void JAWS_Synch_IO::receive_file (JAWS_IO_Handler *ioh, const char *filename, void *initial_data, unsigned int initial_data_length, unsigned int entire_length) { ACE_Filecache_Handle handle (filename, (int) entire_length); int result = handle.error (); if (result == ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) { ACE_SOCK_Stream stream; stream.set_handle (ioh->handle ()); int bytes_to_memcpy = ACE_MIN (entire_length, initial_data_length); ACE_OS::memcpy (handle.address (), initial_data, bytes_to_memcpy); int bytes_to_read = entire_length - bytes_to_memcpy; int bytes = stream.recv_n ((char *) handle.address () + initial_data_length, bytes_to_read); if (bytes == bytes_to_read) ioh->receive_file_complete (); else result = -1; } if (result != ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) ioh->receive_file_error (result); }
void JAWS_Synch_IO::receive_file (const char *filename, void *initial_data, int initial_data_length, int entire_length) { ACE_Filecache_Handle handle (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (filename), entire_length); int result = handle.error (); if (result == ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) { ACE_SOCK_Stream stream; stream.set_handle (this->handle_); int bytes_to_memcpy = ACE_MIN (entire_length, initial_data_length); ACE_OS::memcpy (handle.address (), initial_data, bytes_to_memcpy); int bytes_to_read = entire_length - bytes_to_memcpy; int bytes = stream.recv_n ((char *) handle.address () + initial_data_length, bytes_to_read); if (bytes == bytes_to_read) this->handler_->receive_file_complete (); else result = -1; } if (result != ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) this->handler_->receive_file_error (result); }
void JAWS_Synch_IO::transmit_file (const char *filename, const char *header, int header_size, const char *trailer, int trailer_size) { ACE_Filecache_Handle handle (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (filename)); int result = handle.error (); if (result == ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) { #if defined (ACE_JAWS_BASELINE) || defined (ACE_WIN32) ACE_SOCK_Stream stream; stream.set_handle (this->handle_); if ((stream.send_n (header, header_size) == header_size) && (stream.send_n (handle.address (), handle.size ()) == handle.size ()) && (stream.send_n (trailer, trailer_size) == trailer_size)) this->handler_->transmit_file_complete (); else result = -1; #else // Attempting to use writev // Is this faster? iovec iov[3]; int iovcnt = 0; if (header_size > 0) { iov[iovcnt].iov_base = const_cast<char*> (header); iov[iovcnt].iov_len = header_size; iovcnt++; } if (handle.size () > 0) { iov[iovcnt].iov_base = reinterpret_cast<char*> (handle.address ()); iov[iovcnt].iov_len = handle.size (); iovcnt++; } if (trailer_size > 0) { iov[iovcnt].iov_base = const_cast<char*> (trailer); iov[iovcnt].iov_len = trailer_size; iovcnt++; } if (ACE_OS::writev (this->handle_, iov, iovcnt) < 0) result = -1; else this->handler_->transmit_file_complete (); #endif /* ACE_JAWS_BASELINE */ } if (result != ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) this->handler_->transmit_file_error (result); }
void JAWS_Asynch_IO::receive_file (JAWS_IO_Handler *ioh, const char *filename, void *initial_data, unsigned int initial_data_length, unsigned int entire_length) { JAWS_TRACE ("JAWS_Asynch_IO::receive_file"); ioh->idle (); JAWS_Asynch_IO_Handler *aioh = dynamic_cast<JAWS_Asynch_IO_Handler *> (ioh); ACE_Message_Block *mb = 0; ACE_Filecache_Handle *handle; ACE_NEW (handle, ACE_Filecache_Handle (filename, entire_length, ACE_NOMAP)); int result = handle->error (); if (result == ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) { ACE_OS::memcpy (handle->address (), initial_data, initial_data_length); int bytes_to_read = entire_length - initial_data_length; ACE_NEW (mb, ACE_Message_Block ((char *)handle->address () + initial_data_length, bytes_to_read)); if (mb == 0) { errno = ENOMEM; result = -1; } else { ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream ar; if (ar.open (*(aioh->handler ()), aioh->handle ()) == -1 || ar.read (*mb, mb->size () - mb->length (), handle) == -1) result = -1; } } if (result != ACE_Filecache_Handle::ACE_SUCCESS) { this->handler_->receive_file_error (result); delete mb; delete handle; } }
int HTTP_Handler::svc (void) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; int count = 0; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "[%t] sending request --\n%s", this->request_)); this->peer ().send_n (this->request_, this->request_size_); // Read in characters until encounter \r\n\r\n int done = 0; char *contentlength; do { while (((count += this->peer ().recv_n (buf + count, 1)) > 0) && ((u_int) count < sizeof (buf))) { buf[count] = '\0'; if (count < 2) continue; done = ACE_OS::strcmp (buf + count - 4, "\n\n") == 0; if (done) break; if (count < 4) continue; done = ACE_OS::strcmp (buf + count - 4, "\r\n\r\n") == 0; if (done) break; } if (!done) { char *last = ACE_OS::strrchr (buf, '\n'); last[0] = '\0'; if ((contentlength = ACE_OS::strstr (buf, "\nContent-length:")) || (contentlength = ACE_OS::strstr (buf, "\nContent-Length:"))) done = 1; else { last[0] = '\n'; count = ACE_OS::strlen (last); ACE_OS::memmove (buf, last, count + 1); } } else { contentlength = ACE_OS::strstr (buf, "\nContent-length:"); if (!contentlength) contentlength = ACE_OS::strstr (buf, "\nContent-Length:"); } } while (!done); // ASSERT (contentlength != 0) int size = 0; if (contentlength && (::sscanf (contentlength, "\nContent-%*[lL]ength: %d ", &size) == 1)) { this->response_size_ = size; ACE_Filecache_Handle afh (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (this->filename_), this->response_size_); this->peer ().recv_n (afh.address (), this->response_size_); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " ``%s'' is now cached.\n", this->filename_)); } else { // Maybe we should do something more clever here, such as extend // ACE_Filecache_Handle to allow the creation of cache objects // whose size is unknown? // Another possibility is to write the contents out to a file, // and then cache it. // Perhaps make ACE_Filecache_Handle more savvy, and allow a // constructor which accepts a PEER as a parameter. ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "HTTP_Handler, no content-length header!\n")); } return 0; }