Example #1
static void
write_message_to_mailbox (client_t *self)
    mlm_msg_t *msg = mlm_msg_new (
        mlm_proto_address (self->message),
        mlm_proto_subject (self->message),
        mlm_proto_tracker (self->message),
        mlm_proto_timeout (self->message),
        mlm_proto_get_content (self->message));

    //  Try to dispatch to client immediately, if it's connected
    client_t *target = (client_t *) zhashx_lookup (
        self->server->clients, mlm_proto_address (self->message));

    if (target) {
        assert (!target->msg);
        target->msg = msg;
        engine_send_event (target, mailbox_message_event);
        //  Else store in the eponymous mailbox
        zsock_send (self->server->mailbox, "ssp", "STORE",
                    mlm_proto_address (self->message), msg);
Example #2
static bool
s_authenticate_plain (self_t *self, zap_request_t *request)
    if (self->passwords) {
        zhashx_refresh (self->passwords);
        char *password = (char *) zhashx_lookup (self->passwords, request->username);
        if (password && streq (password, request->password)) {
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("zauth: - allowed (PLAIN) username=%s password=%s",
                           request->username, request->password);
            return true;
        else {
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("zauth: - denied (PLAIN) username=%s password=%s",
                           request->username, request->password);
            return false;
    else {
        if (self->verbose)
            zsys_info ("zauth: - denied (PLAIN) no password file defined");
        return false;
Example #3
zcert_t *
zcertstore_lookup (zcertstore_t *self, const char *public_key)
    if (self->loader)
        self->loader (self);

    return (zcert_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->certs, public_key);
Example #4
static service_t *
s_service_require (client_t *self, const char *name)
    service_t *service = (service_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->server->services, name);
    if (!service)
        service = s_service_new (name, self->server);
    if (service)
        zhashx_insert (self->server->services, name, service);
    return service;
Example #5
static stream_t *
s_stream_require (client_t *self, const char *name)
    stream_t *stream = (stream_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->server->streams, name);
    if (!stream)
        stream = s_stream_new (self, name);
    if (stream)
        zhashx_insert (self->server->streams, name, stream);
    return stream;
Example #6
static void
write_message_to_xrap_client (client_t *self)
    zuuid_t *client_id = xrap_traffic_sender (self->message);
    assert (client_id);
    client_t *client = (client_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->server->clients, zuuid_str (client_id));
    if (client) {
        //  Save message for broker
        client->msg = zmsg_dup (xrap_traffic_content (self->message));
        client->callee = NULL;
        engine_send_event (client, xrap_message_event);
Example #7
zcert_t *
zcertstore_lookup (zcertstore_t *self, const char *public_key)
    //  If directory has changed, reload all certificates
    if (self->location) {
        zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (self->location, NULL);
        if (dir
        && (self->modified != zdir_modified (dir)
         || self->count != zdir_count (dir)
         || self->cursize != zdir_cursize (dir)))
            s_load_certs_from_disk (self);
        zdir_destroy (&dir);
    return (zcert_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->certs, public_key);
Example #8
static void
register_new_client (client_t *self)
    self->address = strdup (mlm_proto_address (self->message));
    //  We ignore anonymous clients, which have empty addresses
    if (*self->address) {
        //  If there's an existing client with this address, expire it
        //  The alternative would be to reject new clients with the same address
        client_t *existing = (client_t *) zhashx_lookup (
            self->server->clients, self->address);
        if (existing)
            engine_send_event (existing, expired_event);

        //  In any case, we now own this address
        zhashx_update (self->server->clients, self->address, self);
    if (*self->address)
        zsys_info ("client %u address='%s' - registering", self->unique_id, self->address);
    mlm_proto_set_status_code (self->message, MLM_PROTO_SUCCESS);
Example #9
static void
server_accept (server_t *self, const char *key, const char *value)
    tuple_t *tuple = (tuple_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->tuples, key);
    if (tuple && streq (tuple->value, value))
        return;                 //  Duplicate tuple, do nothing

    //  Create new tuple
    tuple = (tuple_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (tuple_t));
    assert (tuple);
    tuple->container = self->tuples;
    tuple->key = strdup (key);
    tuple->value = strdup (value);

    //  Store new tuple
    zhashx_update (tuple->container, key, tuple);
    zhashx_freefn (tuple->container, key, tuple_free);

    //  Deliver to calling application
    zstr_sendx (self->pipe, "DELIVER", key, value, NULL);

    //  Hold in server context so we can broadcast to all clients
    self->cur_tuple = tuple;
    engine_broadcast_event (self, NULL, forward_event);

    //  Copy new tuple announcement to all remotes
    zgossip_msg_t *gossip = zgossip_msg_new ();
    zgossip_msg_set_id (gossip, ZGOSSIP_MSG_PUBLISH);
    zsock_t *remote = (zsock_t *) zlistx_first (self->remotes);
    while (remote) {
        zgossip_msg_set_key (gossip, tuple->key);
        zgossip_msg_set_value (gossip, tuple->value);
        zgossip_msg_send (gossip, remote);
        remote = (zsock_t *) zlistx_next (self->remotes);
    zgossip_msg_destroy (&gossip);
Example #10
//  TODO: allow regular expressions in addresses
static int
s_self_authenticate (self_t *self)
    zap_request_t *request = s_zap_request_new (self->handler, self->verbose);
    if (request) {
        //  Is address explicitly whitelisted or blacklisted?
        bool allowed = false;
        bool denied = false;

        if (zhashx_size (self->whitelist)) {
            if (zhashx_lookup (self->whitelist, request->address)) {
                allowed = true;
                if (self->verbose)
                    zsys_info ("zauth: - passed (whitelist) address=%s", request->address);
            else {
                denied = true;
                if (self->verbose)
                    zsys_info ("zauth: - denied (not in whitelist) address=%s", request->address);
        if (zhashx_size (self->blacklist)) {
            if (zhashx_lookup (self->blacklist, request->address)) {
                denied = true;
                if (self->verbose)
                    zsys_info ("zauth: - denied (blacklist) address=%s", request->address);
            else {
                allowed = true;
                if (self->verbose)
                    zsys_info ("zauth: - passed (not in blacklist) address=%s", request->address);
        //  Mechanism-specific checks
        if (!denied) {
            if (streq (request->mechanism, "NULL") && !allowed) {
                //  For NULL, we allow if the address wasn't blacklisted
                if (self->verbose)
                    zsys_info ("zauth: - allowed (NULL)");
                allowed = true;
            if (streq (request->mechanism, "PLAIN"))
                //  For PLAIN, even a whitelisted address must authenticate
                allowed = s_authenticate_plain (self, request);
            if (streq (request->mechanism, "CURVE"))
                //  For CURVE, even a whitelisted address must authenticate
                allowed = s_authenticate_curve (self, request);
            if (streq (request->mechanism, "GSSAPI"))
                //  For GSSAPI, even a whitelisted address must authenticate
                allowed = s_authenticate_gssapi (self, request);
        if (allowed)
            s_zap_request_reply (request, "200", "OK");
            s_zap_request_reply (request, "400", "No access");

        s_zap_request_destroy (&request);
        s_zap_request_reply (request, "500", "Internal error");

    return 0;
Example #11
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zhashx__1_1lookup (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self, jlong key)
    jlong lookup_ = (jlong) (intptr_t) zhashx_lookup ((zhashx_t *) (intptr_t) self, (const void *) (intptr_t) key);
    return lookup_;
Example #12
zgtask_task_t *
zgtask_tree_get_task (zgtask_tree_t *self)
    assert (self);
    return (zgtask_task_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->data, "task");
Example #13
zgtask_packet_t *
zgtask_tree_get_packet (zgtask_tree_t *self)
    assert (self);
    return (zgtask_packet_t *) zhashx_lookup (self->data, "packet");
Example #14
File: zhashx.c Project: claws/czmq
zhashx_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhashx: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhashx_t *hash = zhashx_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhashx_size (hash) == 0);
    assert (zhashx_first (hash) == NULL);
    assert (zhashx_cursor (hash) == NULL);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    char *item = (char *) zhashx_first (hash);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhashx_cursor (hash), "DEADBEEF"));
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhashx_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Some rename tests

    //  Valid rename, key is now LIVEBEEF
    rc = zhashx_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to a non-existent key
    rc = zhashx_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "NONESUCH");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to an existing key
    rc = zhashx_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an existing item to another existing item
    rc = zhashx_rename (hash, "LIVEBEEF", "ABADCAFE");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));

    //  Test keys method
    zlistx_t *keys = zhashx_keys (hash);
    assert (zlistx_size (keys) == 4);
    zlistx_destroy (&keys);

    zlistx_t *values = zhashx_values(hash);
    assert (zlistx_size (values) == 4);
    zlistx_destroy (&values);

    //  Test dup method
    zhashx_t *copy = zhashx_dup (hash);
    assert (zhashx_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhashx_destroy (&copy);

    //  Test pack/unpack methods
    zframe_t *frame = zhashx_pack (hash);
    copy = zhashx_unpack (frame);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    assert (zhashx_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhashx_destroy (&copy);

    //  Test save and load
    zhashx_comment (hash, "This is a test file");
    zhashx_comment (hash, "Created by %s", "czmq_selftest");
    zhashx_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhashx_new ();
    assert (copy);
    zhashx_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhashx_destroy (&copy);
    zsys_file_delete (".cache");

    //  Delete a item
    zhashx_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhashx_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhashx_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhashx_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhashx_destroy (&hash);
    zhashx_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);

    //  Test autofree; automatically copies and frees string values
    hash = zhashx_new ();
    assert (hash);
    zhashx_autofree (hash);
    char value [255];
    strcpy (value, "This is a string");
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "key1", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    strcpy (value, "Ring a ding ding");
    rc = zhashx_insert (hash, "key2", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "key1"), "This is a string"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zhashx_lookup (hash, "key2"), "Ring a ding ding"));
    zhashx_destroy (&hash);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Example #15
ztrie_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * ztrie: ");
    //  @selftest
    //  Create a new trie for matching strings that can be tokenized by a slash
    //  (e.g. URLs minus the protocol, address and port).
    ztrie_t *self = ztrie_new ('/');
    assert (self);

    int ret = 0;

    //  Let's start by inserting a couple of routes into the trie.
    //  This one is for the route '/foo/bar' the slash at the beginning of the
    //  route is important because everything before the first delimiter will be
    //  discarded. A slash at the end of a route is optional though. The data
    //  associated with this node is passed without destroy function which means
    //  it must be destroyed by the caller.
    int foo_bar_data = 10;
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/foo/bar", &foo_bar_data, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Now suppose we like to match all routes with two tokens that start with
    //  '/foo/' but aren't '/foo/bar'. This is possible by using regular
    //  expressions which are enclosed in an opening and closing curly bracket.
    //  Tokens that contain regular  expressions are always match after string
    //  based tokens.
    //  Note: There is no order in which regular expressions are sorted thus
    //  if you enter multiple expressions for a route you will have to make
    //  sure they don't have overlapping results. For example '/foo/{[^/]+}'
    //  and '/foo/{\d+} having could turn out badly.
    int foo_other_data = 100;
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/foo/{[^/]+}", &foo_other_data, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Regular expression are only matched against tokens of the same level.
    //  This allows us to append to are route with a regular expression as if
    //  it were a string.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/foo/{[^/]+}/gulp", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Routes are identified by their endpoint, which is the last token of the route.
    //  It is possible to insert routes for a node that already exists but isn't an
    //  endpoint yet. The delimiter at the end of a route is optional and has no effect.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/foo/", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  If you try to insert a route which already exists the method will return -1.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/foo", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == -1);

    //  It is not allowed to insert routes with empty tokens.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "//foo", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == -1);

    //  Everything before the first delimiter is ignored so 'foo/bar/baz' is equivalent
    //  to '/bar/baz'.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "foo/bar/baz", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/bar/baz", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == -1);

    //  Of course you are allowed to remove routes, in case there is data associated with a
    //  route and a destroy data function has been supplied that data will be destroyed.
    ret = ztrie_remove_route (self, "/foo");
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Removing a non existent route will  as well return -1.
    ret = ztrie_remove_route (self, "/foo");
    assert (ret == -1);

    //  Removing a route with a regular expression must exactly match the entered one.
    ret = ztrie_remove_route (self, "/foo/{[^/]+}");
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Next we like to match a path by regular expressions and also extract matched
    //  parts of a route. This can be done by naming the regular expression. The name of a
    //  regular expression is entered at the beginning of the curly brackets and separated
    //  by a colon from the regular expression. The first one in this examples is named
    //  'name' and names the expression '[^/]'. If there is no capturing group defined in
    //  the expression the whole matched string will be associated with this parameter. In
    //  case you don't like the get the whole matched string use a capturing group, like
    //  it has been done for the 'id' parameter. This is nice but you can even match as
    //  many parameter for a token as you like. Therefore simply put the parameter names
    //  separated by colons in front of the regular expression and make sure to add a
    //  capturing group for each parameter. The first parameter will be associated with
    //  the first capturing and so on.
    char *data = (char *) malloc (80);
    sprintf (data, "%s", "Hello World!");
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/baz/{name:[^/]+}/{id:--(\\d+)}/{street:nr:(\\a+)(\\d+)}", data, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  There is a lot you can do with regular expression but matching routes
    //  of arbitrary length wont work. Therefore we make use of the asterisk
    //  operator. Just place it at the end of your route, e.g. '/config/bar/*'.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/config/bar/*", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  Appending to an asterisk as you would to with a regular expression
    //  isn't valid.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/config/bar/*/bar", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == -1);

    //  The asterisk operator will only work as a leaf in the tree. If you
    //  enter an asterisk in the middle of your route it will simply be
    //  interpreted as a string.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/test/*/bar", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret == 0);

    //  If a parent has an asterisk as child it is not allowed to have
    //  other siblings.
    ret = ztrie_insert_route (self, "/config/bar/foo/glup", NULL, NULL);
    assert (ret != 0);

    //  Test matches
    bool hasMatch = false;

    //  The route '/bar/foo' will fail to match as this route has never been inserted.
    hasMatch = ztrie_matches (self, "/bar/foo");
    assert (!hasMatch);

    //  The route '/foo/bar' will match and we can obtain the data associated with it.
    hasMatch = ztrie_matches (self, "/foo/bar");
    assert (hasMatch);
    int foo_bar_hit_data = *((int *) ztrie_hit_data (self));
    assert (foo_bar_data == foo_bar_hit_data);

    //  This route is part of another but is no endpoint itself thus the matches will fail.
    hasMatch = ztrie_matches (self, "/baz/blub");
    assert (!hasMatch);

    //  This route will match our named regular expressions route. Thus we can extract data
    //  from the route by their names.
    hasMatch = ztrie_matches (self, "/baz/blub/--11/abc23");
    assert (hasMatch);
    char *match_data = (char *) ztrie_hit_data (self);
    assert (streq ("Hello World!", match_data));
    zhashx_t *parameters = ztrie_hit_parameters (self);
    assert (zhashx_size (parameters) == 4);
    assert (streq ("blub", (char *) zhashx_lookup (parameters, "name")));
    assert (streq ("11", (char *) zhashx_lookup (parameters, "id")));
    assert (streq ("abc", (char *) zhashx_lookup (parameters, "street")));
    assert (streq ("23", (char *) zhashx_lookup (parameters, "nr")));
    zhashx_destroy (&parameters);

    //  This will match our asterisk route '/config/bar/*'. As the result we
    //  can obtain the asterisk matched part of the route.
    hasMatch = ztrie_matches (self, "/config/bar/foo/bar");
    assert (hasMatch);
    assert (streq (ztrie_hit_asterisk_match (self), "foo/bar"));

    zstr_free (&data);
    ztrie_destroy (&self);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Example #16
//  Return the item at the specified key, or null
void * QZhashx::lookup (const void *key)
    void * rv = zhashx_lookup (self, key);
    return rv;