	void ZonePlugin::redraw (const float currentTime, const float elapsedTime) 
		AbstractPlugin* parent = getParentPlugin();
		ZonePlugin* parentZone = dynamic_cast<ZonePlugin*>(parent);
		// the root zone
		if( parentZone == NULL )
			// right now do not call the base class
			// as we want to see the children ...
			BaseClass::redrawChildren( currentTime, elapsedTime );
			if( isVisible() == false )
			// draw "zone area"
			// zoneUtility(  );
			// draw "zone area"
			if( isVisible() == true )
				zoneUtility(  );
			BaseClass::redraw( currentTime, elapsedTime );
			if( isVisible() == false )
			// textual annotation
			AbstractPlugin* contentPlugin = getPlugin(0);
			size_t population = 0;
			if( contentPlugin != NULL )
				osAVGroup vehicles = contentPlugin->allVehicles();
				population = vehicles.size();
			std::ostringstream annote;
			annote << std::setprecision (2) << std::setiosflags (std::ios::fixed);
			annote << "Zone: " << getZoneId() << std::endl << "pos(" << position() << ")" << std::endl;
			annote << "Population: " << population << std::endl << std::ends;
			draw2dTextAt3dLocation (annote, position(), gGreen, drawGetWindowWidth(), drawGetWindowHeight());
