Example #1
// this is used for the cylindrical shaft of Cyl, Ball, Bull, Cone
bool MillingCutter::shaftEdgePush(const Fiber& f, Interval& i,  const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const {
    // push cutter along Fiber f in contact with edge p1-p2
    // contact with cylindrical cutter shaft
    double u,v;
    bool result = false;
    if ( xy_line_line_intersection(p1, p2, u, f.p1, f.p2, v ) ) { // find XY-intersection btw fiber and edge
        Point q = p1 + u*(p2-p1); // edge/fiber intersection point, on edge
        // Point q = f.p1 + v*(f.p2-f.p1); // q on fiber
        // from q, go v_cc*xy_tangent, then r*xy_normal, and end up on fiber:
        // q + v_cc*tangent + r*xy_normal = p1 + t_cl*(p2-p1)
        Point xy_tang=p2-p1;
        Point xy_normal = xy_tang.xyPerp();
        Point q1 = q  + radius*xy_normal;
        Point q2 = q1 + (p2-p1);
        double u_cc, t_cl;
        if ( xy_line_line_intersection( q1 , q2, u_cc, f.p1, f.p2, t_cl ) ) {
            double t_cl1 = t_cl;            // cc_tmp1 = q +/- u_cc*(p2-p1);
            double t_cl2 = v + (v-t_cl);
            if ( calcCCandUpdateInterval(t_cl1, u_cc, q, p1, p2, f, i, f.p1.z+center_height, EDGE_SHAFT) )
                result = true;
            if ( calcCCandUpdateInterval(t_cl2, -u_cc, q, p1, p2, f, i, f.p1.z+center_height, EDGE_SHAFT) )
                result = true;
    //std::cout << " shaftEdgePush = " << result << "\n";
    return result;
// this is the horizontal edge case
bool MillingCutter::horizEdgePush(const Fiber& f, Interval& i,  const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const {
    bool result=false;
    double h = p1.z - f.p1.z; // height of edge above fiber
    if ( (h > 0.0) ) {
        if ( isZero_tol( p2.z-p1.z ) ) { // this is the horizontal-edge special case
            double eff_radius = this->width( h ); // the cutter acts as a cylinder with eff_radius 
            // contact this cylinder/circle against edge in xy-plane
            double qt;      // fiber is f.p1 + qt*(f.p2-f.p1)
            double qv;      // line  is p1 + qv*(p2-p1)
            if (xy_line_line_intersection( p1 , p2, qv, f.p1, f.p2, qt ) ) {
                Point q = p1 + qv*(p2-p1); // the intersection point
                // from q, go v-units along tangent, then eff_r*normal, and end up on fiber:
                // q + ccv*tangent + r*normal = p1 + clt*(p2-p1)
                double ccv, clt;
                Point xy_tang=p2-p1;
                Point xy_normal = xy_tang.xyPerp();
                Point q1 = q+eff_radius*xy_normal;
                Point q2 = q1+(p2-p1);
                if ( xy_line_line_intersection( q1 , q2, ccv, f.p1, f.p2, clt ) ) {
                    double t_cl1 = clt;
                    double t_cl2 = qt + (qt - clt );
                    if ( calcCCandUpdateInterval(t_cl1, ccv, q, p1, p2, f, i, f.p1.z, EDGE_HORIZ) )
                        result = true;
                    if ( calcCCandUpdateInterval(t_cl2, -ccv, q, p1, p2, f, i, f.p1.z, EDGE_HORIZ) )
                        result = true;
    //std::cout << " horizEdgePush = " << result << "\n";
    return result;