Example #1
// Function: distANN_XY
void distANN_XY( const ANNpointArray dataX, const ANNpointArray dataY,
		 double* distsXY,
		 unsigned int dimX, unsigned int dimY,
		 unsigned int xN, unsigned int yN,
		 unsigned int k, double eps )

  ANNkd_tree* kdTree;
  ANNdistArray nnDist;
  ANNidxArray nnIdx;

  // Allocate memory
  nnIdx = new ANNidx[ k+1 ];
  nnDist = new ANNdist[ k+1 ];
  kdTree = new ANNkd_tree( dataY, yN, dimY );

  // Get the distances to all the points
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < xN ; i++ )
      kdTree->annkSearch( dataX[ i ], k+1, nnIdx, nnDist, eps );

      double my_dist = nnDist[ k ];

      // check to see if the dist is zero (query point same as the kNN)
      // if so find the next k that gives the next positive distance
      if( my_dist == 0.0 )
	  ANNdistArray nnDist_tmp = new ANNdist[ yN ];
	  ANNidxArray nnIdx_tmp = new ANNidx[ yN ];
	  kdTree->annkSearch( dataX[ i ], yN, nnIdx_tmp, nnDist_tmp, eps );

	  for( unsigned int my_k = k + 1; my_k < yN; ++my_k )
	    if( nnDist_tmp[ my_k ] > 0.0 )
		my_dist = nnDist_tmp[ my_k ];
	  delete [] nnIdx_tmp;
	  delete [] nnDist_tmp;

      distsXY[ i ] = my_dist;

  // Deallocate memory
  delete [] nnIdx;
  delete [] nnDist;
  delete kdTree;

Example #2
object search(ANNkd_tree& kdtree, object q, int k, double eps, bool priority = false)
    BOOST_ASSERT(k <= kdtree.nPoints() && kdtree.theDim() == len(q));
    ANNpointManaged annq(kdtree.theDim());
    for (int c = 0; c < kdtree.theDim(); ++c)
        annq.pt[c] = extract<ANNcoord>(q[c]);

    npy_intp dims[] = { k};
    PyObject *pydists = PyArray_SimpleNew(1,dims, sizeof(ANNdist)==8 ? PyArray_DOUBLE : PyArray_FLOAT);
    PyObject *pyidx = PyArray_SimpleNew(1,dims, PyArray_INT);
    if( !pyidx )
    ANNdist* pdists = (ANNdist*)PyArray_DATA(pydists);
    ANNidx* pidx = (ANNidx*)PyArray_DATA(pyidx);

    std::vector<ANNidx> nn_idx(k);
    std::vector<ANNdist> dists(k);

    if (priority)
        kdtree.annkPriSearch(annq.pt, k, pidx, pdists, eps);
        kdtree.annkSearch(annq.pt, k, pidx, pdists, eps);
    return boost::python::make_tuple(static_cast<numeric::array>(handle<>(pyidx)), static_cast<numeric::array>(handle<>(pydists)));
Example #3
bool is_valid(tree_struct stree, vector<int> vals, int temp_dim) {

    ANNkd_tree *kdTree = stree.kdTree;
    int dim = stree.dim;
    ANNpointArray dataPts = stree.dataPts;

    // over-write the value of k to be 1
    int k_temp = 1;
    bool return_val=0;
    ANNidxArray nnIdx;            // near neighbor indices
    ANNdistArray dists;           // near neighbor distances
    nnIdx = new ANNidx[k_temp];   // allocate near neigh indices
    dists = new ANNdist[k_temp];
    cout << " is valid is testing this point:::: " << vector_to_string(vals) << endl;
    ANNpoint queryPt = make_point_from_vector(vals, temp_dim);
    kdTree->annkSearch(		// search
        queryPt,	// query point
        k_temp,	// number of near neighbors
        nnIdx,	// nearest neighbors (returned)
        dists,	// distance (returned)
        eps);	// error bound

    cout << "The distance is::::: " << dists[0] << endl;
    // just check if the distance is 0.
    if(dists[0] == 0)

    return return_val;
Example #4
vector<double> HDBScan::ComputeCoreDistance(double** input_data, int n_pts,
                                            int n_dim, int min_samples,
                                            char dist)
    vector<double> core_d;

    double eps = 0; // error bound
    if (dist == 'e') ANN_DIST_TYPE = 2; // euclidean
    else if (dist == 'b') ANN_DIST_TYPE = 1; // manhattan

    // since KNN search will always return the query point itself, so add 1
    // to make sure returning min_samples number of results
    //min_samples = min_samples + 1;

    ANNkd_tree* kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(input_data, n_pts, n_dim);
    ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[min_samples];
    ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[min_samples];
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_pts; ++i) {
        kdTree->annkSearch(input_data[i], min_samples, nnIdx, dists, eps);
        core_d[i] = sqrt(dists[min_samples-1]);
    delete[] nnIdx;
    delete[] dists;
    delete kdTree;

    return core_d;
Example #5
// given a pointer to a kdTree and a query point, this returns k
//  nearest neighbors
string get_neighbor(tree_struct stree, ANNpoint queryPt, int k_) {
    ANNkd_tree *kdTree = stree.kdTree;
    int dim = stree.dim;
    ANNpointArray dataPts = stree.dataPts;
    int k=2;
    int nPts;	           // actual number of data points
    ANNidxArray nnIdx;       // near neighbor indices
    ANNdistArray dists;      // near neighbor distances
    nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];   // allocate near neigh indices
    dists = new ANNdist[k];

    string return_string ="";

    kdTree->annkSearch(		// search
        queryPt,	// query point
        k,	        // number of near neighbors
        nnIdx,	// nearest neighbors (returned)
        dists,	// distance (returned)
        eps);	// error bound
    int i = 1;
    return_string += " ";
    for(int j=0; j < dim; j++) {
        stringstream ss;
        double d = (dataPts[nnIdx[i]])[j];
        ss << d;
        string buf =ss.str();
        return_string += buf;
            return_string += " ";
    return_string += "\0";
    cout << "from get neighbor ::: " << return_string << "\n";
    return return_string;

Example #6
//The actual classification. Where all the magic happens
void Classify()

	ANNidxArray	nnIdx;
	ANNdistArray dists;
	ANNkd_tree *kdTree;

	dataPts = annAllocPts(maxPts, DIM);
	nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
	dists = new ANNdist[k];

	kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(


	cout << "NN: Index Distance\n";

	//Unsquare the distances and print
	for (uint i = 0; i < k; i++)
		dists[i] = sqrt(dists[i]);
		cout << i << " " << nnIdx[i] << " " << dists[i] << " protocol: " <<  dataPointsWithClass[nnIdx[i]]->protocol <<  "\n";

	protocolCountTable protocolCount;
	for (uint i = 0; i < k; i++)
		//TODO: Make a more sophisticated final guess than mere plurality vote

	int protocolWinner = 0;
	int highestVotes = 0;
	//Go through and see which protocol had the most...
	for (protocolCountTable::iterator it = protocolCount.begin();
				it != protocolCount.end(); it++ )
		if ( it->second > highestVotes)
			highestVotes = it->second;
			protocolWinner = it->first;

	classification = protocolWinner;
	cout << "Classified as: " << classification << "\n";

	delete [] nnIdx;
	delete [] dists;
	delete kdTree;
Example #7
PView *GMSH_NearestNeighborPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  int iView = (int)NearestNeighborOptions_Number[0].def;

  PView *v1 = getView(iView, v);
  if(!v1) return v;
  PViewData *data1 = v1->getData();

  int totpoints = data1->getNumPoints();
    Msg::Error("View[%d] contains no points", iView);
    return 0;

#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
  ANNpointArray zeronodes = annAllocPts(totpoints, 3);
  int k = 0, step = 0;
  for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
    for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
      if(data1->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele);
      if(numNodes != 1) continue;
      data1->getNode(step, ent, ele, 0, zeronodes[k][0], zeronodes[k][1],
  ANNkd_tree *kdtree = new ANNkd_tree(zeronodes, totpoints, 3);
  ANNidxArray index = new ANNidx[2];
  ANNdistArray dist = new ANNdist[2];

  for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(step); ent++){
    for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(step, ent); ele++){
      if(data1->skipElement(step, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(step, ent, ele);
      if(numNodes != 1) continue;
      double xyz[3];
      data1->getNode(step, ent, ele, 0, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
      kdtree->annkSearch(xyz, 2, index, dist);
      data1->setValue(step, ent, ele, 0, 0, sqrt(dist[1]));

  delete kdtree;
  delete [] index;
  delete [] dist;
  Msg::Error("Nearest neighbor computation requires ANN");

  data1->setName(v1->getData()->getName() + "_NearestNeighbor");

  return v1;
Example #8
	void operator()( tbb::blocked_range<int> rng ) const{
		ANNidx id;
		ANNdist d;
		ANNpoint pt = annAllocPt( feature_size );
		for( int i=rng.begin(); i<rng.end(); i++ ){
			for( int j=0; j<feature_size; j++ )
				pt[j] = features[i*feature_size+j];
			kd_tree->annkSearch(pt, 1, &id, &d );
			res[i] = id;
		annDeallocPt( pt );
Example #9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int					nPts;					// actual number of data points
	ANNpointArray		dataPts;				// data points
	ANNpoint			queryPt;				// query point
	ANNidxArray			nnIdx;					// near neighbor indices
	ANNdistArray		dists;					// near neighbor distances
	ANNkd_tree*			kdTree;					// search structure

	getArgs(argc, argv);						// read command-line arguments

	queryPt = annAllocPt(dim);					// allocate query point
	dataPts = annAllocPts(maxPts, dim);			// allocate data points
	nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];						// allocate near neigh indices
	dists = new ANNdist[k];						// allocate near neighbor dists

	nPts = 0;									// read data points

	cout << "Data Points:\n";
	while (nPts < maxPts && readPt(*dataIn, dataPts[nPts])) {
		printPt(cout, dataPts[nPts]);

	kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(					// build search structure
					dataPts,					// the data points
					nPts,						// number of points
					dim);						// dimension of space

	while (readPt(*queryIn, queryPt)) {			// read query points
		cout << "Query point: ";				// echo query point
		printPt(cout, queryPt);

		kdTree->annkSearch(						// search
				queryPt,						// query point
				k,								// number of near neighbors
				nnIdx,							// nearest neighbors (returned)
				dists,							// distance (returned)
				eps);							// error bound

		cout << "\tNN:\tIndex\tDistance\n";
		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {			// print summary
			dists[i] = sqrt(dists[i]);			// unsquare distance
			cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << nnIdx[i] << "\t" << dists[i] << "\n";
    delete [] nnIdx;							// clean things up
    delete [] dists;
    delete kdTree;
	annClose();									// done with ANN

LidarSegment* ClosestSegmentSearch::findClosestSegment(const DVector &searchPoint)
  // use kd-Tree to search closest point
  queryPt[0] = searchPoint(0);
  queryPt[1] = searchPoint(1);
  queryPt[2] = searchPoint(2);
  kdTree->annkSearch(queryPt, 1  // number of neighbors searched
                    ,nnIdx       // nearest neighbors (returned)
                    ,dists);     // distance (returned)
  if (nnIdx[0] < 0 ) {
    // this should not happen
    cerr << endl << "ClosesSegmentSearch returned NULL-pointer" << flush;
    return NULL;
  } else {
    return idxMap[nnIdx[0]];
Example #11
bool arlCore::Mesh::simplify( void )
#ifndef ANN
    return false;
#else // ANN
    unsigned int i, j;
    const unsigned int Size = m_pointList->visibleSize();
    const unsigned int Dimension = m_pointList->getDimension();
    ANNpointArray ANNPoints = annAllocPts( Size, Dimension );
    for( i=0 ; i<m_pointList->size() ; ++i )
        for( j=0 ; j<Dimension ; ++j )
    const int BucketSize = 1;
    ANNkd_tree* ANNtree = new ANNkd_tree( ANNPoints, Size, Dimension, BucketSize, ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT );
    const double Epsilon = 1e-8;// Error bound
    const double SquaredEpsilon = Epsilon*Epsilon;
    ANNpoint ANNPt = annAllocPt(Dimension); // Query point
    const unsigned int NbNeighbors = 20;
    ANNidxArray Nn_idx = new ANNidx[NbNeighbors]; // near neighbor indices
    ANNdistArray SquaredDists = new ANNdist[NbNeighbors]; // near neighbor distances
    for( i=0 ; i<m_pointList->size() ; ++i )
            std::vector<unsigned int> oldIndex;
            for( j=0 ; j<Dimension; ++j )
                ANNPt[j] = (*m_pointList)[i]->get(j);
            ANNtree->annkSearch( ANNPt, NbNeighbors, Nn_idx, SquaredDists, Epsilon );
            // Cherche points les plus proches
            for( j=0 ; j<NbNeighbors ; ++j )
            replacePointIndex(oldIndex, i);
    delete ANNtree;
    annDeallocPt( ANNPt );
    annDeallocPts( ANNPoints );
    delete[] Nn_idx;
    delete[] SquaredDists;
    return true;
#endif // ANN
Example #12
		void process( FrameData &frameData ) {

			if( configUpdated ) Update();
			if( skipCalculation ) return;
			vector< FrameData::DetectedFeature > &corresp = frameData.detectedFeatures[DescriptorType];
			if( corresp.empty() ) return;
			vector< vector< FrameData::Match > > &matches = frameData.matches;
			matches.resize( models->size() );
			ANNpoint pt = annAllocPt(DescriptorSize);
			ANNidxArray	nx = new ANNidx[2];
			ANNdistArray ds = new ANNdist[2];

			for( int i=0; i<(int)corresp.size(); i++)  {
				norm( corresp[i].descriptor);
				for (int j = 0; j < DescriptorSize; j++) 
					pt[j] = corresp[i].descriptor[j];
			        #pragma omp critical(ANN)	
				kdtree->annkSearch(pt, 2, nx, ds, Quality);	
				if(  ds[0]/ds[1] < Ratio ) {
					int nModel1 = correspModel[nx[0]];
					if( matches[nModel1].capacity() < 1000 ) matches[nModel1].reserve(1000);
					matches[nModel1].resize( matches[nModel1].size() +1 );
					FrameData::Match &match = matches[nModel1].back();

					match.imageIdx = corresp[i].imageIdx;
					match.coord3D = *correspFeat[nx[0]];
					match.coord2D = corresp[i].coord2D;
Example #13
object search_array(ANNkd_tree& kdtree, object qarray, int k, double eps, bool priority = false)
    BOOST_ASSERT(k <= kdtree.nPoints());
    int N = len(qarray);
    if( N == 0 )
        return boost::python::make_tuple(numeric::array(boost::python::list()).astype("i4"),numeric::array(boost::python::list()));

    ANNpointManaged annq(kdtree.theDim());
    npy_intp dims[] = { N,k};
    PyObject *pydists = PyArray_SimpleNew(2,dims, sizeof(ANNdist)==8 ? PyArray_DOUBLE : PyArray_FLOAT);
    PyObject *pyidx = PyArray_SimpleNew(2,dims, PyArray_INT);
    if( !pyidx ) {
    ANNdist* pdists = (ANNdist*)PyArray_DATA(pydists);
    ANNidx* pidx = (ANNidx*)PyArray_DATA(pyidx);

    std::vector<ANNdist> dists(k);
    std::vector<ANNidx> nn_idx(k);
    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        object q = qarray[i];
        for (int c = 0; c < kdtree.theDim(); ++c)
            annq.pt[c] = extract<ANNcoord>(q[c]);
        if (priority)
            kdtree.annkPriSearch(annq.pt, k, &nn_idx[0], &dists[0], eps);
            kdtree.annkSearch(annq.pt, k, &nn_idx[0], &dists[0], eps);

        pidx += k;
        pdists += k;

    return boost::python::make_tuple(static_cast<numeric::array>(handle<>(pyidx)), static_cast<numeric::array>(handle<>(pydists)));
Example #14
void LoOP_outlier(vector<point3d>& xyz, vector<point3d>& out3d, double lambda, double alpha, int k_search) {
  int kn = k_search;
  ANNpointArray dataPts;
  ANNpoint queryPt;
  ANNidxArray nnIdx;
  ANNdistArray dists;
  ANNkd_tree*  kdTree;
  queryPt = annAllocPt(3);
  point3d threeD;
  dataPts = annAllocPts(xyz.size(),3);
  nnIdx = new ANNidx [kn];
  dists = new ANNdist [kn];
  double *expect = new double [kn];
  double *expect2 = new double [kn];
  int p = 0;
  vector<point3d>::iterator it;
  for(it=xyz.begin(); it < xyz.end();it++) {
    threeD = *it;
    dataPts[p][0] = threeD.x;
    dataPts[p][1] = threeD.y;
    dataPts[p++][2] = threeD.z;

  kdTree = new ANNkd_tree (dataPts, xyz.size(),3);
  double lof;
  double LoOP;
  //  std::vector<point3d> out3d;
  for(int i=0;i<xyz.size();i++)  {
    double x,y,z,kdistA = 0.;
    x = queryPt[0] = xyz[i].x;
    y = queryPt[1] = xyz[i].y;
    z = queryPt[2] = xyz[i].z; //S;
    kdTree ->annkSearch(queryPt,kn,nnIdx,dists,1e-3);
    for(int k=0;k<kn;k++)
      kdistA += dists[k];
    double S = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
    double sigm = sqrt(kdistA/S);
    double pdist = lambda * sigm;
    double pdistE = 0.;
    for(int k=0;k<kn;k++) {
      x = queryPt[0] = xyz[nnIdx[k]].x;
      y = queryPt[1] = xyz[nnIdx[k]].y;
      z = queryPt[2] = xyz[nnIdx[k]].y;
      kdistA = 0.;
      for(int n=0;n<kn;n++) 
	kdistA += dists[n];
      double Ss = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
      kdistA = sqrt(kdistA/Ss);
      expect[k] = lambda*kdistA;
      expect2[k] = expect[k]*expect[k];
    double exAv = 0.;
    double exAv2 =0.;
    for(int k=0;k<kn;k++) {
      exAv += expect[k];
      exAv2 += expect2[k];
    for(int k=0;k<kn;k++) {
      expect[k] = fabs(expect[k]-exAv/kn);
      expect2[k] = fabs(expect2[k]-exAv2/kn);
    exAv =0.;
    exAv2 = 0.;
    for(int k=0;k<kn;k++) {
      exAv += expect[k];
      exAv2 += expect2[k];
    double Ex2 = exAv2/kn;
    pdistE = exAv/kn;
    double plof=pdist/pdistE-1;
    double  nPlof = lambda* sqrt(Ex2*plof*plof);
    double LoOP = MAX(0,erf(plof/1.414*nPlof));
    if(LoOP < alpha)
  delete [] expect;
  delete [] expect2;
Example #15
// get_neighbors_at_dist
string get_neighbor_at_dist(tree_struct stree, int dist,
                              ANNpoint queryPt,
                              int k_, int group)
    ANNkd_tree *kdTree = stree.kdTree;
    int dim = stree.dim;
    ANNpointArray dataPts = stree.dataPts;
    int k=k_;
    int done = 1;
    int nPts;	           // actual number of data points
    ANNidxArray nnIdx;       // near neighbor indices
    ANNdistArray dists;      // near neighbor distances
    nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];   // allocate near neigh indices
    dists = new ANNdist[k];

    string return_string ="";

    print_point(cout, queryPt, dim);
    printf("looking for %d neighbors within the radius of %d \n", k, dist);

    // first make sure it is a valid point

    kdTree->annkSearch(		// search
        queryPt,	// query point
        k,	        // number of near neighbors
        nnIdx,	// nearest neighbors (returned)
        dists,	// distance (returned)
        eps);	// error bound

    char buf [8];
    sprintf(buf, "%d", group);
    string group_str(buf);
//    return_string = "global init__" + group_str +"\n set init__" +
//    group_str + " [list ";
    return_string += " [list ";
    for (int i=0; i < k; i++) {
        if (dists[i] == dist) {
            return_string += " [list ";
            for(int j=0; j < dim; j++) {
                stringstream ss;
                double d = (dataPts[nnIdx[i]])[j];
                ss << d;
                string buf =ss.str();
                return_string += buf;
                    return_string += " ";
            return_string += "]";
                return_string += " ";
    return_string += "]\0";
      FILE * pFile;
      pFile = fopen (filename.c_str(),"a");
      if (pFile!=NULL)
      fputs (return_string.c_str(),pFile);
      fclose (pFile);
      else {
      done = 0;
      return done;
    return return_string;
Example #16
void ann_test()
	pts pts;

	ANNkd_tree* kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(					// build search structure
					pts.dataPts,					// the data points
					pts.nbPoints,						// number of points
					pts.dim);						// dimension of space

	ANNpoint	queryPt = new ANNcoord[pts.dim];				// query point
	queryPt[0] = 0;
	queryPt[1] = 0;
	queryPt[2] = 0.5;
	int		k		= 3;	// number of nearest neighbors
	double	eps		= 0;	// error bound
	ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];						// allocate near neigh indices
	ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[k];						// allocate near neighbor dists
	bool* marked = new bool[pts.nbPoints];
	for (int i = 0; i<pts.nbPoints; ++i) marked[i] = false;

	kdTree->annkSearch(						// search
			queryPt,						// query point
			k,								// number of near neighbors
			nnIdx,							// nearest neighbors (returned)
			dists,							// distance (returned)
			eps, 							// error bound

	std::cout << "\tNN:\tIndex\tDistance\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
	{			// print summary
		dists[i] = sqrt(dists[i]);			// unsquare distance
		std::cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << nnIdx[i] << "\t" << dists[i] << "\n";
		marked[nnIdx[i]] = true;

	kdTree->annkSearch(						// search
			queryPt,						// query point
			k,								// number of near neighbors
			nnIdx,							// nearest neighbors (returned)
			dists,							// distance (returned)
			eps, 							// error bound

	std::cout << "\tNN:\tIndex\tDistance\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
	{			// print summary
		dists[i] = sqrt(dists[i]);			// unsquare distance
		std::cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << nnIdx[i] << "\t" << dists[i] << "\n";

	delete [] marked;
    delete [] nnIdx;							// clean things up
    delete [] dists;
    delete kdTree;
	annClose();									// done with ANN
void GlobalFun::computeAnnNeigbhors(vector<CVertex> &datapts, vector<CVertex> &querypts, int knn, bool need_self_included = false, string purpose = "?_?")
	cout << endl <<"Compute ANN for:	 " << purpose << endl;
	int numKnn = knn + 1;

	if (querypts.size() <= numKnn+2)
		vector<CVertex>::iterator vi;
		for(vi = datapts.begin(); vi != datapts.end(); ++vi)
			for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

	int					nPts;					// actual number of data points
	ANNpointArray		dataPts;				// data points
	ANNpoint			queryPt;				// query point
	ANNidxArray			nnIdx;					// near neighbor indices
	ANNdistArray		dists;					// near neighbor distances
	ANNkd_tree*			kdTree;					// search structure

	int				k				= numKnn;			// number of nearest neighbors
	int				dim				= 3;			// dimension
	double			eps				= 0;			// error bound
	int				maxPts			= numKnn + 30000;			// maximum number of data points

	if (datapts.size() >= maxPts)
		cout << "Too many data" << endl;

	queryPt = annAllocPt(dim);					// allocate query point
	dataPts = annAllocPts(maxPts, dim);			// allocate data points
	nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];						// allocate near neigh indices
	dists = new ANNdist[k];						// allocate near neighbor dists

	nPts = datapts.size();									// read data points

	vector<CVertex>::iterator vi;
	int index = 0;
	for(vi = datapts.begin(); vi != datapts.end(); ++vi)
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			dataPts[index][j] = double(vi->P()[j]); 


	kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(					// build search structure
		dataPts,					// the data points
		nPts,						// number of points
		dim);						// dimension of space


	for (vi = querypts.begin(); vi != querypts.end(); ++vi) 
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) 
			queryPt[j] = vi->P()[j];

		kdTree->annkSearch(						// search
			queryPt,						// query point
			k,								// number of near neighbors
			nnIdx,							// nearest neighbors (returned)
			dists,							// distance (returned)
			eps);							// error bound

		for (int k = 1; k < numKnn; k++)

	delete [] nnIdx;							// clean things up
	delete [] dists;
	delete kdTree;
	annClose();									// done with ANN
Example #18
* I am a file that sets up models/features for creating Viewpoint Invariant Patches
* If you don't compile me with the ann library I will be sad :( (See ann user guide)
* Also needs to be compiled with OpenCV now

Compile command: (Probably don't need all the OpenCV libraries listed here)
g++ warpSIFT.cpp -I/path/to/ann_1.1.2/include -L/path/to/ann_1.1.2/lib -lANN -g -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_shape -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_superres -lopencv_videostab -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_video -lopencv_photo -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_flann -lopencv_core
Lio: g++ -std=c++11  warpSIFT.cpp -I/home/lionelt/ann_1.1.2/include -L/home/lionelt/ann_1.1.2/lib -lANN -g -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_shape -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_superres -lopencv_videostab -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_video -lopencv_photo -lopencv_ml -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_flann -lopencv_core
g++ -std=c++11  warpSIFT.cpp -I/home/lionelt/ann_1.1.2/include -L/home/lionelt/ann_1.1.2/lib -lANN -g -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib-lopencv_core

To run, something like that:
./a.out -df ../ETH_example_3D_model/dense3.nvm.cmvs/00/models/option-0000.ply -sf ../ETH_example_3D_model/dense3.nvm -sift ../ETH_example_3D_model/eth_photos_night

* Must be given 3 flags:
*       -df: path to dense file
*       -sf: path to sparse file
*       -sift: path to folder containing images and SIFT files
*              that generated the model. (Plz no '/' at end of path)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ifstream denseStream;
    ifstream sparseStream;
    string siftFolder;
    int maxPoints = 1024;
    char line[1024];

    // Read in command line arguments and open the file streams
    int i = 1;
    while (i < argc) {                       
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-df")) {    
            denseStream.open(argv[++i], ios::in);
            if (!denseStream) {
                cerr << "Cannot open dense file\n";
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sf")) {   
            sparseStream.open(argv[++i], ios::in);
            if (!sparseStream) {
                cerr << "Cannot open sparse file\n";
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sift")){
            siftFolder = argv[++i];
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n")){
            maxPoints = stoi(argv[++i]);
        else {                                  
            cerr << "Unrecognized option.\n";

    // Store cameras and sift features
    // Creates a vector of Camera objects. Each Camera object
    // has image name, focal length, quaternion, center, distortion
    // and a vector of all SIFT features of that camera/image
    sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    int numCameras = stoi(line);
    vector<Camera> cameras(numCameras);
    // Read a camera line and store all camera parameters
    for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++){
        sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
        istringstream ss(line);
        Camera c;
        ss >> c.name;
        ss >> c.focalLength;
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
            ss >> c.quaternion[j];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            ss >> c.center[j];
        ss >> c.radialDistortion;
        // Iterate through the correpsonding SIFT file and parse all SIFT features
        // readSIFT returns a vector of SIFT features for the corresponding image/camera
        c.SiftVector = readSIFT(siftFolder + "/" + c.name.substr(0,c.name.find(".")) + ".sift",i);
        if (c.SiftVector.size() == 0){
            cerr << "Error importing SIFT features for " << c.name << "\n";
        cameras[i] = c;

    // Read in dense model for use in nearest neighbour calculations later
    ANNpointArray densePts = annAllocPts(maxPoints, 3);
    double eps = 0.01;
    int k = 5;  //was 5 before   ???
    int dim = 3;
    ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
    ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[k]; 
    double normals[maxPoints][dim];
    int numPoints = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++){
        denseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    int check = 1;
    if(!denseStream.getline(line, 1028)){
    while(numPoints < maxPoints && check) {
        istringstream ss(line);
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++){
            ss >> densePts[numPoints][i];
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++){
            ss >> normals[numPoints][i];
        if(!denseStream.getline(line, 1028)){
    ANNkd_tree* kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(densePts, numPoints, dim); // ??? + where is nearest neighbor search???

    // Create sparse point with corresponding feature indices and normal plane
    // For now, normal plane is just taken directly from the nearest neighbour
    // Aggregate SIFT features for sparse point and calculate homography using
    // rotation and translation. For each camera.
    sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
    int numSparsePoints = stoi(line);

    vector<sparseModelPoint> sparsePoints(numSparsePoints);
    ANNpoint queryPt = annAllocPt(dim);  

    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++){
        sparseStream.getline(line, 1028);
        istringstream ss(line);
        sparseModelPoint smp;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            ss >> smp.point[j];
            queryPt[j] = smp.point[j];
        kdTree->annkSearch(queryPt, k, nnIdx, dists, eps);  
        // for (int k2 = 0; k2 < k; k2++){
        //     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        //         smp.normal[j] += normals[nnIdx[k2]][j]; 
        //     }

        // }
        // for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        //     smp.normal[j] = smp.normal[j]/k;
        // }

        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            smp.normal[j] = normals[nnIdx[0]][j];
            // smp.normal[i] = no

        // for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        //     smp.normal[j] = normals[nnIdx[0]][j];
        // }

        // for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        //     smp.normal[j] = 0.001;
        // }
        // smp.normal[2] = 1;

        int temp;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            ss >> temp;

        string ns;
        ss >> ns;
        int numSift = stoi(ns);
        vector<sparseSiftFeature> sparseSifts(numSift);
        cout << "Point" << i << ": (" << smp.point[0] << "," << smp.point[1] << "," << smp.point[2] << "): \n";

        // CREATION OF VIP
        for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++){
            sparseSiftFeature ssf;
            ss >> ns;
            int imageIndex = stoi(ns);
            ss >> ns;
            int featIndex = stoi(ns);
            Camera cam = cameras[imageIndex];
            ssf.Sift = cam.SiftVector[featIndex];
            /** Side Note: ssf.modelXY and ssf.Sfit.point both refer to 
            *      same point in the image, just with different coordinate
            *      systems. 
            *      The modelXY has the origin at the centre of the image.
            *      The pointXY obtained from SIFT has the origin in the bottom left corner
            ss >> ssf.modelXY[0];
            ss >> ssf.modelXY[1];
            // cam: list feature index and camera index for each point. It doesn't tell you which camera
            // belongs to which sift descriptor. Tian created cam to place it into camera. c is the same.
            // cam and smp are both COPIES, while &ssf is a POINTER => working on ssf edits the real cam.
            // ssf: sparse sift feature
            // smp: sparse model point
            cout << "\t" << ssf.Sift.point[0] << "," << ssf.Sift.point[1] << " in image " << cam.name << "\n"; 
            computeRotation(cam, &ssf, smp);
            computeTranslation(cam, &ssf, smp);
            computeHomography(cam, &ssf, smp.normal);
            // a P becomes a VIP
    		// Lionel:createVIP(cam, "/home/lionelt/3D_vision_pollefeys/circle_warped.jpeg", &ssf, "Point"+to_string(i)+"Sift"+to_string(j));
            // PLEASE DON'T EDIT BEFORE HAVING PULLED THE LATEST CHANGES, I am getting maaad restoring my stuff everytime.
            // Also beware of the stuff you push XD
            createVIP(cam, "../circle_warped.jpeg", &ssf, "Point"+to_string(i)+"Sift"+to_string(j));
            sparseSifts[j] = ssf;
        smp.features = sparseSifts;
        sparsePoints[i] = smp;
    }   // END OF VIP


    // Every point in sparsePoints should now have a list of VIPs
    // Get rid of extra information
    delete [] nnIdx;
    delete [] dists;
    delete kdTree;
Example #19
int ann(int k, double *ref, int refDim1, int refDim2, double *target, int tarDim1, int tarDim2, int *knnIndxMtrx, double *knnDistMtrx){
  int i,j;
  int cnt = 0;
  int rcnt = 0;
  double eps = 0; 
  int bucketSize = 1;
  ANNsplitRule splitRule = (ANNsplitRule) 3;
  ANNshrinkRule shrinkRule = (ANNshrinkRule) 0;
    ref and tree structure
  ANNpointArray dataPts;
  ANNkd_tree* kdTree = NULL;    
  dataPts = annAllocPts(refDim1, refDim2);
  //read in pts 
  for(i = 0; i < refDim1; i++){
    for(j = 0; j < refDim2; j++){
      (dataPts[i])[j] = ref[j*refDim1+i];
  kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(dataPts, refDim1, refDim2, bucketSize, splitRule);
    target and search
  ANNpoint queryPt;
  queryPt = annAllocPt(refDim2);
  ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
  ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[k];
  for(i = 0; i < tarDim1; i++){
    //mk query pt
    for(j = 0; j < tarDim2; j++){
      queryPt[j] = target[j*tarDim1+i];
    kdTree->annkSearch(queryPt, k, nnIdx, dists, eps);
    //write nnIdx and dist to return mtrx
    for(j = 0; j < k; j++){
      knnIndxMtrx[j*tarDim1+i] = ++nnIdx[j];
      knnDistMtrx[j*tarDim1+i] = dists[j];
//    for(i=0; i<20; i++){
//      for(j = 0; j < k; j++){
//        cout<<knnIndxMtrx[j*tarDim1+i]<<"\t";
//      }
//      cout<<endl;
//    }
//    cout<<endl;

  delete kdTree;
  delete [] nnIdx;
  delete [] dists;
Example #20
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	ANNpointArray dataPts;
	ANNpointArray queryPt;
	vector<ANNidxArray>	nnIdx;	
	vector<ANNdistArray> dists;	
	ANNkd_tree*	kdTree;

	int dim = atoi(argv[3]);
	int k = atoi(argv[4]);

	int maxPts = 100000;
	dataPts = annAllocPts(maxPts, dim);	
	queryPt = annAllocPts(maxPts, dim);	

	int num = readPt(dataPts, dim, argv[1]);
	cout << "Load " << num << " Points. " << endl;

	int num_query = readPt(queryPt, dim, argv[2]);
	cout << "Load " << num_query << " Query points. " << endl;
	clock_t start = clock();

	// build the kd tree
	cout << "Building the kd tree..." << endl;
	kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(dataPts, num, dim);		

	// query
	cout << "knn searching..." << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i<num_query; i++) {
		ANNidxArray	nnIdx0 = new ANNidx[k];	
		ANNdistArray dists0 = new ANNdist[k];
		kdTree->annkSearch(	queryPt[i], k, nnIdx0, dists0, 0);				


	cout << "Duration = " << ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec." << endl;

	//print out index
	// for (int j = 0; j<num_query; j++) {
	// 	cout << j+1 << " ";
	// 	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
	// 		cout << nnIdx[j][i]+1 << " ";
	// 	}
	// 	cout << endl;
	// }

	// free memory
	for (int i = 0; i<num_query; i++) {
		delete [] nnIdx[i];
    	delete [] dists[i];


	 delete kdTree;

	return 1;
Example #21
 * Builds a map based on the given number of neighbours
 * @param noNeighbours :: The number of nearest neighbours to use to build
 * the graph
void NearestNeighbours::build(const int noNeighbours) {
  std::map<specid_t, IDetector_const_sptr> spectraDets =
      getSpectraDetectors(m_instrument, m_spectraMap);
  if (spectraDets.empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "NearestNeighbours::build - Cannot find any spectra");
  const int nspectra =
      static_cast<int>(spectraDets.size()); // ANN only deals with integers
  if (noNeighbours >= nspectra) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "NearestNeighbours::build - Invalid number of neighbours");

  // Clear current
  m_noNeighbours = noNeighbours;

  BoundingBox bbox;
  // Base the scaling on the first detector, should be adequate but we can look
  // at this
  IDetector_const_sptr firstDet = (*spectraDets.begin()).second;
  m_scale.reset(new V3D(bbox.width()));
  ANNpointArray dataPoints = annAllocPts(nspectra, 3);
  MapIV pointNoToVertex;

  std::map<specid_t, IDetector_const_sptr>::const_iterator detIt;
  int pointNo = 0;
  for (detIt = spectraDets.begin(); detIt != spectraDets.end(); ++detIt) {
    IDetector_const_sptr detector = detIt->second;
    const specid_t spectrum = detIt->first;
    V3D pos = detector->getPos() / (*m_scale);
    dataPoints[pointNo][0] = pos.X();
    dataPoints[pointNo][1] = pos.Y();
    dataPoints[pointNo][2] = pos.Z();
    Vertex vertex = boost::add_vertex(spectrum, m_graph);
    pointNoToVertex[pointNo] = vertex;
    m_specToVertex[spectrum] = vertex;

  ANNkd_tree *annTree = new ANNkd_tree(dataPoints, nspectra, 3);
  pointNo = 0;
  // Run the nearest neighbour search on each detector, reusing the arrays
  ANNidxArray nnIndexList = new ANNidx[m_noNeighbours];
  ANNdistArray nnDistList = new ANNdist[m_noNeighbours];

  for (detIt = spectraDets.begin(); detIt != spectraDets.end(); ++detIt) {
    ANNpoint scaledPos = dataPoints[pointNo];
    annTree->annkSearch(scaledPos,      // Point to search nearest neighbours of
                        m_noNeighbours, // Number of neighbours to find (8)
                        nnIndexList,    // Index list of results
                        nnDistList,     // List of distances to each of these
                        0.0 // Error bound (?) is this the radius to search in?
    // The distances that are returned are in our scaled coordinate
    // system. We store the real space ones.
    V3D realPos = V3D(scaledPos[0], scaledPos[1], scaledPos[2]) * (*m_scale);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_noNeighbours; i++) {
      ANNidx index = nnIndexList[i];
      V3D neighbour = V3D(dataPoints[index][0], dataPoints[index][1],
                          dataPoints[index][2]) *
      V3D distance = neighbour - realPos;
      double separation = distance.norm();
      boost::add_edge(m_specToVertex[detIt->first], // from
                      pointNoToVertex[index],       // to
                      distance, m_graph);
      if (separation > m_cutoff) {
        m_cutoff = separation;
  delete[] nnIndexList;
  delete[] nnDistList;
  delete annTree;

  m_vertexID = get(boost::vertex_name, m_graph);
  m_edgeLength = get(boost::edge_name, m_graph);
Example #22
void mlpackMain()
  // Get all the parameters.
  const string referenceFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("reference_file");
  const string queryFile = CLI::GetParam<string>("query_file");

  int lsInt = CLI::GetParam<int>("leaf_size");

  size_t k = CLI::GetParam<int>("k");
  bool monoSearch = false;

  arma::mat referenceData;
  arma::mat queryData; // So it doesn't go out of scope.
  data::Load(referenceFile, referenceData, true);

  Log::Info << "Loaded reference data from '" << referenceFile << "' ("
      << referenceData.n_rows << " x " << referenceData.n_cols << ")." << endl;

  if (queryFile != "")
    data::Load(queryFile, queryData, true);
    Log::Info << "Loaded query data from '" << queryFile << "' ("
        << queryData.n_rows << " x " << queryData.n_cols << ")." << endl;
    monoSearch = true;
    queryData = referenceData;

  // Sanity check on k value: must be greater than 0, must be less than the
  // number of reference points.
  if (k > referenceData.n_cols)
    Log::Fatal << "Invalid k: " << k << "; must be greater than 0 and less ";
    Log::Fatal << "than or equal to the number of reference points (";
    Log::Fatal << referenceData.n_cols << ")." << endl;

  // Sanity check on epsilon.
  const double epsilon = CLI::GetParam<double>("epsilon");
  if (epsilon < 0)
    Log::Fatal << "Invalid epsilon: " << epsilon << ".  Must be "
        "non-negative. " << endl;

  // Sanity check on leaf size.
  if (lsInt < 0)
    Log::Fatal << "Invalid leaf size: " << lsInt << ".  Must be greater "
        "than or equal to 0." << endl;

  size_t leafSize = lsInt;
  size_t maxPts = referenceData.n_elem;
  size_t dim = referenceData.n_rows;

  ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
  ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[k];
  ANNpointArray dataPts = annAllocPts(referenceData.n_cols, referenceData.n_rows);

  for (int i = 0; i < referenceData.n_cols; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < referenceData.n_rows; ++j)
      dataPts[i][j] = referenceData(j,i);

  arma::mat distances(monoSearch ? k - 1 : k, queryData.n_cols);
  arma::Mat<size_t> neighbors(monoSearch ? k - 1 : k, queryData.n_cols);


  ANNkd_tree*  kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(dataPts, referenceData.n_cols, referenceData.n_rows, lsInt);



  arma::vec queryPoint;
  for (int i = 0; i < queryData.n_cols; ++i)
    queryPoint = queryData.col(i);

    kdTree->annkSearch(queryPoint.memptr(), k, nnIdx,  dists, epsilon);

    if (monoSearch)
      for (int j = 1; j < k; j++)
        distances(j - 1, i) = sqrt(dists[j]);
        neighbors(j - 1, i) = nnIdx[j];
      for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
        distances(j, i) = sqrt(dists[j]);
        neighbors(j, i) = nnIdx[j];


  // Save output, if desired.
  if (CLI::HasParam("distances_file"))
    data::Save(CLI::GetParam<string>("distances_file"), distances);

  if (CLI::HasParam("neighbors_file"))
    data::Save(CLI::GetParam<string>("neighbors_file"), neighbors);

  delete [] nnIdx;
  delete [] dists;
  delete kdTree;
Example #23
mitk::ContourElement::VertexType* mitk::ContourElement::OptimizedGetVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
  if( (eps > 0) && (this->m_Vertices->size()>0) )
      int k = 1;
      int dim = 3;
      int nPoints = this->m_Vertices->size();
      ANNpointArray pointsArray;
      ANNpoint queryPoint;
      ANNidxArray indexArray;
      ANNdistArray distanceArray;
      ANNkd_tree* kdTree;

      queryPoint = annAllocPt(dim);
      pointsArray = annAllocPts(nPoints, dim);
      indexArray = new ANNidx[k];
      distanceArray = new ANNdist[k];

       int i = 0;

      //fill points array with our control points
      for(VertexIterator it = this->m_Vertices->begin(); it != this->m_Vertices->end(); it++, i++)
        mitk::Point3D cur = (*it)->Coordinates;
        pointsArray[i][0]= cur[0];
        pointsArray[i][1]= cur[1];
        pointsArray[i][2]= cur[2];

      //create the kd tree
      kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(pointsArray,nPoints, dim);

      //fill mitk::Point3D into ANN query point
      queryPoint[0] = point[0];
      queryPoint[1] = point[1];
      queryPoint[2] = point[2];

      //k nearest neighbour search
      kdTree->annkSearch(queryPoint, k, indexArray, distanceArray, eps);

      VertexType* ret = NULL;

        ret = this->m_Vertices->at(indexArray[0]);
      catch(std::out_of_range ex)
        //ret stays NULL
        return ret;

      //clean up ANN
      delete [] indexArray;
      delete [] distanceArray;
      delete kdTree;

      return ret;
  return NULL;