Example #1
zactor_t *
zactor_new (zactor_fn *actor, void *args)
    zactor_t *self = (zactor_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zactor_t));
    if (!self)
        return NULL;
    self->tag = ZACTOR_TAG;

    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (shim_t));
    if (!shim) {
        zactor_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;
    shim->pipe = zsys_create_pipe (&self->pipe);
    shim->handler = actor;
    shim->args = args;

#if defined (__UNIX__)
    pthread_t thread;
    pthread_create (&thread, NULL, s_thread_shim, shim);
    pthread_detach (thread);

#elif defined (__WINDOWS__)
    HANDLE handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (
        NULL,                   //  Handle is private to this process
        0,                      //  Use a default stack size for new thread
        &s_thread_shim,         //  Start real thread function via this shim
        shim,                   //  Which gets arguments shim
        CREATE_SUSPENDED,       //  Set thread priority before starting it
        NULL);                  //  We don't use the thread ID
    assert (handle);

    //  Set child thread priority to same as current
    int priority = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread ());
    SetThreadPriority (handle, priority);

    //  Start thread & release resources
    ResumeThread (handle);
    CloseHandle (handle);

    //  Mandatory handshake for new actor so that constructor returns only
    //  when actor has also initialized. This eliminates timing issues at
    //  application start up.
    zsock_wait (self->pipe);
    return self;
Example #2
static stream_t *
s_stream_new (client_t *client, const char *name)
    stream_t *self = (stream_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (stream_t));
    if (self) {
        zsock_t *backend;
        self->name = strdup (name);
        if (self->name)
            self->msgpipe = zsys_create_pipe (&backend);
        if (self->msgpipe) {
            engine_handle_socket (client->server, self->msgpipe, s_forward_stream_traffic);
            self->actor = zactor_new (mlm_stream_simple, backend);
        if (!self->actor)
            s_stream_destroy (&self);
    return self;
Example #3
File: zyre.c Project: sphaero/zyre
zyre_t *
zyre_new (const char *name)
    zyre_t *self = (zyre_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zyre_t));
    assert (self);

    //  Create front-to-back pipe pair for data traffic
    zsock_t *outbox;
    self->inbox = zsys_create_pipe (&outbox);

    //  Start node engine and wait for it to be ready
    self->actor = zactor_new (zyre_node_actor, outbox);
    assert (self->actor);

    //  Send name, if any, to node ending
    if (name)
        zstr_sendx (self->actor, "SET NAME", name, NULL);

    return self;
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsys__1_1createPipe (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong backend_p)
    jlong create_pipe_ = (jlong) (intptr_t) zsys_create_pipe ((zsock_t **) (intptr_t) &backend_p);
    return create_pipe_;
Example #5
//  Create a pipe, which consists of two PAIR sockets connected over inproc.
//  The pipe is configured to use the zsys_pipehwm setting. Returns the
//  frontend socket successful, NULL if failed.
QmlZsock *QmlZsysAttached::createPipe (QmlZsock *backendP) {
    QmlZsock *retQ_ = new QmlZsock ();
    retQ_->self = zsys_create_pipe (&backendP->self);
    return retQ_;
Example #6
//  Create a pipe, which consists of two PAIR sockets connected over inproc.
//  The pipe is configured to use the zsys_pipehwm setting. Returns the
//  frontend socket successful, NULL if failed.
QZsock * QZsys::createPipe (QZsock *backendP)
    QZsock *rv = new QZsock (zsys_create_pipe (&backendP->self));
    return rv;