static int y4m_write_stream_header2(FILE *fd, y4m_stream_info_t *i) { char s[Y4M_LINE_MAX+1]; int n; int err; y4m_ratio_t tmpframerate = y4m_si_get_framerate(i); y4m_ratio_t tmpsamplerate = y4m_si_get_sampleaspect(i); y4m_ratio_reduce(&tmpframerate); y4m_ratio_reduce(&tmpsamplerate); n = tc_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s W%d H%d F%d:%d I%s A%d:%d", Y4M_MAGIC, y4m_si_get_width(i), y4m_si_get_height(i), y4m_si_get_framerate(i).n, y4m_si_get_framerate(i).d, (y4m_si_get_interlace(i) == Y4M_ILACE_NONE) ? "p" : (y4m_si_get_interlace(i) == Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST) ? "t" : (y4m_si_get_interlace(i) == Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST) ? "b" : "?", y4m_si_get_sampleaspect(i).n, y4m_si_get_sampleaspect(i).d); if (n < 0) return Y4M_ERR_HEADER; if ((err = y4m_snprint_xtags(s + n, sizeof(s) - n - 1, y4m_si_xtags(i))) != Y4M_OK) return err; /* zero on error */ return (fwrite(s, strlen(s), 1, fd) ? Y4M_OK : Y4M_ERR_SYSTEM); }
// this method isn't too effective int search_video_1 (int m, int s, int line, uint8_t *yuv_data[3],y4m_stream_info_t *sinfo) { int w,h; int x1,x2; int min,shift,tot; int linew, line1w; int ilace = y4m_si_get_interlace(sinfo); w = y4m_si_get_plane_width(sinfo,0); h = y4m_si_get_plane_height(sinfo,0); linew = line * w; if (ilace == Y4M_ILACE_NONE) line1w = (line+1) * w ; else line1w = (line+2) * w; line1w = (line+2) * w; mjpeg_debug("search_video %d",line); // 2 or 1 dependent on interlace or not. if (line+2 > h) { mjpeg_warn("line > height"); return 0; } shift = 0; for (x1=-m; x1<m; x1++) { tot = 0; for(x2=0; x2<s; x2++) { // don't know if I should apply a standard addition to pixels outside the box. if (x1+x2 >=0 && x1+x2 < w) tot += abs ( *(yuv_data[0]+x1+x2+linew) - *(yuv_data[0]+x2+line1w)); else tot += 128; } // ok it wasn't max afterall, it was min. if (x1==0) min = tot; if (tot < min) { min = tot; shift = x1; } } mjpeg_debug("exit search_video %d",line); return shift; }
static YfTaskCore_t * do_init(int argc, char **argv, const YfTaskCore_t *h0) { YfTask_t *h; int c; unsigned int flags = ALLMETHODS; int min = 4; int maxt = 255, maxb = 255, maxi = 255, maxc = 255; int errt = 32, errb = 32, erri = 16, errc = 12; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "tm:S:T:B:I:C:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 't': flags |= TESTNOISE; break; case 'm': flags &= ~ALLMETHODS; for (; *optarg; optarg++) switch (*optarg) { case 't': flags |= TRIFRAME; break; case 'b': flags |= BIFRAME; break; case 'i': flags |= INFIELD; break; case 'c': flags |= CHROMA; break; } break; case 'S': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &min); case 'T': switch (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &errt, &maxt)) { case 0: sscanf(optarg, ",%d", &maxt); break; } break; case 'B': switch (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &errb, &maxb)) { case 0: sscanf(optarg, ",%d", &maxb); break; } break; case 'I': switch (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &erri, &maxi)) { case 0: sscanf(optarg, ",%d", &maxi); break; } break; case 'C': switch (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &errc, &maxc)) { case 0: sscanf(optarg, ",%d", &maxc); break; } break; } } if (min < 1 || maxt < min || 255 < maxt || maxb < min || 255 < maxb || maxi < min || 255 < maxi || maxc < min || 255 < maxi) { WERROR("illeagal threshold"); return NULL; } if (errt < 1 || 255 < errt || errb < 1 || 255 < errb || erri < 1 || 255 < erri || errc < 1 || 255 < errc) { WERROR("illeagal error"); return NULL; } if (y4m_si_get_interlace(&h0->si) == Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST) { WERROR("unsupported field order"); return NULL; } if (h0->height != 480 || h0->fpscode != 4) WWARN("input doesn't seem NTSC full height / full motion video"); h = (YfTask_t *) YfAllocateTask(&yuvycsnoise, (sizeof *h + DATABYTES(y4m_si_get_chroma(&h0->si), h0->width, h0->height) + /* frame */ (DATABYTES(y4m_si_get_chroma(&h0->si), h0->width, h0->height) * 4) + /* frprv, frnow, dfprv, dfnow */ ((h0->width / CWDIV(y4m_si_get_chroma(&h0->si))) * (h0->height / CHDIV(y4m_si_get_chroma(&h0->si))) * 2) + /* dfpr2 */ (h0->width * h0->height * 2) + (h0->width * 2)), /* dlprv, dlnow */ h0); if (!h) return NULL; h->flags = flags; h->min = min; h->maxt = maxt; h->maxb = maxb; h->maxi = maxi; h->maxc = maxc; h->errt = errt; h->errb = errb; h->erri = erri; h->errc = errc; YfInitFrame(&h->frame, &h->_); return (YfTaskCore_t *)h; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fdin, fdout, err, c, i, verbose = 1; y4m_stream_info_t istream, ostream; y4m_frame_info_t iframe; fdin = fileno(stdin); fdout = fileno(stdout); y4m_accept_extensions(1); y4m_init_stream_info(&istream); y4m_init_frame_info(&iframe); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "L:C:hv:N")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'N': lowuv = lowy = 0; lowuv = highy = 255; break; case 'L': i = sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%d", &y_radius, &y_amount, &y_threshold); if (i != 3) { mjpeg_error("-L r,a,t"); usage(argv[0]); } break; case 'C': i = sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%d", &uv_radius, &uv_amount, &uv_threshold); if (i != 3) { mjpeg_error("-C r,a,t"); usage(argv[0]); } break; case 'v': verbose = atoi(optarg); if (verbose < 0 || verbose > 2) mjpeg_error_exit1("-v 0|1|2"); break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } if (isatty(fdout)) mjpeg_error_exit1("stdout must not be a terminal"); mjpeg_default_handler_verbosity(verbose); err = y4m_read_stream_header(fdin, &istream); if (err != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Couldn't read input stream header"); switch (y4m_si_get_interlace(&istream)) { case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: interlaced = 0; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: interlaced = 1; break; default: mjpeg_error_exit1("Unsupported/unknown interlacing"); } if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&istream) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("Only 3 plane formats supported"); yheight = y4m_si_get_plane_height(&istream, 0); uvheight = y4m_si_get_plane_height(&istream, 1); ywidth = y4m_si_get_plane_width(&istream, 0); uvwidth = y4m_si_get_plane_width(&istream, 1); ylen = y4m_si_get_plane_length(&istream, 0); uvlen = y4m_si_get_plane_length(&istream, 1); /* Input and output frame buffers */ i_yuv[0] = (u_char *)malloc(ylen); i_yuv[1] = (u_char *)malloc(uvlen); i_yuv[2] = (u_char *)malloc(uvlen); o_yuv[0] = (u_char *)malloc(ylen); o_yuv[1] = (u_char *)malloc(uvlen); o_yuv[2] = (u_char *)malloc(uvlen); /* * general purpose row/column scratch buffers. Slightly over allocated to * simplify life. */ cur_col = (u_char *)malloc(MAX(ywidth, yheight)); dest_col = (u_char *)malloc(MAX(ywidth, yheight)); cur_row = (u_char *)malloc(MAX(ywidth, yheight)); dest_row = (u_char *)malloc(MAX(ywidth, yheight)); /* * Generate the convolution matrices. The generation routine allocates the * memory and returns the length. */ cmatrix_y_len = gen_convolve_matrix(y_radius, &cmatrix_y); cmatrix_uv_len = gen_convolve_matrix(uv_radius, &cmatrix_uv); ctable_y = gen_lookup_table(cmatrix_y, cmatrix_y_len); ctable_uv = gen_lookup_table(cmatrix_uv, cmatrix_uv_len); y4m_init_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_copy_stream_info(&ostream, &istream); y4m_write_stream_header(fileno(stdout), &ostream); mjpeg_info("Luma radius: %f", y_radius); mjpeg_info("Luma amount: %f", y_amount); mjpeg_info("Luma threshold: %d", y_threshold); if (uv_radius != -1.0) { mjpeg_info("Chroma radius: %f", uv_radius); mjpeg_info("Chroma amount: %f", uv_amount); mjpeg_info("Chroma threshold: %d", uv_threshold); } for (frameno = 0; y4m_read_frame(fdin, &istream, &iframe, i_yuv) == Y4M_OK; frameno++) { y4munsharp(); err = y4m_write_frame(fdout, &ostream, &iframe, o_yuv); if (err != Y4M_OK) { mjpeg_error("y4m_write_frame err at frame %d", frameno); break; } } y4m_fini_frame_info(&iframe); y4m_fini_stream_info(&istream); y4m_fini_stream_info(&ostream); exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { extern char *optarg; int cpucap = cpu_accel (); char c; int fd_in = 0; int fd_out = 1; int errno = 0; int have_framerate = 0; int force_interlacing = 0; y4m_frame_info_t iframeinfo; y4m_stream_info_t istreaminfo; y4m_frame_info_t oframeinfo; y4m_stream_info_t ostreaminfo; int output_frame_number = 0; int input_frame_number = 0; y4m_ratio_t output_frame_rate, input_frame_rate, frame_rate_ratio; float ratio = 0; // input/output, output should be > input ) int scene_change; y4m_ratio_t ratio_percent_frame; float percent_threshold = 0.02; /* percent_threshold is there to avoid interpolating frames when the output frame * is very close to an input frame */ mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-------------------------------------------------"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " Motion-Compensating-Frame-Rate-Converter "); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-------------------------------------------------"); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hvb:p:r:t:s:f")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': { mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Usage "); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-------------------------"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " This program converts frame rates"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "with a smart algorithm that estimates the motion of the elements"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "to smooth the motion, rather than duplicating frames."); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " It's way smoother, but introduces a bit of blocking and/or"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " maybe blurryness when things move too fast."); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " "); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " -r Frame rate for the resulting stream (in X:Y fractional form)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " -b block size (default = 8, will be rounded to even number )"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " -p search path radius (default = 8, do not use high values ~ > 20)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-t frame approximation threshold (default=50, higher=better)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-s scene change threshold (default=8, 0=disable scene change detection)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "-r Frame rate for the resulting stream (in X:Y fractional form)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " -f force processing interlaced input (don't know what it does)"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, " -v verbose/debug"); exit (0); break; } case 'v': { verbose = 1; break; } case 'f': { force_interlacing = 1; break; } case 'b': { block_size = strtol (optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); /* we only want even block sizes */ if (block_size % 1 != 0) { block_size = block_size + 1; mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "Block size changed to %d", block_size); } else mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Block size: %d", block_size); break; } case 'p': { search_path_radius = strtol (optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); /* safer atoi */ mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Search radius %d", search_path_radius); break; } case 'r': { if (Y4M_OK != y4m_parse_ratio (&output_frame_rate, optarg)) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Syntax for frame rate should be Numerator:Denominator"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "New Frame rate %d:%d", output_frame_rate.n, output_frame_rate.d); have_framerate = 1; break; } case 't': { percent_threshold = strtol (optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if ((percent_threshold > 1) && (percent_threshold <= 1024)) percent_threshold = 1.0 / percent_threshold; else mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Threshold should be between 2 and 1024"); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Approximation threshold %d", (int) ((float) 1.0 / percent_threshold)); break; } case 's': { scene_change_threshold = strtol (optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (scene_change_threshold == 0) mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Scene change detection disabled"); else mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Scene change threshold: %d00 percent", scene_change_threshold); break; } } } if (!have_framerate) { mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Please specify a frame rate; yuvmotionfps -h for more info"); } /* initialize motion_library */ init_motion_search (); /* initialize MMX transforms (fixme) */ if ((cpucap & ACCEL_X86_MMXEXT) != 0 || (cpucap & ACCEL_X86_SSE) != 0) { #if 0 mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "FIXME: could use MMX/SSE Block/Frame-Copy/Blend if I had one ;-)"); #endif } /* initialize stream-information */ y4m_accept_extensions (1); y4m_init_stream_info (&istreaminfo); y4m_init_frame_info (&iframeinfo); y4m_init_stream_info (&ostreaminfo); y4m_init_frame_info (&oframeinfo); /* open input stream */ if ((errno = y4m_read_stream_header (fd_in, &istreaminfo)) != Y4M_OK) { mjpeg_log (LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't read YUV4MPEG header: %s!", y4m_strerr (errno)); exit (1); } /* get format information */ width = y4m_si_get_width (&istreaminfo); height = y4m_si_get_height (&istreaminfo); input_chroma_subsampling = y4m_si_get_chroma (&istreaminfo); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Y4M-Stream is %ix%i(%s)", width, height, input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG ? "4:2:0 MPEG1" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2 ? "4:2:0 MPEG2" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV ? "4:2:0 PAL-DV" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_444 ? "4:4:4" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_422 ? "4:2:2" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_411 ? "4:1:1 NTSC-DV" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_MONO ? "MONOCHROME" : input_chroma_subsampling == Y4M_CHROMA_444ALPHA ? "4:4:4:4 ALPHA" : "unknown"); /* if chroma-subsampling isn't supported bail out ... */ switch (input_chroma_subsampling) { case Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG: break; case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_411: mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "This chroma subsampling mode has not been thoroughly tested"); break; default: mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Y4M-Stream is not 4:2:0. Other chroma-modes currently not allowed. Sorry."); } /* the output is progressive 4:2:0 MPEG 1 */ y4m_si_set_interlace (&ostreaminfo, Y4M_ILACE_NONE); y4m_si_set_chroma (&ostreaminfo, Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG); y4m_si_set_width (&ostreaminfo, width); y4m_si_set_height (&ostreaminfo, height); y4m_si_set_sampleaspect (&ostreaminfo, y4m_si_get_sampleaspect (&istreaminfo)); input_frame_rate = y4m_si_get_framerate (&istreaminfo); y4m_si_set_framerate (&ostreaminfo, output_frame_rate); if (width % block_size != 0) { mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "Warning, stream width(%d) is not a multiple of block_size (%d)", width, block_size); mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "The right side of the image might not be what you want"); } if (height % block_size != 0) { mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "Warning, stream height(%d) is not a multiple of block_size (%d)", height, block_size); mjpeg_log (LOG_WARN, "The lower side of the image might not be what you want"); } /* Calculate the different ratios: * ratio is (input framerate / output framerate) * ratio_percent_frame is the fractional representation of percent frame */ frame_rate_ratio.n = input_frame_rate.n * output_frame_rate.d; frame_rate_ratio.d = input_frame_rate.d * output_frame_rate.n; y4m_ratio_reduce (&frame_rate_ratio); ratio = (float) frame_rate_ratio.n / frame_rate_ratio.d; ratio_percent_frame.d = 1; ratio_percent_frame.n = 0; if (ratio == 0) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Cannot have ratio =0 "); else if (ratio > 128) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Cannot have ratio >128 "); if ((y4m_si_get_interlace (&istreaminfo) != Y4M_ILACE_NONE) && (!force_interlacing)) { mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Sorry, can only convert progressive streams"); } /* write the outstream header */ y4m_write_stream_header (fd_out, &ostreaminfo); /* now allocate the needed buffers */ { /* calculate the memory offset needed to allow the processing * functions to overshot. The biggest overshot is needed for the * MC-functions, so we'll use 8*width... */ buff_offset = width * 8; buff_size = buff_offset * 2 + width * height; inframe[0] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); inframe[1] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); inframe[2] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); reconstructed[0] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); reconstructed[1] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); reconstructed[2] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); frame1[0] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); frame1[1] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); frame1[2] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) malloc (buff_size); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Buffers allocated."); } /* initialize motion-search-pattern */ init_search_pattern (); errno = y4m_read_frame (fd_in, &istreaminfo, &iframeinfo, frame1); if (errno != Y4M_OK) goto The_end; /* read every frame until the end of the input stream and process it */ while (Y4M_OK == (errno = y4m_read_frame (fd_in, &istreaminfo, &iframeinfo, inframe))) { /* frame1 contains the previous input frame * inframe contains the current input frame * reconstructed contains the current output frame * percent_frame is the amount of time after which the output frame is sent * in percent of the time between input frames * * Input: * frame1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inframe * Output: * . . . . . . . . . . .reconstructed. . . . . . . * |<- - percent_frame - - - ->| * |< - - - - - - - - - -100% - - - - - - - - - >| * * The variable ratio_percent_frame is the fractional representation of * percent_frame; it is there to avoid rounding errors */ input_frame_number++; if (verbose) { mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Input frame number %d", input_frame_number); } while (percent_frame < (1.0 - percent_threshold)) { output_frame_number++; if (verbose) { mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Output frame number %d", output_frame_number); } #define ABS(value) ((value)<0)?-(value):(value) if (ABS (percent_frame) <= percent_threshold) { /* I put a threshold here to avoid wasting time */ /* The output frame coincides with the input frame * so there is no need to do any processing * just copy the input frame as is */ y4m_write_frame (fd_out, &ostreaminfo, &oframeinfo, frame1); if (verbose) mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Percent %f rounded to next frame", percent_frame); } else { /* We have to interpolate the frame (between the current inframe * and the previous frame1 * if there is a scene change, motion_compensate_field will * return 1 and we use the previous frame */ if (verbose) mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Percent %f", percent_frame); scene_change = motion_compensate_field (); if (scene_change) { mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Scene change at frame %d", input_frame_number); y4m_write_frame (fd_out, &ostreaminfo, &oframeinfo, frame1); } else { y4m_write_frame (fd_out, &ostreaminfo, &oframeinfo, reconstructed); } } ratio_percent_frame = add_ratio (ratio_percent_frame, frame_rate_ratio); percent_frame = Y4M_RATIO_DBL (ratio_percent_frame); } /* Skip input frames if downsampling (ratio > 1) * when upsampling, ratio < 1 * so we have ( 1< percent_frame < 2) at this point * hence we don't go in in the loop */ while (percent_frame >= 2) { percent_frame = percent_frame - 1; ratio_percent_frame = ratio_minus_1 (ratio_percent_frame); if (Y4M_OK != (errno = y4m_read_frame (fd_in, &istreaminfo, &iframeinfo, inframe))) goto The_end; } ratio_percent_frame = ratio_minus_1 (ratio_percent_frame); percent_frame = percent_frame - 1; /* store the previous frame */ memcpy (frame1[0], inframe[0], width * height); memcpy (frame1[1], inframe[1], width * height / 4); memcpy (frame1[2], inframe[2], width * height / 4); } The_end: /* free allocated buffers */ { free (inframe[0] - buff_offset); free (inframe[1] - buff_offset); free (inframe[2] - buff_offset); free (reconstructed[0] - buff_offset); free (reconstructed[1] - buff_offset); free (reconstructed[2] - buff_offset); free (frame1[0] - buff_offset); free (frame1[1] - buff_offset); free (frame1[2] - buff_offset); mjpeg_log (LOG_INFO, "Buffers freed."); } /* did stream end unexpectedly ? */ if (errno != Y4M_ERR_EOF) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("%s", y4m_strerr (errno)); /* Exit gently */ return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c, interlace, frames, err; int ywidth, yheight, uvwidth, uvheight, ylen, uvlen; int verbose = 0, fdin; int NlumaX = 4, NlumaY = 4, NchromaX = 4, NchromaY = 4; float BWlumaX = 0.8, BWlumaY = 0.8, BWchromaX = 0.7, BWchromaY = 0.7; struct filter *lumaXtaps, *lumaYtaps, *chromaXtaps, *chromaYtaps; u_char *yuvinout[3]; float *yuvtmp1,*yuvtmp2; y4m_stream_info_t istream, ostream; y4m_frame_info_t iframe; fdin = fileno(stdin); y4m_accept_extensions(1); /* read command line */ opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvL:C:x:X:y:Y:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'L': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f,%d,%f",&NlumaX,&BWlumaX,&NlumaY,&BWlumaY); break; case 'C': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f,%d,%f",&NchromaX,&BWchromaX,&NchromaY,&BWchromaY); break; case 'x': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NchromaX,&BWchromaX); break; case 'X': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NlumaX,&BWlumaX); break; case 'y': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NchromaY,&BWchromaY); break; case 'Y': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NlumaY,&BWlumaY); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(); } } if (BWlumaX <= 0.0 || BWlumaX > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Horizontal luma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWlumaX); if (BWlumaY <= 0.0 || BWlumaY > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Vertical luma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWlumaY); if (BWchromaX <= 0.0 || BWchromaX > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Horizontal chroma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWchromaX); if (BWchromaY <= 0.0 || BWchromaY > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Vertical chroma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWchromaY); /* initialize input stream and check chroma subsampling and interlacing */ y4m_init_stream_info(&istream); y4m_init_frame_info(&iframe); err = y4m_read_stream_header(fdin, &istream); if (err != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input stream error: %s\n", y4m_strerr(err)); if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&istream) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("Only the 3 plane formats supported"); i = y4m_si_get_interlace(&istream); switch (i) { case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: interlace = 0; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: interlace = 1; break; default: mjpeg_warn("Unknown interlacing '%d', assuming non-interlaced", i); interlace = 0; break; } ywidth = y4m_si_get_width(&istream); /* plane 0 = Y */ yheight = y4m_si_get_height(&istream); ylen = ywidth * yheight; uvwidth = y4m_si_get_plane_width(&istream, 1); /* planes 1&2 = U+V */ uvheight = y4m_si_get_plane_height(&istream, 1); uvlen = y4m_si_get_plane_length(&istream, 1); /* initialize output stream */ y4m_init_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_copy_stream_info(&ostream, &istream); y4m_write_stream_header(fileno(stdout), &ostream); /* allocate input and output buffers */ yuvinout[0] = my_malloc(ylen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvinout[1] = my_malloc(uvlen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvinout[2] = my_malloc(uvlen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvtmp1 = my_malloc(MAX(ylen,uvlen)*sizeof(float)); yuvtmp2 = my_malloc(MAX(ylen,uvlen)*sizeof(float)); /* get filter taps */ lumaXtaps = get_coeff(NlumaX, BWlumaX); lumaYtaps = get_coeff(NlumaY, BWlumaY); chromaXtaps = get_coeff(NchromaX, BWchromaX); chromaYtaps = get_coeff(NchromaY, BWchromaY); set_accel(uvwidth,uvheight); if (verbose) y4m_log_stream_info(mjpeg_loglev_t("info"), "", &istream); /* main processing loop */ for (frames=0; y4m_read_frame(fdin,&istream,&iframe,yuvinout) == Y4M_OK; frames++) { if (verbose && ((frames % 100) == 0)) mjpeg_info("Frame %d\n", frames); convolveFrame(yuvinout[0],ywidth,yheight,interlace,lumaXtaps,lumaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); convolveFrame(yuvinout[1],uvwidth,uvheight,interlace,chromaXtaps,chromaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); convolveFrame(yuvinout[2],uvwidth,uvheight,interlace,chromaXtaps,chromaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); y4m_write_frame(fileno(stdout), &ostream, &iframe, yuvinout); } /* clean up */ y4m_fini_frame_info(&iframe); y4m_fini_stream_info(&istream); y4m_fini_stream_info(&ostream); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, err, ilace; int fd_in = fileno(stdin), fd_out = fileno(stdout); y4m_ratio_t rate; y4m_stream_info_t si, so; y4m_frame_info_t fi; uint8_t *top1[3], *bot1[3], *top2[3], *bot2[3]; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': case '?': default: usage(); } } y4m_accept_extensions(1); y4m_init_stream_info(&si); y4m_init_stream_info(&so); y4m_init_frame_info(&fi); err = y4m_read_stream_header(fd_in, &si); if (err != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input stream error: %s\n", y4m_strerr(err)); if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&si) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("only 3 plane formats supported"); rate = y4m_si_get_framerate(&si); if (!Y4M_RATIO_EQL(rate, y4m_fps_NTSC)) mjpeg_error_exit1("input stream not NTSC 30000:1001"); ilace = y4m_si_get_interlace(&si); if (ilace != Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST && ilace != Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST) mjpeg_error_exit1("input stream not interlaced"); top1[0] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,0) / 2); top1[1] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,1) / 2); top1[2] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,2) / 2); bot1[0] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,0) / 2); bot1[1] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,1) / 2); bot1[2] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,2) / 2); top2[0] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,0) / 2); top2[1] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,1) / 2); top2[2] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,2) / 2); bot2[0] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,0) / 2); bot2[1] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,1) / 2); bot2[2] = (uint8_t *) malloc(y4m_si_get_plane_length(&si,2) / 2); y4m_copy_stream_info(&so, &si); y4m_si_set_framerate(&so, y4m_fps_NTSC_FILM); y4m_si_set_interlace(&so, Y4M_ILACE_NONE); /* * At this point the input stream has been verified to be interlaced NTSC, * the output stream rate set to NTSC_FILM, interlacing tag changed to * progressive, and the field buffers allocated. * * Time to write the output stream header and commence processing input. */ y4m_write_stream_header(fd_out, &so); while (1) { err = y4m_read_fields(fd_in, &si, &fi, top1, bot1); if (err != Y4M_OK) goto done; y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top1, bot1); /* A */ err = y4m_read_fields(fd_in, &si, &fi, top1, bot1); if (err != Y4M_OK) goto done; y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top1, bot1); /* B */ err = y4m_read_fields(fd_in, &si, &fi, top1, bot1); if (err != Y4M_OK) goto done; err = y4m_read_fields(fd_in, &si, &fi, top2, bot2); if (err != Y4M_OK) { /* * End of input when reading the 2nd "mixed field" frame (C+D). The previous * frame was the first "mixed field" frame (B+C). Rather than emit a mixed * interlaced frame duplicate a field and output the previous frame. */ if (ilace == Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST) y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, bot1,bot1); else y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top1,top1); goto done; } /* * Now the key part of the processing - effectively discarding the first mixed * frame with fields from frames B + C and creating the C frame from the two * mixed frames. For a BOTTOM FIELD FIRST stream use the 'top' field from * frame 3 and the 'bottom' fields from frame 4. With a TOP FIELD FIRST stream * it's the other way around - use the 'bottom' field from frame 3 and the * 'top' field from frame 4. */ if (ilace == Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST) y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top1, bot2); /* C */ else y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top2, bot1); /* C */ err = y4m_read_fields(fd_in, &si, &fi, top1, bot1); y4m_write_fields(fd_out, &so, &fi, top1, bot1); /* D */ } done: y4m_fini_frame_info(&fi); y4m_fini_stream_info(&si); y4m_fini_stream_info(&so); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; long long avg, total; int input_fd = 0; int output_fd = 1; int horz; int vert; int c; int frame_count; y4m_stream_info_t istream, ostream; y4m_frame_info_t iframe; y4m_accept_extensions(1); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "r:R:t:T:v:S:hI:w:fc:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'r': radius_luma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': radius_chroma = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': threshold_luma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': threshold_chroma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': interlace = atoi (optarg); if (interlace != 0 && interlace != 1) { Usage (argv[0]); exit (1); } break; case 'S': param_skip = atoi (optarg); break; case 'f': param_fast = 1; break; case 'w': if (strcmp (optarg, "8") == 0) param_weight_type = 1; else if (strcmp (optarg, "2.667") == 0) param_weight_type = 2; else if (strcmp (optarg, "13.333") == 0) param_weight_type = 3; else if (strcmp (optarg, "24") == 0) param_weight_type = 4; else param_weight_type = 0; param_weight = atof (optarg); break; case 'c': cutoff = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = atoi (optarg); if (verbose < 0 || verbose >2) { Usage (argv[0]); exit (1); } break; case 'h': Usage (argv[0]); default: exit(0); } } if( param_weight < 0 ) { if( param_fast ) param_weight = 8.0; else param_weight = 1.0; } for( i=1; i<NUMAVG; i++ ) { avg_replace[i]=0; divisor[i]=((1<<DIVISORBITS)+(i>>1))/i; divoffset[i]=divisor[i]*(i>>1)+(divisor[i]>>1); } #ifdef HAVE_ASM_MMX if( cpu_accel() & ACCEL_X86_MMXEXT ) domean8=1; #endif mjpeg_info ("fast %d, weight type %d\n", param_fast, param_weight_type); if (radius_luma <= 0 || radius_chroma <= 0) mjpeg_error_exit1("radius values must be > 0!"); if (threshold_luma < 0 || threshold_chroma < 0) mjpeg_error_exit1("threshold values must be >= 0!"); (void)mjpeg_default_handler_verbosity(verbose); y4m_init_stream_info(&istream); y4m_init_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_init_frame_info(&iframe); i = y4m_read_stream_header(input_fd, &istream); if (i != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input stream error: %s", y4m_strerr(i)); if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&istream) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("Only 3 plane formats supported"); chroma_mode = y4m_si_get_chroma(&istream); SS_H = y4m_chroma_ss_x_ratio(chroma_mode).d; SS_V = y4m_chroma_ss_y_ratio(chroma_mode).d; mjpeg_debug("chroma subsampling: %dH %dV\n",SS_H,SS_V); if (interlace == -1) { i = y4m_si_get_interlace(&istream); switch (i) { case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: interlace = 0; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: interlace = 1; break; default: mjpeg_warn("Unknown interlacing '%d', assuming non-interlaced", i); interlace = 0; break; } } if( interlace && y4m_si_get_height(&istream) % 2 != 0 ) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input images have odd number of lines - can't treats as interlaced!" ); horz = y4m_si_get_width(&istream); vert = y4m_si_get_height(&istream); mjpeg_debug("width=%d height=%d luma_r=%d chroma_r=%d luma_t=%d chroma_t=%d", horz, vert, radius_luma, radius_chroma, threshold_luma, threshold_chroma); y4m_copy_stream_info(&ostream, &istream); input_frame[0] = malloc(horz * vert); input_frame[1] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); input_frame[2] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); output_frame[0] = malloc(horz * vert); output_frame[1] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); output_frame[2] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); y4m_write_stream_header(output_fd, &ostream); frame_count = 0; while (y4m_read_frame(input_fd, &istream, &iframe, input_frame) == Y4M_OK) { frame_count++; if (frame_count > param_skip) { filter(horz, vert, input_frame, output_frame); y4m_write_frame(output_fd, &ostream, &iframe, output_frame); } else y4m_write_frame(output_fd, &ostream, &iframe, input_frame); } for (total=0, avg=0, i=0; i < NUMAVG; i++) { total += avg_replace[i]; avg += avg_replace[i] * i; } mjpeg_info("frames=%d avg=%3.1f", frame_count, ((double)avg)/((double)total)); for (i=0; i < NUMAVG; i++) { mjpeg_debug( "%02d: %6.2f", i, (((double)avg_replace[i]) * 100.0)/(double)(total)); } y4m_fini_stream_info(&istream); y4m_fini_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_fini_frame_info(&iframe); exit(0); }