Example #1
int main(){
	bool result = true;
	vector<Vector4f> foot_print;
	vector<float> cog_list_t, cog_list_x, cog_list_y;
	Matrix<float,3,2> xk(Matrix<float,3,2>::Zero());

	ZMPPC pc;

	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(0.3, 0.0, 0.05, 0.0));
	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(0.6, 0.01, -0.05, 0.0));
	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(0.9, 0.02, 0.05, 0.0));
	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(1.2, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0));
	foot_print.push_back(Vector4f(3.2, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0));

		result = pc.calc_xk(xk);
		cog_list_t.push_back(xk(pc.loop_step * dt));

	plt::plot( pc.refzmp_x, pc.refzmp_y, "-");
	plt::plot( cog_list_x, cog_list_y, "-");
	plt::xlim( -0.02, 0.04);
	plt::ylim( -0.1, 0.1);
  IntervalGramian<WBASIS>::norm_Ainv() const
    if (normAinv == 0.0) {
      typedef typename WaveletBasis::Index Index;
      std::set<Index> Lambda;
      const int j0 = basis().j0();
      const int jmax = 8;
      for (Index lambda = first_generator(&basis(), j0);; ++lambda) {
	if (lambda == last_wavelet(&basis(), jmax)) break;
      SparseMatrix<double> A_Lambda;
      setup_stiffness_matrix(*this, Lambda, A_Lambda);
#if 1
      double help;
      unsigned int iterations;
      LanczosIteration(A_Lambda, 1e-6, help, normA, 200, iterations);
      normAinv = 1./help;
      Vector<double> xk(Lambda.size(), false);
      xk = 1;
      unsigned int iterations;
      normAinv = InversePowerIteration(A_Lambda, xk, 1e-6, 200, iterations);

    return normAinv;
Example #3
File: main.c Project: raoulbq/FHT
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  clock_t fclock, nclock;
  int i;
  double *data = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * (2*LITN+1));
  double *naiveResult = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * BIGN);
  double *fancyResult = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * BIGN);

  // Load input data
  oneDFileReader("data/input.txt", (2*LITN+1), data);
  for(i=0; i<=2*LITN; ++i) {
    data[i] *= exp(0 - pow(xk(i), 2) / 2);

  // Perform transformations

  nclock = clock();
  naiveTransform(data, naiveResult);
  nclock -= clock();

  fclock = clock();
  oneDTransform(data, fancyResult);
  fclock -= clock();


  // Save output data
  FILE *resultsn;
  FILE *resultsf;
  resultsn = fopen("data/result_n.txt", "wt+");
  resultsf = fopen("data/result_f.txt", "wt+");

  for(i=0; i<BIGN; ++i){
    fancyResult[i] *= (2*BIGC) / LITN;
    naiveResult[i] *= (2*BIGC) / LITN;
    fprintf(resultsn, "%.16lf\n", naiveResult[i]);
    fprintf(resultsf, "%.16lf\n", fancyResult[i]);

  fprintf(stdout, "Naive transform took %li\n", -nclock);
  fprintf(stdout, "Fancy transform took %li\n", -fclock);
  fprintf(stdout, "Clocks per second: %li\n", CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  return 0;
SturmEquation<WBASIS>::norm_A() const
    if (normA == 0.0) {
        typedef typename WaveletBasis::Index Index;
        std::set<Index> Lambda;
        const int j0 = basis().j0();
        const int jmax = j0+3;
#ifdef FRAME

        const int pmax = std::min(basis().get_pmax_(),2);
        //const int pmax = 0;
        int p = 0;

        for (Index lambda = basis().first_generator(j0,0);;) {
            if (lambda == basis().last_wavelet(jmax,pmax)) break;
            //if (i==7) break;
            if (lambda == basis().last_wavelet(jmax,p)) {
                lambda = basis().first_generator(j0,p);
        for (Index lambda = first_generator(&basis(), j0);; ++lambda) {
            if (lambda == last_wavelet(&basis(), jmax)) break;

        SparseMatrix<double> A_Lambda;
        setup_stiffness_matrix(*this, Lambda, A_Lambda);

#if 1
        double help;
        unsigned int iterations;
        LanczosIteration(A_Lambda, 1e-6, help, normA, 200, iterations);
        normAinv = 1./help;
        Vector<double> xk(Lambda.size(), false);
        xk = 1;
        unsigned int iterations;
        normA = PowerIteration(A_Lambda, xk, 1e-6, 100, iterations);

    return normA;
Example #5
void TPZHelmholtzComplex1D::Contribute(TPZMaterialData &data, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef) {

    TPZManVector<STATE,2> alphaval(1), betaval(1), phiaval(1);
    fAlpha->Execute(data.x, alphaval);
    fBeta->Execute(data.x, betaval);
    fPhi->Execute(data.x, phiaval);
    #ifdef LOG4CXX 
        std::stringstream sout;        
        sout << "Coordenate x: " << data.x << " alpha = " << alphaval << " beta = " << betaval << " phi = " << phiaval;
        LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger, sout.str());
    TPZFNMatrix<4, STATE> xk(1, 1), xb(1, 1), xc(1, 1, 0.), xf(1, 1);
    xk(0,0) = alphaval[0];    
    xb(0,0) = betaval[0];    
    xf(0,0) = -phiaval[0];   
    SetMaterial(xk, xc, xb, xf);
    TPZMat1dLin::Contribute(data, weight, ek, ef);
Example #6
LEPlic :: doCellDLS(FloatArray &fvgrad, int ie, bool coord_upd, bool vof_temp_flag)
    int i, ineighbr, nneighbr;
    double fvi, fvk, wk, dx, dy;
    bool isBoundaryCell = false;
    LEPlicElementInterface *interface, *ineghbrInterface;
    FloatMatrix lhs(2, 2);
    FloatArray rhs(2), xi(2), xk(2);
    IntArray currCell(1), neighborList;
    ConnectivityTable *contable = domain->giveConnectivityTable();

    if ( ( interface = ( LEPlicElementInterface * ) ( domain->giveElement(ie)->giveInterface(LEPlicElementInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
        if ( vof_temp_flag ) {
            fvi = interface->giveTempVolumeFraction();
        } else {
            fvi = interface->giveVolumeFraction();

        if ( ( fvi > 0. ) && ( fvi <= 1.0 ) ) {
            // potentially boundary cell

            if ( ( fvi > 0. ) && ( fvi < 1.0 ) ) {
                isBoundaryCell = true;

            /* DLS (Differential least square reconstruction)
             * In the DLS method, volume fraction Taylor series expansion of vf (volume fraction)
             * is formed from each reference cell volume fraction vf at element center x(i) to each
             * cell neighbor at point x(k). The sum (vf(i)-vf(k))^2 over all immediate neighbors
             * is then minimized inthe least square sense.
            // get list of neighbours to current cell including current cell
            currCell.at(1) = ie;
            contable->giveElementNeighbourList(neighborList, currCell);
            // loop over neighbors to assemble normal equations
            nneighbr = neighborList.giveSize();
            interface->giveElementCenter(this, xi, coord_upd);
            for ( i = 1; i <= nneighbr; i++ ) {
                ineighbr = neighborList.at(i);
                if ( ineighbr == ie ) {
                    continue;         // skip itself

                if ( ( ineghbrInterface =
                          ( LEPlicElementInterface * ) ( domain->giveElement(ineighbr)->giveInterface(LEPlicElementInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
                    if ( vof_temp_flag ) {
                        fvk = ineghbrInterface->giveTempVolumeFraction();
                    } else {
                        fvk = ineghbrInterface->giveVolumeFraction();

                    if ( fvk < 1.0 ) {
                        isBoundaryCell = true;

                    ineghbrInterface->giveElementCenter(this, xk, coord_upd);
                    wk = xk.distance(xi);
                    dx = ( xk.at(1) - xi.at(1) ) / wk;
                    dy = ( xk.at(2) - xi.at(2) ) / wk;
                    lhs.at(1, 1) += dx * dx;
                    lhs.at(1, 2) += dx * dy;
                    lhs.at(2, 2) += dy * dy;

                    rhs.at(1) += ( fvi - fvk ) * dx / wk;
                    rhs.at(2) += ( fvi - fvk ) * dy / wk;

            if ( isBoundaryCell ) {
                // symmetry
                lhs.at(2, 1) = lhs.at(1, 2);

                // solve normal equation for volume fraction gradient
                lhs.solveForRhs(rhs, fvgrad);

                // compute unit normal
#ifdef __OOFEG
                 * EASValsSetLayer(OOFEG_DEBUG_LAYER);
                 * WCRec p[2];
                 * double tx = -fvgrad.at(2), ty=fvgrad.at(1);
                 * p[0].x=xi.at(1)-tx*0.1;
                 * p[0].y=xi.at(2)-ty*0.1;
                 * p[1].x=xi.at(1)+tx*0.1;
                 * p[1].y=xi.at(2)+ty*0.1;
                 * p[0].z = p[1].z = 0.0;
                 * GraphicObj *go = CreateLine3D(p);
                 * EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK, go);
                 * EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), go);
                 * ESIEventLoop (YES, "Cell DLS finished; Press Ctrl-p to continue");
            } else {
IGL_INLINE double igl::polyvector_field_poisson_reconstruction(
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedV> &Vcut,
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedF> &Fcut,
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedS> &sol3D_combed,
  Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedSF> &scalars,
  Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedS> &sol3D_recon,
  Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedE> &max_error )
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar> gradMatrix;
    igl::grad(Vcut, Fcut, gradMatrix);

    Eigen::VectorXd FAreas;
    igl::doublearea(Vcut, Fcut, FAreas);
    FAreas = FAreas.array() * .5;

    int nf = FAreas.rows();
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar> M,M1;
    Eigen::VectorXi II = igl::colon<int>(0, nf-1);

    igl::sparse(II, II, FAreas, M1);
    igl::repdiag(M1, 3, M) ;

    int half_degree = sol3D_combed.cols()/3;


    int numF = Fcut.rows();

    Eigen::SparseMatrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar> Q = gradMatrix.transpose()* M *gradMatrix;

    //fix one point at Ik=fix, value at fixed xk=0
    int fix = 0;
    Eigen::VectorXi Ik(1);Ik<<fix;
    Eigen::VectorXd xk(1);xk<<0;

    //unknown indices
    Eigen::VectorXi Iu(Vcut.rows()-1,1);
    Iu<<igl::colon<int>(0, fix-1),  igl::colon<int>(fix+1,Vcut.rows()-1);

    Eigen::SparseMatrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar> Quu, Quk;
    igl::slice(Q, Iu, Iu, Quu);
    igl::slice(Q, Iu, Ik, Quk);
    Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar> > solver;

    Eigen::VectorXd vec; vec.setZero(3*numF,1);
    for (int i =0; i<half_degree; ++i)
      Eigen::VectorXd b = gradMatrix.transpose()* M * vec;
      Eigen::VectorXd bu = igl::slice(b, Iu);

      Eigen::VectorXd rhs = bu-Quk*xk;
      Eigen::MatrixXd yu = solver.solve(rhs);

      Eigen::VectorXi index = i*Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(Iu.rows(),1);
      igl::slice_into(yu, Iu, index, scalars);scalars(Ik[0],i)=xk[0];

    //    evaluate gradient of found scalar function
    for (int i =0; i<half_degree; ++i)
      Eigen::VectorXd vec_poisson = gradMatrix*scalars.col(i);
      sol3D_recon.col(i*3+0) = vec_poisson.segment(0*numF, numF);
      sol3D_recon.col(i*3+1) = vec_poisson.segment(1*numF, numF);
      sol3D_recon.col(i*3+2) = vec_poisson.segment(2*numF, numF);

    for (int i =0; i<half_degree; ++i)
      Eigen::VectorXd diff = (sol3D_recon.block(0, i*3, numF, 3)-sol3D_combed.block(0, i*3, numF, 3)).rowwise().norm();
      diff = diff.array() / sol3D_combed.block(0, i*3, numF, 3).rowwise().norm().array();
      max_error = max_error.cwiseMax(diff.cast<typename DerivedE::Scalar>());

    return max_error.mean();
// [ref] undistort_images_using_formula() in ${CPP_RND_HOME}/test/machine_vision/opencv/opencv_image_undistortion.cpp
void KinectSensor::computeHomogeneousImageCoordinates(const cv::Size &imageSize, const cv::Mat &K, const cv::Mat &distCoeffs, cv::Mat &IC_homo, cv::Mat &IC_homo_undist)
	// [ref] "Joint Depth and Color Camera Calibration with Distortion Correction", D. Herrera C., J. Kannala, & J. Heikkila, TPAMI, 2012

	// homogeneous image coordinates: zero-based coordinates
	cv::Mat(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar::all(1)).copyTo(IC_homo);
	//IC_homo = cv::Mat::ones(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1);
#if 0
		// 0 0 0 ...   0 1 1 1 ...   1 ... 639 639 639 ... 639
		// 0 1 2 ... 479 0 1 2 ... 479 ...   0   1   2 ... 479

		cv::Mat arr(1, imageSize.height, CV_64FC1);
		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.height; ++i)
			arr.at<double>(0, i) = (double)i;

		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.width; ++i)
			IC_homo(cv::Range(0, 1), cv::Range(i * imageSize.height, (i + 1) * imageSize.height)).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(i));
			arr.copyTo(IC_homo(cv::Range(1, 2), cv::Range(i * imageSize.height, (i + 1) * imageSize.height)));
		// 0 1 2 ... 639 0 1 2 ... 639 ...   0   1   2 ... 639
		// 0 0 0 ...   0 1 1 1 ...   1 ... 479 479 479 ... 479

		cv::Mat arr(1, imageSize.width, CV_64FC1);
		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.width; ++i)
			arr.at<double>(0, i) = (double)i;

		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.height; ++i)
			arr.copyTo(IC_homo(cv::Range(0, 1), cv::Range(i * imageSize.width, (i + 1) * imageSize.width)));
			IC_homo(cv::Range(1, 2), cv::Range(i * imageSize.width, (i + 1) * imageSize.width)).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(i));

	// homogeneous normalized camera coordinates
	const cv::Mat CC_norm(K.inv() * IC_homo);

	// apply distortion
		//const cv::Mat xn(CC_norm(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()));
		const cv::Mat xn(CC_norm(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()) / CC_norm(cv::Range(2,3), cv::Range::all()));
		//const cv::Mat yn(CC_norm(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()));
		const cv::Mat yn(CC_norm(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()) / CC_norm(cv::Range(2,3), cv::Range::all()));

		const cv::Mat xn2(xn.mul(xn));
		const cv::Mat yn2(yn.mul(yn));
		const cv::Mat xnyn(xn.mul(yn));
		const cv::Mat r2(xn2 + yn2);
		const cv::Mat r4(r2.mul(r2));
		const cv::Mat r6(r4.mul(r2));

		const double &k1 = distCoeffs.at<double>(0);
		const double &k2 = distCoeffs.at<double>(1);
		const double &k3 = distCoeffs.at<double>(2);
		const double &k4 = distCoeffs.at<double>(3);
		const double &k5 = distCoeffs.at<double>(4);

		const cv::Mat xg(2.0 * k3 * xnyn + k4 * (r2 + 2.0 * xn2));
		const cv::Mat yg(k3 * (r2 + 2.0 * yn2) + 2.0 * k4 * xnyn);

		const cv::Mat coeff(1.0 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4 + k5 * r6);
		cv::Mat xk(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar::all(1));
		cv::Mat(coeff.mul(xn) + xg).copyTo(xk(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()));
		cv::Mat(coeff.mul(yn) + yg).copyTo(xk(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()));

		IC_homo_undist = K * xk;
double ChLcpInteriorPoint::Solve(
		ChLcpSystemDescriptor& sysd		///< system description with constraints and variables
	std::cout << "-------using interior point solver!!------" << std::endl;
	std::vector<ChLcpConstraint*>& mconstraints = sysd.GetConstraintsList();
	std::vector<ChLcpVariables*>&  mvariables	= sysd.GetVariablesList();

	ChMatrixDynamic <double> mv0;
	ChSparseMatrix mM;
	ChSparseMatrix mCq;
	ChSparseMatrix mE;
	ChMatrixDynamic <double> mf;
	ChMatrixDynamic <double> mb;
	ChMatrixDynamic <double> mfric;

	sysd.ConvertToMatrixForm(&mCq, &mM, &mE, &mf, &mb, &mfric);
		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_V0( "dump_V_old.dat" ) ;
		mv0.StreamOUTdenseMatlabFormat(file_V0) ;
		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_M ( "dump_M.dat" ) ;
		mM.StreamOUTsparseMatlabFormat ( file_M ) ;

		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_Cq ( "dump_Cq.dat" ) ;
		mCq.StreamOUTsparseMatlabFormat ( file_Cq ) ;

		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_E ( "dump_E.dat" ) ;
		mE.StreamOUTsparseMatlabFormat ( file_E ) ;

		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_f ( "dump_f.dat" ) ;
		mf.StreamOUTdenseMatlabFormat ( file_f ) ;

		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_b ( "dump_b.dat" ) ;
		mb.StreamOUTdenseMatlabFormat ( file_b ) ;

		ChStreamOutAsciiFile file_fric ( "dump_fric.dat" ) ;
		mfric.StreamOUTdenseMatlabFormat ( file_fric ) ;

		printf("Successfully writing chickenbutt files!\n");

/*	file_f.GetFstream().close();


	int nBodies = mM.GetColumns()/6;
	size_t nVariables = mvariables.size();
	size_t nConstraints = sysd.CountActiveConstraints();
	int numContacts = nConstraints/3;
	size_t nOfConstraints = mconstraints.size();

	for (unsigned int ic = 0; ic < nConstraints; ic++)
	//Get sparse info for contact jacobian and Minv matrix to pass on to Ang's solver
	std::vector<int> index_i_Cq;
	std::vector<int> index_j_Cq;
	std::vector<double> val_Cq;
	double val;
//	fprintf(stderr, "------------Cq(from C::E)----------\n");
	for (int ii = 0; ii < mCq.GetRows(); ii++){
		for (int jj = 0; jj < mCq.GetColumns(); jj++){
			val = mCq.GetElement(ii,jj);
			if (val){
//				fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %.20g\n", ii, jj, val);


/*	for (int iv = 0; iv < mvariables.size(); iv++)
		if (mvariables[iv]->IsActive())
			mvariables[iv]->Compute_invMb_v(mvariables[iv]->Get_qb(), mvariables[iv]->Get_fb());

//	int count = 0;
//	for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = index_i_Cq.begin(); it != index_i_Cq.end(); it ++){
//		std::cout << "(" << index_i_Cq[count] <<"," << index_j_Cq[count] <<"):" << val_Cq[count] << std::endl;
//		count ++;
//	}

	// Minv matrix
	std::vector<int> index_i_Minv;
	std::vector<int> index_j_Minv;
	std::vector<double> val_Minv;
	for (int i = 0; i < nBodies*6; i++){

	// create reference to pass on to SPIKE
	int *Cq_i = &index_i_Cq[0];
	int *Cq_j = &index_j_Cq[0];
	int Cq_nnz = val_Cq.size();
	double *Cq_val = &val_Cq[0];

	int *Minv_i = &index_i_Minv[0];
	int *Minv_j = &index_j_Minv[0];
	double *Minv_val = &val_Minv[0];

	// formulate rhs of optimization problem f(x) = 1/2 *x'*N*x + r'*x
	ChMatrixDynamic <double> opt_r_tmp(nConstraints,1);
	// assemble r vector
	/** 1. put [M^-1]*k in q sparse vector of each variable **/
	for (unsigned int iv = 0; iv < nVariables; iv ++)
		if (mvariables[iv]->IsActive()){
			mvariables[iv]->Compute_invMb_v(mvariables[iv]->Get_qb(), mvariables[iv]->Get_fb());
			ChMatrix<double> k = mvariables[iv]->Get_fb();
			ChMatrix<double> Mk = mvariables[iv]->Get_qb();
//			fprintf(stderr, "Body %d k: %.12f %.12f %.12f\n", iv,  k(0,0), k(1,0), k(2,0));
//			fprintf(stderr, "Body %d M^[-1]*k: %.12f %.12f %.12f\n", iv,  Mk(0,0), Mk(1,0), Mk(2,0));
	/** 2. now do rhs = D'*q = D'*(M^-1)*k **/
	int s_i = 0;
	for (unsigned int ic = 0; ic < nConstraints; ic ++)
		if (mconstraints[ic]->IsActive()){
			opt_r(s_i,0) = mconstraints[ic]->Compute_Cq_q();
//	fprintf(stderr, "------D'*M^(-1)*k-------\n");
//	for (int i = 0; i < opt_r.GetRows(); i++)
//		fprintf(stderr, "%.16f\n", opt_r(i,0));

	/** 3.  rhs = rhs + c **/
//	fprintf(stderr, "------opt_r-------\n");
//	for (int i = 0; i < opt_r.GetRows(); i++)
//		fprintf(stderr, "%.12f\n", opt_r(i,0));

	//velocity update//
	ChMatrixDynamic<> mq;
	sysd.FromVariablesToVector(mq, true);


	for (int i = 0; i < mq.GetRows(); i++){
//		mq.SetElementN(i, mf.GetElementN(i)/mM.GetElement(i,i) + mv0.GetElementN(i));
//			mq.SetElementN(i, mf.GetElementN(i)/mM.GetElement(i,i));
//	fprintf(stderr, "%d: %g / %g + %g = %g\n",i, mf.GetElementN(i), mM.GetElement(i,i), mv0.GetElementN(i), mq.GetElementN(i));
//		fprintf(stderr, "%g\n", mq.GetElementN(i));

	//assign solver parameters//
	double barrier_t = 1;
	double eta_hat;
	int numStages = 500;
	int mu1 = 10;
	double b1 = 0.5;
	double a1 = 0.01;

	// assign vectors here
	lambda_k.Resize(numContacts*2,1); /*initialize lambda_k*/

	if (mconstraints.size() == 0){

			for (size_t ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.size(); ic ++){
				if (mconstraints[ic]->IsActive())

		return 1e-8;

	double *BlockDiagonal_val = new double[9*numContacts];
	int *BlockDiagonal_i = new int[9*numContacts];
	int *BlockDiagonal_j = new int[9*numContacts];
	double *spike_rhs = new double[3*numContacts];

	int tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
	for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i ++){
		tmp0 = 3*i;
		tmp1 = 3*i+1;
		tmp2 = 3*i+2;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+1) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+2) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+3) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+4) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+5) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+6) = tmp2;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+7) = tmp2;
		*(BlockDiagonal_i + 9*i+8) = tmp2;

		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+1) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+2) = tmp2;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+3) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+4) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+5) = tmp2;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+6) = tmp0;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+7) = tmp1;
		*(BlockDiagonal_j + 9*i+8) = tmp2;

	// initialize xk
	for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i ++){
		xk(3*i, 0) = 1;
		xk(3*i+1, 0) = 0;
		xk(3*i+2, 0) = 0;

	evaluateConstraints(mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, false);

	//initialize lambda
	for (int i = 0; i < lambda_k.GetRows(); i++)
		lambda_k(i,0) = -1/(barrier_t * ff(i,0));

	for (int stage = 0; stage < numStages; stage++){
		eta_hat = - lambda_k.MatrDot(&lambda_k, &ff);
		barrier_t = mu1 * (2*numContacts)/eta_hat;
		// assemble grad_f = N*x + r
		sysd.ShurComplementProduct(grad_f, &xk, 0);
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------N*x----------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < grad_f.GetRows(); i++)
//		fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", grad_f.GetElementN(i));
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------grad_f----------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < grad_f.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", grad_f.GetElementN(i));
		// compute r_d and r_c for schur implementation
		computeSchurRHS(grad_f.GetAddress(), mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, barrier_t);
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------r_dual----------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < r_dual.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.16f\n", r_dual.GetElementN(i));
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------r_cent----------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < r_cent.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.16f\n", r_cent.GetElementN(i));

		// assemble block diagonal matrix
		computeBlockDiagonal(BlockDiagonal_val, mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, barrier_t);

		// assemble rhs vector for spike solver
		computeSpikeRHS(spike_rhs, mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, barrier_t);
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------spike_rhs----------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < 3*numContacts; i++){
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.16f\n", *(spike_rhs + i));
//		}

		double *spike_dx = new double [3*numContacts];

		//call ang's solver here....
		bool solveSuc = solveSPIKE(nBodies, numContacts, Cq_i, Cq_j, Cq_nnz, Cq_val, Minv_i, Minv_j, Minv_val, BlockDiagonal_i, BlockDiagonal_j, BlockDiagonal_val, spike_dx, spike_rhs);
		if (solveSuc == false)
			std::cerr << "Solve Failed!" << std::endl;
		// assume d_x is calculated perfectly!
		for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++){
			d_x(3*i,0) = *(spike_dx + 3*i);
			d_x(3*i+1,0) = *(spike_dx + 3*i + 1);
			d_x(3*i+2,0) = *(spike_dx + 3*i + 2);

/*		fprintf(stderr, "-------d_x---------\n");
		for (int i = 0; i < d_x.GetRows(); i++){
			fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", d_x(i,0));
		// free the heap!
		delete [] spike_dx;

		// evaluate d_lambda
		for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++){
			d_lambda(i) = lambda_k(i,0)/ff(i,0) * (pow(mfric(3*i,0),2)*xk(3*i,0)*d_x(3*i,0) - xk(3*i+1,0)*d_x(3*i+1,0) -xk(3*i+2,0)*d_x(3*i+2,0) - r_cent(i,0) );
			d_lambda(i + numContacts) = lambda_k(i+numContacts,0)/ff(i+numContacts)*(d_x(3*i) - r_cent(i + numContacts));
/*		fprintf(stderr, "----------d_lambda----------\n");
		for (int i = 0; i < 2*numContacts; i++){
			fprintf(stderr, "%.16f\n", d_lambda(i,0));
		double s_max = 1;
		double tmp;
		for (int i = 0; i < 2*numContacts; i ++){
			if (d_lambda(i,0) < 0){
				tmp = -lambda_k(i,0)/d_lambda(i,0);
//				fprintf(stderr, "i = %d, tmp = %.20f\n", i, tmp);
				if (tmp < s_max){
					s_max = tmp;

		double bla = 0.99;
		double ss = bla * s_max;
//		fprintf(stderr, "s_max = %.20g\n", s_max);


		bool DO = true;
		int count = 0;
//		fprintf(stderr, "----line search----\n");
		while (DO){
			xk_tmp = d_x;
//			fprintf(stderr, "-----d_x----\n");
//			for (int i = 0; i < 3*numContacts; i ++)
//				fprintf(stderr, "%.20g\n", xk_tmp(i,0));
//			fprintf(stderr, "-----ss*d_x----\n");
//			for (int i = 0; i < 3*numContacts; i ++)
//				fprintf(stderr, "%.20g\n", xk_tmp(i,0));
//			fprintf(stderr, "-----xk+ss*d_x----\n");
//			for (int i = 0; i < 3*numContacts; i ++)
//				fprintf(stderr, "%.20g\n", xk_tmp(i,0));
			evaluateConstraints(mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, true);
//			fprintf(stderr, "-----tmp_ff----\n");
//			for (int i = 0; i < 2*numContacts; i ++)
//				fprintf(stderr, "%.20g\n", ff_tmp(i,0));
//			fprintf(stderr, "max_ff = %.20g\n", ff_tmp.Max());
			if (ff_tmp.Max()<0){
				DO = false;
				ss = b1 * ss;
//			fprintf(stderr,"ss[%d] = %.20g\n", count, ss); 

		DO = true;
		double norm_r_t = sqrt(pow(r_dual.NormTwo(),2) + pow(r_cent.NormTwo(),2));
		double norm_r_t_ss;
		count = 0;
		while (DO){
			xk_tmp = d_x;

			lambda_k_tmp = d_lambda;
			lambda_k_tmp.MatrAdd(lambda_k, lambda_k_tmp);
			sysd.ShurComplementProduct(grad_f, &xk_tmp, 0);
			computeSchurKKT(grad_f.GetAddress(), mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, barrier_t, true);
			norm_r_t_ss = sqrt(pow(r_dual_tmp.NormTwo(),2) + pow(r_cent_tmp.NormTwo(),2));
			if (norm_r_t_ss < (1 - a1*ss)*norm_r_t)
				DO = false;
				count ++;
				ss = b1*ss;
//				fprintf(stderr,"ss[%d] = %.20g\n", count, ss); 

		// upadate xk and lambda_k
//		fprintf(stderr, "-------ss*d_x---------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < d_x.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", d_x(i,0));
//		fprintf(stderr, "----------xk = xk + ss*d_x--------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < xk.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", xk(i,0));
//		fprintf(stderr, "-------lambda_k------\n");
//		for (int i = 0; i < lambda_k.GetRows(); i++)
//			fprintf(stderr, "%.20f\n", lambda_k(i,0));

		sysd.ShurComplementProduct(grad_f, &xk, 0);
		evaluateConstraints(mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, false);
		computeSchurKKT(grad_f.GetAddress(), mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, barrier_t, false);
//		std::cout << "----r_dual-----" << std::endl;
//		for (int i = 0; i < r_dual.GetRows(); i++)
//			std::cout << r_dual(i,0) << std::endl;
//		std::cout << "-----r_cent-----" << std::endl;
//		for (int i = 0; i < r_cent.GetRows(); i++)
//			std::cout << r_cent(i,0) << std::endl;
fprintf(stderr, "stage[%d], rd = %e, rg = %e, s = %f, t = %f\n", stage+1, r_dual.NormInf(), r_cent.NormInf(), ss, barrier_t);

		if (r_cent.NormInf() < 1e-10 ||stage == (numStages - 1)){
			fprintf(stderr, "solution found after %d stages!\n", stage+1);
//			fprintf(stderr, "stage[%d], rd = %e, rg = %e, s = %f, t = %f\n", stage+1, r_dual.NormInf(), r_cent.NormInf(), ss, barrier_t);
			delete [] BlockDiagonal_val;
			delete [] BlockDiagonal_i;
			delete [] BlockDiagonal_j;
			delete [] spike_rhs;

			//set small-magnitude contact force to zero//
//			for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++){
//				if (sqrt(pow(xk(3*i,0),2) + pow(xk(3*i+1,0),2) + pow(xk(3*i+2,0),2)) < 1e-6){
///					xk(3*i,0) = 0;
//					xk(3*i+1,0) = 0;
//					xk(3*i+2, 0) = 0;
//				}
//			}


			for (size_t ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.size(); ic ++){
				if (mconstraints[ic]->IsActive())

//			return r_cent.NormInf();
			return 1e-8;

		evaluateConstraints(mfric.GetAddress(), numContacts, false);

