void AMainCharacter::OnCollision(AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& SweepResult)
	AWeapon* CollidedWeapon = Cast<AWeapon>(OtherActor);
	if (CollidedWeapon)
		if (CollidedWeapon->Config.Name == TEXT("Glock") && Inventory[0] == NULL)
			Inventory[0] = CollidedWeapon->GetClass();
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, "Weapon picked up: " + CollidedWeapon->Config.Name);
		if (CollidedWeapon->Config.Name == TEXT("M4A1") && Inventory[1] == NULL)
			Inventory[1] = CollidedWeapon->GetClass();
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, "Weapon picked up: " + CollidedWeapon->Config.Name);
		if (CollidedWeapon->Config.Name == TEXT("Shotgun") && Inventory[2] == NULL)
			Inventory[2] = CollidedWeapon->GetClass();
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, "Weapon picked up: " + CollidedWeapon->Config.Name);
Example #2
int ViZDoom_CheckSlotAmmo(int slot){
    if(vizdoomPlayer->weapons.Slots[slot].Size() <= 0) return 0;

    const PClass *typeWeapon = vizdoomPlayer->weapons.Slots[slot].GetWeapon(0);
    AWeapon *weapon = (AWeapon*) typeWeapon->CreateNew();
    //AWeapon *weapon = (AWeapon*)vizdoomPlayer->mo->FindInventory(type);
    if (weapon != NULL){
        const PClass *typeAmmo = weapon->AmmoType1;
        return ViZDoom_CheckItem(typeAmmo);
    else return 0;
Example #3
void AWeapon::Destroy()
	AWeapon *sister = SisterWeapon;

	if (sister != NULL)
		// avoid recursion
		sister->SisterWeapon = NULL;
		if (sister != this)
		{ // In case we are our own sister, don't crash.
Example #4
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag, bool force)
	AWeapon *beastweap;
	APlayerPawn *mo;
	APlayerPawn *pmo;
	angle_t angle;

	pmo = player->mo;
	// [MH]
	// Checks pmo as well; the PowerMorph destroyer will
	// try to unmorph the player; if the destroyer runs
	// because the level or game is ended while morphed,
	// by the time it gets executed the morphed player
	// pawn instance may have already been destroyed.
	if (pmo == NULL || pmo->tracer == NULL)
		return false;

	bool DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay = !!(MORPH_STANDARDUNDOING & unmorphflag);

    if ((pmo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) // If the player is invulnerable
        && ((player != activator)       // and either did not decide to unmorph,
        || (!((player->MorphStyle & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE)  // or the morph style does not allow it
        || (DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay))))) // (but standard morph styles always allow it),
	{ // Then the player is immune to the unmorph.
		return false;

	mo = barrier_cast<APlayerPawn *>(pmo->tracer);
	mo->SetOrigin (pmo->Pos(), false);
	mo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
	pmo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
	if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
	{ // Didn't fit
		mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
		pmo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
		player->morphTics = 2*TICRATE;
		return false;
	pmo->player = NULL;

	// Remove the morph power if the morph is being undone prematurely.
	for (AInventory *item = pmo->Inventory, *next = NULL; item != NULL; item = next)
		next = item->Inventory;
		if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph)))
			static_cast<APowerMorph *>(item)->SetNoCallUndoMorph();
	mo->ObtainInventory (pmo);
	DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (pmo, mo);
	if ((pmo->tid != 0) && (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR))
		mo->tid = pmo->tid;
		mo->AddToHash ();
	mo->angle = pmo->angle;
	mo->player = player;
	mo->reactiontime = 18;
	mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (pmo->special2) & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
	mo->velx = 0;
	mo->vely = 0;
	player->velx = 0;
	player->vely = 0;
	mo->velz = pmo->velz;
	if (!(pmo->special2 & MF_JUSTHIT))
		mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
	mo->flags  = (mo->flags & ~(MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY)) | (pmo->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY));
	mo->flags2 = (mo->flags2 & ~MF2_FLY) | (pmo->flags2 & MF2_FLY);
	mo->flags3 = (mo->flags3 & ~MF3_GHOST) | (pmo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST);
	mo->Score = pmo->Score;

	PClassActor *exit_flash = player->MorphExitFlash;
	bool correctweapon = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_LOSEACTUALWEAPON);
	bool undobydeathsaves = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES);

	player->morphTics = 0;
	player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
	player->MorphStyle = 0;
	player->MorphExitFlash = NULL;
	player->viewheight = mo->ViewHeight;
	AInventory *level2 = mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true);
	if (level2 != NULL)
		level2->Destroy ();

	if ((player->health > 0) || undobydeathsaves)
		player->health = mo->health = mo->SpawnHealth();
	else // killed when morphed so stay dead
		mo->health = player->health;

	player->mo = mo;
	if (player->camera == pmo)
		player->camera = mo;

	// [MH]
	// If the player that was morphed is the one
	// taking events, reset up the face, if any;
	// this is only needed for old-skool skins
	// and for the original DOOM status bar.
	if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
		FString face = pmo->GetClass()->Face;
		if (face.IsNotEmpty() && strcmp(face, "None") != 0)
			// Assume root-level base skin to begin with
			size_t skinindex = 0;
			// If a custom skin was in use, then reload it
			// or else the base skin for the player class.
			if ((unsigned int)player->userinfo.GetSkin() >= PlayerClasses.Size () &&
				(size_t)player->userinfo.GetSkin() < numskins)

				skinindex = player->userinfo.GetSkin();
			else if (PlayerClasses.Size () > 1)
				const PClass *whatami = player->mo->GetClass();
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); ++i)
					if (PlayerClasses[i].Type == whatami)
						skinindex = i;

	angle = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	AActor *eflash = NULL;
	if (exit_flash != NULL)
		eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, pmo->Vec3Offset(20*finecosine[angle], 20*finesine[angle], TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (eflash)	eflash->target = mo;
	mo->SetupWeaponSlots();		// Use original class's weapon slots.
	beastweap = player->ReadyWeapon;
	if (player->PremorphWeapon != NULL)
		player->PremorphWeapon->PostMorphWeapon ();
		player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = NULL;
	if (correctweapon)
	{ // Better "lose morphed weapon" semantics
		PClassActor *morphweapon = PClass::FindActor(pmo->MorphWeapon);
		if (morphweapon != NULL && morphweapon->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
			AWeapon *OriginalMorphWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(mo->FindInventory (morphweapon));
			if ((OriginalMorphWeapon != NULL) && (OriginalMorphWeapon->GivenAsMorphWeapon))
			{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
				if (OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon != NULL)
					OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
				OriginalMorphWeapon->Destroy ();
	else // old behaviour (not really useful now)
	{ // Assumptions made here are no longer valid
		if (beastweap != NULL)
		{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
			if (beastweap->SisterWeapon != NULL)
				beastweap->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
			beastweap->Destroy ();
	pmo->tracer = NULL;
	pmo->Destroy ();
	// Restore playerclass armor to its normal amount.
	AHexenArmor *hxarmor = mo->FindInventory<AHexenArmor>();
	if (hxarmor != NULL)
		hxarmor->Slots[4] = mo->GetClass()->HexenArmor[0];
	return true;