Example #1
//virtual void save(string new_file_name, unsigned long int nvars, unsigned long int nobss, unsigned long int * varindexes, unsigned long int * obsindexes)
SEXP save_R(SEXP New_file_name, SEXP IntPars, SEXP s) {
	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);
	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	std::string new_file_name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(New_file_name, 0));
	unsigned long int nvars = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(IntPars)[0];
	unsigned long int nobss = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(IntPars)[1];
	unsigned long int varindexes[nvars];
	unsigned long int obsindexes[nobss];

	for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
		varindexes[i] = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(IntPars)[i + 2];
	for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nobss; i++)
		obsindexes[i] = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(IntPars)[i + 2 + nvars];

	try {
		p->saveAs(new_file_name, nvars, nobss, varindexes, obsindexes);
	} catch (int errcode) {
		error_R("can not save data to file %s\n", new_file_name.c_str());
		return R_NilValue;

	SEXP ret;
	PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
	LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
	return ret;
Example #2
SEXP get_all_varnames_R(SEXP s) {

	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);

	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	R_len_t nvars = (R_len_t) 0;

	try {
		nvars = p->getNumVariables();
	} catch (int errcode) {
		return R_NilValue;

	fixedchar tmp;
	SEXP ret;
	PROTECT(ret = allocVector(STRSXP, (R_len_t) nvars));

	try {
		for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
			tmp = p->readVariableName(i);
			SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, mkChar(tmp.name));
	} catch (int errcode) {
		error_R("something went terribly wrong in get_all_varnames_R\n");
		return ret;
	return ret;
Example #3
SEXP read_variable_float_FileMatrix_R(SEXP nvar, SEXP s) {
	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);
	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;
	unsigned long int nvariable = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(nvar)[0];
	unsigned int nobs = 0;
	try {
		nobs = p->getNumObservations();
	} catch (int errcode) {
		return R_NilValue;
	float * internal_data = new (std::nothrow) float[nobs];

	try {
		p->readVariableAs(nvariable, internal_data);
	} catch (int errcode) {
		return R_NilValue;

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, (R_len_t) p->getNumObservations()));
	for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nobs; i++)
		REAL(out)[i] = (double) internal_data[i];

	delete[] internal_data;

	return out;
Example #4
	SEXP get_nvars_R(SEXP s) {
		//	    cout << "get_nvars_R()" << endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP out;
		PROTECT(out = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
		unsigned int nvars = 0;

		try {
			nvars = (unsigned int) p->getNumVariables();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			nvars = 0;

		if (nvars<=0) {
			out = R_NilValue;
		} else {
			INTEGER(out)[0] = nvars;
		return out;
Example #5
SEXP get_nvars_R(SEXP s) {

	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);

	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
	unsigned int nvars = 0;

	try {
		nvars = (unsigned int) p->getNumVariables();
	} catch (int errcode) {
		nvars = 0;

	if (nvars <= 0) {
		out = R_NilValue;
	} else {
		INTEGER(out)[0] = nvars;
	return out;
Example #6
	SEXP read_variable_double_FileMatrix_R(SEXP nvar, SEXP s) {
		//testDbg << "read_variable_float_FileMatrix_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;
		unsigned long nvariable = (unsigned long) INTEGER(nvar)[0] - 1;
		unsigned int nobs = 0;
		try {
			nobs = p->getNumObservations();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;
		double * internal_data = new (std::nothrow) double [nobs];

		try {
			p->readVariableAs(nvariable, internal_data);
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP out;
		PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, (R_len_t) p->getNumObservations()));
		for (unsigned long i=0;i< nobs; i++) REAL(out)[i] = internal_data[i];
		delete [] internal_data;


		return out;
Example #7
	SEXP get_all_obsnames_R(SEXP s) {
		//testDbg << "get_all_obsnames_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		//R_len_t nobss = (R_len_t) 0;
		unsigned long int nobss = 0;

		try {
			nobss = p->getNumObservations();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		FixedChar tmp;
		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(STRSXP, (R_len_t) nobss));

		try {
			for (unsigned long i = 0; i< nobss; i++) {
				tmp = p->readObservationName(i);
				SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, mkChar(tmp.name));
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("something went terribly wrong in get_all_obsnames_R\n");
			return ret;
		return ret;
Example #8
	SEXP get_nobs_R(SEXP s) {
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP out;
		PROTECT(out = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
		unsigned int nobss = 0;

		try {
			nobss = (unsigned int) p->getNumObservations();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			nobss = 0;

		if (nobss<=0) {
			out = R_NilValue;
		} else {
			INTEGER(out)[0] = nobss;
		return out;
Example #9
SEXP write_variable_double_FileMatrix_R(SEXP nvar, SEXP data, SEXP s) {
	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);
	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;
	unsigned long int nvariable = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(nvar)[0];
	// here generally should be very careful -- what type of data is IN?

	unsigned int nvars = 0;
	unsigned int nobss = 0;

	try {
		nvars = p->getNumVariables();
	} catch (int errocode) {
		return R_NilValue;

	if (nvariable < 0 || nvariable >= nvars) {
		error_R("nvar (%lu) out of range!\n", nvariable);
		return R_NilValue;

	try {
		nobss = p->getNumObservations();
	} catch (int errcode) {
		return R_NilValue;

	//		float * internal_data = new (std::nothrow) float [nobss];
	double internal_data[nobss];
	if (internal_data == NULL) {
		error_R("internal_data pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nobss; i++) {
		internal_data[i] = (double) REAL(data)[i];

	//		Rprintf("\n%lu, %lu\n",nvariable,nobss);
	//		for (unsigned long int i=0;i< nobss;i++) {
	//			Rprintf("%f ",internal_data[i]);
	//		}
	try {
		p->writeVariableAs(nvariable, internal_data);
	} catch (int errcode) {
		error_R("can not write variable %ul\n", nvariable);

	SEXP ret;
	PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
	LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
	return ret;
Example #10
	SEXP write_variable_double_FileMatrix_R(SEXP nvar, SEXP data, SEXP s) {
		//testDbg << "write_variable_double_FileMatrix_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;
		unsigned long nvariable = (unsigned long) INTEGER(nvar)[0] - 1;
		// here generally should be very careful -- what type of data is IN?

		unsigned int nvars = 0;
		unsigned int nobss = 0;

		try {
			nvars = p->getNumVariables();
		} catch (int errocode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		if (nvariable <0 || nvariable >= nvars) {
			error_R("nvar (%lu) out of range!\n",nvariable);
			return R_NilValue;

		try {
			nobss = p->getNumObservations();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		double * internal_data = new (std::nothrow) double [nobss];

		if (internal_data == NULL) {
			error_R("internal_data pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		for (unsigned long i=0;i< nobss;i++) {
			internal_data[i] = REAL(data)[i];

		try {
			p->writeVariableAs(nvariable, internal_data);
		} catch (int errcode) {
			delete [] internal_data;
			error_R("can not write variable %ul\n",nvariable);
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
		delete [] internal_data;

		return ret;
Example #11
void CorrectnessTest::testRandomReadObservations(){
    testDbg << "testRandomReadObservations" << endl;
    string inputFile = getInputFileName();
    string sumFileName = inputFile + string(".fvf_obssum");
    AbstractMatrix* data = new FileVector ( inputFile, 64 );

    testDbg << "Reading file:" << inputFile << endl;

    unsigned long numVariables = data->getNumVariables();
    unsigned long numObservations = data->getNumObservations();

    double *tmpdat = new (nothrow) double[numVariables];

    testDbg << "Size is " << numVariables << " x " << numObservations << endl;

    int numObservationsToTest = 10;
    int observationIdx[numObservationsToTest];

    unsigned long i;

    for (int i=0; i<numObservationsToTest; i++) {
        observationIdx[i] = (rand()*numObservations)/RAND_MAX;

    ifstream sums(sumFileName.c_str());
    testDbg << "Reading sum file: " << sumFileName << endl;


    double *sumData = new double[numVariables];
    for(i=0; i<numObservations; i++) {
        sums >> sumData[i];

    for (i = 0 ; i < numObservationsToTest ; i++ )
	    testDbg << i << "(" << observationIdx[i] << ")" << endl;
	    data->readObservation(observationIdx[i], tmpdat);
	    double calcSumm;

	    calcSumm = summData(tmpdat, numVariables);
	    double relDiff = TestUtil::relativeDifference(calcSumm,sumData[observationIdx[i]]);

	    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(relDiff < 1E-2);

    delete[] tmpdat;
    delete[] sumData;

    delete data;

    testDbg << "Finished" << endl;
Example #12
typename Cholesky<Matrix>::DMatrix Cholesky<Matrix>::doSolve( const AbstractMatrix& b )
	if ( this->rowNum() != b.rows() )
		std::cerr<<"The order of matrix is "<<this->rowNum()<<" and the dimension of vector is "<<b.rows()<<std::endl;
		throw COException("Cholesky solving error: the size if not consistent!");
	DMatrix result(b);
	if ( __info != 0 )
		std::cerr<<"Warning in Cholesky solver: solving is wrong!"<<std::endl;
	return result;
Example #13
	//virtual void save(string newFilename, unsigned long nvars, unsigned long nobss, unsigned long * varindexes, unsigned long * obsindexes)
	SEXP save_R(SEXP New_file_name, SEXP IntPars, SEXP s)
		//   dbg<<"save_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		string newFilename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(New_file_name,0));
		unsigned long nvars = (unsigned long) INTEGER(IntPars)[0];
		unsigned long nobss = (unsigned long) INTEGER(IntPars)[1];
		unsigned long * varindexes = new (std::nothrow) unsigned long [nvars];
		if (varindexes == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;
		unsigned long * obsindexes = new (std::nothrow) unsigned long [nobss];
		if (obsindexes == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			delete [] varindexes;
			return R_NilValue;

		for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
			varindexes[i] = (unsigned long) INTEGER(IntPars)[i+2];
		for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nobss; i++) {
			obsindexes[i] = (unsigned long) INTEGER(IntPars)[i+2+nvars];

		try {
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("can not save data to file %s\n",newFilename.c_str());
			delete [] obsindexes;
			delete [] varindexes;
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
		delete [] obsindexes;
		delete [] varindexes;

		return ret;
Example #14
	SEXP setReadOnly_R(SEXP s, SEXP readOnly) {
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		bool readonly = LOGICAL(readOnly)[0];

		bool result = p->setReadOnly(readonly);

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = result?TRUE:FALSE;
		return ret;
Example #15
	// !!!
	SEXP set_cachesizeMb_R(SEXP s, SEXP SizeMB)
		//testDbg << "set_cachesizeMb_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;
		unsigned long sizeMb = (unsigned long) INTEGER(SizeMB)[0];
		try {
			p->setCacheSizeInMb( sizeMb );
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("cannot reset cache size\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP ret;PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;UNPROTECT(1);
		return ret;

Example #16
	SEXP get_cachesizeMb_R(SEXP s)
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		unsigned long sizeMb = 0;

		try {
			sizeMb = p->getCacheSizeInMb();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		SEXP out;
		PROTECT(out = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
		INTEGER(out)[0] = (int) sizeMb;
Example #17
// !!!
SEXP set_cachesizeMb_R(SEXP s, SEXP SizeMB) {
	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);
	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;
	unsigned long int sizeMb = (unsigned long int) INTEGER(SizeMB)[0];
	try {
	} catch (int errcode) {
		error_R("cannot reset cache size\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	SEXP ret;
	PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
	LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
	return ret;

Example #18
// !!!
SEXP set_all_obsnames_R(SEXP s, SEXP names) {

	AbstractMatrix * p = (AbstractMatrix*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(s);

	if (p == NULL) {
		error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	R_len_t nobss = (R_len_t) 0;

	try {
		nobss = p->getNumObservations();
	} catch (int errcode) {
		error_R("can not p->getNumObservations()\n");
		return R_NilValue;

	// check that length of SEXP names is the same!!!

	for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < nobss; i++) {
		std::string obsname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i));
		try {
			p->writeObservationName(i, fixedchar(obsname));
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("can not set observation name for observation %ul\n", i);
			return R_NilValue;

	SEXP ret;
	PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
	LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
	return ret;

Example #19
	SEXP set_all_obsnames_R(SEXP s, SEXP names) {
		//testDbg << "set_all_obsnames_R"<<endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		//R_len_t nobss = (R_len_t) 0;
		unsigned long int nobss = 0;

		try {
			nobss = p->getNumObservations();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("can not p->getNumObservations()\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		// check that length of SEXP names is the same!!!

		for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nobss; i++) {
			string obsname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names,i));
			try {
			} catch (int errcode) {
				error_R("can not set observation name for observation %ul\n",i);
				return R_NilValue;

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
		return ret;

Example #20
	SEXP get_all_varnames_R(SEXP s) {
		//	    testDbg << "get_all_varnames_R" << endl;
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);

		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		//R_len_t nvars = (R_len_t) 0;
		unsigned long int nvars = 0;

		try {
			nvars = p->getNumVariables();
		} catch (int errcode) {
			return R_NilValue;

		FixedChar tmp;
		SEXP ret;
		//cout << "get_all_varnames.nvars=" << nvars << endl;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(STRSXP, (R_len_t) nvars));
		//cout << "alloc done" << endl;

		try {
			for (unsigned long i = 0; i< nvars; i++) {
				tmp = p->readVariableName(i);
				SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, mkChar(tmp.name));
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("something went terribly wrong in get_all_varnames_R\n");
			return ret;
		return ret;
Example #21
void CorrectnessTest::testReadVariable() {
    string inputFile = getInputFileName();
    AbstractMatrix *data =  new FileVector( inputFile, 64 );

    testDbg << "Reading file:" << inputFile << endl;

    unsigned long numVariables = data->getNumVariables();
    unsigned long numObservations = data->getNumObservations();

    testDbg << "Size is " << numVariables << " x " << numObservations << endl;

    double* tmpdat = new( nothrow ) double[numObservations];
    string sumFileName = inputFile + string(".fvf_varsum");
    ifstream sums(sumFileName.c_str());
    testDbg << "Reading file: " << sumFileName << endl;


    unsigned long i;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < numVariables ; i++ )
      if (i%1000 == 0)
        testDbg << i << endl;
      data->readVariableAs(i, tmpdat);
      double calcSumm, realSumm;
      sums >> realSumm;
      calcSumm = summData(tmpdat,numObservations);

    delete[] tmpdat;
    delete data;

    testDbg << "Finished" << endl;
Example #22
	SEXP saveAsText(SEXP s, SEXP New_file_name, SEXP IntPars, SEXP NANString ) 	{
		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(s);
		if (p == NULL) {
			error_R("pointer is NULL\n");
			return R_NilValue;

		string newFilename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(New_file_name,0));
		string nanString = CHAR(STRING_ELT(NANString,0));
		bool showVarNames = LOGICAL(IntPars)[0];
		bool showObsNames = LOGICAL(IntPars)[1];
		bool transpose = LOGICAL(IntPars)[2];

        AbstractMatrix *transposed = p;
        string tmpFileName,tmpFileName2;
        if (!transpose){
		    Transposer transposer;
		    tmpFileName= p->getFileName() + string("_saveAsText_tmp");
		    tmpFileName2= p->getFileName() + string("_saveAsText_tmp2");
		    transposer.process(tmpFileName, tmpFileName2, true);
		    transposed = new FileVector(tmpFileName2, p->getCacheSizeInMb());

		try {
			transposed->saveAsText(newFilename, showVarNames, showObsNames, nanString);
		} catch (int errcode) {
			error_R("can not save data to file %s\n",newFilename.c_str());
			return R_NilValue;
        if (!transpose){
            delete transposed;

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;

		return ret;
Example #23
void QRDecomposition<T>::operator()(const AbstractMatrix<T>& aMatrix)
  q = DenseMatrix<T>(aMatrix.numRows(), aMatrix.numRows());
  r = UpperTriangularMatrix<T>(aMatrix.numRows());
  T normResult;
  TwoNorm<T> norm;

  for(int i = 0; i < aMatrix.numRows(); i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix.numRows(); j++)
      q(i, j) = 0;
      r(i, j) = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i < aMatrix.numRows(); i++)
    if(i == 0)
      normResult = norm(aMatrix.getColumn(0));
      if(normResult == 0)
        throw std::domain_error("Error in QRDecomposition: Attempted division by zero");

      for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix.numRows(); j++)
        q(j, 0) = aMatrix(j, 0) * (1 / normResult);
      Vector<T> temp(aMatrix.numRows());

      temp = r(0, i) * q.getColumn(0);

      for(int k = 1; k < i; k++)
        temp += r(k, i) * q.getColumn(k);

      temp = aMatrix.getColumn(i) - temp;

      r(i, i) = norm(temp);

      if(r(i, i) == 0)
        throw std::domain_error("QRDecomposition: Attempted division by zero");

      for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix.numRows(); j++)
        q(j, i) = (1 / r(i, i)) * temp[j];

    for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix.numRows(); j++)
      r(i, j) = aMatrix.getColumn(j) * q.getColumn(i);
Example #24
File: expr.hpp Project: qqchen/LATL
 void operator()(AbstractMatrix<M>& m) const {
     fill(m, 0);
     for (int i=0; i<m.rows(); ++i)
         m(i,i) = 1;
Example #25
	*  direction: 0 -- copy values from @values to @ptr,
	*             1 -- copy values from @ptr to @values...
	SEXP assignDoubleMatrix(SEXP ptr, SEXP obsIndexes, SEXP varIndexes, SEXP values, SEXP direction){
	    unsigned long varNum, obsNum, obsIndexNum, varIndexNum;

		AbstractMatrix * p = getAbstractMatrixFromSEXP(ptr);
        double coeff = 1. * length(obsIndexes) / p->getNumObservations();

		unsigned long dir = (unsigned long) INTEGER(direction)[0];

        double *currentValues = 0;
        if (!(coeff < WRITE_SPEED_PROPORTION)) {
            currentValues = new double[p->getNumObservations()];

        unsigned long varIndexesLength = length(varIndexes);
        unsigned long obsIndexesLength = length(obsIndexes);

	    for(varIndexNum = 0; varIndexNum < varIndexesLength; varIndexNum ++){
	        varNum = (unsigned long)INTEGER(varIndexes)[varIndexNum]-1;

	        if ( coeff < WRITE_SPEED_PROPORTION) {
    	        for(obsIndexNum = 0; obsIndexNum < obsIndexesLength; obsIndexNum ++){
	                obsNum = (unsigned long)INTEGER(obsIndexes)[obsIndexNum]-1;
	                try {
	                    if (dir==0) {
     	                    double value = REAL(values)[varIndexNum *obsIndexesLength + obsIndexNum];
                            p->writeElementAs(varNum, obsNum,value);
                        } else {
     	                    double value;
                            p->readElementAs(varNum, obsNum,value);
                            REAL(values)[varIndexNum *obsIndexesLength + obsIndexNum] = value;
                    } catch(int errorCode) {
                        return R_NilValue;
	        } else {
	            try {
                    if (dir==0) {
    	                p->readVariableAs(varNum, currentValues);
        	            for(obsIndexNum = 0; obsIndexNum < obsIndexesLength; obsIndexNum ++){
    	                    obsNum = (unsigned long)INTEGER(obsIndexes)[obsIndexNum] - 1;
        	                currentValues[obsNum] = REAL(values)[varIndexNum*obsIndexesLength+obsIndexNum];
                        p->writeVariableAs(varNum, currentValues);
        	        } else {
    	                p->readVariableAs(varNum, currentValues);
        	            for(obsIndexNum = 0; obsIndexNum < obsIndexesLength; obsIndexNum ++){
    	                    obsNum = (unsigned long)INTEGER(obsIndexes)[obsIndexNum] - 1;
        	                REAL(values)[varIndexNum*obsIndexesLength+obsIndexNum] = currentValues[obsNum];
                } catch(int errorCode){
                    delete [] currentValues;
                    return R_NilValue;

        if (!(coeff < WRITE_SPEED_PROPORTION)) {
	        delete [] currentValues;

		SEXP ret;
		PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
		LOGICAL(ret)[0] = TRUE;
		return ret;
Example #26
File: expr.hpp Project: qqchen/LATL
 void operator()(AbstractMatrix<M>& m) const {
     for (int i=0; i<m.rows(); ++i)
         for (int j=0; j<m.cols(); ++j)
             m(i,j) = rand() * a - b;
Example #27
void QRDecomposition<T>::operator()(const AbstractMatrix<T>& aMatrix)
  q = GenericMatrix<T>(aMatrix.rows());
  r = TriangularMatrix<T>(aMatrix.rows(), TRIANGLE_TYPE::UPPER);
  T normResult;
  TwoNorm<T> norm;

  /*for(int i = 0; i < aMatrix.rows(); i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < aMatrix.rows(); j++)
      q[i][j] = 0;
      r[i][j] = 0;
      //q(i, j) = 0;
      //r(i, j) = 0;

  int rows = static_cast<int>(aMatrix.rows());
  for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    if(i == 0)
      normResult = norm(aMatrix.getColumn(0));
      if(normResult == 0)
        throw std::domain_error("Error in QRDecomposition: Attempted division by zero");

      for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
        q[j][0] = aMatrix[j][0] * (1 / normResult);
      AlgebraVector<T> temp(aMatrix[0]);

      temp = r[0][i] * q.getColumn(0);
      //temp = r(0, i) * q.getColumn(0);

      for(int k = 1; k < i; k++)
        temp += r[k][i] * q.getColumn(k);
        //temp += r(k, i) * q.getColumn(k);

      temp = aMatrix.getColumn(i) - temp;

      r[i][i] = norm(temp);
      //r(i, i) = norm(temp);

      //if(r(i, i) == 0)
      if(r[i][i] == 0)
        throw std::domain_error("QRDecomposition: Attempted division by zero");

      for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
        q[j][i] = (1 / r[i][i]) * temp[j];
        //q(j, i) = (1 / r(i, i)) * temp[j];

    for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
      r[i][j] = aMatrix.getColumn(j) * q.getColumn(i);
      //r(i, j) = aMatrix.getColumn(j) * q.getColumn(i);
Example #28
void CorrectnessTest::testSubMatrix() {
    string fileName = getInputFileName();
    string subMatrixFileName = fileName + string(".fvf_submatrix");
    string obsFileName = fileName + string(".fvf_obsnames");
    string varFileName = fileName + string(".fvf_varnames");

    testDbg << "obsFileName = " << obsFileName << endl;
    testDbg << "subMatrixFileName  = " << subMatrixFileName << endl;

    AbstractMatrix *data = new FileVector ( fileName, 64 );

    ifstream subMatrixData(subMatrixFileName.c_str());
    ifstream obsNamesData(obsFileName.c_str());
    ifstream varNamesData(varFileName.c_str());


    testDbg << "Reading file:" << fileName << endl;

    unsigned long numVariables = data->getNumVariables();
    unsigned long numObservations = data->getNumObservations();

    unsigned long i;

    testDbg << "Reading observations' names from " << obsFileName << endl;
    map<string, unsigned long> obsToIdx;
    for (i=0; i<numObservations; i++) {
        string obsName;
        obsNamesData >> obsName;
        obsToIdx[obsName] = i;

    testDbg << "Reading variables' names from " << varFileName << endl;
    map<string, unsigned long> varToIdx;
    for (i=0; i<numVariables; i++) {
        string varName;
        varNamesData >> varName;
        varToIdx[varName] = i;

    // indexes in order, specified in _submatrix file.
    vector<string> obsIdxesNames;

    testDbg << "Matrix size is " << data->getNumObservations() << " x " << data->getNumVariables() << endl;

    string obsNames;

    getline(subMatrixData, obsNames);

    tokenize(obsNames, obsIdxesNames);
    testDbg << "Submatrix width is:" << obsIdxesNames.size() << endl;

    vector<unsigned long> obsIdexes;

    for (i=0; i<obsIdxesNames.size(); i++){

    vector<unsigned long> varIdxes;
    string subMatrixString;
	while (getline(subMatrixData, subMatrixString)) {
	    string varName;
	    vector<string> subMatrixElements;
	    tokenize(subMatrixString, subMatrixElements);
	    varName = subMatrixElements[0];
	    unsigned long varIdx = varToIdx[varName];

	    for (i = 0; i < obsIdxesNames.size(); i++) {
	        double matrixElem;
	        double submatrixElem;
	        submatrixElem = atof(subMatrixElements[i+1].c_str());
	        data->readElementAs(varIdx, obsIdexes[i], matrixElem);
	        double relDiff = TestUtil::relativeDifference(matrixElem, submatrixElem);
	        CPPUNIT_ASSERT( relDiff = 0./0. || relDiff < 1E-4 );
    delete data;