Example #1
void con_room_sendwalk(gpointer key, gpointer data, gpointer arg)
  xmlnode x = (xmlnode)arg;
  cnu to = (cnu)data;
  cnu from;
  xmlnode output;

  if(x == NULL || to == NULL) 
    log_warn(NAME, "[%s] Aborting - NULL attribute found", FZONE);
  if (to->remote == 1)

  from = (cnu)xmlnode_get_vattrib(x,"cnu");

  if(j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_name(x),"presence") == 0)
    output = add_extended_presence(from, to, x, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if(jid_cmp(to->realid,from->realid)==0) //own presence
      add_status_code(output, STATUS_MUC_OWN_PRESENCE);
    con_user_send(to, from, output); 
    con_user_send(to, from, xmlnode_dup(x)); /* Need to send duplicate */
Example #2
result dnsrv_deliver(instance i, dpacket p, void* args)
     dns_io di = (dns_io)args;
     xmlnode c;
     int timeout = di->cache_timeout;
     char *ip;
     jid to;

     /* if we get a route packet, it has to be to *us* and have the child as the real packet */
     if(p->type == p_ROUTE)
        if(j_strcmp(p->host,i->id) != 0 || (to = jid_new(p->p,xmlnode_get_attrib(xmlnode_get_firstchild(p->x),"to"))) == NULL)
            return r_ERR;
        p->id = to;
        p->host = to->server;

     /* Ensure this packet doesn't already have an IP */
     if(xmlnode_get_attrib(p->x, "ip") || xmlnode_get_attrib(p->x, "iperror"))
        log_notice(p->host, "dropping looping dns lookup request: %s", xmlnode2str(p->x));
        return r_DONE;

     /* try the cache first */
     if((c = xhash_get(di->cache_table, p->host)) != NULL)
         /* if there's no IP, cached failed lookup, time those out 10 times faster! (weird, I know, *shrug*) */
         if((ip = xmlnode_get_attrib(c,"ip")) == NULL)
            timeout = timeout / 10;
         if((time(NULL) - (int)xmlnode_get_vattrib(c,"t")) > timeout)
         { /* timed out of the cache, lookup again */
             /* yay, send back right from the cache */
             dnsrv_resend(p->x, ip, xmlnode_get_attrib(c,"to"));
             return r_DONE;

    dnsrv_lookup(di, p);
    return r_DONE;
Example #3
File: admin.c Project: bcy/muc
void con_get_affiliate_list(gpointer key, gpointer data, gpointer arg)
  xmlnode node;
  cnr room;
  taffil affiliation;
  jid userid;
  char *actor;
  char *reason;

  xmlnode result = (xmlnode)arg;
  xmlnode item = (xmlnode)data; 

  if(result == NULL || item == NULL)
    log_warn(NAME, "[%s] Aborting: NULL attribute(s) - <%s>", FZONE, (char *) key);

  actor = xmlnode_get_attrib(item, "actor");
  reason = xmlnode_get_data(item);
  room = (cnr)xmlnode_get_vattrib(result ,"cnr");

  node = xmlnode_insert_tag(result, "item");

  userid = jid_new(xmlnode_pool(node), key);

  xmlnode_put_attrib(node, "jid", key);

  affiliation = affiliation_level(room, userid);

  xmlnode_put_attrib(node, "affiliation", affiliation.msg);

  if(reason != NULL)
    xmlnode_insert_cdata(xmlnode_insert_tag(node, "reason"), reason, -1);

  if(actor != NULL)
    xmlnode_insert_cdata(xmlnode_insert_tag(node, "actor"), actor, -1);
Example #4
File: admin.c Project: bcy/muc
void con_get_role_list(gpointer key, gpointer data, gpointer arg)
  xmlnode node;
  xmlnode result;
  taffil affiliation;
  trole role;
  jid userid;
  cnr room;

  result = (xmlnode)arg;

  if(result == NULL)
    log_warn(NAME, "[%s] Aborting: NULL result - <%s>", FZONE, (char*) key);

  room = (cnr)xmlnode_get_vattrib(result ,"cnr");

  if(room == NULL)
    log_warn(NAME, "[%s] Aborting: NULL room - <%s>", FZONE, (char*) key);

  node = xmlnode_insert_tag(result, "item");
  userid = jid_new(xmlnode_pool(node), key);

  xmlnode_put_attrib(node, "jid", key);

  affiliation = affiliation_level(room, userid);
  role = role_level(room, userid);

  xmlnode_put_attrib(node, "role", role.msg);
  xmlnode_put_attrib(node, "affiliation", affiliation.msg);