static bool Configure(SoundTemplate &self, const tinyxml2::XMLElement *element, unsigned int id)
	// get sound length
	float length;
	element->QueryFloatAttribute("length", &length);
	size_t count = xs_CeilToInt(length * AUDIO_FREQUENCY);

	// reserve space

	// get expression
	std::vector<unsigned int> buffer;
	Expression::Loader<float>::ConfigureRoot(element, buffer, sScalarNames, sScalarDefault);

	// set up a context
	EntityContext context(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), 0, id);

	// for each sample...
	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i, context.Restart())
		// evaluate the expression
		context.mParam = float(i) / AUDIO_FREQUENCY;
		float value = Expression::Evaluate<float>(context);

		// add a sample
		self.Append(short(Clamp(xs_RoundToInt(value * SHRT_MAX), SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX)));

	return true;
Example #2
void FMaterial::GetTexCoordInfo(FTexCoordInfo *tci, float x, float y) const
	if (x == 1.f)
		tci->mRenderWidth = mRenderWidth;
		tci->mScale.X = tex->Scale.X;
		tci->mTempScale.X = 1.f;
		float scale_x = x * tex->Scale.X;
		tci->mRenderWidth = xs_CeilToInt(mWidth / scale_x);
		tci->mScale.X = scale_x;
		tci->mTempScale.X = x;

	if (y == 1.f)
		tci->mRenderHeight = mRenderHeight;
		tci->mScale.Y = tex->Scale.Y;
		tci->mTempScale.Y = 1.f;
		float scale_y = y * tex->Scale.Y;
		tci->mRenderHeight = xs_CeilToInt(mHeight / scale_y);
		tci->mScale.Y = scale_y;
		tci->mTempScale.Y = y;
	if (tex->bHasCanvas) 
		tci->mScale.Y = -tci->mScale.Y;
		tci->mRenderHeight = -tci->mRenderHeight;
	tci->mWorldPanning = tex->bWorldPanning;
	tci->mWidth = mWidth;
Example #3
// Gunner Constructor
Gunner::Gunner(const GunnerTemplate &aTemplate, unsigned int aId)
: Updatable(aId)
	SetAction(Action(this, &Gunner::Update));

	Entity *entity = Database::entity.Get(mId);
	mTrackCount = xs_CeilToInt(aTemplate.mFollowLength/GUNNER_TRACK_GRANULARITY) + 1;
	mTrackPos = new Vector2[mTrackCount];
	mTrackFirst = mTrackLast = 0;
	mTrackPos[0] = entity->GetPosition();
	mTrackLength = 0.0f;
Example #4
void BuildPathingGrid(const int aZoneSize, const int aCellSize)
	if (grid_handle)

	// create a new grid handle
	grid_handle = glGenLists(1);

	// create a new list
	glNewList(grid_handle, GL_COMPILE);

	// get world boundary
	const b2AABB &boundary = Collidable::GetBoundary();

	// get zone extents
	int zx0 = xs_FloorToInt(boundary.lowerBound.x / aZoneSize);
	int zx1 = xs_CeilToInt(boundary.upperBound.x / aZoneSize);
	int zy0 = xs_FloorToInt(boundary.lowerBound.y / aZoneSize);
	int zy1 = xs_CeilToInt(boundary.upperBound.y / aZoneSize);

	// cells per zone
	int cell_side = aZoneSize / aCellSize;
	int cell_count = cell_side * cell_side;

	// get the collision world
	b2World *world = Collidable::GetWorld();

	// create a probe fixture
	b2PolygonShape probeshape;
	probeshape.SetAsBox(aCellSize * 0.5f, aCellSize * 0.5f, b2Vec2(aCellSize * 0.5f, aCellSize * 0.5f), 0.0f);
	b2BodyDef probebodydef;
	b2Body *probebody = world->CreateBody(&probebodydef);
	b2FixtureDef probefixturedef;
	probefixturedef.shape = &probeshape;
	probefixturedef.isSensor = true;

	// for each zone row...
	for (int zy = zy0; zy < zy1; ++zy)
		// for each zone column...
		for (int zx = zx0; zx < zx1; ++zx)
			// get zone boundary
			b2AABB zone_aabb;
			zone_aabb.lowerBound.x = float((zx) * aZoneSize);
			zone_aabb.lowerBound.y = float((zy) * aZoneSize);
			zone_aabb.upperBound.x = float((zx + 1) * aZoneSize);
			zone_aabb.upperBound.y = float((zy + 1) * aZoneSize);

			// draw zone boundary
			glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
			glVertex2f(zone_aabb.lowerBound.x, zone_aabb.lowerBound.y);
			glVertex2f(zone_aabb.upperBound.x, zone_aabb.lowerBound.y);
			glVertex2f(zone_aabb.upperBound.x, zone_aabb.upperBound.y);
			glVertex2f(zone_aabb.lowerBound.x, zone_aabb.upperBound.y);

			// initialize cell map
			unsigned char *cell_map = static_cast<unsigned char *>(_alloca(cell_count));
			memset(cell_map, 0xFF, cell_count);

			// for each cell row
			for (int row = 0; row < cell_side; ++row)
				// for each cell column...
				for (int col = 0; col < cell_side; ++col)
					// probe filter
					static const b2Filter aFilter;

					// get fixtures intersecting the cell
					b2AABB cell_aabb;
					cell_aabb.lowerBound.x = zone_aabb.lowerBound.x + (col) * aCellSize;
					cell_aabb.lowerBound.y = zone_aabb.lowerBound.y + (row) * aCellSize;
					cell_aabb.upperBound.x = zone_aabb.lowerBound.x + (col + 1) * aCellSize;
					cell_aabb.upperBound.y = zone_aabb.lowerBound.y + (row + 1) * aCellSize;
					GridQueryCallback callback(aFilter);
					world->QueryAABB(&callback, cell_aabb);

					// cell type (0=empty, 1=blocked)
					cell_map[row * cell_side + col] = callback.mBlocker != NULL;

			// initialize slab map
			unsigned char *slab_map = static_cast<unsigned char *>(_alloca(cell_count));
			memset(slab_map, 0xFF, cell_count);
			int slab_count = 0;

			// for each cell row
			for (int row = 0; row < cell_side; ++row)
				// for each cell column...
				for (int col = 0; col < cell_side; ++col)
					// skip assigned spaces
					if (slab_map[row * cell_side + col] != 0xFF)

					// cell type
					unsigned char cell = cell_map[row * cell_side + col];

					// allocate a new index
					unsigned char index = unsigned char(slab_count++);
					assert(index < 0xFF);

					// find horizontal extent
					int c0 = col;
					int c1 = cell_side;
					for (int c = c0; c < c1; ++c)
						if ((cell_map[row * cell_side + c] != cell) || ((slab_map[row * cell_side + c] != 0xFF) && (slab_map[row * cell_side + c] != index)))
							c1 = c;

					// find vertical extent
					int r0 = row;
					int r1 = cell_side;
					for (int r = r0; r < r1; ++r)
						for (int c = c0; c < c1; ++c)
							if ((cell_map[r * cell_side + c] != cell) || ((slab_map[r * cell_side + c] != 0xFF) && (slab_map[r * cell_side + c] != index)))
								r1 = r;
					// fill slab
					for (int r = r0; r < r1; ++r)
						for (int c = c0; c < c1; ++c)
							slab_map[r * cell_side + c] = index;

					assert(c0 < c1 && r0 < r1);

					// set slab extents
					//titleslab[index][0] = c0;
					//titleslab[index][1] = c1;
					//titleslab[index][2] = r0;
					//titleslab[index][3] = r1;
					b2AABB slab_aabb;
					slab_aabb.lowerBound.x = zone_aabb.lowerBound.x + c0 * aCellSize;
					slab_aabb.lowerBound.y = zone_aabb.lowerBound.y + r0 * aCellSize;
					slab_aabb.upperBound.x = zone_aabb.lowerBound.x + c1 * aCellSize;
					slab_aabb.upperBound.y = zone_aabb.lowerBound.y + r1 * aCellSize;
					AddGridSlab(slab_aabb, cell_color[cell]);

					// skip visited columns
					col = c1 - 1;

			DebugPrint("zone %d %d slabs %d\n", zx, zy, slab_count);

	// destroy the probe fixture
