AString HawkOSOperator::SplitFilePath(const AString& sFile)
		AString sTmpFile = sFile;
		Int32 iPos = (Int32)sTmpFile.find_last_of('/');
		if (iPos > 0)
			return sTmpFile.substr(0,iPos+1);
		return sTmpFile;
Example #2
void cPluginManager::TabCompleteCommand(const AString & a_Text, AStringVector & a_Results, cPlayer * a_Player)
	for (CommandMap::iterator itr = m_Commands.begin(), end = m_Commands.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
		if (NoCaseCompare(itr->first.substr(0, a_Text.length()), a_Text) != 0)
			// Command name doesn't match
		if ((a_Player != nullptr) && !a_Player->HasPermission(itr->second.m_Permission))
			// Player doesn't have permission for the command

		/*  Client expects to only get back the last part of a space separated command.
		Find the position of the beginning of the last part:
		Position of last space + 1 for space separated commands
		string::npos + 1 = 0 for commands that are not separated

		Then skip all commands that have too many subcommands.
		When the client asks for suggestions for "/time s"
		the server must skip all commands that consist of more than 2 words just as
		"/time set day". Or in other words, the position of the last space (separator)
		in the strings must be equal or string::npos for both. */
		size_t LastSpaceInText = a_Text.find_last_of(' ') + 1;
		size_t LastSpaceInSuggestion = itr->first.find_last_of(' ') + 1;

		if (LastSpaceInText != LastSpaceInSuggestion)
			// Suggestion has more subcommands than a_Text

Example #3
bool cIniFile::ReadFile(const AString & a_FileName, bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)

	m_Filename = a_FileName;

	// Normally you would use ifstream, but the SGI CC compiler has
	// a few bugs with ifstream. So ... fstream used.
	fstream f;
	AString   line;
	AString   keyname, valuename, value;
	AString::size_type pLeft, pRight;
	bool IsFromExampleRedirect = false; + a_FileName).c_str(), ios::in);
	if (
		if (a_AllowExampleRedirect)
			// Retry with the .example.ini file instead of .ini:
			AString ExPath(a_FileName.substr(0, a_FileName.length() - 4));
			ExPath.append(".example.ini"); + ExPath).c_str(), ios::in);
			if (
				return false;
			IsFromExampleRedirect = true;
			return false;

	bool IsFirstLine = true;

	while (getline(f, line))
		// To be compatible with Win32, check for existence of '\r'.
		// Win32 files have the '\r' and Unix files don't at the end of a line.
		// Note that the '\r' will be written to INI files from
		// Unix so that the created INI file can be read under Win32
		// without change.

		// Removes UTF-8 Byte Order Markers (BOM) if, present.
		if (IsFirstLine)
			IsFirstLine = false;

		size_t lineLength = line.length();
		if (lineLength == 0)
		if (line[lineLength - 1] == '\r')
			line = line.substr(0, lineLength - 1);

		if (line.length() == 0)

		// Check that the user hasn't opened a binary file by checking the first
		// character of each line!
		if (!isprint(line[0]))
			printf("%s: Binary-check failed on char %d\n", __FUNCTION__, line[0]);
			return false;
		if ((pLeft = line.find_first_of(";#[=")) == AString::npos)

		switch (line[pLeft])
			case '[':
				if (
					((pRight = line.find_last_of("]")) != AString::npos) &&
					(pRight > pLeft)
					keyname = line.substr(pLeft + 1, pRight - pLeft - 1);

			case '=':
				valuename = line.substr(0, pLeft);
				value = line.substr(pLeft + 1);
				AddValue(keyname, valuename, value);

			case ';':
			case '#':
				if (names.empty())
					AddHeaderComment(line.substr(pLeft + 1));
					AddKeyComment(keyname, line.substr(pLeft + 1));
		}  // switch (line[pLeft])
	}  // while (getline())

	if (keys.empty() && names.empty() && comments.empty())
		// File be empty or unreadable, equivalent to nonexistant
		return false;

	if (IsFromExampleRedirect)
		WriteFile(FILE_IO_PREFIX + a_FileName);

	return true;
Example #4
UniquePtr<cPrefab> cPrefabPiecePool::LoadPrefabFromCubesetVer1(
	const AString & a_FileName,
	cLuaState & a_LuaState,
	const AString & a_PieceName,
	bool a_LogWarnings
	// First try loading a referenced schematic file, if any:
	AString SchematicFileName;
	if (a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("SchematicFileName", SchematicFileName))
		auto PathEnd = a_FileName.find_last_of("/\\");  // Find the last path separator
		if (PathEnd != AString::npos)
			SchematicFileName = a_FileName.substr(0, PathEnd) + SchematicFileName;
		cBlockArea area;
		if (!cSchematicFileSerializer::LoadFromSchematicFile(area, SchematicFileName))
			CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot load schematic file \"%s\" for piece %s in cubeset %s.",
				SchematicFileName.c_str(), a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str()
			return nullptr;
		return cpp14::make_unique<cPrefab>(area);
	}  // if (SchematicFileName)

	// There's no referenced schematic file, load from BlockDefinitions / BlockData.
	// Get references to the data and the table.concat function:
	cLuaState::cRef TableConcat, BlockDefinitions, BlockData;
	if (
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedGlobal("table.concat", TableConcat) ||
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("BlockDefinitions", BlockDefinitions) ||
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("BlockData", BlockData)
		CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot parse block data for piece %s in cubeset %s", a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str());
		return nullptr;

	// Call table.concat() on the BlockDefinitions:
	AString BlockDefStr;
	if (!a_LuaState.Call(TableConcat, BlockDefinitions, "\n", cLuaState::Return, BlockDefStr))
		CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot concat block definitions for piece %s in cubeset %s", a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str());
		return nullptr;

	// Call table.concat() on the BlockData:
	AString BlockDataStr;
	if (!a_LuaState.Call(TableConcat, BlockData, "", cLuaState::Return, BlockDataStr))
		CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot concat block data for piece %s in cubeset %s", a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str());
		return nullptr;

	// Read the size:
	int SizeX = 0, SizeY = 0, SizeZ = 0;
	if (
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("Size.x", SizeX) ||
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("Size.y", SizeY) ||
		!a_LuaState.GetNamedValue("Size.z", SizeZ)
		CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot load piece %s from file %s, its size information is missing", a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str());
		return nullptr;

	// Check that the size matches the data length:
	if (static_cast<size_t>(SizeX * SizeY * SizeZ) != BlockDataStr.size())
		CONDWARNING(a_LogWarnings, "Cannot create piece %s from file %s, its size (%d) doesn't match the blockdata length (%u)",
			a_PieceName.c_str(), a_FileName.c_str(),
			SizeX * SizeY * SizeZ, static_cast<unsigned>(BlockDataStr.size())
		return nullptr;

	return cpp14::make_unique<cPrefab>(BlockDefStr, BlockDataStr, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ);