Example #1
* Function:     xsvfShift
* Description:  Goes to the given starting TAP state.
*               Calls xsvfShiftOnly to shift in the given TDI data and
*               optionally capture the TDO data.
*               Compares the TDO captured data against the TDO expected
*               data.
*               If a data mismatch occurs, then executes the exception
*               handling loop upto ucMaxRepeat times.
* Parameters:   pucTapState     - Ptr to current TAP state.
*               ucStartState    - Starting shift state: Shift-DR or Shift-IR.
*               lNumBits        - number of bits to shift.
*               plvTdi          - ptr to lenval for TDI data.
*               plvTdoCaptured  - ptr to lenval for storing TDO data.
*               plvTdoExpected  - ptr to expected TDO data.
*               plvTdoMask      - ptr to TDO mask.
*               ucEndState      - state in which to end the shift.
*               lRunTestTime    - amount of time to wait after the shift.
*               ucMaxRepeat     - Maximum number of retries on TDO mismatch.
* Returns:      int             - 0 = success; otherwise TDO mismatch.
* Notes:        XC9500XL-only Optimization:
*               Skip the EEWaitTime() if plvTdoMask->val[0:plvTdoMask->len-1]
*               is NOT all zeros and sMatch==1.
int xsvfShift( PBYTE pucTapState, BYTE ucStartState, LONG lNumBits, 
	PLENVALUE plvTdi, PLENVALUE plvTdoCaptured, PLENVALUE plvTdoExpected, PLENVALUE plvTdoMask, 
	BYTE ucEndState, LONG lRunTestTime, BYTE ucMaxRepeat )
    int             iErrorCode;
    int             iMismatch;
    BYTE   ucRepeat;

    iErrorCode  = XSVF_ERROR_NONE;
    iMismatch   = 0;
    ucRepeat    = 0;

    if ( !lNumBits )
        // Compatibility with XSVF2.00:  XSDR 0 = no shift, but wait in RTI 
        if ( lRunTestTime )
            // Wait for prespecified XRUNTEST time 
            xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_RUNTEST );
            EEWaitTime( lRunTestTime );
            // Goto Shift-DR or Shift-IR 
            xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, ucStartState );

            // Shift TDI and capture TDO 
            xsvfShiftOnly( lNumBits, plvTdi, plvTdoCaptured );

            if ( plvTdoExpected )
                // Compare TDO data to expected TDO data 
                iMismatch   = !LVEqual( plvTdoExpected, plvTdoCaptured, plvTdoMask );

            if ( ucStartState == ucEndState )
                // Staying/continuing in shift state;  clock in last TDI bit 
            else    // Exit shift 
                if ( iMismatch && lRunTestTime && ( ucRepeat < ucMaxRepeat ) )
                    // Do exception handling retry - ShiftDR only 
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_PAUSEDR );
                    // Shift 1 extra bit 
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_SHIFTDR );
                    // Increment RUNTEST time by an additional 25% 
                    lRunTestTime    += ( lRunTestTime >> 2 );
                    // Do normal exit from Shift-XR 
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, ucEndState );

                if ( lRunTestTime )
                    // Wait for prespecified XRUNTEST time 
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_RUNTEST );
                    EEWaitTime( lRunTestTime );
        } while ( iMismatch && ( ucRepeat++ < ucMaxRepeat ) );
Example #2
* Function:     xsvfShift
* Description:  Goes to the given starting TAP state.
*               Calls xsvfShiftOnly to shift in the given TDI data and
*               optionally capture the TDO data.
*               Compares the TDO captured data against the TDO expected
*               data.
*               If a data mismatch occurs, then executes the exception
*               handling loop upto ucMaxRepeat times.
* Parameters:   pucTapState     - Ptr to current TAP state.
*               ucStartState    - Starting shift state: Shift-DR or Shift-IR.
*               lNumBits        - number of bits to shift.
*               plvTdi          - ptr to lenval for TDI data.
*               plvTdoCaptured  - ptr to lenval for storing TDO data.
*               plvTdoExpected  - ptr to expected TDO data.
*               plvTdoMask      - ptr to TDO mask.
*               ucEndState      - state in which to end the shift.
*               lRunTestTime    - amount of time to wait after the shift.
*               ucMaxRepeat     - Maximum number of retries on TDO mismatch.
* Returns:      int             - 0 = success; otherwise TDO mismatch.
* Notes:        XC9500XL-only Optimization:
*               Skip the waitTime() if plvTdoMask->val[0:plvTdoMask->len-1]
*               is NOT all zeros and sMatch==1.
int xsvfShift( unsigned char*   pucTapState,
               unsigned char    ucStartState,
               long             lNumBits,
               lenVal*          plvTdi,
               lenVal*          plvTdoCaptured,
               lenVal*          plvTdoExpected,
               lenVal*          plvTdoMask,
               unsigned char    ucEndState,
               long             lRunTestTime,
               unsigned char    ucMaxRepeat )
    int   xdata          iErrorCode;
    int   xdata          iMismatch;
    unsigned char  xdata ucRepeat;
    int   xdata          iExitShift;

    iErrorCode  = XSVF_ERROR_NONE;
    iMismatch   = 0;
    ucRepeat    = 0;
    iExitShift  = ( ucStartState != ucEndState );

    if ( !lNumBits )
        /* Compatibility with XSVF2.00:  XSDR 0 = no shift, but wait in RTI */
        if ( lRunTestTime )
            /* Wait for prespecified XRUNTEST time */
            xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_RUNTEST );
            XSVFDBG_PRINTF1( 3, "   Wait = %ld usec\n", lRunTestTime );
            waitTime( lRunTestTime );
            /* Goto Shift-DR or Shift-IR */
            xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, ucStartState );

            /* Shift TDI and capture TDO */
            xsvfShiftOnly( lNumBits, plvTdi, plvTdoCaptured, iExitShift );

            if ( plvTdoExpected )
                /* Compare TDO data to expected TDO data */
                iMismatch   = !EqualLenVal( plvTdoExpected,
                                            plvTdoMask );

            if ( iExitShift )
                /* Update TAP state:  Shift->Exit */
                XSVFDBG_PRINTF1( 3, "   TAP State = %s\n",
                                 xsvf_pzTapState[ *pucTapState ] );

                if ( iMismatch && lRunTestTime && ( ucRepeat < ucMaxRepeat ) )
                    /* Do exception handling retry - ShiftDR only */
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_PAUSEDR );
                    /* Shift 1 extra bit */
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_SHIFTDR );
                    /* Increment RUNTEST time by an additional 25% */
                    lRunTestTime    += ( lRunTestTime >> 2 );
                    /* Do normal exit from Shift-XR */
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, ucEndState );

                if ( lRunTestTime )
                    /* Wait for prespecified XRUNTEST time */
                    xsvfGotoTapState( pucTapState, XTAPSTATE_RUNTEST );
                    XSVFDBG_PRINTF1( 3, "   Wait = %ld usec\n", lRunTestTime );
                    waitTime( lRunTestTime );
        } while ( iMismatch && ( ucRepeat++ < ucMaxRepeat ) );