Example #1
struct flipctx *
ctx_init(xmlNodePtr node)
	struct flipctx *ctx;
	char *cont;

	ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx));
	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
	for (node = node->xml_children; node; node = node->next)
		if (xml_isnode(node, "horiz"))
			cont = xml_getcontent(node);
			if (cont
				&& (!strcmp(cont, "yes")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "on")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "1")))
			ctx->h = 1;
		else if (xml_isnode(node, "vert"))
			cont = xml_getcontent(node);
			if (cont
				&& (!strcmp(cont, "yes")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "on")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "1")))
			ctx->v = 1;
	return ctx;
Example #2
filter(struct image *img, xmlNodePtr node)
	struct image work;
	unsigned int x, y, vy;
	unsigned char *r, *w;
	int h, v;
	char *cont;
	h = v = 0;
	for (node = node->xml_children; node; node = node->next)
		if (xml_isnode(node, "horiz"))
			cont = xml_getcontent(node);
			if (cont
				&& (!strcmp(cont, "yes")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "on")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "1")))
			h = 1;
		else if (xml_isnode(node, "vert"))
			cont = xml_getcontent(node);
			if (cont
				&& (!strcmp(cont, "yes")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "on")
					|| !strcmp(cont, "1")))
			v = 1;
	if (!h && !v)
		return 0;
	image_dup(&work, img);

	/* 3x3
	 * 0/00 RGBRGBRGB
	 * 1/09 RGBRGBRGB
	 * 2/18 RGBRGBRGB */
	r = img->buf;
	for (y = 0; y < img->y; y++)
		if (v)
			vy = img->y - y - 1;
			vy = y;
		if (h)
			w = work.buf + (vy + 1) * work.x * 3 - 3;
			w = work.buf + vy * work.x * 3;
		for (x = 0; x < img->x; x++)
			w[0] = *r++;
			w[1] = *r++;
			w[2] = *r++;
			if (h)
				w -= 3;
				w += 3;
	image_move(img, &work);
	return 0;
Example #3
fw_load_conf(struct fw_ctx *fctx, xmlNodePtr node)
	int mult, val;
	char *s;
	if (!node)
		return -1;
	memset(fctx, 0, sizeof(*fctx));
	fctx->chmod = -1;
	for (node = node->xml_children; node; node = node->next)
		if (xml_isnode(node, "path"))
			fctx->path = xml_getcontent(node);
		else if (xml_isnode(node, "cmd"))
			fctx->cmd = xml_getcontent(node);
		else if (xml_isnode(node, "interval"))
			mult = 1;
			s = xml_attrval(node, "unit");
			if (!s)
				s = xml_attrval(node, "units");
			if (s)
				if (!strcmp(s, "sec") || !strcmp(s, "secs") || !strcmp(s, "seconds"))
				else if (!strcmp(s, "min") || !strcmp(s, "mins") || !strcmp(s, "minutes"))
					mult = 60;
				else if (!strcmp(s, "hour") || !strcmp(s, "hours"))
					mult = 3600;
				else if (!strcmp(s, "day") || !strcmp(s, "days"))
					mult = 86400;
					log_log(MODNAME, "Invalid \"unit\" attribute value \"%s\"\n", s);
					return -1;
			val = xml_atoi(node, 0);
			if (val == 0)
				log_log(MODNAME, "Invalid interval (%s) specified\n", xml_getcontent(node));
				return -1;
			fctx->interval = val * mult;
		else if (xml_isnode(node, "chmod") || xml_isnode(node, "mode"))
			fctx->chmod = xml_atoi(node, fctx->chmod);
	if (!fctx->path || fctx->interval == 0)
		log_log(MODNAME, "Either path or interval not specified\n");
		return -1;
	fctx->path = config_homedir(fctx->path);
	fctx->cmd = config_homedir(fctx->cmd);
	return 0;
Example #4
camdev_open(struct camdev *camdev, xmlNodePtr node)
	struct camdev newcamdev;
	int ret;
	struct video_window vidwin;
	char *path;
	int x, y, fps;
	int channel;
	struct video_channel vidchan;
	path = "/dev/video0";
	x = y = fps = 0;
	channel = -1;
	if (node)
		for (node = node->xml_children; node; node = node->next)
			if (xml_isnode(node, "path"))
				path = xml_getcontent_def(node, path);
			else if (xml_isnode(node, "width"))
				x = camdev_size_def(node);
			else if (xml_isnode(node, "height"))
				y = camdev_size_def(node);
			else if (xml_isnode(node, "fps"))
				fps = xml_atoi(node, 0);
			else if (xml_isnode(node, "channel"))
				channel = xml_atoi(node, -1);
	newcamdev.fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
	if (newcamdev.fd < 0)
		printf("Unable to open %s (%s)\n", path, strerror(errno));
		return -1;
	ret = ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCGCAP, &newcamdev.vidcap);
	if (ret != 0)
		printf("ioctl \"get video cap\" failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return -1;
	if (!(newcamdev.vidcap.type & VID_TYPE_CAPTURE))
		printf("Video device doesn't support grabbing to memory\n");
		goto closenerr;
	if (channel >= 0)
		memset(&vidchan, 0, sizeof(vidchan));
		vidchan.channel = channel;
		ret = ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCSCHAN, &vidchan);
		if (ret)
			printf("ioctl \"set input channel\" failed, continuing anyway: %s\n", strerror(errno));
	memset(&vidwin, 0, sizeof(vidwin));
	x = camdev_size_set(x, newcamdev.vidcap.minwidth, newcamdev.vidcap.maxwidth, "width");
	y = camdev_size_set(y, newcamdev.vidcap.minheight, newcamdev.vidcap.maxheight, "height");
	if (x <= 0 || y <= 0)
		goto closenerr;
	vidwin.width = x;
	vidwin.height = y;
	vidwin.flags |= (fps & 0x3f) << 16;
	ret = ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &vidwin);
	if (ret != 0)
		printf("ioctl \"set grab window\" failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		printf("Check your <camdev> config section for width/height and fps settings\n");
		goto closenerr;
	ret = ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &vidwin);
	if (ret != 0)
		printf("ioctl \"get grab window\" failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		goto closenerr;
	ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &vidwin);
	newcamdev.x = vidwin.width;
	newcamdev.y = vidwin.height;
	ret = ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &newcamdev.vidpic);
	if (ret != 0)
		printf("ioctl \"get pict props\" failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		goto closenerr;
	for (newcamdev.pal = palettes; newcamdev.pal->val >= 0; newcamdev.pal++)
		newcamdev.vidpic.palette = newcamdev.pal->val;
		newcamdev.vidpic.depth = newcamdev.pal->depth;
		ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCSPICT, &newcamdev.vidpic);
		ioctl(newcamdev.fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &newcamdev.vidpic);
		if (newcamdev.vidpic.palette == newcamdev.pal->val)
			goto palfound;	/* break */
	printf("No common supported palette found\n");
	goto closenerr;
	memcpy(camdev, &newcamdev, sizeof(*camdev));
	return 0;