// xmkdirall creates the directory p and its parents, as needed. void xmkdirall(char *p) { char *q; if(isdir(p)) return; q = strrchr(p, '/'); if(q != nil) { *q = '\0'; xmkdirall(p); *q = '/'; } xmkdir(p); }
// install installs the library, package, or binary associated with dir, // which is relative to $GOROOT/src. static void install(char *dir) { char *name, *p, *elem, *prefix, *exe; bool islib, ispkg, isgo, stale, ispackcmd; Buf b, b1, path; Vec compile, files, link, go, missing, clean, lib, extra; Time ttarg, t; int i, j, k, n, doclean, targ; if(vflag) { if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch)) errprintf("%s (%s/%s)\n", dir, goos, goarch); else errprintf("%s\n", dir); } binit(&b); binit(&b1); binit(&path); vinit(&compile); vinit(&files); vinit(&link); vinit(&go); vinit(&missing); vinit(&clean); vinit(&lib); vinit(&extra); // path = full path to dir. bpathf(&path, "%s/src/%s", goroot, dir); name = lastelem(dir); // For misc/prof, copy into the tool directory and we're done. if(hasprefix(dir, "misc/")) { copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", tooldir, name), bpathf(&b1, "%s/misc/%s", goroot, name), 1); goto out; } // For release, cmd/prof is not included. if((streq(dir, "cmd/prof")) && !isdir(bstr(&path))) { if(vflag > 1) errprintf("skipping %s - does not exist\n", dir); goto out; } // set up gcc command line on first run. if(gccargs.len == 0) { bprintf(&b, "%s %s", defaultcc, defaultcflags); splitfields(&gccargs, bstr(&b)); for(i=0; i<nelem(proto_gccargs); i++) vadd(&gccargs, proto_gccargs[i]); if(defaultcflags[0] == '\0') { for(i=0; i<nelem(proto_gccargs2); i++) vadd(&gccargs, proto_gccargs2[i]); } if(contains(gccargs.p[0], "clang")) { // disable ASCII art in clang errors, if possible vadd(&gccargs, "-fno-caret-diagnostics"); // clang is too smart about unused command-line arguments vadd(&gccargs, "-Qunused-arguments"); } // disable word wrapping in error messages vadd(&gccargs, "-fmessage-length=0"); if(streq(gohostos, "darwin")) { // golang.org/issue/5261 vadd(&gccargs, "-mmacosx-version-min=10.6"); } } if(ldargs.len == 0 && defaultldflags[0] != '\0') { bprintf(&b, "%s", defaultldflags); splitfields(&ldargs, bstr(&b)); } islib = hasprefix(dir, "lib") || streq(dir, "cmd/cc") || streq(dir, "cmd/gc"); ispkg = hasprefix(dir, "pkg"); isgo = ispkg || streq(dir, "cmd/go") || streq(dir, "cmd/cgo"); exe = ""; if(streq(gohostos, "windows")) exe = ".exe"; // Start final link command line. // Note: code below knows that link.p[targ] is the target. ispackcmd = 0; if(islib) { // C library. vadd(&link, "ar"); if(streq(gohostos, "plan9")) vadd(&link, "rc"); else vadd(&link, "rsc"); prefix = ""; if(!hasprefix(name, "lib")) prefix = "lib"; targ = link.len; vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s_%s/%s%s.a", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch, prefix, name)); } else if(ispkg) { // Go library (package). ispackcmd = 1; vadd(&link, "pack"); // program name - unused here, but all the other cases record one p = bprintf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s", goroot, goos, goarch, dir+4); *xstrrchr(p, '/') = '\0'; xmkdirall(p); targ = link.len; vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s.a", goroot, goos, goarch, dir+4)); } else if(streq(dir, "cmd/go") || streq(dir, "cmd/cgo")) { // Go command. vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sl", tooldir, gochar)); vadd(&link, "-o"); elem = name; if(streq(elem, "go")) elem = "go_bootstrap"; targ = link.len; vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%s%s", tooldir, elem, exe)); } else { // C command. Use gccargs and ldargs. if(streq(gohostos, "plan9")) { vadd(&link, bprintf(&b, "%sl", gohostchar)); vadd(&link, "-o"); targ = link.len; vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", tooldir, name)); } else { vcopy(&link, gccargs.p, gccargs.len); vcopy(&link, ldargs.p, ldargs.len); if(sflag) vadd(&link, "-static"); vadd(&link, "-o"); targ = link.len; vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%s%s", tooldir, name, exe)); if(streq(gohostarch, "amd64")) vadd(&link, "-m64"); else if(streq(gohostarch, "386")) vadd(&link, "-m32"); } } ttarg = mtime(link.p[targ]); // Gather files that are sources for this target. // Everything in that directory, and any target-specific // additions. xreaddir(&files, bstr(&path)); // Remove files beginning with . or _, // which are likely to be editor temporary files. // This is the same heuristic build.ScanDir uses. // There do exist real C files beginning with _, // so limit that check to just Go files. n = 0; for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { p = files.p[i]; if(hasprefix(p, ".") || (hasprefix(p, "_") && hassuffix(p, ".go"))) xfree(p); else files.p[n++] = p; } files.len = n; for(i=0; i<nelem(deptab); i++) { if(streq(dir, deptab[i].prefix) || (hassuffix(deptab[i].prefix, "/") && hasprefix(dir, deptab[i].prefix))) { for(j=0; (p=deptab[i].dep[j])!=nil; j++) { breset(&b1); bwritestr(&b1, p); bsubst(&b1, "$GOROOT", goroot); bsubst(&b1, "$GOOS", goos); bsubst(&b1, "$GOARCH", goarch); p = bstr(&b1); if(hassuffix(p, ".a")) { vadd(&lib, bpathf(&b, "%s", p)); continue; } if(hassuffix(p, "/*")) { bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", bstr(&path), p); b.len -= 2; xreaddir(&extra, bstr(&b)); bprintf(&b, "%s", p); b.len -= 2; for(k=0; k<extra.len; k++) vadd(&files, bpathf(&b1, "%s/%s", bstr(&b), extra.p[k])); continue; } if(hasprefix(p, "-")) { p++; n = 0; for(k=0; k<files.len; k++) { if(hasprefix(files.p[k], p)) xfree(files.p[k]); else files.p[n++] = files.p[k]; } files.len = n; continue; } vadd(&files, p); } } } vuniq(&files); // Convert to absolute paths. for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { if(!isabs(files.p[i])) { bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", bstr(&path), files.p[i]); xfree(files.p[i]); files.p[i] = btake(&b); } } // Is the target up-to-date? stale = rebuildall; n = 0; for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { p = files.p[i]; for(j=0; j<nelem(depsuffix); j++) if(hassuffix(p, depsuffix[j])) goto ok; xfree(files.p[i]); continue; ok: t = mtime(p); if(t != 0 && !hassuffix(p, ".a") && !shouldbuild(p, dir)) { xfree(files.p[i]); continue; } if(hassuffix(p, ".go")) vadd(&go, p); if(t > ttarg) stale = 1; if(t == 0) { vadd(&missing, p); files.p[n++] = files.p[i]; continue; } files.p[n++] = files.p[i]; } files.len = n; // If there are no files to compile, we're done. if(files.len == 0) goto out; for(i=0; i<lib.len && !stale; i++) if(mtime(lib.p[i]) > ttarg) stale = 1; if(!stale) goto out; // For package runtime, copy some files into the work space. if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) { copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/arch_GOARCH.h", workdir), bpathf(&b1, "%s/arch_%s.h", bstr(&path), goarch), 0); copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/defs_GOOS_GOARCH.h", workdir), bpathf(&b1, "%s/defs_%s_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos, goarch), 0); p = bpathf(&b1, "%s/signal_%s_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos, goarch); if(isfile(p)) copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/signal_GOOS_GOARCH.h", workdir), p, 0); copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/os_GOOS.h", workdir), bpathf(&b1, "%s/os_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos), 0); copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/signals_GOOS.h", workdir), bpathf(&b1, "%s/signals_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos), 0); } // Generate any missing files; regenerate existing ones. for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { p = files.p[i]; elem = lastelem(p); for(j=0; j<nelem(gentab); j++) { if(gentab[j].gen == nil) continue; if(hasprefix(elem, gentab[j].nameprefix)) { if(vflag > 1) errprintf("generate %s\n", p); gentab[j].gen(bstr(&path), p); // Do not add generated file to clean list. // In pkg/runtime, we want to be able to // build the package with the go tool, // and it assumes these generated files already // exist (it does not know how to build them). // The 'clean' command can remove // the generated files. goto built; } } // Did not rebuild p. if(find(p, missing.p, missing.len) >= 0) fatal("missing file %s", p); built:; } // One more copy for package runtime. // The last batch was required for the generators. // This one is generated. if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) { copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/zasm_GOOS_GOARCH.h", workdir), bpathf(&b1, "%s/zasm_%s_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos, goarch), 0); } // Generate .c files from .goc files. if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) { for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { p = files.p[i]; if(!hassuffix(p, ".goc")) continue; // b = path/zp but with _goos_goarch.c instead of .goc bprintf(&b, "%s%sz%s", bstr(&path), slash, lastelem(p)); b.len -= 4; bwritef(&b, "_%s_%s.c", goos, goarch); goc2c(p, bstr(&b)); vadd(&files, bstr(&b)); } vuniq(&files); } if((!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch)) && isgo) { // We've generated the right files; the go command can do the build. if(vflag > 1) errprintf("skip build for cross-compile %s\n", dir); goto nobuild; } // Compile the files. for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) { if(!hassuffix(files.p[i], ".c") && !hassuffix(files.p[i], ".s")) continue; name = lastelem(files.p[i]); vreset(&compile); if(!isgo) { // C library or tool. if(streq(gohostos, "plan9")) { vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "%sc", gohostchar)); vadd(&compile, "-FTVwp"); vadd(&compile, "-DPLAN9"); vadd(&compile, "-D__STDC__=1"); vadd(&compile, "-D__SIZE_TYPE__=ulong"); // for GNU Bison vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "-I%s/include/plan9", goroot)); vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "-I%s/include/plan9/%s", goroot, gohostarch)); } else { vcopy(&compile, gccargs.p, gccargs.len); vadd(&compile, "-c"); if(streq(gohostarch, "amd64")) vadd(&compile, "-m64"); else if(streq(gohostarch, "386")) vadd(&compile, "-m32"); vadd(&compile, "-I"); vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/include", goroot)); } if(streq(dir, "lib9")) vadd(&compile, "-DPLAN9PORT"); vadd(&compile, "-I"); vadd(&compile, bstr(&path)); // lib9/goos.c gets the default constants hard-coded. if(streq(name, "goos.c")) { vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOOS=\"%s\"", goos)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOARCH=\"%s\"", goarch)); bprintf(&b1, "%s", goroot_final); bsubst(&b1, "\\", "\\\\"); // turn into C string vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOROOT=\"%s\"", bstr(&b1))); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOVERSION=\"%s\"", goversion)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOARM=\"%s\"", goarm)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GO386=\"%s\"", go386)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED=\"%s\"", goextlinkenabled)); } // gc/lex.c records the GOEXPERIMENT setting used during the build. if(streq(name, "lex.c")) { xgetenv(&b, "GOEXPERIMENT"); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b1, "GOEXPERIMENT=\"%s\"", bstr(&b))); } } else { // Supporting files for a Go package. if(hassuffix(files.p[i], ".s")) vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sa", tooldir, gochar)); else { vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sc", tooldir, gochar)); vadd(&compile, "-F"); vadd(&compile, "-V"); vadd(&compile, "-w"); } vadd(&compile, "-I"); vadd(&compile, workdir); vadd(&compile, "-I"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOOS_%s", goos)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOARCH_%s", goarch)); vadd(&compile, "-D"); vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "GOOS_GOARCH_%s_%s", goos, goarch)); } bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", workdir, lastelem(files.p[i])); doclean = 1; if(!isgo && streq(gohostos, "darwin")) { // To debug C programs on OS X, it is not enough to say -ggdb // on the command line. You have to leave the object files // lying around too. Leave them in pkg/obj/, which does not // get removed when this tool exits. bpathf(&b1, "%s/pkg/obj/%s", goroot, dir); xmkdirall(bstr(&b1)); bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", bstr(&b1), lastelem(files.p[i])); doclean = 0; } // Change the last character of the output file (which was c or s). if(streq(gohostos, "plan9")) b.p[b.len-1] = gohostchar[0]; else b.p[b.len-1] = 'o'; vadd(&compile, "-o"); vadd(&compile, bstr(&b)); vadd(&compile, files.p[i]); bgrunv(bstr(&path), CheckExit, &compile); vadd(&link, bstr(&b)); if(doclean) vadd(&clean, bstr(&b)); } bgwait(); if(isgo) { // The last loop was compiling individual files. // Hand the Go files to the compiler en masse. vreset(&compile); vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sg", tooldir, gochar)); bpathf(&b, "%s/_go_.a", workdir); vadd(&compile, "-pack"); vadd(&compile, "-o"); vadd(&compile, bstr(&b)); vadd(&clean, bstr(&b)); if(!ispackcmd) vadd(&link, bstr(&b)); vadd(&compile, "-p"); if(hasprefix(dir, "pkg/")) vadd(&compile, dir+4); else vadd(&compile, "main"); if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) vadd(&compile, "-+"); vcopy(&compile, go.p, go.len); runv(nil, bstr(&path), CheckExit, &compile); if(ispackcmd) { xremove(link.p[targ]); dopack(link.p[targ], bstr(&b), &link.p[targ+1], link.len - (targ+1)); goto nobuild; } } if(!islib && !isgo) { // C binaries need the libraries explicitly, and -lm. vcopy(&link, lib.p, lib.len); if(!streq(gohostos, "plan9")) vadd(&link, "-lm"); } // Remove target before writing it. xremove(link.p[targ]); runv(nil, nil, CheckExit, &link); nobuild: // In package runtime, we install runtime.h and cgocall.h too, // for use by cgo compilation. if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) { copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/cgocall.h", goroot, goos, goarch), bpathf(&b1, "%s/src/pkg/runtime/cgocall.h", goroot), 0); copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/runtime.h", goroot, goos, goarch), bpathf(&b1, "%s/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h", goroot), 0); } out: for(i=0; i<clean.len; i++) xremove(clean.p[i]); bfree(&b); bfree(&b1); bfree(&path); vfree(&compile); vfree(&files); vfree(&link); vfree(&go); vfree(&missing); vfree(&clean); vfree(&lib); vfree(&extra); }
// setup sets up the tree for the initial build. static void setup(void) { int i; Buf b; char *p; binit(&b); // Create bin directory. p = bpathf(&b, "%s/bin", goroot); if(!isdir(p)) xmkdir(p); // Create package directory. p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg", goroot); if(!isdir(p)) xmkdir(p); p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch); if(rebuildall) xremoveall(p); xmkdirall(p); if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch)) { p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch); if(rebuildall) xremoveall(p); xmkdirall(p); } // Create object directory. // We keep it in pkg/ so that all the generated binaries // are in one tree. If pkg/obj/libgc.a exists, it is a dreg from // before we used subdirectories of obj. Delete all of obj // to clean up. bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/libgc.a", goroot); if(isfile(bstr(&b))) xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj", goroot)); p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch); if(rebuildall) xremoveall(p); xmkdirall(p); // Create tool directory. // We keep it in pkg/, just like the object directory above. if(rebuildall) xremoveall(tooldir); xmkdirall(tooldir); // Remove tool binaries from before the tool/gohostos_gohostarch xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool", goroot)); // Remove old pre-tool binaries. for(i=0; i<nelem(oldtool); i++) xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/%s", goroot, oldtool[i])); // If $GOBIN is set and has a Go compiler, it must be cleaned. for(i=0; gochars[i]; i++) { if(isfile(bprintf(&b, "%s%s%c%s", gobin, slash, gochars[i], "g"))) { for(i=0; i<nelem(oldtool); i++) xremove(bprintf(&b, "%s%s%s", gobin, slash, oldtool[i])); break; } } // For release, make sure excluded things are excluded. if(hasprefix(goversion, "release.") || hasprefix(goversion, "go")) { for(i=0; i<nelem(unreleased); i++) if(isdir(bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", goroot, unreleased[i]))) fatal("%s should not exist in release build", bstr(&b)); } bfree(&b); }