bool append(AcDbEntity* pEntity) { AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable; AcApDocument* pDoc = acDocManager->curDocument(); Acad::ErrorStatus es = acDocManager->lockDocument(pDoc); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acedAlert("Failed to lock the document..."); return false; } AcDbDatabase* pDb = pDoc->database(); es = pDb->getBlockTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acedAlert("Failed to get block table..."); return false; } AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRec; es = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBlockRec, AcDb::kForWrite); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acedAlert("Failed to get block table record..."); pBlockTable->close(); return false; } es = pBlockRec->appendAcDbEntity(pEntity); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acedAlert("Failed to append entity..."); pBlockTable->close(); pBlockRec->close(); delete pEntity; return false; } pBlockRec->close(); pBlockTable->close(); return true; }
void LSS06() { CLogger::Print(_T("-------------| START LOGGING LESSONS 06 |--------------")); //------------ // Get the current DENKI project pointer, and number of files of project. if (!DenkiIsOpenProject()) { acutPrintf(ACRX_T("Denki project has not been opened yet!")); return; } ACHAR szMsg[256] = ACRX_T("\0"); DenkiDwgProject* pCurProj = DenkiDwgProject::getCurrent(); int nFileCount = pCurProj->count(); if (nFileCount < 1) { CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: There is no file within current project!")); return; } //------------ // Get the 'Duplication Check Level' option of DENKI project. DenkiDuplicationCheckLevel CheckLvl = DenkiGetDuplicationCheckLevel(_T("NAME")); bool bChkInstNo = (CheckLvl == dclAsInstNumber) ? true : false; bool bChkBanNo = (CheckLvl == dclAsBanNumber) ? true : false; if (bChkInstNo) { bChkBanNo = true; } CLogger::Print(_T("> INS_NO: %s - BAN_NO: %s") , (bChkInstNo ? _T("Checked") : _T("Unchecked")) , (bChkBanNo ? _T("Checked") : _T("Unchecked"))); //------------ // Require to input BAN_NO, INST_NO, NAME keywords to search. ACHAR szNeedBanNo[256] = ACRX_T("\0"); ACHAR szNeedInstNo[256] = ACRX_T("\0"); ACHAR szNeedName[256] = ACRX_T("\0"); if (bChkBanNo) { ::LoadString(_hdllInstance, IDS_ASK_BANNO, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg)/sizeof(ACHAR)); if (RTNORM != acedGetString(1, szMsg, szNeedBanNo)) { CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: Fail to get the BAN_NO keyword.")); return; } } if (bChkInstNo) { ::LoadString(_hdllInstance, IDS_ASK_INSTNO, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg)/sizeof(ACHAR)); if (RTNORM != acedGetString(1, szMsg, szNeedInstNo)) { CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: Fail to get the INST_NO keyword.")); return; } } ::LoadString(_hdllInstance, IDS_ASK_NAME, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg)/sizeof(ACHAR)); if (RTNORM != acedGetString(1, szMsg, szNeedName)) { CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: Fail to get the NAME keyword.")); return; } //------------ // Steps through DENKI project's files. for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nFileCount; nIndex++) { CLogger::Print(_T("---- Index = %d ----"), nIndex); DenkiDwgProjectFile& file = pCurProj->getDwgAt(nIndex); if (!file.hasZuwaku()) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: File has not ZUWAKU. > Ignore")); continue; } // Get file path, and file name LPCASTR pszFileName = NULL; file.getFilePath(pszFileName); CLogger::Print(_T("> %s"), pszFileName); // Check whether or not file has got DENKI_ZUWAKU. DWORD dwFlags = 0; if (!file.getZuwakuFlags(dwFlags)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: Fail to get the ZUWAKU flags > Ignore")); continue; } if (!(dwFlags & DENKI_ZUWAKU)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: File has not DENKI_ZUWAKU. > Ignore")); continue; } // Get the current working database (Just to store). AcDbDatabase* pCurDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(); Acad::ErrorStatus esResult; AcApDocument* pDoc = NULL; AcDbDatabase* pDb = NULL; bool bFromProject = false; bool bReadMyseft = false; // Look up the required database from managed documents. if (pDoc = findDocument(pszFileName)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: found out the database from managed documents.")); pDb = pDoc->database(); } if (!pDb) { // Look up the required database from current opening DENKI project! if (!DCMG::IsCacheRunning()) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: cache is not running > try to get database object.")); if (pDb = DenkiGetProjectAcDbDatabase(pszFileName)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: Database is got from DENKI project.")); } } if (!pDb && DCMG::IsCacheRunning()) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: cache is running > try to open DWG file into DENKI project.")); if (pDb = DenkiOpenProjectAcDbDatabase(pszFileName)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: DWG file is opened into DENKI project. (Need to close it)")); bFromProject = true; } } // Open DWG file into an empty database object! if (!pDb) { pDb = new AcDbDatabase(false, true); esResult = pDb->readDwgFile(pszFileName, _SH_DENYNO); if (Acad::eOk == esResult) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: DWG file has been opened into an empty database object! (Need to delete it)")); bReadMyseft = true; } else { delete pDb; pDb = NULL; } } if (!pDb) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: Cannot open dwg file name: '%s' > Ignore"), pszFileName); acutPrintf(ACRX_T("Cannot open dwg file name: %s"), pszFileName); acdbHostApplicationServices()->setWorkingDatabase(pCurDb); continue; } } //------------ // We have got the database pointer now! // Get all of its BlockReferences. Then steps through them. AcDbObjectIdArray idaAll; int nBlkRefCount = getBlockRefAll(pDb, idaAll); CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: Browse all of file's block reference! - Number: %d"), nBlkRefCount); for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx < nBlkRefCount; nIdx++) { // Get the BlockReference's information! DenkiSymbolSnapshot dss; if (![nIdx], ACRX_T("NAME, NAME#*, BAN_NO, INST_NO"))) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: Fail to open DenkSymbolSnapshot object. > Ignore")); continue; } LPASTR pszBanNo = NULL, pszInstNo = NULL, pszName = NULL; // Compare BlockReference's information with the required Keywords. switch (1) { case 1: if (bChkBanNo) { if (!dss.getBanNo(pszBanNo)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: %d. Fail to get BAN_NO value!"), nIdx); break; } if (!acutWcMatchEx(pszBanNo, szNeedBanNo, true)) { break; } } if (bChkInstNo) { if (!dss.getInstNo(pszInstNo)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: %d. Fail to get INST_NO value!"), nIdx); break; } if (!acutWcMatchEx(pszInstNo, szNeedInstNo, true)) { break; } } if (!dss.getExpandedValue(ACRX_T("NAME"), pszName)) { CLogger::Print(_T("Warn: %d. Fail to get NAME value!"), nIdx); break; } if (!acutWcMatchEx(pszName, szNeedName, true)) { break; } default: // Found out the match BlockReference. acutPrintf(ACRX_T("Found out %d. NAME = '%s', BAN_NO = '%s', INST_NO = '%s'") , nIdx, szNeedName, (bChkBanNo ? szNeedBanNo : L""), (bChkInstNo ? szNeedInstNo : L"")); CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: Found out %d. NAME = '%s', BAN_NO = '%s', INST_NO = '%s'") , nIdx, szNeedName, (bChkBanNo ? szNeedBanNo : L""), (bChkInstNo ? szNeedInstNo : L"")); } // Release BlockReference's information. if (pszBanNo) dss.freeString(pszBanNo); if (pszInstNo) dss.freeString(pszInstNo); if (pszName) dss.freeString(pszName); dss.close(); } // Free memory to exit. if (bReadMyseft) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: DWG file has been opened into an empty database object!")); delete pDb; } if (bFromProject) { CLogger::Print(_T("Inform: DWG file has been opened into an DENKI project!")); DenkiCloseProjectAcDbDatabase(pDb); } acdbHostApplicationServices()->setWorkingDatabase(pCurDb); CLogger::Print(_T("*EXit")); } }