Example #1
static void
test_tcp_pair_cli (void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe)
    vtx_t *vtx = vtx_new (ctx);
    int rc = vtx_tcp_load (vtx, FALSE);
    assert (rc == 0);
    char *port = zstr_recv (pipe);

    void *pair = vtx_socket (vtx, ZMQ_PAIR);
    assert (pair);
    rc = vtx_connect (vtx, pair, "tcp://localhost:%s", port);
    assert (rc == 0);
    int sent = 0;
    int recd = 0;

    while (!zctx_interrupted) {
        zstr_send (pair, "ICANHAZ?");
        char *reply = zstr_recv_nowait (pair);
        if (reply) {
            free (reply);
        char *end = zstr_recv_nowait (pipe);
        if (end) {
            free (end);
            zstr_send (pipe, "OK");
    zclock_log ("I: PAIR CLI: sent=%d recd=%d", sent, recd);
    free (port);
    vtx_destroy (&vtx);
Example #2
static void
test_tcp_pub (void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe)
    vtx_t *vtx = vtx_new (ctx);
    int rc = vtx_tcp_load (vtx, FALSE);
    assert (rc == 0);
    char *port = zstr_recv (pipe);

    //  Create publisher socket and bind to all network interfaces
    void *publisher = vtx_socket (vtx, ZMQ_PUB);
    assert (publisher);
    rc = vtx_bind (vtx, publisher, "tcp://*:%s", port);
    assert (rc == 0);
    int sent = 0;

    while (!zctx_interrupted) {
        zstr_sendf (publisher, "NOM %04x", randof (0x10000));
        char *end = zstr_recv_nowait (pipe);
        if (end) {
            free (end);
            zstr_send (pipe, "OK");
    zclock_log ("I: PUB: sent=%d", sent);
    free (port);
    vtx_destroy (&vtx);
Example #3
int game_thread( void * _parms ) {
  GameThreadParms * parms = (GameThreadParms*)_parms;

  GameState gs;
  SharedRenderState rs;

  game_init( gs, rs );

  gs.zmq_control_socket = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_PAIR );
    int ret = zsocket_connect( gs.zmq_control_socket, "inproc://control_game" );
    assert( ret == 0 );
  gs.zmq_render_socket = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_PAIR );
  zsocket_bind( gs.zmq_render_socket, "inproc://game_render" );

  gs.zmq_input_req = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_REQ );
    int ret = zsocket_connect( gs.zmq_input_req, "inproc://input" );
    assert( ret == 0 );

  unsigned int baseline = SDL_GetTicks();
  int framenum = 0;
  while ( true ) {
    unsigned int now = SDL_GetTicks();
    unsigned int target_frame = ( now - baseline ) / GAME_DELAY;
    if ( framenum <= target_frame ) {
      // NOTE: build the state of the world at t = framenum * GAME_DELAY,
      // under normal conditions that's a time in the future
      // (the exception to that is if we are catching up on ticking game frames)
      game_tick( now, gs, rs );
      // notify the render thread that a new game state is ready.
      // on the next render frame, it will start interpolating between the previous state and this new one
      zstr_sendf( gs.zmq_render_socket, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", baseline + framenum * GAME_DELAY, rs.position.x, rs.position.y, rs.orientation.w, rs.orientation.x, rs.orientation.y, rs.orientation.z, rs.smoothed_angular.x, rs.smoothed_angular.y, rs.smoothed_angular.z );
    } else {
      int ahead = framenum * GAME_DELAY - ( now - baseline );
      assert( ahead > 0 );
      printf( "game sleep %d ms\n", ahead );
      SDL_Delay( ahead );
    char * cmd = zstr_recv_nowait( gs.zmq_control_socket );
    if ( cmd != NULL ) {
      assert( strcmp( cmd, "stop" ) == 0 );
      free( cmd );
  return 0;
Example #4
static void zeromq_beacon_fd_callback(int zeromq_fd, void* datas )
//    cloneclient_t* cc = (cloneclient_t*)datas;

//    printf("zeromq_beacon_fd_callback(top)\n");
    int opt = 0;
    size_t optsz = sizeof(int);
    zmq_getsockopt( zbeacon_socket (client_beacon), ZMQ_EVENTS, &opt, &optsz );
//    printf("zeromq_beacon_fd_callback(2) opt:%d\n", opt );

    if( opt & ZMQ_POLLIN )
//	printf("zeromq_beacon_fd_callback() have message!\n");

	while( 1 )
	    char *ipaddress = zstr_recv_nowait (zbeacon_socket (client_beacon));
//	    printf("zeromq_beacon_fd_callback() have data? p:%p\n", ipaddress );
	    if( ipaddress )
//		printf("zeromq_beacon_fd_callback() have message! ip:%s\n", ipaddress );
		zframe_t *content = zframe_recv_nowait (zbeacon_socket (client_beacon));
		if( content )
		    beacon_announce_t* ba = (beacon_announce_t*)zframe_data(content);
//		    printf("uuid:%s\n", ba->uuid );
//		    printf("user:%s\n", ba->username );
//		    printf("mach:%s\n", ba->machinename );

//		    if( ba->version >= 2 && ff_uuid_isValid(ba->uuid) ) {
//			printf("have a beacon back for xuid:%s\n", ba->uuid );
//		    }
		    beacon_announce_t* copy = g_malloc( sizeof(beacon_announce_t));
		    memcpy( copy, ba, sizeof(beacon_announce_t));
		    copy->last_msg_from_peer_time = time(0);
		    copy->port = ntohs( copy->port );
		    strncpy( copy->ip, ipaddress, beacon_announce_ip_sz );
		    g_hash_table_replace( peers, copy->uuid, copy );
		    zframe_destroy (&content);
		free (ipaddress);
 * Reply to a ping request from FontForge on localhost
static int
s_ping (zloop_t *loop, zmq_pollitem_t *poller, void *args)
    clonesrv_t *self = (clonesrv_t *) args;
    char* p = zstr_recv_nowait( self->ping );
    if( p && !strcmp(p,"quit"))
	if( service_beacon )
	    zbeacon_destroy( &service_beacon );
    zstr_send( self->ping, "pong" );
    return 0;
Example #6
static void collabclient_sniffForLocalServer_timer( void* udata )
    collabclient_sniffForLocalServer_t* cc = (collabclient_sniffForLocalServer_t*)udata;
//    printf("collabclient_sniffForLocalServer_timer()\n");

    char* p = zstr_recv_nowait( cc->socket );
    if( p )
//	printf("collabclient_sniffForLocalServer_timer() p:%s\n", p);
	if( !strcmp(p,"pong"))
//	    printf("******* have local server!\n");
	    cc->haveServer = 1;
Example #7
int render_thread( void * _parms ) {
  RenderThreadParms * parms = (RenderThreadParms*)_parms;
  RenderThreadSockets rsockets;

  void * zmq_control_socket = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_PAIR );
    int ret = zsocket_connect( zmq_control_socket, "inproc://control_render" );
    assert( ret == 0 );

  void * zmq_game_socket = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_PAIR );
    int ret = zsocket_connect( zmq_game_socket, "inproc://game_render" );
    // NOTE: since both render thread and game thread get spun at the same time,
    // and the connect needs to happen after the bind,
    // it's possible this would fail on occasion? just loop a few times and retry?
    assert( ret == 0 );

  rsockets.zmq_input_req = zsocket_new( parms->zmq_context, ZMQ_REQ );
    int ret = zsocket_connect( rsockets.zmq_input_req, "inproc://input" );
    assert( ret == 0 );

#ifdef __APPLE__
  OSX_GL_set_current( parms->ogre_window );
  // NOTE: no SDL_GL_ on OSX when Ogre is in charge of the context!
  SDL_GL_MakeCurrent( parms->window, parms->gl_context );

  // internal render state, not part of the interpolation
  RenderState rs;

  // always interpolating between two states  
  SharedRenderState srs[2];
  unsigned int srs_index = 0;
  srs[0].game_time = srs[1].game_time = 0;

  render_init( parms, rs, srs[0] );

  while ( true ) {
    char * cmd = zstr_recv_nowait( zmq_control_socket );
    if ( cmd != NULL ) {
      assert( strcmp( cmd, "stop" ) == 0 );
      free( cmd );
      break; // exit the thread
    while ( true ) {
      // any message from the game thread?
      char * game_tick = zstr_recv_nowait( zmq_game_socket );
      if ( game_tick == NULL ) {

      srs_index ^= 1;
      parse_render_state( rs, srs[ srs_index ], game_tick );

      free( game_tick );

    // skip rendering until enough data has come in to support interpolation
    if ( srs[0].game_time == srs[1].game_time ) { // 0 == 0
    unsigned int pre_render_time = SDL_GetTicks();
    float ratio = (float)( pre_render_time - srs[ srs_index ^ 1 ].game_time ) / (float)( srs[ srs_index ].game_time - srs[ srs_index ^ 1 ].game_time );
    printf( "render ratio %f\n", ratio );

    interpolate_and_render( rsockets, rs, ratio, srs[ srs_index ^ 1 ], srs[ srs_index ] );

    if ( parms->gl_context != NULL ) {
      // glcontext != NULL <=> SDL initialized the GL context and manages the buffer swaps
      SDL_GL_SwapWindow( parms->window );
    // 'render latency': how late is the image we displayed
    // if vsync is off, it's the time it took to render the frame
    // if vsync is on, it's render time + time waiting for the buffer swap
    // NOTE: could display it terms of ratio also?
    unsigned int post_render_time = SDL_GetTicks();
    printf( "render latency %d ms\n", post_render_time - pre_render_time );
  return 0;