Example #1
void CBouquetManager::parseBouquetsXml(const xmlNodePtr root, bool bUser)
	xmlNodePtr search=root->xmlChildrenNode;
	xmlNodePtr channel_node;

	if (search) {
		t_original_network_id original_network_id;
		t_service_id service_id;
		t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
		int16_t satellitePosition;
		freq_id_t freq = 0;

		INFO("reading bouquets");

		while ((search = xmlGetNextOccurence(search, "Bouquet")) != NULL) {
			char * name = xmlGetAttribute(search, (char *) "name");
			//CZapitBouquet* newBouquet = addBouquet(xmlGetAttribute(search, (char *) "name"), bUser);
			CZapitBouquet* newBouquet = addBouquet(name, bUser);
			char* hidden = xmlGetAttribute(search, (char *) "hidden");
			char* locked = xmlGetAttribute(search, (char *) "locked");
			newBouquet->bHidden = hidden ? (strcmp(hidden, "1") == 0) : false;
			newBouquet->bLocked = locked ? (strcmp(locked, "1") == 0) : false;
			newBouquet->bFav = (strcmp(name, "favorites") == 0);
			channel_node = search->xmlChildrenNode;
			while ((channel_node = xmlGetNextOccurence(channel_node, "S")) != NULL) {
				std::string  name = xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, (char *) "n");
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, (char *) "i", SCANF_SERVICE_ID_TYPE, service_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, (char *) "on", SCANF_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID_TYPE, original_network_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, (char *) "s", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, satellitePosition);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, (char *) "t", SCANF_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID_TYPE, transport_stream_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, (char *) "frq", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, freq);
				if(freq > 20000) freq = freq/1000;

				CZapitChannel* chan;

				chan = findChannelByChannelID(CREATE_CHANNEL_ID64);
//printf("Bouquet Channel-ID freq %d pos %d id %llx\n", freq, satellitePosition, CREATE_CHANNEL_ID64);
				if (chan != NULL) {
DBG("%04x %04x %04x %s\n", transport_stream_id, original_network_id, service_id, xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, (char *) "n"));
#if 0
					if(bUser && (name.length() > 1))
						chan->pname = (char *) newBouquet->Name.c_str();

					chan->bAlwaysLocked = newBouquet->bLocked;

				channel_node = channel_node->xmlNextNode;
			search = search->xmlNextNode;
		INFO("found %d bouquets", Bouquets.size());
Example #2
void CBouquetManager::makeBouquetfromCurrentservices(const xmlNodePtr root)
	xmlNodePtr provider = root->xmlChildrenNode;
	// TODO: use locales
	CBouquet* newBouquet = addBouquet("Neue Sender");
			newBouquet->bHidden = false;
			newBouquet->bLocked = false;
	t_original_network_id original_network_id;
	t_service_id          service_id;
	t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
	t_satellite_position  satellitePosition;
	while (provider) {
		xmlNodePtr transponder = provider->xmlChildrenNode;
		while (xmlGetNextOccurence(transponder, "transponder") != NULL) {
			xmlNodePtr channel_node = transponder->xmlChildrenNode;
			while (xmlGetNextOccurence(channel_node, "channel") != NULL) {
				if (strncmp(xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, "action"), "remove", 6)) {
					GET_ATTR(provider, "position", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, satellitePosition);
					GET_ATTR(transponder, "onid", SCANF_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID_TYPE, original_network_id);
					GET_ATTR(transponder, "id", SCANF_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID_TYPE, transport_stream_id);
					GET_ATTR(channel_node, "service_id", SCANF_SERVICE_ID_TYPE, service_id);
					CZapitChannel* chan = findChannelByChannelID(CREATE_CHANNEL_ID);

					if (chan != NULL)
				channel_node = channel_node->xmlNextNode;
			transponder = transponder->xmlNextNode;
		provider = provider->xmlNextNode;
Example #3
void ParseTransponders(xmlNodePtr node, t_satellite_position satellitePosition, uint8_t Source )
	t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
	t_original_network_id original_network_id;
	FrontendParameters feparams;
	uint8_t polarization = 0;
	freq_id_t freq;
	tcnt = 0;

	memset(&feparams, 0, sizeof(FrontendParameters));

	// read all transponders
	while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "TS")) != NULL) 
		// common
		transport_stream_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "id", 16);
		original_network_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "on", 16);
		feparams.frequency = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "frq", 0);
		feparams.inversion = (fe_spectral_inversion) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "inv", 0);

		// DVB-C
		if(Source == DVB_C)
			feparams.u.qam.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "sr", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "fec", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.modulation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "mod", 0);
		// DVB-T
		else if(Source == DVB_T)
			feparams.u.ofdm.bandwidth = (fe_bandwidth_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "band", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.code_rate_HP = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "HP", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.code_rate_LP = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "LP", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.constellation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "const", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.transmission_mode = (fe_transmit_mode_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "trans", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.guard_interval = (fe_guard_interval_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "guard", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.hierarchy_information = (fe_hierarchy_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "hierarchy", 0);
		// DVB-S
		else if(Source == DVB_S)
			feparams.u.qpsk.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "fec", 0);
			feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "sr", 0);
			polarization = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "pol", 0);

			if(feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate < 50000) 
				feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate * 1000;
			// ???
			if(feparams.frequency < 20000) 
				feparams.frequency = feparams.frequency*1000;

		if(Source == DVB_C)
			freq = feparams.frequency/100;
		else if(Source == DVB_S)
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000;
		else if(Source == DVB_T)
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000000;

		// add current transponder to list
		transponder_id_t tid = CREATE_TRANSPONDER_ID_FROM_SATELLITEPOSITION_ORIGINALNETWORK_TRANSPORTSTREAM_ID(freq, satellitePosition, original_network_id, transport_stream_id);

		pair<map<transponder_id_t, transponder>::iterator, bool> ret;

		ret = transponders.insert (std::pair <transponder_id_t, transponder> ( tid, transponder(transport_stream_id, feparams, polarization, original_network_id)));
		if (ret.second == false)
			printf("[zapit] duplicate transponder id %llx freq %d\n", tid, feparams.frequency);

		// read channels that belong to the current transponder
		ParseChannels(node->xmlChildrenNode, transport_stream_id, original_network_id, satellitePosition, freq, polarization);

		// hop to next transponder
		node = node->xmlNextNode;

Example #4
void ParseSatTransponders(fe_type_t frontendType, xmlNodePtr search, t_satellite_position satellitePosition)
	uint8_t polarization = 0;
	uint8_t system = 0;
	uint8_t modulation = 1;
	int xml_fec;
	FrontendParameters feparams;
	fake_tid = fake_nid = 0;

	xmlNodePtr tps = search->xmlChildrenNode;

	while ((tps = xmlGetNextOccurence(tps, "transponder")) != NULL) 
		memset(&feparams, 0, sizeof(FrontendParameters));

		freq_id_t freq;

		// frequency 
		if (frontendType == FE_OFDM)
			feparams.frequency = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "centre_frequency", 0);
			feparams.frequency = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "frequency", 0);

		// inversion
		feparams.inversion = INVERSION_AUTO;

		if (frontendType == FE_QAM) 		//DVB-C
			feparams.u.qam.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "symbol_rate", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "fec_inner", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.modulation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "modulation", 0);
		else if (frontendType == FE_OFDM)	//DVB-T
			feparams.u.ofdm.bandwidth = (fe_bandwidth_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "bandwidth", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.code_rate_HP = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "code_rate_hp", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.code_rate_LP = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "code_rate_lp", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.constellation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "constellation", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.transmission_mode = (fe_transmit_mode_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "transmission_mode", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.guard_interval = (fe_guard_interval_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "guard_interval", 0);
			feparams.u.ofdm.hierarchy_information = (fe_hierarchy_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "hierarchy_information", 0);
			feparams.inversion = (fe_spectral_inversion_t)xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "inversion", 0);
		else if (frontendType == FE_QPSK) 	//DVB-S
			feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "symbol_rate", 0);
			polarization = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "polarization", 0);
			system = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "system", 0);
			modulation = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "modulation", 0);
			xml_fec = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "fec_inner", 0);

			xml_fec = CFrontend::getCodeRate(xml_fec, system);

			// DVB-S2
			if(modulation == 2)
				xml_fec += 9;

			feparams.u.qpsk.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t)xml_fec;
		if (frontendType == FE_QAM) 
			freq = feparams.frequency/100;
		else if(frontendType == FE_QPSK)
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000;
		else if(frontendType == FE_OFDM)
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000000;
		transponder_id_t tid = CREATE_TRANSPONDER_ID_FROM_SATELLITEPOSITION_ORIGINALNETWORK_TRANSPORTSTREAM_ID(freq, satellitePosition, fake_nid, fake_tid);

		//polarization &= 1;
		polarization &= 7;
		// insert TPs list
		select_transponders.insert( std::pair <transponder_id_t, transponder> (tid, transponder(fake_tid, feparams, polarization, fake_nid)));
		fake_nid ++; 
		fake_tid ++;

		tps = tps->xmlNextNode;
Example #5
void ParseChannels(xmlNodePtr node, const t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id, const t_original_network_id original_network_id, t_satellite_position satellitePosition, freq_id_t freq, uint8_t polarisation)
	t_service_id service_id;
	std::string  name;
	uint8_t      service_type;
	unsigned short vpid, apid, pcrpid, pmtpid, txpid, vtype, scrambled;
	std::string desc = "";
	desc += "Preset";
	t_channel_id chid;
	int dummy;
	int * have_ptr = &dummy;

	sat_iterator_t sit = satellitePositions.find(satellitePosition);

	if(sit != satellitePositions.end())
		have_ptr = &sit->second.have_channels;

	while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "S")) != NULL) 
		*have_ptr = 1;
		service_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "i", 16);
		name = xmlGetAttribute(node, "n");
		service_type = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "t", 16);
		vpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "v", 16);
		apid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "a", 16);
		pcrpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "p", 16);
		pmtpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "pmt", 16);
		txpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "tx", 16);
		vtype = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "vt", 16);
		scrambled = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "s", 16);

		char *ptr = xmlGetAttribute(node, "action");
		bool remove = ptr ? (!strcmp(ptr, "remove") || !strcmp(ptr, "replace")) : false;
		bool add    = ptr ? (!strcmp(ptr, "add")    || !strcmp(ptr, "replace")) : true;

		if (remove) 
			int result = allchans.erase(chid);
			dprintf(DEBUG_INFO, "%s '%s' (sid=0x%x): %s", add ? "replacing" : "removing", name.c_str(), service_id, result ? "succeded.\n" : "FAILED!\n");

			node = node->xmlNextNode;

		map<t_channel_id, audio_map_set_t>::iterator audio_map_it;
		audio_map_it = audio_map.find(chid);
		if((audio_map_it != audio_map.end()) && (audio_map_it->second.apid != 0)) 
			apid = audio_map_it->second.apid;

		pair<map<t_channel_id, CZapitChannel>::iterator, bool> ret;

		ret = allchans.insert (std::pair <t_channel_id, CZapitChannel> (chid, CZapitChannel( name, 

		if(ret.second == false) 
			dprintf(DEBUG_DEBUG, "getSevices:ParseChannels: duplicate channel %s id %llx freq %d (old %s at %d)\n", name.c_str(), chid, freq, ret.first->second.getName().c_str(), ret.first->second.getFreqId());
			tallchans_iterator cit1 = ret.first;
			cit1->second.scrambled = scrambled;
			service_type = cit1->second.getServiceType();
			cit1->second.polarization = polarisation;

			if(pmtpid != 0 && (((service_type == ST_DIGITAL_RADIO_SOUND_SERVICE) && (apid > 0)) || ( (service_type == ST_DIGITAL_TELEVISION_SERVICE)  && (vpid > 0) && (apid > 0))) ) 
				cit1->second.videoType = vtype;

		node = node->xmlNextNode;

void CBouquetManager::parseBouquetsXml(const char *fname, bool bUser)
	xmlDocPtr parser;

	parser = parseXmlFile(fname);
	if (parser == NULL)

	xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(parser);
	xmlNodePtr search = root->xmlChildrenNode;
	xmlNodePtr channel_node;

	if (search) {
		t_original_network_id original_network_id;
		t_service_id service_id;
		t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
		int16_t satellitePosition;
		freq_id_t freq = 0;

		INFO("reading bouquets from %s", fname);

		while ((search = xmlGetNextOccurence(search, "Bouquet")) != NULL) {
			char * name = xmlGetAttribute(search, "name");
			if(name == NULL)
				name = const_cast<char*>("Unknown");

			CZapitBouquet* newBouquet = addBouquet(name, bUser);
			char* hidden = xmlGetAttribute(search, "hidden");
			char* locked = xmlGetAttribute(search, "locked");
			char* scanepg = xmlGetAttribute(search, "epg");
			newBouquet->bHidden = hidden ? (strcmp(hidden, "1") == 0) : false;
			newBouquet->bLocked = locked ? (strcmp(locked, "1") == 0) : false;
			newBouquet->bFav = (strcmp(name, "favorites") == 0);
			newBouquet->bScanEpg = scanepg ? (strcmp(scanepg, "1") == 0) : false;
			channel_node = search->xmlChildrenNode;
			while ((channel_node = xmlGetNextOccurence(channel_node, "S")) != NULL) {
				std::string  name2 = xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, "n");
				char *url = xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, "u");
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "i", SCANF_SERVICE_ID_TYPE, service_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "on", SCANF_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID_TYPE, original_network_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "s", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, satellitePosition);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "t", SCANF_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID_TYPE, transport_stream_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "frq", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, freq);
				if(freq > 20000)
					freq = freq/1000;

				CZapitChannel* chan;
				t_channel_id chid = create_channel_id64(service_id, original_network_id, transport_stream_id,
									satellitePosition, freq, url);
				/* FIXME to load old cable settings with new cable "positions" started from 0xF00 */
				if(!url && (bUser || CFEManager::getInstance()->cableOnly()))
					chan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannelFuzzy(chid, satellitePosition, freq);
					chan = CServiceManager::getInstance()->FindChannel(chid);
				if (chan != NULL) {
					DBG("%04x %04x %04x %s\n", transport_stream_id, original_network_id, service_id, xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, "n"));
#if 0
					if(bUser && (name2.length() > 1))
						chan->pname = (char *) newBouquet->Name.c_str();

				} else if (bUser) {
					chan = new CZapitChannel(name2, chid, 1 /*service_type*/, satellitePosition, freq);
					chan->flags = CZapitChannel::NOT_FOUND;

				channel_node = channel_node->xmlNextNode;
				if(!bUser) {
					/* set satellite position for provider bouquets.
					   reset position to 0, if position not match - means mixed bouquet */
					if (newBouquet->satellitePosition == INVALID_SAT_POSITION)
						newBouquet->satellitePosition = satellitePosition;
					else if (newBouquet->satellitePosition != satellitePosition)
						newBouquet->satellitePosition = 0;
			search = search->xmlNextNode;
		INFO("total: %d bouquets", (int)Bouquets.size());
Example #7
void CBouquetManager::parseBouquetsXml(const xmlNodePtr root)
	extern CConfigFile config;
	bool channel_names_from_bouquet = config.getBool("ChannelNamesFromBouquet", false);

	xmlNodePtr search=root->xmlChildrenNode;
	xmlNodePtr channel_node;

	if (search)
		t_original_network_id original_network_id;
		t_service_id          service_id;
		t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
		t_satellite_position  satellitePosition;

		INFO("reading bouquets");

		while ((search = xmlGetNextOccurence(search, "Bouquet")) != NULL)
			CBouquet *newBouquet;
			char *name = xmlGetAttribute(search, "name");
			int bnum = existsBouquet(name);
			if (bnum != -1)
				newBouquet = Bouquets[bnum];
				newBouquet = addBouquet(name);
				char* hidden = xmlGetAttribute(search, "hidden");
				char* locked = xmlGetAttribute(search, "locked");
				newBouquet->type = xmlGetNumericAttribute(search, "type", 16);
				newBouquet->bouquet_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(search, "bouquet_id", 16);
				newBouquet->bHidden = hidden ? (strcmp(hidden, "1") == 0) : false;
				newBouquet->bLocked = locked ? (strcmp(locked, "1") == 0) : false;
				bnum = Bouquets.size() - 1;

			channel_node = search->xmlChildrenNode;
			while ((channel_node = xmlGetNextOccurence(channel_node, "channel")) != NULL)
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "serviceID", SCANF_SERVICE_ID_TYPE, service_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "onid", SCANF_ORIGINAL_NETWORK_ID_TYPE, original_network_id);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "sat", SCANF_SATELLITE_POSITION_TYPE, satellitePosition);
				GET_ATTR(channel_node, "tsid", SCANF_TRANSPORT_STREAM_ID_TYPE, transport_stream_id);

				CZapitChannel* chan = findChannelByChannelID(CREATE_CHANNEL_ID);

				if (chan != NULL) {
					if (channel_names_from_bouquet)
						chan->setName(xmlGetAttribute(channel_node, "name"));

					if (existsChannelInBouquet(bnum, CREATE_CHANNEL_ID)) {
						DBG("b %d '%s' ch %012llx sat %3d name '%s' exists, not added",
						    bnum, name, CREATE_CHANNEL_ID, satellitePosition,
					} else

				channel_node = channel_node->xmlNextNode;

			search = search->xmlNextNode;
		INFO("found %d bouquets", Bouquets.size());

bool readEventsFromFile(std::string &epgname, int &ev_count)
	xmlDocPtr event_parser = NULL;
	xmlNodePtr service;
	xmlNodePtr event;
	t_original_network_id onid = 0;
	t_transport_stream_id tsid = 0;
	t_service_id sid = 0;

	if (!(event_parser = parseXmlFile(epgname.c_str()))) {
		dprintf("unable to open %s for reading\n", epgname.c_str());
		return false;
	service = xmlDocGetRootElement(event_parser);
	service = xmlChildrenNode(service);

	while (service) {
		onid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "original_network_id", 16);
		tsid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "transport_stream_id", 16);
		sid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(service, "service_id", 16);

		event = xmlChildrenNode(service);

		while (event) {
			SIevent e(onid,tsid,sid,xmlGetNumericAttribute(event, "id", 16));
			uint8_t tid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(event, "tid", 16);
			std::string contentClassification, userClassification;
				e.table_id = tid;
			e.table_id |= 0x80; /* make sure on-air data has a lower table_id */

			xmlNodePtr node;

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "name"))) {
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string");
				if (s)
					e.setName(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang")), s);
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "text"))) {
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string");
				if (s)
					e.setText(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang")), s);
				node = xmlNextNode(node);
			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "item"))) {
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string");
				if (s)
					e.item = s;
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "item_description"))) {
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string");
				if (s)
					e.itemDescription = s;
				node = xmlNextNode(node);
			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "extended_text"))) {
				const char *l = xmlGetAttribute(node, "lang");
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "string");
				if (l && s)
					e.appendExtendedText(ZapitTools::UTF8_to_Latin1(l), s);
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "time"))) {
				e.times.insert(SItime(xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "start_time", 10),
							xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "duration", 10)));
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "content"))) {
				const char cl = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "class", 16);
				contentClassification += cl;
				const char cl2 = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "user", 16);
				userClassification += cl2;
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "component"))) {
				SIcomponent c;
				c.streamContent = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "stream_content", 16);
				c.componentType = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "type", 16);
				c.componentTag = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "tag", 16);
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "text");
				if (s)
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "parental_rating"))) {
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "country");
				if (s)
#if 0
								(unsigned char) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "rating", 10)));
							(unsigned char) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "rating", 10)));
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			node = xmlChildrenNode(event);
			while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "linkage"))) {
				SIlinkage l;
				l.linkageType = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "type", 16);
				l.transportStreamId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "transport_stream_id", 16);
				l.originalNetworkId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "original_network_id", 16);
				l.serviceId = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "service_id", 16);
				const char *s = xmlGetAttribute(node, "linkage_descriptor");
				if (s)
					l.name = s;
				e.linkage_descs.insert(e.linkage_descs.end(), l);
				node = xmlNextNode(node);

			if (!contentClassification.empty()) {
				ssize_t off = e.classifications.reserve(2 * contentClassification.size());
				if (off > -1)
					for (unsigned i = 0; i < contentClassification.size(); i++)
						off = e.classifications.set(off, contentClassification.at(i), userClassification.at(i));
				e.classifications.content = contentClassification.at(0);
				e.classifications.user = userClassification.at(0);
			addEvent(e, 0);

			event = xmlNextNode(event);

		service = xmlNextNode(service);
	return true;
Example #9
void CServiceManager::ParseSatTransponders(fe_type_t frontendType, xmlNodePtr search, t_satellite_position satellitePosition)
	uint8_t polarization = 0;
	uint8_t system = 0, modulation = 1;
	int xml_fec;
	FrontendParameters feparams;

	fake_tid = fake_nid = 0;

	xmlNodePtr tps = search->xmlChildrenNode;

	while ((tps = xmlGetNextOccurence(tps, "transponder")) != NULL) {
		memset(&feparams, 0x00, sizeof(FrontendParameters));

		feparams.frequency = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "frequency", 0);

		freq_id_t freq;
		if (frontendType == FE_QAM) {
			if (feparams.frequency > 1000*1000)
				feparams.frequency=feparams.frequency/1000; //transponderlist was read from tuxbox
			//feparams.frequency = (int) 1000 * (int) round ((double) feparams.frequency / (double) 1000);
			freq = feparams.frequency/100;
		else {
			feparams.frequency = (int) 1000 * (int) round ((double) feparams.frequency / (double) 1000);
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000;

		feparams.inversion = INVERSION_AUTO;

		if (frontendType == FE_QAM) {
			feparams.u.qam.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "symbol_rate", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "fec_inner", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.modulation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "modulation", 0);
		else if (frontendType == FE_QPSK) {
			feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "symbol_rate", 0);
			polarization = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "polarization", 0);
			system = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "system", 0);
			modulation = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "modulation", 0);
			xml_fec = xmlGetNumericAttribute(tps, "fec_inner", 0);
			xml_fec = CFrontend::getCodeRate(xml_fec, system);
			if(modulation == 2)
				xml_fec += 9;
			feparams.u.qpsk.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xml_fec;
		transponder_id_t tid =
					freq /*feparams.frequency/1000*/, satellitePosition, fake_nid, fake_tid);

		polarization &= 1;
		select_transponders.insert (
				std::pair <transponder_id_t, transponder> (tid,
					transponder (fake_tid, feparams,
						polarization, fake_nid))
		fake_nid ++; fake_tid ++;

		tps = tps->xmlNextNode;
Example #10
void CServiceManager::ParseChannels(xmlNodePtr node, const t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id, const t_original_network_id original_network_id, t_satellite_position satellitePosition, freq_id_t freq)
	t_service_id service_id;
	std::string  name;
	uint8_t      service_type;
	unsigned short vpid, apid, pcrpid, pmtpid, txpid, vtype, scrambled;
	std::string desc = "";
	desc += "Preset";
	t_channel_id chid;
	int dummy;
	int * have_ptr = &dummy;

	sat_iterator_t sit = satellitePositions.find(satellitePosition);
	if(sit != satellitePositions.end())
		have_ptr = &sit->second.have_channels;

	while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "S")) != NULL) {
		*have_ptr = 1;
		service_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "i", 16);
		name = xmlGetAttribute(node, "n");
		service_type = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "t", 16);
		vpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "v", 16);
		apid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "a", 16);
		pcrpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "p", 16);
		pmtpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "pmt", 16);
		txpid = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "tx", 16);
		vtype = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "vt", 16);
		scrambled = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "s", 16);

		char *ptr = xmlGetAttribute(node, "action");
		bool remove = ptr ? (!strcmp(ptr, "remove") || !strcmp(ptr, "replace")) : false;
		bool add    = ptr ? (!strcmp(ptr, "add")    || !strcmp(ptr, "replace")) : true;
		if (remove) {
			int result = allchans.erase(chid);
			printf("[getservices]: %s '%s' (sid=0x%x): %s", add ? "replacing" : "removing",
					name.c_str(), service_id, result ? "succeded.\n" : "FAILED!\n");
		if(!add) {
			node = node->xmlNextNode;
		audio_map_set_t * pidmap = CZapit::getInstance()->GetSavedPids(chid);
			apid = pidmap->apid;

		CZapitChannel * channel = new CZapitChannel ( name, service_id,

		bool ret = AddChannel(channel);

		//printf("INS CHANNEL %s %x\n", name.c_str(), (int) &ret.first->second);
		if(ret == false) {
			printf("[zapit] duplicate channel %s id %llx freq %d (old %s at %d)\n",
					name.c_str(), chid, freq, channel->getName().c_str(), channel->getFreqId());
		} else {
			channel->scrambled = scrambled;
			service_type = channel->getServiceType();
			if(pmtpid != 0 && (((service_type == 2) && (apid > 0)) || ( (service_type == 1)  && (vpid > 0) && (apid > 0))) ) {
				DBG("[getserv] preset chan %s vpid %X sid %X tpid %X onid %X\n", name.c_str(), vpid, service_id, transport_stream_id, transport_stream_id);
				channel->type = vtype;
		node = node->xmlNextNode;
Example #11
void CServiceManager::ParseTransponders(xmlNodePtr node, t_satellite_position satellitePosition, bool cable)
	t_transport_stream_id transport_stream_id;
	t_original_network_id original_network_id;
	FrontendParameters feparams;
	uint8_t polarization = 0;
	uint16_t freq;
	tp_count = 0;

	memset(&feparams, 0, sizeof(FrontendParameters));

	/* read all transponders */
	while ((node = xmlGetNextOccurence(node, "TS")) != NULL) {
		transport_stream_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "id", 16);
		original_network_id = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "on", 16);
		feparams.frequency = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "frq", 0);
		feparams.inversion = (fe_spectral_inversion) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "inv", 0);

		if(cable) {
			feparams.u.qam.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "sr", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "fec", 0);
			feparams.u.qam.modulation = (fe_modulation_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "mod", 0);

			if (feparams.frequency > 1000*1000)
				feparams.frequency = feparams.frequency/1000; //transponderlist was read from tuxbox

			//feparams.frequency = (int) 1000 * (int) round ((double) feparams.frequency / (double) 1000);
		} else {
			feparams.u.qpsk.fec_inner = (fe_code_rate_t) xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "fec", 0);
			feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "sr", 0);

			polarization = xmlGetNumericAttribute(node, "pol", 0);

			if(feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate < 50000) feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate = feparams.u.qpsk.symbol_rate * 1000;

			if(feparams.frequency < 20000) 
				feparams.frequency = feparams.frequency*1000;
				feparams.frequency = (int) 1000 * (int) round ((double) feparams.frequency / (double) 1000);
			freq = feparams.frequency/100;
			freq = feparams.frequency/1000;

		transponder_id_t tid = CREATE_TRANSPONDER_ID_FROM_SATELLITEPOSITION_ORIGINALNETWORK_TRANSPORTSTREAM_ID(freq, satellitePosition,original_network_id,transport_stream_id);
		pair<map<transponder_id_t, transponder>::iterator,bool> ret;

		ret = transponders.insert (
				std::pair <transponder_id_t, transponder> ( tid,
					transponder (transport_stream_id, feparams,
						polarization, original_network_id)
		if (ret.second == false)
			printf("[zapit] duplicate transponder id %llx freq %d\n", tid, feparams.frequency);

		/* read channels that belong to the current transponder */
		ParseChannels(node->xmlChildrenNode, transport_stream_id, original_network_id, satellitePosition, freq);

		/* hop to next transponder */
		node = node->xmlNextNode;
Example #12
// readxml file
bool CWebTV::readChannellist(std::string filename)
	dprintf(DEBUG_NORMAL, "CWebTV::readChannellist parsing %s\n", filename.c_str());
	// clear channellist
	// check for extension
	int ext_pos = 0;
	ext_pos = filename.rfind('.');
	bool iptv = false;
	bool webtv = false;
	bool playlist = false;
	if( ext_pos > 0)
		std::string extension;
		extension = filename.substr(ext_pos + 1, filename.length() - ext_pos);
		if( strcasecmp("tv", extension.c_str()) == 0)
			iptv = true;
		else if( strcasecmp("m3u", extension.c_str()) == 0)
			playlist = true;
		if( strcasecmp("xml", extension.c_str()) == 0)
			webtv = true;
		FILE * f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
		std::string title;
		std::string URL;
		std::string url;
		std::string description;
		if(f != NULL)
				char line[1024];
				if (!fgets(line, 1024, f))
				size_t len = strlen(line);
				if (len < 2)
					// Lines with less than one char aren't meaningful
				/* strip newline */
				line[--len] = 0;
				// strip carriage return (when found)
				if (line[len - 1] == '\r')
					line[len - 1 ] = 0;
				if (strncmp(line, "#SERVICE 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:", 32) == 0)
					url = line + 32;
				//else if ( (strncmp(line, "#DESCRIPTION: ", 14) == 0) || (strncmp(line, "#DESCRIPTION ", 13) == 0) )
				else if (strncmp(line, "#DESCRIPTION", 12) == 0)
					int offs = line[12] == ':' ? 14 : 13;
					title = line + offs;
					description = "stream";
					addUrl2Playlist(urlDecode(url).c_str(), title.c_str(), description.c_str()); //urlDecode defined in edvbstring.h
			return true;
	else if(webtv)
		parser = parseXmlFile(filename.c_str());
		if (parser) 
			xmlNodePtr l0 = NULL;
			xmlNodePtr l1 = NULL;
			l0 = xmlDocGetRootElement(parser);
			l1 = l0->xmlChildrenNode;
			neutrino_msg_t      msg;
			neutrino_msg_data_t data;
			CHintBox* hintBox = NULL;
			g_RCInput->getMsg(&msg, &data, 0);
			if (l1) 
				while ( ((xmlGetNextOccurence(l1, "webtv")) || (xmlGetNextOccurence(l1, "station"))) && msg != CRCInput::RC_home) 
					char * title;
					char * url;
					char * description;
					// title
					if(xmlGetNextOccurence(l1, "webtv"))
						title = xmlGetAttribute(l1, (char *)"title");

						// url
						url = xmlGetAttribute(l1, (char *)"url");
						description = xmlGetAttribute(l1, (char *)"description");
						addUrl2Playlist(url, title, description);
					else if (xmlGetNextOccurence(l1, "station"))
						title = xmlGetAttribute(l1, (char *)"name");
						url = xmlGetAttribute(l1, (char *)"url");
						description = "stream";
						processPlaylistUrl(url, title, description) ;

					l1 = l1->xmlNextNode;
					g_RCInput->getMsg(&msg, &data, 0);
			delete hintBox;
			hintBox = NULL;
			return true;
	else if(playlist)
		std::ifstream infile;
		char cLine[1024];
		char name[1024] = { 0 };
		int duration;
		std::string description;
		infile.open(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);

		while (infile.good())
			infile.getline(cLine, sizeof(cLine));
			// remove CR
			if(cLine[strlen(cLine) - 1] == '\r')
				cLine[strlen(cLine) - 1] = 0;
			sscanf(cLine, "#EXTINF:%d,%[^\n]\n", &duration, name);
			if(strlen(cLine) > 0 && cLine[0] != '#')
				char *url = NULL;
				if ((url = strstr(cLine, "http://")) || (url = strstr(cLine, "rtmp://")) || (url = strstr(cLine, "rtsp://")) || (url = strstr(cLine, "mmsh://")) ) 
					if (url != NULL) 
						description = "stream";
						addUrl2Playlist(url, name, description.c_str());
	return false;