Example #1
// parse parameter string
//       parameter               = attribute "=" value
//       attribute               = token
//       value                   = token | quoted-string
// 	If parameter attribute is multiple times given, the values are stored like this:
// 		<attribute>=<value1>,<value2>,..,<value n>
bool CWebserverRequest::ParseParams(std::string param_string)
	bool ende = false;
	std::string param, name="", value, number;

			ende = true;
			name = decodeString(name);
			value = trim(decodeString(value));
				ParameterList[name] = value;
				ParameterList[name] += ",";
				ParameterList[name] += value;
			name = trim(decodeString(name));
		number = string_printf("%d", ParameterList.size()+1);
		log_level_printf(7,"ParseParams: name: %s value: %s\n",name.c_str(), value.c_str());
		ParameterList[number] = name;
	return true;
Example #2
// parse the header of the request
//	from RFC 2616 / 4.2 Message Header:
//	message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
//	field-name     = token
//	field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
//	field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
//		and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
//		of token, separators, and quoted-string>
bool CWebserverRequest::ParseHeader(std::string header) {
	bool ende = false;
	std::string sheader, name, value;

	while (!ende) {
		if (!ySplitStringExact(header, "\r\n", sheader, header))
			ende = true;
		if (ySplitStringExact(sheader, ":", name, value))
			HeaderList[name] = trim(value);
		log_level_printf(8, "ParseHeader: name: %s value: %s\n", name.c_str(), value.c_str());
	return true;
Example #3
// HOOK: Hook_ReadConfig 
// This hook ist called from ReadConfig
THandleStatus CmodSendfile::Hook_ReadConfig(CConfigFile *Config, CStringList &ConfigList)
	std::string exttypes = Config->getString("mod_sendfile.mime_types", HTTPD_SENDFILE_EXT);
	ConfigList["mod_sendfile.mime_types"] = exttypes;

	bool ende = false;
	std::string item, ext, mime;
			ende = true;
			ext = trim(ext);
			sendfileTypes[ext] = trim(mime);
Example #4
// POST multipart ! FILE UPLOAD!
// No 'Content-type: multipart/mixed' now supported
// designed for recursion for different boundaries.
// 	from RFC 1867:
//	2.  HTML forms with file submission
//	   The current HTML specification defines eight possible values for the
//	   attribute TYPE of an INPUT element: CHECKBOX, HIDDEN, IMAGE,
//	   In addition, it defines the default ENCTYPE attribute of the FORM
//	   element using the POST METHOD to have the default value
//	   "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
//	6. Examples
//	   Suppose the server supplies the following HTML:
//	     <FORM ACTION="http://server.dom/cgi/handle"
//	           ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
//	           METHOD=POST>
//	     What is your name? <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=submitter>
//	     What files are you sending? <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=pics>
//	     </FORM>
//	   and the user types "Joe Blow" in the name field, and selects a text
//	   file "file1.txt" for the answer to 'What files are you sending?'
//	   The client might send back the following data:
//	        Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
//	        --AaB03x
//	        content-disposition: form-data; name="field1"
//	        Joe Blow
//	        --AaB03x
//	        content-disposition: form-data; name="pics"; filename="file1.txt"
//	        Content-Type: text/plain
//	         ... contents of file1.txt ...
//	        --AaB03x--
//	7. Registration of multipart/form-data
//	   The media-type multipart/form-data follows the rules of all multipart
//	   MIME data streams as outlined in RFC 1521. It is intended for use in
//	   returning the data that comes about from filling out a form. In a
//	   form (in HTML, although other applications may also use forms), there
//	   are a series of fields to be supplied by the user who fills out the
//	   form. Each field has a name. Within a given form, the names are
//	   unique.
//	   multipart/form-data contains a series of parts. Each part is expected
//	   to contain a content-disposition header where the value is "form-
//	   data" and a name attribute specifies the field name within the form,
//	   e.g., 'content-disposition: form-data; name="xxxxx"', where xxxxx is
//	   the field name corresponding to that field. Field names originally in
//	   non-ASCII character sets may be encoded using the method outlined in
//	   RFC 1522.
//	   As with all multipart MIME types, each part has an optional Content-
//	   Type which defaults to text/plain.  If the contents of a file are
//	   returned via filling out a form, then the file input is identified as
//	   application/octet-stream or the appropriate media type, if known.  If
//	   multiple files are to be returned as the result of a single form
//	   entry, they can be returned as multipart/mixed embedded within the
//	   multipart/form-data.
//	   Each part may be encoded and the "content-transfer-encoding" header
//	   supplied if the value of that part does not conform to the default
//	   encoding.
//	   File inputs may also identify the file name. The file name may be
//	   described using the 'filename' parameter of the "content-disposition"
//	   header. This is not required, but is strongly recommended in any case
//	   where the original filename is known. This is useful or necessary in
//	   many applications.
unsigned int CWebserverRequest::HandlePostBoundary(std::string boundary, unsigned int content_len)
	std::string tmp_line;

	// read boundary
	tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
	content_len -= tmp_line.length();

	log_level_printf(2,"<POST Boundary> Start\n");
	if(tmp_line.find(boundary) != std::string::npos)
		// is it the boudary end?
		if(tmp_line.find(boundary+"--") != std::string::npos)
			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> Boundary END found\n");
			return 0;
		log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> Boundary START found\n");

		// read content-disposition: ...
		tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
		content_len -= tmp_line.length();
		if(tmp_line.find("Content-Disposition:") == std::string::npos)
			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no content-disposition found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
			return 0;
		if(tmp_line.find("filename") != std::string::npos)
			// this part is a file
			log_level_printf(2,"<POST Boundary> disposition !!this is a file!! found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
			// get para from 'content-disposition: form-data; name="pics"; filename="file1.txt"'
			// set to ParameterList["<name>"]="<filename>"
			std::string left, right, var_name, var_value;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(tmp_line, "name=\"", left, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no var_name START found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(right, "\"", var_name, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no var_name END found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(right, "filename=\"", left, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no filename START found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(right, "\"", var_value, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no filename END found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			var_value = trim(var_value);
			ParameterList[var_name] = var_value;
			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> filename found. name:(%s) value:(%s)\n", var_name.c_str(), var_value.c_str());

			//read 'Content-Type: <mime>'
			tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
			content_len -= tmp_line.length();
			// Get Content-Type: put it to ParameterList["<name>_mime"]="<mime>"
			if(!ySplitStringExact(tmp_line, "Content-Type:", left, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no Content-Type found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			var_value = trim(right);
			ParameterList[var_name+"_mime"] = var_value;
			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> Content-Type found. name:(%s_mime) value:(%s)\n", var_name.c_str(), var_value.c_str());

			//read empty line as separator
			tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
			content_len -= tmp_line.length();
			if(tmp_line != "\r\n")
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no empty line found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;

			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> read file Start\n");

			std::string upload_filename;
			upload_filename = UPLOAD_TMP_FILE;
			// Hook for Filename naming
			// Set upload filename to ParameterList["<name>_upload_filename"]="<upload_filename>"
			ParameterList[var_name+"_upload_filename"] = upload_filename;

			// open file for write
			int fd = open(upload_filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
			if (fd<=0)
				aprintf("cannot open file %s: ", upload_filename.c_str());
				return 0;

			// ASSUMPTION: the complete multipart has no more then SEARCH_BOUNDARY_LEN bytes after the file.
			// It only works, if no multipart/mixed is used (e.g. in file attachments). Not nessesary in embedded systems.
			// To speed up uploading, read content_len - SEARCH_BOUNDARY_LEN bytes in blockmode.
			// To save memory, write them direct into the file.
			unsigned int _readbytes = 0;
			if((int)content_len - SEARCH_BOUNDARY_LEN >0)
				_readbytes = Connection->sock->ReceiveFileGivenLength(fd, content_len - SEARCH_BOUNDARY_LEN);
				content_len -= _readbytes;
				log_level_printf(8,"<POST Boundary> read block (already:%d all:%d)\n", _readbytes, content_len);

			// read rest of file and check for boundary end
			_readbytes = 0;
			bool is_CRLF = false;

			bool found_end_boundary = false;
				// read line by line
				tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
				_readbytes += tmp_line.length();

				// is this line a boundary?
				if(tmp_line.find(boundary) != std::string::npos)
					if(tmp_line.find(boundary+"--") != std::string::npos)
						found_end_boundary = true; // it is the end! of POST request!
					break;	// boundary found. end of file.
				else // no Boundary: write CRFL if found in last line
				    		if ((unsigned int)write(fd, "\r\n", 2) != 2)
							perror("write file failed\n");
				      			return 0;
				// normal line: write it to file
				// CRLF at end? Maybe CRLF before boundary. Can not decide yet
				is_CRLF = (tmp_line.length()>=2 && tmp_line[tmp_line.length()-2]=='\r' && tmp_line[tmp_line.length()-1]=='\n');
				int write_len = is_CRLF ? tmp_line.length()-2 : tmp_line.length();
		    		if (write(fd, tmp_line.c_str(), write_len) != write_len)
					perror("write file failed\n");
		      			return 0;
				log_level_printf(2,"<POST Boundary> read file (already:%d all:%d)\n", _readbytes, content_len);
			while((_readbytes < content_len) && (tmp_line.length() != 0));
			content_len -= _readbytes;
			log_level_printf(2,"<POST Boundary> read file End\n");
			if(found_end_boundary) // upload ok?

				return 0;
		// this part is a POST variable/parameter
			// get var_name from 'content-disposition: form-data; name="var_name"'
			std::string left, right, var_name, var_value;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(tmp_line, "name=\"", left, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no var_name START found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;
			if(!ySplitStringExact(right, "\"", var_name, right))
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no var_name END found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;

			//read empty line as separator
			tmp_line = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
			content_len -= tmp_line.length();
			if(tmp_line != "\r\n")
				log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> no empty line found. line:(%s)\n", tmp_line.c_str());
				return 0;

			//read var_value line
			// ASSUMPTION!!!! Only one Line for value, new line is a boundary again
			// ATTENTION!! var_name must not be unique. So Parameters are store by number too.
			var_value = Connection->sock->ReceiveLine();
			content_len -= tmp_line.length();
			var_value = trim(decodeString(var_value));
			ParameterList[var_name] = var_value;
			log_level_printf(7,"<POST Boundary> Parameter found. name:(%s) value:(%s)\n", var_name.c_str(), var_value.c_str());
	return content_len;