/** * Called from the main memcached code to initialize zookeeper code. */ bool mc_zookeeper_init() { // // Initialize Zookeeper stuff // switch (settings.verbose) { case 0: zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN); break; case 1: zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); break; default: zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); break; } // enable deterministic order zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); // Build the name of the announcement name and the path on the zookeeper service bool result = true; result &= build_announcement_info(); result &= build_announcement_content(); LOG_DEBUG(("Init called,%s starting zookeeper!", result ? "" : "not ")); return result; }
static VALUE method_zkrb_init(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { VALUE hostPort; VALUE options; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &hostPort, &options); if (NIL_P(options)) { options = rb_hash_new(); } else { Check_Type(options, T_HASH); } Check_Type(hostPort, T_STRING); // Look up :zkc_log_level VALUE log_level = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("zkc_log_level"))); if (NIL_P(log_level)) { zoo_set_debug_level(0); // no log messages } else { Check_Type(log_level, T_FIXNUM); zoo_set_debug_level((int)log_level); } VALUE data; struct zkrb_instance_data *zk_local_ctx; data = Data_Make_Struct(Zookeeper, struct zkrb_instance_data, 0, free_zkrb_instance_data, zk_local_ctx); zk_local_ctx->queue = zkrb_queue_alloc(); if (zk_local_ctx->queue == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not allocate zkrb queue!"); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(0); zkrb_calling_context *ctx = zkrb_calling_context_alloc(ZKRB_GLOBAL_REQ, zk_local_ctx->queue); zk_local_ctx->object_id = FIX2LONG(rb_obj_id(self)); zk_local_ctx->zh = zookeeper_init( RSTRING_PTR(hostPort), zkrb_state_callback, session_timeout_msec(self), &zk_local_ctx->myid, ctx, 0); #warning [wickman] TODO handle this properly on the Ruby side rather than C side if (!zk_local_ctx->zh) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "error connecting to zookeeper: %d", errno); } rb_iv_set(self, "@_data", data); rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("zkc_set_running_and_notify!"), 0); error: return Qnil; }
ZooKeeperSessionManager::ZooKeeperSessionManager( const std::string& host, int connectionTimeout, int sessionExpirationTimeout, int deterministicConnectionOrder ) : m_host( host ), m_connectionTimeout( connectionTimeout ), m_expirationTimeout( sessionExpirationTimeout ), m_deterministicConnectionOrder( deterministicConnectionOrder ), m_handle( nullptr ), m_isInitialized( false ) { zoo_deterministic_conn_order( deterministicConnectionOrder ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nodeCount; int cleaning=0; if (argc < 4) { usage(argv); } if(strcmp("clean",argv[3])==0){ cleaning=1; } zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); // enable deterministic order zh = zookeeper_init(argv[1], listener, 10000, 0, 0, 0); if (!zh) return errno; LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Checking server connection..."); ensureConnected(); if(cleaning==1){ int rc = 0; deletedCounter=0; rc=recursiveDelete(argv[2]); if(rc==ZOK){ LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Successfully deleted a subtree starting at %s (%d nodes)", argv[2],deletedCounter); exit(0); } exit(1); } nodeCount=atoi(argv[3]); createRoot(argv[2]); while(1) { ensureConnected(); LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Creating children for path %s",argv[2]); doCreateNodes(argv[2],nodeCount); waitCounter(); LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Starting the write cycle for path %s",argv[2]); doWrites(argv[2],nodeCount); waitCounter(); LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Starting the read cycle for path %s",argv[2]); doReads(argv[2],nodeCount); waitCounter(); LOG_INFO(LOGSTREAM, "Starting the delete cycle for path %s",argv[2]); doDeletes(argv[2],nodeCount); waitCounter(); } zookeeper_close(zh); return 0; }
void ZKClient::Init() { zkaction_responses_ = new PCQueue(); auto zkaction_response_cb = [this](EventLoop::Status status) { this->OnZkActionResponse(status); }; if (pipe(pipers_) < 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "Pipe failed in ZKClient"; } sp_int32 flags; if ((flags = fcntl(pipers_[0], F_GETFL, 0)) < 0 || fcntl(pipers_[0], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0 || eventLoop_->registerForRead(pipers_[0], std::move(zkaction_response_cb), true) != 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "fcntl failed in ZKClient"; } zoo_deterministic_conn_order(0); // even distribution of clients on the server InitZKHandle(); }
static VALUE method_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE hostPort) { VALUE data; struct zk_rb_data* zk = NULL; Check_Type(hostPort, T_STRING); data = Data_Make_Struct(ZooKeeper, struct zk_rb_data, 0, free_zk_rb_data, zk); zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(0); zk->zh = zookeeper_init(RSTRING(hostPort)->ptr, watcher, 10000, &zk->myid, (void*)self, 0); if (!zk->zh) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "error connecting to zookeeper: %d", errno); } rb_iv_set(self, "@data", data); return Qnil; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char zkServers[100] = ""; zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); zh = zookeeper_init(zkServers, watcher, 60000, &zkClientId, 0, 0); if (!zh) { printf("ZK Init error(%s)\n", zkServers); return 0; } while (true) { sleep(1); if (completeZkInit == 1) { break; } } char resultPath[1024] = {0,}; int resultLength; zoo_create(zh, "/test", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, resultPath, 1024); //watchctx_t ctxWC; Stat zooStat; int result = zoo_exists(zh, "/test", 1, &zooStat); if (result == ZOK) { printf("node exists\n"); } String_vector children; zoo_get_children(zh, "/test", 1, &children); zoo_create(zh, "/test/sub01", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, resultPath, 1024); zoo_create(zh, "/test/sub02", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, resultPath, 1024); zoo_delete(zh, "/test", -1); while(1) { sleep(20); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifndef THREADED fd_set rfds, wfds, efds; int processed=0; #endif char buffer[4096]; char p[2048]; #ifdef YCA char *cert=0; char appId[64]; #endif int bufoff = 0; FILE *fh; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE %s zookeeper_host_list [clientid_file|cmd:(ls|ls2|create|od|...)]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Version: ZooKeeper cli (c client) version %d.%d.%d\n", ZOO_MAJOR_VERSION, ZOO_MINOR_VERSION, ZOO_PATCH_VERSION); return 2; } if (argc > 2) { if(strncmp("cmd:",argv[2],4)==0){ size_t cmdlen = strlen(argv[2]); if (cmdlen > sizeof(cmd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Command length %zu exceeds max length of %zu\n", cmdlen, sizeof(cmd)); return 2; } strncpy(cmd, argv[2]+4, sizeof(cmd)); batchMode=1; fprintf(stderr,"Batch mode: %s\n",cmd); }else{ clientIdFile = argv[2]; fh = fopen(clientIdFile, "r"); if (fh) { if (fread(&myid, sizeof(myid), 1, fh) != sizeof(myid)) { memset(&myid, 0, sizeof(myid)); } fclose(fh); } } } #ifdef YCA strcpy(appId,"yahoo.example.yca_test"); cert = yca_get_cert_once(appId); if(cert!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Certificate for appid [%s] is [%s]\n",appId,cert); strncpy(p,cert,sizeof(p)-1); free(cert); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Certificate for appid [%s] not found\n",appId); strcpy(p,"dummy"); } #else strcpy(p, "dummy"); #endif verbose = 0; zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); // enable deterministic order hostPort = argv[1]; zh = zookeeper_init(hostPort, watcher, 30000, &myid, 0, 0); if (!zh) { return errno; } #ifdef YCA if(zoo_add_auth(zh,"yca",p,strlen(p),0,0)!=ZOK) return 2; #endif #ifdef THREADED while(!shutdownThisThing) { int rc; int len = sizeof(buffer) - bufoff -1; if (len <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't handle lines that long!\n"); exit(2); } rc = read(0, buffer+bufoff, len); if (rc <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bye\n"); shutdownThisThing=1; break; } bufoff += rc; buffer[bufoff] = '\0'; while (strchr(buffer, '\n')) { char *ptr = strchr(buffer, '\n'); *ptr = '\0'; processline(buffer); ptr++; memmove(buffer, ptr, strlen(ptr)+1); bufoff = 0; } } #else FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_ZERO(&efds); while (!shutdownThisThing) { int fd; int interest; int events; struct timeval tv; int rc; zookeeper_interest(zh, &fd, &interest, &tv); if (fd != -1) { if (interest&ZOOKEEPER_READ) { FD_SET(fd, &rfds); } else { FD_CLR(fd, &rfds); } if (interest&ZOOKEEPER_WRITE) { FD_SET(fd, &wfds); } else { FD_CLR(fd, &wfds); } } else { fd = 0; } FD_SET(0, &rfds); rc = select(fd+1, &rfds, &wfds, &efds, &tv); events = 0; if (rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds)) { events |= ZOOKEEPER_READ; } if (FD_ISSET(fd, &wfds)) { events |= ZOOKEEPER_WRITE; } } if(batchMode && processed==0){ //batch mode processline(cmd); processed=1; } if (FD_ISSET(0, &rfds)) { int rc; int len = sizeof(buffer) - bufoff -1; if (len <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't handle lines that long!\n"); exit(2); } rc = read(0, buffer+bufoff, len); if (rc <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bye\n"); break; } bufoff += rc; buffer[bufoff] = '\0'; while (strchr(buffer, '\n')) { char *ptr = strchr(buffer, '\n'); *ptr = '\0'; processline(buffer); ptr++; memmove(buffer, ptr, strlen(ptr)+1); bufoff = 0; } } zookeeper_process(zh, events); } #endif if (to_send!=0) fprintf(stderr,"Recvd %d responses for %d requests sent\n",recvd,sent); zookeeper_close(zh); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc; int fd; int interest; int events; struct timeval tv; fd_set rfds, wfds, efds; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s host:port\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_ZERO(&efds); zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); hostPort = argv[1]; zh = zookeeper_init(hostPort, watcher, 30000, &myid, 0, 0); if (!zh) { return errno; } while (1) { zookeeper_interest(zh, &fd, &interest, &tv); usleep(10); if (connected == 1) { struct String_vector str; usleep(10); // watch existence of the node rc = zoo_wget_children(zh, "/testpath1", watchchildren , mycontext, &str); if (ZOK != rc){ printf("Problems %d\n", rc); } else { int i = 0; while (i < str.count) { printf("Children %s\n", str.data[i++]); } if (str.count) { deallocate_String_vector(&str); } } connected++; } if (fd != -1) { if (interest & ZOOKEEPER_READ) { FD_SET(fd, &rfds); } else { FD_CLR(fd, &rfds); } if (interest & ZOOKEEPER_WRITE) { FD_SET(fd, &wfds); } else { FD_CLR(fd, &wfds); } } else { fd = 0; } FD_SET(0, &rfds); rc = select(fd+1, &rfds, &wfds, &efds, &tv); events = 0; if (rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds)) { events |= ZOOKEEPER_READ; } if (FD_ISSET(fd, &wfds)) { events |= ZOOKEEPER_WRITE; } } zookeeper_process(zh, events); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { INITSRVRTRC CEE_status sts = CEE_SUCCESS; SRVR_INIT_PARAM_Def initParam; DWORD processId; char tmpString[128]; char tmpString2[32]; char tmpString3[512]; CEECFG_Transport transport; CEECFG_TcpPortNumber portNumber; BOOL retcode; IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef; CEECFG_TcpProcessName TcpProcessName; int TransportTrace = 0; CALL_COMP_DOVERS(ndcs,argc,argv); try { regZnodeName[0] = '\x0'; zkHost[0] = '\x0'; zkRootNode[0] = '\x0'; // Initialize seabed int sbResult; char buffer[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; bzero(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); sbResult = file_init_attach(&argc, &argv, true, buffer); if(sbResult != XZFIL_ERR_OK){ exit(3); } sbResult = file_mon_process_startup(true); if(sbResult != XZFIL_ERR_OK){ exit(3); } msg_mon_enable_mon_messages(true); } catch(SB_Fatal_Excep sbfe) { exit(3); } sigset_t newset, oldset; sigemptyset(&newset); sigaddset(&newset,SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&newset,SIGTERM); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&newset,&oldset); processId = GetCurrentProcessId(); retcode = getInitParamSrvr(argc, argv, initParam, tmpString, tmpString3); retcode = TRUE; mxosrvr_init_seabed_trace_dll(); atexit(mxosrvr_atexit_function); // +++ Todo: Duplicating calls here. Should try to persist in srvrGlobal MS_Mon_Process_Info_Type proc_info; msg_mon_get_process_info_detail(NULL, &proc_info); myNid = proc_info.nid; myPid = proc_info.pid; myProcName = proc_info.process_name; char logNameSuffix[32]; sprintf( logNameSuffix, "_%d_%d.log", myNid, myPid ); CommonLogger::instance().initLog4cxx("log4cxx.trafodion.masterexe.config", logNameSuffix); if(retcode == FALSE ) { //LCOV_EXCL_START SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 2, tmpString, tmpString3); exit(0); //LCOV_EXCL_STOP } GTransport.initialize(); if(GTransport.error != 0 ) { //LCOV_EXCL_START SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, GTransport.error_message); exit(0); //LCOV_EXCL_STOP } chdir(GTransport.myPathname); initParam.srvrType = CORE_SRVR; //LCOV_EXCL_START if (initParam.debugFlag & SRVR_DEBUG_BREAK) { volatile int done = 0; while (!done) { sleep(10); } } //LCOV_EXCL_STOP char zkErrStr[2048]; stringstream zk_ip_port; // zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); if( zkHost[0] == '\x0' && regZnodeName[0] == '\x0' ) { sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** Cannot get Zookeeper properties or registered znode info from startup params"); SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); // exit(1); } else { zk_ip_port << zkHost; sprintf(zkErrStr, "zk_ip_port is: %s", zk_ip_port.str().c_str()); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); } if (initParam.debugFlag & SRVR_DEBUG_BREAK) zkSessionTimeout = 600; zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); // enable deterministic order zh = zookeeper_init(zk_ip_port.str().c_str(), watcher, zkSessionTimeout * 1000, &myid, 0, 0); if (zh == 0){ sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** zookeeper_init() failed for host:port %s",zk_ip_port.str().c_str()); SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); // exit(1); } bool found = false; int rc; stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss << zkRootNode << "/dcs/master"; string dcsMaster(ss.str()); Stat stat; int startPortNum = 0, portRangeNum; char masterHostName[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN]; char startPort[12], portRange[12], masterTS[24]; struct String_vector children; children.count = 0; children.data = NULL; // Get the instance ID from registered node char *tkn; char tmpStr[256]; strcpy( tmpStr, regZnodeName ); tkn = strtok(tmpStr, ":" ); if(tkn!=NULL) strcpy(hostname,tkn); tkn = strtok(NULL, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) strcpy( instanceId, tkn ); tkn = strtok(NULL, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) strcpy( childId, tkn ); else ; // +++ Todo handle error while(!found) { rc = zoo_exists(zh, dcsMaster.c_str(), 0, &stat); if( rc == ZNONODE ) continue; else if( rc == ZOK ) { rc = zoo_get_children(zh, dcsMaster.c_str(), 0, &children); if( children.count > 0 ) { char zknodeName[2048]; strcpy(zknodeName, children.data[0]); tkn = strtok(zknodeName, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) strcpy( masterHostName, tkn ); tkn = strtok(NULL, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) { strcpy( startPort, tkn ); startPortNum = atoi(tkn); } tkn = strtok(NULL, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) { strcpy( portRange, tkn ); portRangeNum = atoi(tkn); } tkn = strtok(NULL, ":" ); if( tkn != NULL ) strcpy( masterTS, tkn ); free_String_vector(&children); found = true; } else continue; } else // error { sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** zoo_exists() for %s failed with error %d",dcsMaster.c_str(), rc); SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); break; } } // Initialize initparam to defaults initParam.transport = CEE_TRANSPORT_TCP; // -T 3 initParam.majorVersion = 3; // -V 3 // Will need to remove $ZTC0 and NonStopODBC from below sprintf( initParam.asSrvrObjRef, "TCP:$ZTC0/%s:NonStopODBC", startPort); // -A TCP:$ZTC0/52500:NonStopODBC // Will need to remove this after we get rid off all existing AS related processing sprintf( initParam.ASProcessName, "$MXOAS" ); // -AS $MXOAS // Will need to remove this after we get rid off all existing WMS related processing sprintf( initParam.QSProcessName, "$ZWMGR" ); // -QS $ZWMGR // moved this here from begining of the function BUILD_OBJECTREF(initParam.asSrvrObjRef, srvrObjRef, "NonStopODBC", initParam.portNumber); ss.str(""); ss << zkRootNode << "/dcs/servers/registered"; string dcsRegistered(ss.str()); char realpath[1024]; bool zk_error = false; if( found ) { sprintf(zkErrStr, "Found master node in Zookeeper"); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); found = false; while(!found) { rc = zoo_exists(zh, dcsRegistered.c_str(), 0, &stat); if( rc == ZNONODE ) continue; else if( rc == ZOK ) { int i; //This section is the original port finding mechanism. //All servers (the herd) start looking for any available port //between starting port number+2 through port range max. //This is mainly for backward compatability for DcsServers //that don't pass PORTMAPTOSECS and PORTBINDTOSECS param if(portMapToSecs == -1 && portBindToSecs == -1) { for(i = startPortNum+2; i < startPortNum+portRangeNum; i++) { if (GTransport.m_listener->verifyPortAvailable("SRVR", i)) break; } if( i == startPortNum+portRangeNum ) { zk_error = true; sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** No ports free"); break; } } else { //This section is for new port map params, PORTMAPTOSECS and PORTBINDTOSECS, //passed in by DcsServer. DcsMaster writes the port map to data portion of //<username>/dcs/servers/registered znode. Wait PORTMAPTOSECS for port map //to appear in registered znode. When it appears read it and scan looking for //match of instance and child Id. long retryTimeout = 500;//.5 second long long timeout = JULIANTIMESTAMP(); bool isPortsMapped = false; char *zkData = new char[1000000]; int zkDataLen = 1000000; while(! isPortsMapped) { memset(zkData,0,1000000); rc = zoo_get(zh, dcsRegistered.c_str(), false, zkData, &zkDataLen, &stat); if( rc == ZOK && zkDataLen > 0 ) { sprintf(zkErrStr, "DCS port map = %s", zkData); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); int myInstanceId = atoi(instanceId); int myChildId = atoi(childId); sprintf(zkErrStr, "Searching for my id (%d:%d) in port map",myInstanceId,myChildId); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); char portMapInstanceId[8]; char portMapChildId[8]; char portMapPortNum[8]; char* saveptr; char* token = strtok_r (zkData,":",&saveptr); while (token != NULL) { if( token != NULL )//instance Id strcpy( portMapInstanceId, token ); token = strtok_r(NULL, ":",&saveptr); if( token != NULL )//child id strcpy( portMapChildId, token ); token = strtok_r(NULL, ":",&saveptr); if( token != NULL )//port number strcpy( portMapPortNum, token ); int currPortMapInstanceId = atoi(portMapInstanceId); int currPortMapChildId = atoi(portMapChildId); int currPortMapPortNum = atoi(portMapPortNum); if(myInstanceId == currPortMapInstanceId && myChildId == currPortMapChildId) { i = currPortMapPortNum; sprintf(zkErrStr, "Found my port number = %d in port map", i); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); break; } else { token = strtok_r (NULL, ":",&saveptr); } } timeout = JULIANTIMESTAMP(); bool isAvailable = false; while ( isAvailable == false ) { if (GTransport.m_listener->verifyPortAvailable("SRVR", i)) { isAvailable = true; } else { if((JULIANTIMESTAMP() - timeout) > (portBindToSecs * 1000000)) { sprintf(zkErrStr, "Port bind timeout...exiting"); zk_error = true; break; } else { sprintf(zkErrStr, "Port = %d is already in use...retrying", i); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); DELAY(retryTimeout); } } } isPortsMapped = true; } else { if((JULIANTIMESTAMP() - timeout) > (portMapToSecs * 1000000)) { sprintf(zkErrStr, "Port map read timeout...exiting"); zk_error = true; break; } else { sprintf(zkErrStr, "Waiting for port map"); SendEventMsg(MSG_SERVER_TRACE_INFO, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); DELAY(retryTimeout); rc = zoo_exists(zh, dcsRegistered.c_str(), 0, &stat); } } } delete[] zkData; } initParam.portNumber = i; stringstream newpath; newpath.str(""); newpath << dcsRegistered.c_str() << "/" << regZnodeName; // dcsRegisteredNode.str(""); // dcsRegisteredNode << dcsRegistered.c_str() << "/" << regZnodeName; dcsRegisteredNode = newpath.str(); ss.str(""); ss << myPid; string pid(ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << "STARTING" << ":" << JULIANTIMESTAMP() << ":" << ":" // Dialogue ID << myNid << ":" << myPid << ":" << myProcName.c_str() << ":" // Server IP address << ":" // Server Port << ":" // Client computer name << ":" // Client address << ":" // Client port << ":" // Client Appl name << ":"; regSrvrData = ss.str(); rc = zoo_create(zh, dcsRegisteredNode.c_str(), regSrvrData.c_str(), regSrvrData.length(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, realpath, sizeof(realpath)-1); if( rc != ZOK ) { zk_error = true; sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** zoo_create() failed with error %d", rc); break; } found = true; } else // error { zk_error = true; sprintf(zkErrStr, "***** zoo_exists() for %s failed with error %d",dcsRegistered.c_str(), rc); break; } } } if( zk_error ) { SendEventMsg( MSG_SET_SRVR_CONTEXT_FAILED, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, processId, ODBCMX_SERVER, srvrObjRef, 1, zkErrStr); exit(1); } //LCOV_EXCL_START // when a server dies, the MXOAS sends message to CFG. CFG creates the MXOSRVR process // and passess only one command line atribute: -SQL CLEANUP OBSOLETE VOLATILE TABLES // It is for cleanup resources (volatile tables). // Newly created MXOSRVR process executes CLEANUP OBSOLETE VOLATILE TABLES and exits. // (This process is not managed by AS!. It is only a helper. if (initParam.sql != NULL) { if (strncmp(initParam.sql, "SELECT COUNT", 12) == 0) { //You can specify a completion code with any positive value in a PROCESS_STOP_. //Negative completion codes are reserved for HP use. //Therefore negative codes will return as 1000 + abs(completionCode) short completionCode = -1; completionCode = SQL_EXECDIRECT_FETCH(&initParam); if (completionCode < 0) completionCode = 1000 + abs(completionCode); #ifdef NSK_PLATFORM PROCESS_STOP_(,,,completionCode,,,,); #else /* * TODO: * need to revisit this logic to return a value via exit code * */ #endif } else {
static VALUE method_deterministic_conn_order(VALUE self, VALUE yn) { zoo_deterministic_conn_order(yn == Qtrue); return Qnil; }
static VALUE method_zkrb_init(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { VALUE hostPort=Qnil; VALUE options=Qnil; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &hostPort, &options); if (NIL_P(options)) { options = rb_hash_new(); } else { Check_Type(options, T_HASH); } Check_Type(hostPort, T_STRING); // Look up :zkc_log_level VALUE log_level = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("zkc_log_level"))); if (NIL_P(log_level)) { zoo_set_debug_level(0); // no log messages } else { Check_Type(log_level, T_FIXNUM); zoo_set_debug_level(FIX2INT(log_level)); } volatile VALUE data; zkrb_instance_data_t *zk_local_ctx; data = Data_Make_Struct(CZookeeper, zkrb_instance_data_t, 0, free_zkrb_instance_data, zk_local_ctx); zk_local_ctx->queue = zkrb_queue_alloc(); if (zk_local_ctx->queue == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not allocate zkrb queue!"); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(0); zkrb_calling_context *ctx = zkrb_calling_context_alloc(ZKRB_GLOBAL_REQ, zk_local_ctx->queue); zk_local_ctx->object_id = FIX2LONG(rb_obj_id(self)); zk_local_ctx->zh = zookeeper_init( RSTRING_PTR(hostPort), // const char *host zkrb_state_callback, // watcher_fn session_timeout_msec(self), // recv_timeout &zk_local_ctx->myid, // cilentid_t ctx, // void *context 0); // flags zkrb_debug("method_zkrb_init, zk_local_ctx: %p, zh: %p, queue: %p, calling_ctx: %p", zk_local_ctx, zk_local_ctx->zh, zk_local_ctx->queue, ctx); if (!zk_local_ctx->zh) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "error connecting to zookeeper: %d", errno); } zk_local_ctx->orig_pid = getpid(); rb_iv_set(self, "@_data", data); rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("zkc_set_running_and_notify!"), 0); return Qnil; }