Example #1
//Matrix multiplication by a scalar
cmatrix scalarmatmul(double complex scalar, cmatrix input){
	int i,j;
	//create output
	cmatrix returnVal = zeromat(input.rows, input.cols);
	for(i=0;i<input.rows;i++) for(j=0;j<input.cols;j++) returnVal.entries[i][j] = scalar * input.entries[i][j];
	return returnVal;
Example #2
//outter product
cmatrix outprod(cvector leftvector, cvector rightvector){
	int i,j;
	//create new matrix
	cmatrix returnVal = zeromat(leftvector.size,rightvector.size);
	//fill entries
	for(i=0;i<leftvector.size;i++) for(j=0;j<rightvector.size;j++) returnVal.entries[i][j] = leftvector.entries[i] * conj(rightvector.entries[j]);
	return returnVal;
Example #3
//Matrix addition
cmatrix matadd(cmatrix input1, cmatrix input2){
	if(input1.rows!=input2.rows || input1.cols!=input2.cols){
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in function 'matadd': input1 cols and cols do not match input2 rows and cols\nPossible reasons:\n'input1' and 'input2' cannot be added because they are not the same size\n");
	int i,j;
	//create output
	cmatrix returnVal = zeromat(input1.rows, input1.cols);
	for(i=0;i<input1.rows;i++) for(j=0;j<input1.cols;j++) returnVal.entries[i][j] = input1.entries[i][j] + input2.entries[i][j];
	return returnVal;
Example #4
void eyemat(double *mat)

/* ======== Return 3x3 Identity Matrix  ========= */


Example #5
//Matrix multiplication
cmatrix matmul(cmatrix leftmatrix, cmatrix rightmatrix){
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in function 'matmul': leftmatrix cols and rightmatrix rows do not match\nPossible reasons:\n'leftmatrix' and 'rightmatrix' cannot be multiplied\n");
	int i,j,k;
	//create output
	cmatrix returnVal = zeromat(leftmatrix.rows, rightmatrix.cols);
	for(i=0;i<leftmatrix.rows;i++) for(j=0;j<rightmatrix.cols;j++) {
		for(k=0;k<leftmatrix.cols;k++) returnVal.entries[i][j]+=rightmatrix.entries[i][k]*leftmatrix.entries[k][j];
	return returnVal;
Example #6
//Matrix transpose
cmatrix transpose(cmatrix input){
	cmatrix returnVal = zeromat(input.cols, input.rows);
	for(int i=0;i<input.rows;i++) for(int j=0;j<input.cols;j++) returnVal.entries[j][i]=input.entries[i][j];
	return returnVal;
Example #7
void blochsim(double *b1real, double *b1imag, 
		double *xgrad, double *ygrad, double *zgrad, double *tsteps, 
		int ntime, double *e1, double *e2, double df, 
		double dx, double dy, double dz, 
		double *mx, double *my, double *mz, int mode)

	/* Go through time for one df and one dx,dy,dz.		*/

int tcount;
double gammadx;
double gammady;
double gammadz;
double rotmat[9];
double amat[9], bvec[3];	/* A and B propagation matrix and vector */
double arot[9], brot[3];	/* A and B after rotation step. */
double decmat[9];		/* Decay matrix for each time step. */
double decvec[3];		/* Recovery vector for each time step. */
double rotx,roty,rotz;		/* Rotation axis coordinates. */
double imat[9], mvec[3];
double mcurr0[3];		/* Current magnetization before rotation. */
double mcurr1[3];		/* Current magnetization before decay. */

eyemat(amat); 		/* A is the identity matrix.	*/
eyemat(imat); 		/* I is the identity matrix.	*/


gammadx = dx*GAMMA;	/* Convert to Hz/cm */
gammady = dy*GAMMA;	/* Convert to Hz/cm */
gammadz = dz*GAMMA;	/* Convert to Hz/cm */

mcurr0[0] = *mx;		/* Set starting x magnetization */
mcurr0[1] = *my;		/* Set starting y magnetization */
mcurr0[2] = *mz;		/* Set starting z magnetization */

for (tcount = 0; tcount < ntime; tcount++)
		/*	Rotation 	*/

	rotz = -(*xgrad++ * gammadx + *ygrad++ * gammady + *zgrad++ * gammadz +
								df*TWOPI ) * *tsteps;
	rotx = (- *b1real++ * GAMMA * *tsteps);
	roty = (+ *b1imag++ * GAMMA * *tsteps++);
	calcrotmat(rotx, roty, rotz, rotmat);

	if (mode == 1)

		/* 	Decay	*/

	decvec[2]= 1- *e1;
	decmat[0]= *e2;
	decmat[4]= *e2++;
	decmat[8]= *e1++;
	if (mode == 1)

	printf("rotmat = [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",rotmat[0],rotmat[3],
	printf("         [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",rotmat[1],rotmat[4],
	printf("         [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",rotmat[2],rotmat[5],
	printf("A = [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",amat[0],amat[3],amat[6]);
	printf("    [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",amat[1],amat[4],amat[7]);
	printf("    [%6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f ] \n",amat[2],amat[5],amat[8]);
	printf(" B = <%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f> \n",bvec[0],bvec[1],bvec[2]);
	printf("<mx,my,mz> = <%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f> \n",
		amat[6] + bvec[0], amat[7] + bvec[1], amat[8] + bvec[2]);


	if (mode == 2)		/* Sample output at times.  */
					/* Only do this if transient! */
		*mx = mcurr0[0];
		*my = mcurr0[1];
		*mz = mcurr0[2];


	/* If only recording the endpoint, either store the last
		point, or calculate the steady-state endpoint. */

if (mode==0)		/* Indicates start at given m, or m0. */
	*mx = mcurr0[0];
	*my = mcurr0[1];
	*mz = mcurr0[2];

else if (mode==1)	/* Indicates to find steady-state magnetization */
	scalemat(amat,-1.0);		/* Negate A matrix 	*/
	addmats(amat,imat,amat);	/* Now amat = (I-A)		*/
	invmat(amat,imat);		/* Reuse imat as inv(I-A) 	*/
	multmatvec(imat,bvec,mvec);	/* Now M = inv(I-A)*B		*/
	*mx = mvec[0];
	*my = mvec[1];
	*mz = mvec[2];

Example #8
static GEN
nf_LLL_cmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long k, long rec)
  nflift_t *L = T->L;
  GEN pk = L->pk, PRK = L->prk, PRKinv = L->iprk, GSmin = L->GSmin;
  GEN Tpk = L->Tpk;

  GEN famod = T->fact, nf = T->nf, ZC = T->ZC, Br = T->Br;
  GEN Pbase = T->polbase, P = T->pol, dn = T->dn;
  GEN nfT = gel(nf,1);
  GEN Btra;
  long dnf = degpol(nfT), dP = degpol(P);

  double BitPerFactor = 0.5; /* nb bits / modular factor */
  long i, C, tmax, n0;
  GEN lP, Bnorm, Tra, T2, TT, CM_L, m, list, ZERO;
  double Bhigh;
  pari_sp av, av2, lim;
  long ti_LLL = 0, ti_CF = 0;
  pari_timer ti2, TI;

  lP = absi(leading_term(P));
  if (is_pm1(lP)) lP = NULL;

  n0 = lg(famod) - 1;
 /* Lattice: (S PRK), small vector (vS vP). To find k bound for the image,
  * write S = S1 q + S0, P = P1 q + P0
  * |S1 vS + P1 vP|^2 <= Bhigh for all (vS,vP) assoc. to true factors */
  Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2, dnf)));
  Bhigh = get_Bhigh(n0, dnf);
  C = (long)ceil(sqrt(Bhigh/n0)) + 1; /* C^2 n0 ~ Bhigh */
  Bnorm = dbltor( n0 * C * C + Bhigh );
  ZERO = zeromat(n0, dnf);

  av = avma; lim = stack_lim(av, 1);
  TT = cgetg(n0+1, t_VEC);
  Tra  = cgetg(n0+1, t_MAT);
  for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
  CM_L = gscalsmat(C, n0);
  /* tmax = current number of traces used (and computed so far) */
  for(tmax = 0;; tmax++)
    long a, b, bmin, bgood, delta, tnew = tmax + 1, r = lg(CM_L)-1;
    GEN oldCM_L, M_L, q, S1, P1, VV;
    int first = 1;

    /* bound for f . S_k(genuine factor) = ZC * bound for T_2(S_tnew) */
    Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2*tnew, dnf)));
    bmin = logint(ceil_safe(sqrtr(Btra)), gen_2, NULL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("\nLLL_cmbf: %ld potential factors (tmax = %ld, bmin = %ld)\n",
                 r, tmax, bmin);

    /* compute Newton sums (possibly relifting first) */
    if (gcmp(GSmin, Btra) < 0)
      nflift_t L1;
      GEN polred;

      bestlift_init(k<<1, nf, T->pr, Btra, &L1);
      polred = ZqX_normalize(Pbase, lP, &L1);
      k      = L1.k;
      pk     = L1.pk;
      PRK    = L1.prk;
      PRKinv = L1.iprk;
      GSmin  = L1.GSmin;
      Tpk    = L1.Tpk;
      famod = hensel_lift_fact(polred, famod, Tpk, p, pk, k);
      for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=n0; i++)
      GEN h, lPpow = lP? gpowgs(lP, tnew): NULL;
      GEN z = polsym_gen(gel(famod,i), gel(TT,i), tnew, Tpk, pk);
      gel(TT,i) = z;
      h = gel(z,tnew+1);
      /* make Newton sums integral */
      lPpow = mul_content(lPpow, dn);
      if (lPpow) h = FpX_red(gmul(h,lPpow), pk);
      gel(Tra,i) = nf_bestlift(h, NULL, L); /* S_tnew(famod) */

    /* compute truncation parameter */
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { TIMERstart(&ti2); TIMERstart(&TI); }
    oldCM_L = CM_L;
    av2 = avma;
    b = delta = 0; /* -Wall */
    M_L = Q_div_to_int(CM_L, utoipos(C));
    VV = get_V(Tra, M_L, PRK, PRKinv, pk, &a);
    if (first)
    { /* initialize lattice, using few p-adic digits for traces */
      bgood = (long)(a - max(32, BitPerFactor * r));
      b = max(bmin, bgood);
      delta = a - b;
    { /* add more p-adic digits and continue reduction */
      if (a < b) b = a;
      b = max(b-delta, bmin);
      if (b - delta/2 < bmin) b = bmin; /* near there. Go all the way */

    /* restart with truncated entries */
    q = int2n(b);
    P1 = gdivround(PRK, q);
    S1 = gdivround(Tra, q);
    T2 = gsub(gmul(S1, M_L), gmul(P1, VV));
    m = vconcat( CM_L, T2 );
    if (first)
      first = 0;
      m = shallowconcat( m, vconcat(ZERO, P1) );
      /*     [ C M_L   0  ]
       * m = [            ]   square matrix
       *     [  T2'   PRK ]   T2' = Tra * M_L  truncated
    CM_L = LLL_check_progress(Bnorm, n0, m, b == bmin, /*dbg:*/ &ti_LLL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("LLL_cmbf: (a,b) =%4ld,%4ld; r =%3ld -->%3ld, time = %ld\n",
                 a,b, lg(m)-1, CM_L? lg(CM_L)-1: 1, TIMER(&TI));
    if (!CM_L) { list = mkcol(QXQX_normalize(P,nfT)); break; }
    if (b > bmin)
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
      goto AGAIN;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) msgTIMER(&ti2, "for this trace");

    i = lg(CM_L) - 1;
    if (i == r && gequal(CM_L, oldCM_L))
      CM_L = oldCM_L;
      avma = av2; continue;

    if (i <= r && i*rec < n0)
      pari_timer ti;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) TIMERstart(&ti);
      list = nf_chk_factors(T, P, Q_div_to_int(CM_L,utoipos(C)), famod, pk);
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) ti_CF += TIMER(&ti);
      if (list) break;
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
    if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1)))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"nf_LLL_cmbf");
      gerepileall(av, Tpk? 9: 8,
    fprintferr("* Time LLL: %ld\n* Time Check Factor: %ld\n",ti_LLL,ti_CF);
  return list;