Example #1
// Add a node to set of nodes referenced in this scope
UTL_Scope::add_to_referenced(AST_Decl *e, idl_bool recursive)
   UTL_Scope *s;
   AST_Decl **tmp;
   AST_Interface *itf;
   long oreferenced_allocated;
   long i;

   if (e == NULL)
      return ;

   // Special cases for forward declared interfaces and valuetypes in
   // the scope in which they're defined. Cannot add before full
   // definition is seen
   if ((e->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_interface)
       || (e->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_value))
      itf = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl(e);

      if (itf != NULL && itf->defined_in() == this && !itf->is_defined())
         return ;

   // Only insert if it is not there already
   if (referenced(e))
      return ;

   // Make sure there's space for one more
   if (pd_referenced_allocated == pd_referenced_used)

      oreferenced_allocated = pd_referenced_allocated;
      pd_referenced_allocated += INCREMENT;
      tmp = new AST_Decl * [pd_referenced_allocated];

      for (i = 0; i < oreferenced_allocated; i++)
         tmp[i] = pd_referenced[i];

      delete [] pd_referenced;

      pd_referenced = tmp;

   // Insert new reference
   pd_referenced[pd_referenced_used++] = e;

   // Now, if recursive is specified and "this" is not a common ancestor
   // of the referencing scope and the scope of definition of "e" then
   // add "e" to the set of referenced nodes in the parent of "this"
   if (recursive && !(e->has_ancestor(ScopeAsDecl(this))))
      s = e->defined_in();

      if (s != NULL)
         s->add_to_referenced(e, recursive);
Example #2
AST_InterfaceFwd::full_def_seen (void)
  UTL_Scope *s = this->defined_in ();
  AST_Interface *i = 0;

  // If a full definition is seen in a previous module opening
  // or anywhere in the current scope (before or after our
  // declaration, reture TRUE.

  if (AST_Decl::NT_module == s->scope_node_type ())
      AST_Module *m = AST_Module::narrow_from_scope (s);
      AST_Decl *d =
        m->look_in_prev_mods_local (this->local_name (),

      if (0 != d)
          i = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl (d);

          if (0 != i && i->is_defined ())
              return true;

  for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator iter (s, UTL_Scope::IK_decls);
        !iter.is_done ();
        iter.next ())
      i = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl (iter.item ());

      if (0 != i && this->local_name ()->compare (i->local_name ()))
          if (i->is_defined ())
              return true;

  return false;
Example #3
// We don't actually want the forward declaration,
// but want to return the full definition member,
// whether defined yet or not.
AST_Decl *
AST_InterfaceFwd::adjust_found (
  bool ignore_fwd,
  bool full_def_only)
  if (ignore_fwd)
      AST_Interface *i = this->full_definition ();
      return (full_def_only && !i->is_defined () ? 0 : i);

  return this;
Example #4
 * Look through inherited interfaces
AST_Decl *
UTL_Scope::look_in_inherited(UTL_ScopedName *e, idl_bool treat_as_ref)
   AST_Decl *d = NULL;
   AST_Interface *i = AST_Interface::narrow_from_scope(this);
   AST_Interface **is;
   long nis;

    * This scope is not an interface..

   if (i == NULL)
      return NULL;

    * Can't look in an interface which was not yet defined
   if (!i->is_defined())
      idl_global->err()->fwd_decl_lookup(i, e);
      return NULL;

    * OK, loop through inherited interfaces. Stop when you find it
   for (nis = i->n_inherits(), is = i->inherits(); nis > 0; nis--, is++)
      d = (*is)->lookup_by_name(e, treat_as_ref, I_TRUE);

      if (d != NULL)
         return d;

    * Not found
   return NULL;
Example #5
FE_ComponentHeader::compile_supports (UTL_NameList *supports)
  if (supports == 0)

  AST_Decl *d = 0;
  UTL_ScopedName *item = 0;
  AST_Interface *iface = 0;
  AST_Type *t = 0;
  long j = 0;
  long k = 0;

  // Compute expanded flattened non-repeating list of interfaces
  // which this one inherits from.

  for (UTL_NamelistActiveIterator l (supports); !l.is_done (); l.next ())
      item = l.item ();

      // Check that scope stack is valid.
      if (idl_global->scopes ().top () == 0)
          idl_global->err ()->lookup_error (item);

          // This is probably the result of bad IDL.
          // We will crash if we continue from here.
          throw Bailout ();

      // Look it up.
      UTL_Scope *s = idl_global->scopes ().top ();

      d = s->lookup_by_name  (item, true);

      if (d == 0)
          AST_Decl *sad = ScopeAsDecl (s);

          if (sad->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_module)
              AST_Module *m = AST_Module::narrow_from_decl (sad);

              d = m->look_in_prev_mods_local (item->last_component ());

      // Not found?
      if (d == 0)
          idl_global->err ()->lookup_error (item);

          // This is probably the result of bad IDL.
          // We will crash if we continue from here.
          throw Bailout ();

      // Remove typedefs, if any.
      if (d->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
          d = AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl (d)->primitive_base_type ();

      AST_Decl::NodeType nt = d->node_type ();
      t = AST_Type::narrow_from_decl (d);

      if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_interface)
          iface = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl (d);

          // Undefined interface?
          if (!iface->is_defined ())
              idl_global->err ()->inheritance_fwd_error (


          // Local interface? (illegal for components to support).
          if (iface->is_local ())
              idl_global->err ()->unconstrained_interface_expected (
                this->name (),
                iface->name ());

      else if (nt == AST_Decl::NT_param_holder)
          AST_Param_Holder *ph =
            AST_Param_Holder::narrow_from_decl (d);

          nt = ph->info ()->type_;

          if (nt != AST_Decl::NT_type
              && nt != AST_Decl::NT_interface)
              idl_global->err ()->mismatched_template_param (
                ph->info ()->name_.c_str ());

          idl_global->err ()->interface_expected (d);

      // OK, see if we have to add this to the list of interfaces
      // inherited from.
      this->compile_one_inheritance (t);

  // OK, install in interface header.
  // First the flat list (all ancestors).
  if (this->iused_flat_ > 0)
      ACE_NEW (this->inherits_flat_,
               AST_Interface *[this->iused_flat_]);

      for (j = 0; j < this->iused_flat_; ++j)
          this->inherits_flat_[j] = this->iseen_flat_[j];

      this->n_inherits_flat_ = this->iused_flat_;
Example #6
 * Add this AST_Value node (a value type declaration) to this scope
AST_BoxedValue *AST_Module::fe_add_boxed_valuetype(AST_BoxedValue *v)
   AST_Decl *predef;
   AST_Interface *fwd;

    * Already defined?

   if ((predef = lookup_for_add (v)) != NULL)
       * Treat fwd declared interfaces specially

      if (predef->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_value)
         fwd = AST_Value::narrow_from_decl(predef);

         if (fwd == NULL)
            return NULL;

         if (!fwd->is_defined())
         { /* Forward declared and not defined yet */

            if (fwd->defined_in() != this)
               ->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_SCOPE_CONFLICT, fwd, v, this);
               return NULL;

          * OK, not illegal redef of forward declaration. Now check whether
          * it has been referenced already
         else if (referenced(predef))
            idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_DEF_USE, v, this, predef);
            return NULL;
      else if (!can_be_redefined(predef))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_REDEF, v, this, predef);
         return NULL;
      else if (referenced(predef))
         idl_global->err()->error3(UTL_Error::EIDL_DEF_USE, v, this, predef);
         return NULL;
      else if (v->has_ancestor(predef))
         idl_global->err()->redefinition_in_scope(v, predef);
         return NULL;

    * Add it to scope

    * Add it to set of locally referenced symbols
   add_to_referenced(v, I_FALSE);

   return v;
 * Compute the list of top-level values this one inherits from
FE_ValueInheritanceSpec::compile_inheritance(UTL_NameList *nl)
   UTL_NamelistActiveIterator *l = new UTL_NamelistActiveIterator(nl);
   AST_Decl *d;
   AST_Interface *i;
   long k;
   long count = 0;
   bool present;

   while (!(l->is_done()))

   delete l;

   // count is an upper bound on inherited values
   pd_supports = new AST_Interface * [count];

   l = new UTL_NamelistActiveIterator(nl);

    * Compute expanded flattened non-repeating list of values
    * which this one inherits from

   while (!(l->is_done()))
       * Check that scope stack is valid

      if (idl_global->scopes()->top() == NULL)
         return ;

       * Look it up
      d = idl_global->scopes()->top()->lookup_by_name(l->item(), I_TRUE);

       * Not found?
      if (d == NULL)
         return ;

       * Not an interface?

      while (d->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
         d = AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl(d)->base_type();

      if (d->node_type() != AST_Decl::NT_interface)
         return ;

       * OK, cast to an value
      i = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl(d);

      if (i == NULL)

       * Forward declared value?
      if (!i->is_defined())
         return ;

       * OK, see if we have to add this to the list of values
       * inherited from
      present = FALSE;

      for (k = 0; k < pd_n_supports; k++)
         present = (pd_supports[k] == i);

         if (present)

      if (!present)
         pd_supports[pd_n_supports++] = i;

       * Next element in header list

   delete l;
 * Compute the list of top-level interfaces this one inherits from
FE_InterfaceHeader::compile_inheritance(UTL_NameList *nl)
   UTL_NamelistActiveIterator *l = new UTL_NamelistActiveIterator(nl);
   AST_Decl *d;
   AST_Interface *i;
   long k;

   iused = 0;
    * Compute expanded flattened non-repeating list of interfaces
    * which this one inherits from

   while (!(l->is_done()))
       * Check that scope stack is valid

      if (idl_global->scopes()->top() == NULL)
         return ;

       * Look it up
      d = idl_global->scopes()->top()->lookup_by_name(l->item(), I_TRUE);

       * Not found?
      if (d == NULL)
         return ;

       * Not an interface?
      while (d->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
         d = AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl(d)->base_type();

      if (d->node_type() != AST_Decl::NT_interface)
         idl_global->err()->inheritance_error(pd_interface_name, d);
         return ;

       * OK, cast to an interface
      i = AST_Interface::narrow_from_decl(d);

      if (i == NULL)
         idl_global->err()->inheritance_error(pd_interface_name, d);

       * Forward declared interface?
      if (!i->is_defined())
         idl_global->err()->inheritance_fwd_error(pd_interface_name, i);
         return ;

       * OK, see if we have to add this to the list of interfaces
       * inherited from

       * Next element in header list

   delete l;
    * OK, install in interface header
   pd_inherits = new AST_Interface * [iused];

   for (k = 0; k < iused; k++)
      pd_inherits[k] = iseen[k];

   pd_n_inherits = iused;
Example #9
be_visitor_valuetype_fwd_any_op_ch::visit_valuetype_fwd (
    be_valuetype_fwd *node
  AST_Interface *fd = node->full_definition ();

  // Only a forward declared interface that is not defined in the same file
  // needs to have this generated here. The Any operators are needed by
  // portable interceptor code if the interface is a parameter of an operation.
  if (fd->is_defined () != 0)
      return 0;

  if (node->cli_hdr_any_op_gen ()
      || node->imported ())
      return 0;

  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();
  const char *macro = this->ctx_->export_macro ();

  *os << be_nl_2 << "// TAO_IDL - Generated from" << be_nl
      << "// " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << be_nl_2;

  be_module *module = 0;

  if (node->is_nested () &&
      node->defined_in ()->scope_node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_module)
      module = be_module::narrow_from_scope (node->defined_in ());

      if (!module)
                             "visit_valuebox - "
                             "Error parsing nested name\n"),

      // Some compilers handle "any" operators in a namespace
      // corresponding to their module, others do not.
      *os << "\n\n#if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE)\n";

      *os << be_global->core_versioning_begin () << be_nl;
      be_util::gen_nested_namespace_begin (os, module);

      // emit  nested variation of any operators
      *os << macro << " void"
          << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->local_name ()
          << " *); // copying" << be_nl;
      *os << macro << " void"
          << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->local_name ()
          << " **); // non-copying" << be_nl;
      *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean"
          << " operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, "
          << node->local_name () << " *&);";

      be_util::gen_nested_namespace_end (os, module);

      *os << be_nl
          << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;

      // emit #else
      *os << "#else\n\n";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_begin () << be_nl;

  *os << macro << " void"
      << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->name ()
      << " *); // copying" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " void"
      << " operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, " << node->name ()
      << " **); // non-copying" << be_nl;
  *os << macro << " ::CORBA::Boolean"
      << " operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, "
      << node->name () << " *&);";

  *os << be_global->core_versioning_end () << be_nl;
  if (module != 0)
      *os << "\n\n#endif";

  node->cli_hdr_any_op_gen (1);
  return 0;