Example #1
CacheLocality CacheLocality::readFromSysfs() {
  return readFromSysfsTree([](std::string name) {
    std::ifstream xi(name.c_str());
    std::string rv;
    std::getline(xi, rv);
    return rv;
Real Qg1dLocalVolModel::xi(const Real t, const Real T0,
                           const std::vector<Real> &fixedTimes,
                           const std::vector<Real> &taus,
                           const Handle<YieldTermStructure> &yts,
                           const Real s) const {
    std::vector<Real> tmp(1, s);
    return xi(t, T0, fixedTimes, taus, yts, tmp)[0];
Example #3
bool AztecOOSolver::solve()
	assert(m.size == rhs.size);

	// no output
	aztec.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_none);	// AZ_all | AZ_warnings | AZ_last | AZ_summary

#ifndef COMPLEX
	// setup the problem
	Epetra_Vector x(*rhs.std_map);

	if (pc != NULL) {
		Epetra_Operator *op = pc->get_obj();
		assert(op != NULL);		// can work only with Epetra_Operators

	// solve it
	aztec.Iterate(max_iters, tolerance);

	delete [] sln;
	sln = new scalar[m.size];
	memset(sln, 0, m.size * sizeof(scalar));

	// copy the solution into sln vector
	for (int i = 0; i < m.size; i++) sln[i] = x[i];
	double c0r = 1.0, c0i = 0.0;
	double c1r = 0.0, c1i = 1.0;

	Epetra_Vector xr(*rhs.std_map);
	Epetra_Vector xi(*rhs.std_map);

	Komplex_LinearProblem kp(c0r, c0i, *m.mat, c1r, c1i, *m.mat_im, xr, xi, *rhs.vec, *rhs.vec_im);
	Epetra_LinearProblem *lp = kp.KomplexProblem();

	// solve it
	aztec.Iterate(max_iters, tolerance);

	kp.ExtractSolution(xr, xi);

	delete [] sln;
	sln = new scalar[m.size];
	memset(sln, 0, m.size * sizeof(scalar));

	// copy the solution into sln vector
	for (int i = 0; i < m.size; i++) sln[i] = scalar(xr[i], xi[i]);
	return true;
	return false;
Example #4
MasterCoord Element::to_master(const Coord &x) const {
  // Use Newton's method to solve from_master(xi) - x = 0 for xi.
  // xi -> xi + J^-1 * (x - from_master(xi))
#if DIM == 2
  MasterCoord xi(0, 0);
#elif DIM == 3
  MasterCoord xi(0, 0, 0);
  Coord dx = x - from_master(xi);
  int iter = 0;
  do {				// Newton iteration
    double jac[DIM][DIM]; // use simple matrix repr. for 2x2
    for(SpaceIndex i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
      for(SpaceIndex j=0; j<DIM; ++j)
	jac[i][j] = jacobian(i, j, xi);

#if DIM==2
    double dj = jac[0][0]*jac[1][1] - jac[0][1]*jac[1][0];
    dj = 1./dj;
    // xi --> xi + J^-1*(x - from_master(xi))
    xi(0) += ( jac[1][1]*dx(0) - jac[0][1]*dx(1))*dj;
    xi(1) += (-jac[1][0]*dx(0) + jac[0][0]*dx(1))*dj;
#elif DIM==3
    double invjac[DIM][DIM];
    // xi --> xi + J^-1*(x - from_master(xi))
    xi(0) += ( invjac[0][0]*dx(0) + invjac[0][1]*dx(1) + invjac[0][2]*dx(2) );
    xi(1) += ( invjac[1][0]*dx(0) + invjac[1][1]*dx(1) + invjac[1][2]*dx(2) );
    xi(2) += ( invjac[2][0]*dx(0) + invjac[2][1]*dx(1) + invjac[2][2]*dx(2) );
#endif // DIM==3
    dx = x - from_master(xi);	// reevaluate rhs
  } while((norm2(dx) > tolerancesq) && (++iter < maxiter));
  return xi;
Example #5
bool Path::PointInside(const Objects & objects, const Vec2 & pt, bool debug) const
	vector<Vec2> x_ints;
	vector<Vec2> y_ints;
	for (unsigned i = m_start; i <= m_end; ++i)
		Bezier bez(objects.beziers[objects.data_indices[i]].ToAbsolute(objects.bounds[i]));
		vector<Vec2> xi(bez.SolveX(pt.x));
		vector<Vec2> yi(bez.SolveY(pt.y));
		x_ints.insert(x_ints.end(), xi.begin(), xi.end());
		y_ints.insert(y_ints.end(), yi.begin(), yi.end());
	//Debug("Solved for intersections");
	unsigned bigger = 0;
	unsigned smaller = 0;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < x_ints.size(); ++i)
		if (debug)
				Debug("X Intersection %u at %f,%f vs %f,%f", i,Double(x_ints[i].x), Double(x_ints[i].y), Double(pt.x), Double(pt.y));
		if (x_ints[i].y >= pt.y)
	smaller = x_ints.size() - bigger;
	if (debug)
		Debug("%u horizontal, %u bigger, %u smaller", x_ints.size(), bigger, smaller);
	if (smaller % 2 == 0 || bigger % 2 == 0)
		return false;
	bigger = 0;
	smaller = 0;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < y_ints.size(); ++i)
		if (debug)
				Debug("Y Intersection %u at %f,%f vs %f,%f", i,Double(y_ints[i].x), Double(y_ints[i].y), Double(pt.x), Double(pt.y));
		if (y_ints[i].x >= pt.x)
	smaller = y_ints.size() - bigger;
	if (debug)
		Debug("%u vertical, %u bigger, %u smaller", y_ints.size(), bigger, smaller);
	if (smaller % 2 == 0 || bigger % 2 == 0)
		return false;
	return true;
Example #6
XiFunc RealModel::GetXi() {
    const int n1 = 512;
    const int n2 = 256;
    const double r1 = 200;
    const double r2 = 20000;

    vector<double> r = QSpline::MakeArray(n1, n2, r1, r2);
    vector<double> xi(n1+n2);
    ComputeXiLM(0, 2, pk, n1+n2, &r[0], &xi[0]);
    return XiFunc(new RealSpaceXi(QSpline(n1, n2, r, xi)));
Example #7
void aplus_main(long argc, char** argv)
#if !defined(_INTERPRETER_ONLY)
        extern void AplusLoop();
	I i; /* the number of arguments parsed */

#if !defined(_INTERPRETER_ONLY)
	i = parseargs(argc, argv);
	if( !_quiet )
	if(0!=_megsforheap)setk1(_megsforheap);  /* must be before mem init! */
	ai(_workarea);                           /* initialize */
	xi(argv[0]);                             /* installation */
	argvInstall(argc, argv, i);              /* set up _argv */
	uextInstall();                           /* user lib install */
#if !defined(_INTERPRETER_ONLY)
	AplusLoop(argc, argv, i);
        if (i < argc && argv[i] && *argv[i])
	if (Tf) pr(); 
	while(1) getm();
    These functions are moved to AplusLoop 

	if (i < argc && argv[i] && *argv[i])
		loadafile(argv[i],0);                / * load script * /
	if (Tf) pr();                                / * initial prompt * /

Example #8
int main() {
	clock_t start, finish;
	double duration;
	start = clock();

    for (int i = 0; i <= M; ++i)
        Told[i] = 1 + (sigma - 1) * (xi(i) + L) / (2*L);

    d[0] = 1; du[0] = 0;
    d[M] = 1; dl[M-1] = 0;
    b[0] = 1; b[M] = sigma;
    for (int i = 1; i < M; ++i) {
        dl[i-1] = 1/(h*h) - v(alpha, xi(i))/(2*h);
        du[i] = 1/(h*h) + v(alpha, xi(i))/(2*h);
        d[i] = -2/(h*h);
        b[i] = -K*w(beta, Told[i]);

    finish = clock();
    duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << "matrix construction time: " << duration << " sec\n";

	start = clock();

    lapack_int info = LAPACKE_dgtsv(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Neq, 1,
        dl, d, du, b, Neq);
    if (info != 0) {
        std::cout << "Error when solving a linear system, info = " << info << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i <= M; ++i)
        T[i] = b[i];

    finish = clock();
    duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << "system solving time: " << duration << " sec\n";

    return 0;
Example #9
File: A1.cpp Project: nMerlin/CP
Eigen::VectorXcd init(double xiMax, double xiMin, double dXi) {
	int n_max = floor((xiMax - xiMin + 3/2*dXi)/dXi);
	double summe = 0;
	double skal = 0;
	Eigen::VectorXcd xi(n_max);
	std::complex<double> c;
	for (int i = 0; i < n_max; i++) {
		c = Psi((i-floor(n_max/2))*dXi,1,1);
		xi(i) = c;
	//Numerische Normierung des Anfangszustandes auf 1
	summe = Norm(xi);
	skal = sqrt(1./summe);
	xi = skal * xi;
	//Anfangszustand in Datei schreiben
	SchreibeZustand(xi, "A1c");
	return xi;
Example #10
 /// %Test whether \a x is solution
 virtual bool solution(const SetAssignment& x) const {
   int max = Gecode::Set::Limits::min - 1;
   for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
     CountableSetRanges xir(x.lub, x[i]);
     IntSet xi(xir);
     if (xi.ranges() > 0) {
       int oldMax = max;
       max = xi.max();
       if (xi.min() <= oldMax)
         return false;
   return true;
Example #11
bool OdeErrMaxabs(void)
{   bool ok = true;     // initial return value

    CppAD::vector<double> w(2);
    w[0] = 10.;
    w[1] = 1.;
    Method method(w);

    CppAD::vector<double> xi(2);
    xi[0] = 1.;
    xi[1] = 0.;

    CppAD::vector<double> eabs(2);
    eabs[0] = 0.;
    eabs[1] = 0.;

    CppAD::vector<double> ef(2);
    CppAD::vector<double> xf(2);
    CppAD::vector<double> maxabs(2);

    double ti   = 0.;
    double tf   = 1.;
    double smin = .5;
    double smax = 1.;
    double scur = .5;
    double erel = 1e-4;

    bool accurate = false;
    while( ! accurate )
    {   xf = OdeErrControl(method,
                           ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, scur, eabs, erel, ef, maxabs);
        accurate = true;
        size_t i;
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            accurate &= ef[i] <= erel * maxabs[i];
        if( ! accurate )
            smin = smin / 2;

    double x0 = exp(-w[0]*tf);
    ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x0, xf[0], erel, 0.);
    ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[0], erel, erel);

    double x1 = w[0] * (exp(-w[0]*tf) - exp(-w[1]*tf))/(w[1] - w[0]);
    ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x1, xf[1], erel, 0.);
    ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[1], erel, erel);

    return ok;
  virtual void gradient(Vector<Real> &g,
                        const Vector<Real> &x,
                        Real &tol) {
    // split x
    const Vector_SimOpt<Real> &xuz = Teuchos::dyn_cast<const Vector_SimOpt<Real> >(x);
    Teuchos::RCP<const Vector<Real> > xuptr = xuz.get_1();
    Teuchos::RCP<const Vector<Real> > xzptr = xuz.get_2();
    const SimulatedVector<Real> &pxu = Teuchos::dyn_cast<const SimulatedVector<Real> >(*xuptr);
    const RiskVector<Real> &rxz = Teuchos::dyn_cast<const RiskVector<Real> >(*xzptr);
    Real xt = rxz.getStatistic(0);
    Teuchos::RCP<const Vector<Real> > xz = rxz.getVector();
    // split g
    Vector_SimOpt<Real> &guz = Teuchos::dyn_cast<Vector_SimOpt<Real> >(g);
    Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > guptr = guz.get_1();
    Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > gzptr = guz.get_2();
    SimulatedVector<Real> &pgu = Teuchos::dyn_cast<SimulatedVector<Real> >(*guptr);
    RiskVector<Real> &rgz = Teuchos::dyn_cast<RiskVector<Real> >(*gzptr);
    Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > gz = rgz.getVector();

    std::vector<Real> param;
    Real weight(0), one(1), sum(0), tmpsum(0), tmpval(0), tmpplus(0);
    //Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > tmp1 = gzptr->clone();
    //Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > tmp2 = gzptr->clone();
    Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > tmp1 = gz->clone();
    Teuchos::RCP<Vector<Real> > tmp2 = gz->clone();
    for (typename std::vector<SimulatedVector<Real> >::size_type i=0; i<pgu.numVectors(); ++i) {
      param = sampler_->getMyPoint(static_cast<int>(i));
      weight = sampler_->getMyWeight(static_cast<int>(i));
      //tmpval = pobj_->value(*(pxu.get(i)), *xzptr, tol);
      tmpval = pobj_->value(*(pxu.get(i)), *xz, tol);
      tmpplus = pfunc_->evaluate(tmpval-xt, 1);
      tmpsum += weight*tmpplus;
      //Vector_SimOpt<Real> xi(Teuchos::rcp_const_cast<Vector<Real> >(pxu.get(i)), Teuchos::rcp_const_cast<Vector<Real> >(xzptr));
      Vector_SimOpt<Real> xi(Teuchos::rcp_const_cast<Vector<Real> >(pxu.get(i)), Teuchos::rcp_const_cast<Vector<Real> >(xz));
      Vector_SimOpt<Real> gi(pgu.get(i), tmp1);
      pobj_->gradient(gi, xi, tol);
    //sampler_->sumAll(*tmp2, *gzptr);
    sampler_->sumAll(*tmp2, *gz);
    sampler_->sumAll(&tmpsum, &sum, 1);
    rgz.setStatistic(one - (one/(one-alpha_))*sum);
Example #13
bool OdeErrControl_three(void)
{	bool ok = true;     // initial return value

	double alpha = 10.;
	Method_three method(alpha);

	CppAD::vector<double> xi(2);
	xi[0] = 1.;
	xi[1] = 0.;

	CppAD::vector<double> eabs(2);
	eabs[0] = 1e-4;
	eabs[1] = 1e-4;

	// inputs
	double ti   = 0.;
	double tf   = 1.;
	double smin = 1e-4;
	double smax = 1.;
	double scur = 1.;
	double erel = 0.;

	// outputs
	CppAD::vector<double> ef(2);
	CppAD::vector<double> xf(2);
	CppAD::vector<double> maxabs(2);
	size_t nstep;

	xf = OdeErrControl(method,
		ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, scur, eabs, erel, ef, maxabs, nstep);

	double x0       = exp( alpha * tf * tf );
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x0, xf[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	double root_pi    = sqrt( 4. * atan(1.));
	double root_alpha = sqrt( alpha );
	double x1 = CppAD::erf(alpha * tf) * root_pi / (2 * root_alpha);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x1, xf[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	ok &= method.F.was_negative();

	return ok;
Double80 BigReal::getDouble80NoLimitCheck() const {
  static const int minExpo2 = 64-16382;
  static const int maxExpo2 = 0x3fff;

  DigitPool       *pool  = getDigitPool();
  const BRExpoType ee2   = getExpo2(*this);
  const BRExpoType expo2 = 64 - ee2;
  bool             e2Overflow;
  Double80         e2, e2x;
  BigReal          xi(pool);
  if(expo2 <= minExpo2) {
    e2 = Double80::pow2(minExpo2);
    e2Overflow = false;
    xi.shortProduct(::cut(*this,21), pow2(minExpo2, CONVERSION_POW2DIGITCOUNT), BIGREAL_ESCEXPO);  // BigReal multiplication
  } else if(expo2 >= maxExpo2) {
    e2  = Double80::pow2(maxExpo2);
    e2x = Double80::pow2((int)expo2 - maxExpo2);
    e2Overflow = true;
    xi.shortProduct(::cut(*this,21), pow2((int)expo2, CONVERSION_POW2DIGITCOUNT), BIGREAL_ESCEXPO);  // BigReal multiplication
  } else {
    e2 = Double80::pow2((int)expo2);
    e2Overflow = false;
    xi = round(xi.shortProduct(::cut(*this,22), pow2((int)expo2, CONVERSION_POW2DIGITCOUNT), -1));  // BigReal multiplication
  const Digit *p = xi.m_first;
  if(p == NULL) {
    return Double80::zero;
  Double80 result     = (INT64)p->n;
  int      digitCount = LOG10_BIGREALBASE;
  for(p = p->next; p && (digitCount < 24); p = p->next, digitCount += LOG10_BIGREALBASE) {
    result *= BIGREALBASE;
    result += (INT64)p->n;
  const BRExpoType e = xi.m_expo * LOG10_BIGREALBASE - digitCount + LOG10_BIGREALBASE;
  if(e > 0) {
    result *= Double80::pow10((int)e);
  } else if(e < 0) {
    result /= Double80::pow10(-(int)e);
  result /= e2;
  if(e2Overflow) {
    result /= e2x;
  return isNegative() ? -result : result;
double ScatteredPointInterpolator::Height(const Vector2d& vPos)
   // m: dimension of input vector // 2: the x and y values
//   size_t m = 2;

   size_t k = m_vecPoints.size();

   double dHeight = 0.0;
   for (size_t i=0; i<k; i++)
      Vector2d xi(m_vecPoints[i].X(), m_vecPoints[i].Y());
      double dDist = Distance(vPos, xi);
      dHeight += m_vecWeights[i] * Gaussian(dDist);

   return dHeight;
Disposable<std::vector<Real> > Qg1dLocalVolModel::phi(
    const Real t, const std::vector<Real> &s, const Real T0,
    const std::vector<Real> &fixedTimes, const std::vector<Real> &taus,
    const Handle<YieldTermStructure> &yts, bool numericalInversion) const {
    std::vector<Real> x(s.size());
    if (numericalInversion) {
        for (Size i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
            x[i] = sInvX(t, T0, fixedTimes, taus, yts, s[i]);
    } else {
        x = xi(t, T0, fixedTimes, taus, yts, s);
    Real y = yApprox(t);
    std::vector<Real> tmp(x.size());
    for (Size i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
        tmp[i] = dSwapRateDx(T0, t, fixedTimes, taus, x[i], y, yts) *
                 sigma_f(t, t, x[i], y);
    return tmp;
Example #17
XiFunc RealModel::GetXiDeriv(int n) {
    assert(0 <= n && n < Nbands);

    const int Nk = 8192;
    double kmin = bands[n].min;
    double kmax = bands[n].max;

    const int n1 = 512;
    const int n2 = 256;
    const double r1 = 200;
    const double r2 = 20000;

    vector<double> r = QSpline::MakeArray(n1, n2, r1, r2);
    vector<double> xi(n1+n2);
    Spline one = ConstantSpline(1, kmin, kmax);
    ComputeXiLM(0, 2, one, n1+n2, &r[0], &xi[0], Nk, kmin, kmax);
    return XiFunc(new RealSpaceXi(QSpline(n1, n2, r, xi)));
Example #18
bool OdeErrControl_two(void)
{	bool ok = true;     // initial return value

	CppAD::vector<double> w(2);
	w[0] = 10.;
	w[1] = 1.;
	Method_two method(w);

	CppAD::vector<double> xi(2);
	xi[0] = 1.;
	xi[1] = 0.;

	CppAD::vector<double> eabs(2);
	eabs[0] = 1e-4;
	eabs[1] = 1e-4;

	// inputs
	double ti   = 0.;
	double tf   = 1.;
	double smin = 1e-4;
	double smax = 1.;
	double scur = .5;
	double erel = 0.;

	// outputs
	CppAD::vector<double> ef(2);
	CppAD::vector<double> xf(2);
	CppAD::vector<double> maxabs(2);
	size_t nstep;

	xf = OdeErrControl(method,
		ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, scur, eabs, erel, ef, maxabs, nstep);

	double x0 = exp(-w[0]*tf);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x0, xf[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	double x1 = w[0] * (exp(-w[0]*tf) - exp(-w[1]*tf))/(w[1] - w[0]);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x1, xf[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	return ok;
Example #19
bool OdeGearControl(void)
{	bool ok = true;     // initial return value

	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> w(2);
	w[0] = 10.;
	w[1] = 1.;
	Fun F(w);

	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> xi(2);
	xi[0] = 1.;
	xi[1] = 0.;

	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> eabs(2);
	eabs[0] = 1e-4;
	eabs[1] = 1e-4;

	// return values
	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> ef(2);
	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> maxabs(2);
	CPPAD_TEST_VECTOR<double> xf(2);
	size_t                nstep;

	// input values
	size_t  M   = 5;
	double ti   = 0.;
	double tf   = 1.;
	double smin = 1e-8;
	double smax = 1.;
	double sini = 1e-10;
	double erel = 0.;
	xf = CppAD::OdeGearControl(F, M,
		ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, sini, eabs, erel, ef, maxabs, nstep);

	double x0 = exp(-w[0]*tf);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x0, xf[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[0], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	double x1 = w[0] * (exp(-w[0]*tf) - exp(-w[1]*tf))/(w[1] - w[0]);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(x1, xf[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);
	ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(0., ef[1], 1e-4, 1e-4);

	return ok;
Example #20
int main()
  jvec a=jvec_load("time_momentum_prop",T,njacks,2);
  jvec b=jvec_load("time_momentum_prop",T,njacks,3);

  jvec pr(T,njacks);
  jvec pi(T,njacks);
  for(int t=0;t<T;t++)
      double c=cos(0.5*t*2*M_PI/T);
      double s=sin(0.5*t*2*M_PI/T);
  jvec xr(T,njacks);
  jvec xi(T,njacks);
  for(int t=0;t<T;t++)
      double c=cos(t*2*M_PI/T);
      double s=sin(t*2*M_PI/T);
  //out<<ph2(t)<<" "<<a[t]<<endl;
  return 0;
Example #21
// Calculate the diamond difference coefficients
void calc_dd_coefficients(void)

#pragma acc kernels \
    present(dd_j[:dd_j_len], dd_k[:dd_k_len], eta[:eta_len], xi[:xi_len])
        dd_i = 2.0 / dx;

#pragma acc loop independent
        for(int a = 0; a < nang; ++a)
            dd_j(a) = (2.0/dy)*eta(a);
            dd_k(a) = (2.0/dz)*xi(a);

Example #22
bool OdeErrControl_one(void)
{	bool   ok = true;     // initial return value

	// Runge45 should yield exact results for x_i (t) = t^(i+1), i < 4
	size_t  n = 6;

	// construct method for n component solution
	Method_one method(n);

	// inputs to OdeErrControl

	double ti   = 0.;
	double tf   = .9;
	double smin = 1e-2;
	double smax = 1.;
	double scur = .5;
	double erel = 1e-7;

	CppAD::vector<double> xi(n);
	CppAD::vector<double> eabs(n);
	size_t i;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	xi[i]   = 0.;
		eabs[i] = 0.;

	// outputs from OdeErrControl

	CppAD::vector<double> ef(n);
	CppAD::vector<double> xf(n);

	xf = OdeErrControl(method,
		ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, scur, eabs, erel, ef);

	double check = 1.;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	check *= tf;
		ok &= CppAD::NearEqual(check, xf[i], erel, 0.);

	return ok;
Example #23
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
	Type sigma=exp(log_sigma);
	Type theta=exp(log_theta);
	Type R0=exp(log_R0);
	Type a=exp(log_a)+Type(1e-4);
	int n1=times.size();
	int n2=2;//mean and variance
	matrix<Type> xdist(n1,n2); //Ex and Vx
	Type m=(a-Type(1))*R0/times(n1-1);
	Type pen; 

	Type nll=0;       
	Fun<Type> F;
	F.setpars(R0, m, theta, sigma);

    CppAD::vector<Type> xi(n2);
	xi[1]=Type(0); //Bottinger's code started variance at 0 for all lsoda calls
	Type ti;
	Type tf;
	for(int i=0; i<n1-1; i++)
		xi[0] = Type(obs[i]);
		xdist.row(i+1) = vector<Type>(CppAD::Runge45(F, 1, ti, tf, xi));
		xdist(i+1,1)=posfun(xdist(i+1,1), Type(1e-3), pen);//to keep the variance positive
		nll-= dnorm(obs[i+1], xdist(i+1,0), sqrt(xdist(i+1,1)), true);
	nll+=pen; //penalty if the variance is near eps
	return nll;
Example #24
NM_Status SparseLinearSystemNM :: solve(SparseMtrx *A, FloatMatrix &B, FloatMatrix &X)
    NM_Status status = NM_None;
    int ncol = A->giveNumberOfRows();
    int nrhs = B.giveNumberOfColumns();
    if ( A->giveNumberOfRows() != B.giveNumberOfRows() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("A and B matrix mismatch");
    FloatArray bi(ncol), xi(ncol);
    X.resize(ncol, nrhs);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nrhs; ++i ) {
        B.copyColumn(bi, i);
        status &= this->solve(A, & bi, & xi);
        if ( status & NM_NoSuccess ) {
            return NM_NoSuccess;
        X.setColumn(xi, i);
    return status;
Example #25
bool OdeErrControl_four(void)
{	bool   ok = true;     // initial return value

	// construct method for n component solution
	size_t  n = 6;
	Method_four method(n);

	// inputs to OdeErrControl

	// special case where scur is converted to ti - tf
	// (so it is not equal to smin)
	double ti   = 0.;
	double tf   = .9;
	double smin = .8;
	double smax = 1.;
	double scur = smin;
	double erel = 1e-7;

	CppAD::vector<double> xi(n);
	CppAD::vector<double> eabs(n);
	size_t i;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	xi[i]   = 0.;
		eabs[i] = 0.;

	// outputs from OdeErrControl
	CppAD::vector<double> ef(n);
	CppAD::vector<double> xf(n);

	xf = OdeErrControl(method,
		ti, tf, xi, smin, smax, scur, eabs, erel, ef);

	// check that Fun_four always returning nan results in nan
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	ok &= CppAD::isnan(xf[i]);
		ok &= CppAD::isnan(ef[i]);

	return ok;
Example #26
bool GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix& M, ColumnVector& X, double D){ 
  if (Size<=0 || Vdim<=0) {
    cerr << "***ERROR: GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix,...) "
	 << "called with size=" << Size << ", vdim=" << Vdim << endl;
    return false;
  if (M.Ncols() != Size || M.Nrows() != Vdim) {
    cerr << "***ERROR: GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix,...) "
	 << "dimesion of M expected to be "
	 << Vdim << "-by-" << Size 
	 << " but is " << M.Nrows() << "-by-" << M.Ncols()
	 << endl;
    return false;
  ColumnVector xi(Vdim);
  for (int i=1; i<=Size; i++) {
    generate(i, D, X, xi);
    M.Column(i) = xi;
  return true;
Example #27
MathMatrix<double> f( int n, int j )
/* internal vector length i.e. polynomial space size. Meaning only powers     *
 * from x**0, x**0, ... x**(np-1) can be represented. If the formula actually *
 * includes higher power, then the result will be wrong. One can estimate the *
 * highest power from the analytical integral or you can test if higher np    *
 * change the result.                                                         *
 * Also the result has certain symmetries and simplifications and             *
 * redundancies which can be used to gauge whether it is correct              */
    const int np = 2*(n+2);
/* np-Vector containing all powers of xi from xi**0 to xi**(np-1)             */
    MathMatrix<double> xi(np,1);

    if ( j <= 2*n ) {
        return f1(n,j,np);
    } else if ( j <= 3*n ) {
        return f2(n,j,np);
    } else {
        return f3(n,j,np);
Example #28
void SqSylvMatrix::multVecKronTrans(KronVector& x, const KronVector& d) const
	if (d.getDepth() == 0) {
		multaVecTrans(x, d);
	} else {
		KronVector aux(x.getM(), x.getN(), x.getDepth());
		for (int i = 0; i < x.getM(); i++) {
			KronVector auxi(aux, i);
			ConstKronVector di(d, i);
			multVecKronTrans(auxi, di);
		for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
			KronVector xi(x, i);
			for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
				KronVector auxj(aux, j);
				xi.add(get(j,i), auxj);
Example #29
bool runge_45_1(void)
{	bool ok = true;     // initial return value
	size_t i;           // temporary indices

	size_t  n = 5;      // number components in X(t) and order of method
	size_t  M = 2;      // number of Runge45 steps in [ti, tf]
	double ti = 0.;     // initial time
	double tf = 2.;     // final time 

	// xi = X(0)
	CppAD::vector<double> xi(n); 
	for(i = 0; i <n; i++)
		xi[i] = 0.;

	size_t use_x;
	for( use_x = 0; use_x < 2; use_x++)
	{	// function object depends on value of use_x
		Fun F(use_x > 0); 

		// compute Runge45 approximation for X(tf)
		CppAD::vector<double> xf(n), e(n); 
		xf = CppAD::Runge45(F, M, ti, tf, xi, e);

		double check = tf;
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	// check that error is always positive
			ok    &= (e[i] >= 0.);
			// 5th order method is exact for i < 5
			if( i < 5 ) ok &=
				CppAD::NearEqual(xf[i], check, 1e-10, 1e-10);
			// 4th order method is exact for i < 4
			if( i < 4 )
				ok &= (e[i] <= 1e-10);

			// check value for next i
			check *= tf;
	return ok;
Example #30
    bool AztecOOSolver<std::complex<double> >::solve()
      assert(m != NULL);
      assert(rhs != NULL);
      assert(m->size == rhs->size);

      Hermes::TimePeriod tmr;

      // no output
      aztec.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, AZ_none);	// AZ_all | AZ_warnings | AZ_last | AZ_summary

      double c0r = 1.0, c0i = 0.0;
      double c1r = 0.0, c1i = 1.0;

      Epetra_Vector xr(*rhs->std_map);
      Epetra_Vector xi(*rhs->std_map);

      Komplex_LinearProblem kp(c0r, c0i, *m->mat, c1r, c1i, *m->mat_im, xr, xi, *rhs->vec, *rhs->vec_im);
      Epetra_LinearProblem *lp = kp.KomplexProblem();

      // solve it
      aztec.Iterate(this->max_iters, this->tolerance);

      kp.ExtractSolution(xr, xi);

      delete [] this->sln;
      this->sln = new std::complex<double>[m->size];
      memset(this->sln, 0, m->size * sizeof(std::complex<double>));

      // copy the solution into sln vector
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->size; i++) this->sln[i] = std::complex<double>(xr[i], xi[i]);
      return true;