r = c + 1; r < N; r++) {
      for (f = 0, k = c; k < N; k++) f += cond_conj (A_(k, c)) * A_(k, r);
      for (k = c; k < N; k++) A_(k, r) -= 2.0 * f * A_(k, c);

    // update norms of remaining columns too
    for (r = c + 1; r < N; r++) {
      nPvt[r] = euclidian_c (r, c + 1);
Example #2
//! Helper function computes Givens rotation.
static inline nr_double_t
givens (nr_double_t a, nr_double_t b, nr_double_t& c, nr_double_t& s) {
  nr_double_t z = xhypot (a, b);
  c = a / z;
  s = b / z;
  return z;
Example #3
nr_type_t eqnsys<nr_type_t>::householder_create_right (int r) {
  nr_type_t a, b, t;
  nr_double_t s, g;
  s = euclidian_r (r, r + 2);
  if (s == 0 && imag (A_(r, r + 1)) == 0) {
    // no reflection necessary
    t = 0;
  else {
    // calculate householder reflection
    a = A_(r, r + 1);
    g = sign_(a) * xhypot (a, s);
    b = a + g;
    t = b / g;
    // store householder vector
    for (int c = r + 2; c < N; c++) A_(r, c) /= b;
    A_(r, r + 1) = -g;
  return t;
Example #4
nr_type_t eqnsys<nr_type_t>::householder_create_left (int c) {
  nr_type_t a, b, t;
  nr_double_t s, g;
  s = euclidian_c (c, c + 1);
  if (s == 0 && imag (A_(c, c)) == 0) {
    // no reflection necessary
    t = 0;
  else {
    // calculate householder reflection
    a = A_(c, c);
    g = sign_(a) * xhypot (a, s);
    b = a + g;
    t = b / g;
    // store householder vector
    for (int r = c + 1; r < N; r++) A_(r, c) /= b;
    A_(c, c) = -g;
  return t;
Example #5
void eqnsys<nr_type_t>::diagonalize_svd (void) {
  bool split;
  int i, l, j, its, k, n, MaxIters = 30;
  nr_double_t an, f, g, h, d, c, s, b, a;

  // find largest bidiagonal value
  for (an = 0, i = 0; i < N; i++)
    an = MAX (an, fabs (S_(i)) + fabs (E_(i)));

  // diagonalize the bidiagonal matrix (stored as super-diagonal
  // vector E and diagonal vector S)
  for (k = N - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
    // loop over singular values
    for (its = 0; its <= MaxIters; its++) {
      split = true;
      // check for a zero entry along the super-diagonal E, if there
      // is one, it is possible to QR iterate on two separate matrices
      // above and below it
      for (n = 0, l = k; l >= 1; l--) {
	// note that E_(0) is always zero
	n = l - 1;
	if (fabs (E_(l)) + an == an) { split = false; break; }
	if (fabs (S_(n)) + an == an) break;
      // if there is a zero on the diagonal S, it is possible to zero
      // out the corresponding super-diagonal E entry to its right
      if (split) {
	// cancellation of E_(l), if l > 0
	c = 0.0;
	s = 1.0;
	for (i = l; i <= k; i++) {
	  f = -s * E_(i);
	  E_(i) *= c;
	  if (fabs (f) + an == an) break;
	  g = S_(i);
	  S_(i) = givens (f, g, c, s);
	  // apply inverse rotation to U
	  givens_apply_u (n, i, c, s);

      d = S_(k);
      // convergence
      if (l == k) {
	// singular value is made non-negative
	if (d < 0.0) {
	  S_(k) = -d;
	  for (j = 0; j < N; j++) V_(k, j) = -V_(k, j);
      if (its == MaxIters) {
	logprint (LOG_ERROR, "WARNING: no convergence in %d SVD iterations\n",

      // shift from bottom 2-by-2 minor
      a = S_(l);
      n = k - 1;
      b = S_(n);
      g = E_(n);
      h = E_(k);

      // compute QR shift value (as close as possible to the largest
      // eigenvalue of the 2-by-2 minor matrix)
      f  = (b - d) * (b + d) + (g - h) * (g + h);
      f /= 2.0 * h * b;
      f += sign_(f) * xhypot (f, 1.0);
      f  = ((a - d) * (a + d) + h * (b / f - h)) / a;
      // f => (B_{ll}^2 - u) / B_{ll}
      // u => eigenvalue of T = B' * B nearer T_{22} (Wilkinson shift)

      // next QR transformation
      c = s = 1.0;
      for (j = l; j <= n; j++) {
	i = j + 1;
	g = E_(i);
	b = S_(i);
	h = s * g; // h => right-hand non-zero to annihilate
	g *= c;
	E_(j) = givens (f, h, c, s);
	// perform the rotation
	f = a * c + g * s;
	g = g * c - a * s;
	h = b * s;
	b *= c;
	// here: +-   -+
	//       | f g | = B * V'_j (also first V'_1)
	//       | h b |
	//       +-   -+

	// accumulate the rotation in V'
	givens_apply_v (j, i, c, s);
	d = S_(j) = xhypot (f, h);
	// rotation can be arbitrary if d = 0
	if (d != 0.0) {
	  // d => non-zero result on diagonal
	  d = 1.0 / d;
	  // rotation coefficients to annihilate the lower non-zero
	  c = f * d;
	  s = h * d;
	f = c * g + s * b;
	a = c * b - s * g;
	// here: +-   -+
	//       | d f | => U_j * B
	//       | 0 a |
	//       +-   -+

	// accumulate rotation into U
	givens_apply_u (j, i, c, s);
      E_(l) = 0;
      E_(k) = f;
      S_(k) = a;
Example #6
/* The function computes a EMI receiver spectrum based on the given
   waveform in the time domain.  The number of points in the waveform
   is required to be a power of two.  Also the samples are supposed
   to be equidistant. */
vector * emi::receiver (nr_double_t * ida, nr_double_t duration, int ilength) {

  int i, n, points;
  nr_double_t fres;
  vector * ed = new vector ();

  points = ilength;

  /* ilength must be a power of 2 - write wrapper later on */
  fourier::_fft_1d (ida, ilength, 1); /* 1 = forward fft */

  /* start at first AC point (0 as DC point remains untouched)
     additionally only half of the FFT result required */
  for (i = 2; i < points; i++) {
    ida[i] /= points / 2;

  /* calculate frequency step */
  fres = 1.0 / duration;

  /* generate data vector; inplace calculation of magnitudes */
  nr_double_t * d = ida;
  for (n = 0, i = 0; i < points / 2; i++, n += 2){
    /* abs value of complex number */
    d[i] = xhypot (ida[n], ida[n + 1]);
    /* vector contains complex values; thus every second value */

  points /= 2;

  /* define EMI settings */
  struct settings settings[] = {
    {   200, 150e3,   200,   200 },
    { 150e3,  30e6,   9e3,   9e3 },
    {  30e6,   1e9, 120e3, 120e3 },
    {     0,     0,     0,      0}

  /* define EMI noise floor */
  nr_double_t noise = std::pow (10.0, (-100.0 / 40.0)) * 1e-6;

  /* generate resulting data & frequency vector */
  nr_double_t fcur, dcur;
  int ei = 0;

  /* go through each EMI setting */
  for (i = 0; settings[i].bandwidth != 0; i++ ) {

    nr_double_t bw = settings[i].bandwidth;
    nr_double_t fstart = settings[i].start;
    nr_double_t fstop = settings[i].stop;
    nr_double_t fstep = settings[i].stepsize;

    /* go through frequencies */
    for (fcur = fstart; fcur <= fstop; fcur += fstep) {

      /* calculate upper and lower frequency bounds */
      nr_double_t lo = fcur - bw / 2;
      nr_double_t hi = fcur + bw / 2;
      if (hi < fres) continue;

      /* calculate indices covering current bandwidth */
      int il = std::floor (lo / fres);
      int ir = std::floor (hi / fres);

      /* right index (ri) greater 0 and left index less than points ->
	 at least part of data is within bandwidth indices */
      if (ir >= 0 && il < points - 1) {
	/* adjust indices to reside in the data array */
	if (il < 0) il = 0;
	if (ir > points - 1) ir = points - 1;

	/* sum-up the values within the bandwidth */
	dcur = 0;
	for (int j = 0; j < ir - il; j++){
	  nr_double_t f = fres * (il + j);
	  dcur += f_2ndorder (fcur, bw, f) * d[il + j];

	/* add noise to the result */
	dcur += noise * sqrt (bw);

	/* save result */
	ed->add (nr_complex_t (dcur, fcur));

  /* returning values of function */
  return ed;