SDOXMLString SDOXMLString::operator+(const SDOXMLString& str) const { xmlChar* newString = xmlStrncatNew(xmlForm, str.xmlForm, xmlStrlen(str.xmlForm)); SDOXMLString retString(newString); if (newString) xmlFree(newString); return retString; }
void CategoryXmlHandler::characters(void* user_data, const xmlChar* ch, int len) { Stub_Categories* stub = static_cast<Stub_Categories*>(user_data); string value = (const char *)(xmlStrncatNew(BAD_CAST "", xmlStrsub(ch, 0, len), len)); Category* category = stub->GetCategory(); if (stub->GetCurrent() == "name") { category->SetName(category->GetName() + value); } else if (stub->GetCurrent() == "weight") { category->SetWeight(atof(value.c_str())); } else if (stub->GetCurrent() == "sample") { category->AddSample(value); } }
static void _start_element_handler(void *user, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **attributes) { XML_Parser parser = (XML_Parser) user; xmlChar *qualified_name = NULL; if (parser->h_start_element == NULL) { if (parser->h_default) { int attno = 0; qualified_name = xmlStrncatNew((xmlChar *)"<", name, xmlStrlen(name)); if (attributes) { while (attributes[attno] != NULL) { int att_len; char *att_string, *att_name, *att_value; att_name = (char *)attributes[attno++]; att_value = (char *)attributes[attno++]; att_len = spprintf(&att_string, 0, " %s=\"%s\"", att_name, att_value); qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)att_string, att_len); efree(att_string); } } qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)">", 1); parser->h_default(parser->user, (const XML_Char *) qualified_name, xmlStrlen(qualified_name)); xmlFree(qualified_name); } return; } qualified_name = xmlStrdup(name); parser->h_start_element(parser->user, (const XML_Char *) qualified_name, (const XML_Char **) attributes); xmlFree(qualified_name); }
static void _start_element_handler_ns(void *user, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *URI, int nb_namespaces, const xmlChar ** namespaces, int nb_attributes, int nb_defaulted, const xmlChar ** attributes) { XML_Parser parser = (XML_Parser) user; xmlChar *qualified_name = NULL; xmlChar **attrs = NULL; int i; int z = 0; int y = 0; if (nb_namespaces > 0 && parser->h_start_ns != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < nb_namespaces; i += 1) { parser->h_start_ns(parser->user, (const XML_Char *) namespaces[y], (const XML_Char *) namespaces[y+1]); y += 2; } y = 0; } if (parser->h_start_element == NULL) { if (parser->h_default) { if (prefix) { qualified_name = xmlStrncatNew((xmlChar *)"<", prefix, xmlStrlen(prefix)); qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)":", 1); qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, name, xmlStrlen(name)); } else { qualified_name = xmlStrncatNew((xmlChar *)"<", name, xmlStrlen(name)); } if (namespaces) { int i, j; for (i = 0,j = 0;j < nb_namespaces;j++) { int ns_len; char *ns_string, *ns_prefix, *ns_url; ns_prefix = (char *) namespaces[i++]; ns_url = (char *) namespaces[i++]; if (ns_prefix) { ns_len = spprintf(&ns_string, 0, " xmlns:%s=\"%s\"", ns_prefix, ns_url); } else { ns_len = spprintf(&ns_string, 0, " xmlns=\"%s\"", ns_url); } qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)ns_string, ns_len); efree(ns_string); } } if (attributes) { for (i = 0; i < nb_attributes; i += 1) { int att_len; char *att_string, *att_name, *att_value, *att_prefix, *att_valueend; att_name = (char *) attributes[y++]; att_prefix = (char *)attributes[y++]; y++; att_value = (char *)attributes[y++]; att_valueend = (char *)attributes[y++]; if (att_prefix) { att_len = spprintf(&att_string, 0, " %s:%s=\"", att_prefix, att_name); } else { att_len = spprintf(&att_string, 0, " %s=\"", att_name); } qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)att_string, att_len); qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)att_value, att_valueend - att_value); qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)"\"", 1); efree(att_string); } } qualified_name = xmlStrncat(qualified_name, (xmlChar *)">", 1); parser->h_default(parser->user, (const XML_Char *) qualified_name, xmlStrlen(qualified_name)); xmlFree(qualified_name); } return; } _qualify_namespace(parser, name, URI, &qualified_name); if (attributes != NULL) { xmlChar *qualified_name_attr = NULL; attrs = safe_emalloc((nb_attributes * 2) + 1, sizeof(int *), 0); for (i = 0; i < nb_attributes; i += 1) { if (attributes[y+1] != NULL) { _qualify_namespace(parser, attributes[y] , attributes[y + 2], &qualified_name_attr); } else { qualified_name_attr = xmlStrdup(attributes[y]); } attrs[z] = qualified_name_attr; attrs[z + 1] = xmlStrndup(attributes[y + 3] , (int) (attributes[y + 4] - attributes[y + 3])); z += 2; y += 5; } attrs[z] = NULL; } parser->h_start_element(parser->user, (const XML_Char *) qualified_name, (const XML_Char **) attrs); if (attrs) { for (i = 0; i < z; i++) { xmlFree(attrs[i]); } efree(attrs); } xmlFree(qualified_name); }
static void fill_strings(void) { int i, j, k; /* * That's a bit nasty but the output is fine and it doesn't take hours * there is a small but sufficient number of duplicates, and we have * ":xxx" and full QNames in the last NB_STRINGS_NS values */ for (i = 0; seeds1[i] != NULL; i++) { strings1[i] = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *) seeds1[i]); if (strings1[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings1\n"); exit(1); } } for (j = 0, k = 0;i < NB_STRINGS_MAX - NB_STRINGS_NS;i++,j++) { strings1[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings1[j], strings1[k], -1); if (strings1[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings1\n"); exit(1); } if (j >= 50) { j = 0; k++; } } for (j = 0; (j < 50) && (i < NB_STRINGS_MAX); i++, j+=2) { strings1[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings1[j], (const xmlChar *) ":", -1); if (strings1[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings1\n"); exit(1); } } for (j = NB_STRINGS_MAX - NB_STRINGS_NS, k = 0; i < NB_STRINGS_MAX;i++,j++) { strings1[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings1[j], strings1[k], -1); if (strings1[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings1\n"); exit(1); } k += 3; if (k >= 50) k = 0; } /* * Now do the same with the second pool of strings */ for (i = 0; seeds2[i] != NULL; i++) { strings2[i] = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *) seeds2[i]); if (strings2[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings2\n"); exit(1); } } for (j = 0, k = 0;i < NB_STRINGS_MAX - NB_STRINGS_NS;i++,j++) { strings2[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings2[j], strings2[k], -1); if (strings2[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings2\n"); exit(1); } if (j >= 50) { j = 0; k++; } } for (j = 0; (j < 50) && (i < NB_STRINGS_MAX); i++, j+=2) { strings2[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings2[j], (const xmlChar *) ":", -1); if (strings2[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings2\n"); exit(1); } } for (j = NB_STRINGS_MAX - NB_STRINGS_NS, k = 0; i < NB_STRINGS_MAX;i++,j++) { strings2[i] = xmlStrncatNew(strings2[j], strings2[k], -1); if (strings2[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while generating strings2\n"); exit(1); } k += 3; if (k >= 50) k = 0; } }